Has this been a good decade for anime?
Has this been a good decade for anime?
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Very much so. Many of my favorites were produced.
Based optimist user
The chart certainly makes it look bad.
Too much Trigger garbage in that chart, but the decade has been good.
Less than 20 good animes were produced this decade.
Also, it would be 11-20 since the first year ever was year 1, not 0. Therefore, by decades; 1-10, 11-20, 21-30,...
The worst decade in anime so far.
>numerical autism
Fuck off retard
OK, Mr “Anime” user.
Also I’m right about the decade thing, that isn’t a chart of the best anime of the decade but a chart of the best anime of the 10s. Not the same thing.
>the first year ever was year 1
The first year were the 364 days leading up to the day in became 1. Same as in this case, the first year of the decade were the 364 days leading up to 2011. You're retarded.
Thats not how decades work
>ah yes, the last year of the 1900s, the year 2000
Wrong and stupid.
no its 1990-1999, 2000-2009, 2010-2019
A decade is any period of ten years, so even if it was 05-14 it would still be a decade.
The 10s are a decade
The current one to be more precise
So the chart is about this decade
>but a chart of the best anime of the 10s
And it's called the '10s because it starts with 2010 and every year in the decade is part of the teens set, retard. Dates are zero-indexed.
Great list except for Hisamaso, unless you're only counting the first 6 episodes.
>LWA in 2017 but no MiA or SSR
Ah, yes. The good old times: year 0 to year 9.
Last episode ruined everything.
And it's better that way!
Meme opinion.
How is Hyouka not on the list? It's Kyoani's best piece of work.
Kiku doing that shit was retarded and disgusting. Go take your daddy fetishes somewhere else.
We got "this", who tricked shounen babies into an apparent "humans vs zombies" story that became an actual kino war story. How can't this decade not being kino thanks this.
Opinion discarded.
While I think this decade is the best anime has been I'm only 11/16 on your list and it includes the only show I ever dropped after one episode, so it doesn't represent why I thought the decade was good very well.
At least it shows someone could like the decade from a completely different standpoint, which is a benefit of having 30+ shows a season to choose from.
>shounen baby opinion
Its been a good decade but a terrible year so far.
Whoever made this list experienced a hard drop in their standards after Lupin part V.
Boring shows for boring people.
Sarazanmai and Gridman are better than Lupin the Third's 15234442th entry.
With Kyoani dead, it was the last one.
>Includes Gundam G Reco
Utterly shit taste user.
Go back to watching IBO, this is not for you.
It's the best TV mecha anime this decade, user.
What a garbage selection. At least it's not that infected with shounenshit.
>Planet Shit
Fuck no and where the hell are Samurai Flamenco and Nobunaga The Fool
In the trash where they belong.
Already finished it user, and I prefer my UC boomer shit.
>best TV mecha anime this decade
Not a very hard goal.
>incredibly on the nose allegories make something a "kino" war story
It's not, but there's still a lot to like in G Reco. It just had an unbelievably rushed ending.
Dont the numbers work the other way around? Like the 2000s would be 00-09, teens would be 10-19, 20s would be 20-29?
That guy's a moron.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
no u
>No Fate:zero
Opinion disregarded
Type-Moon was never good.
Sarazanmai and Dororo were shit, would certainly be at home in a "Disappointments of the Year" thread.
is this bait
I'll let you have one Trigger show, otherwise it's a troll chart.
>TM was never good
>puts triggershit on the list
Your opinion is worthless
>autistic Trigger hater is a Fatetard
This is too good.
only Yea Forumstards like triggershit, they have never made a good show.
Yes. I rewatched a lot of anime from this decade. Anime has been getting better at story
telling and becoming more self-aware.
It does have its moments of falling in to bad trends but what decade of anime doesn't have this?
Only Yea Forumsedditards like Type Moon shit, it was trash to begin with and has only gotten worse.
>Only Yea Forumsedditards like Type Moon shit
Fate has always been part of Yea Forums culture you fucking retard.
>Yea Forums culture
Cancerous Yea Forumseddit crossboarders, you mean.
Literally only contrarian retards think KlK wasn’t objectively good.
I love how this list exposes Yea Forums's inability to recognize what makes an anime good. Keep up the good fight OP
Many picks are simply bad. You can't defend shit like Mine Fujiko.
It has some of the best artistic direction of any TV show ever made, anime or otherwise.
t. dumb moetard
>trigger show airs
>board quality drops
Pretty sure that's the other way around.
Ah yes, every discussion dedicated to Ryoko's boobs and Satsuki's ass, so deep.
>Ah yes, every discussion dedicated to Ryoko's boobs and Satsuki's ass, so deep.
Can't compete with the Rincontinence/wormhole posting, I agree.
I'm always impressed at how autistic this board gets over the Fujiko Mine spinoff. It was good.
It's just one or two dedicated shitposters that hate anything to do with Fujiko.
I've noticed it in a lot of Lupin threads or just threads where someone mentions the show. I understand if it wasn't your cup of tea or if you weren't a fan of the writing/take on the characters, but to go everywhere feeling the need to declare that it was irredeemable trash and call the spin-off movies garbage is just downright autism. Especially to the people that are just getting into Lupin. Was it the Zenigata stuff or something?
>Was it the Zenigata stuff or something?
Yes, and Oscar. Admittedly that stuff could've been handled better, but the show is still really good overall.
I thought the art direction was overly busy and one of the culprits for the animation quality being as bad and stiff as it was. It was also a bad fit for the dumb schlock the show ended up being, trying so hard to look refined and elaborate. It generally just tried too hard.
The show was shit and people hated it user, get over it. Back in 2012 it was understandable being tricked into a Mari Okada show, but not now.
>forgot houseki no kuni
you tried
The movies are good and how the spin off should have been in the first place. I like to imagine that Koike dedided to work on them to vindicate his designs, after seeing them so mistreated in the series.
I forgive you.
glad you've figured it out
First half was ok but the second one was shit.
The second half was better than the first, everyone with a brain agrees.
Does /a like SSSS. Gridman ? It was a fun show but otherwise pretty bland.
>I hate effort and creativity
I don't think he forgot it, the show is just really bad. Also, it's not anime.
Yeah it was AOTY. Threads were killed by supreme autism though.
Good year.
huh i guess the characters were pretty good.
I still have to watch the Ponoc short films, I hope they're better than Mary and the Witch Flower.
They are much more interesting. It doesn't feel like a Ghibli ripoff the whole time.
I miss the days when threads had SG point outs instead of various (You)s
I'll just leave it here in case someone Ctrl+F's it
I want to see your face when you find out that babies, after living for an entire year, turn 1 and not 2.
don't use logic