Demon Slayer : Kimetsu no Yaiba

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Demon Slayer
Go back to plebbit

Go back to redddit

Looks like it’s another “funny” episode

Shinobu and Kyoujuurou died btw

training episode

Best fights?
-Spider Mountain
- Red Light
- Douma

sex with Kiriya

Sex with Shinobus dead body

> douma
patrician taste

We’ll never learn Murata’s breath style

why is everyone calling it reddit

I don't know...

It's popular. That's it.

Yea Forums stands for autism.

it got popular and Yea Forums is full of contrarians

Kimetsu no reddit
Kimetsu no soiba
This is an anime for girls

Why did Kaigaku cover up his pecs when he became a demon?

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I love Kimetsu and I love reddit

Did anyone else catch this easter egg or just me?

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Did this episode give you chills too? Demon slayer is setting up to be one of the best anime in the history.

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Using the animeonly English title is a sure sign of a redditor

Is demon slayer an isekai?

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I want Giyuu's big cock inside me.

Why are kimetsu threads so shit?

Because you're here

All I see is a bunch of redditors

You're here

Akaza was pretty cool

people are mad other people like stuff
The actual discussion is in the manga thread right now

Fuck off

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Is kanao a Sakura?

To cover his gyno

Giyuu is pure sex.

She is constantly shown as more talented than most hunters and was a deciding winning factor against a strong foe, so she already got out of the Sakura territory.

>this thread

Enter: CHADyuu

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Cringemetsu no Yikesba

>butterflies surround Kanao because she is "flower"
Damn. It truly blows my mind

Shut up, Giyuu.

Her surname also has kanji for flower too btw

Fuck off

Everything I don't like is reddit

I don't like you.

Is this where the gamergirls hang out?

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dios mio

Will Tanjirou cum inside her because she needs "water" too?

Tanjirou will die.

So is Tokitou finally going Full mist ?

Post frames

Attached: [Hakata Ramen] Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer) - 19 [1080p][HEVC][10bit][Opus][Multi-Subs](Doc_Ramen (1920x1080, 1.31M)

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I wish

The man Murata! I hope he's doing this week's Secret

What killed the hype?

No, because she could wipe the floor with Tanjirou right now in the anime, and she could probably go to to toe with him before she went blind in one eye.



Why would you bother with spoiler text? Fuck animeonlies.

What boards do each of the Upper Moons frequent?

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Please post Databook download link.

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Thought everyone already have that.

Hearing Inosuke be depressed was a lot worse than reading him be depressed.

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ignore the animeonlies.

Kimetsu no reddit

Frig off Michael

His manga voice is better


I know, I missed it.

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Why people are replying to bait threads?

Nothing better to do with their lives

What's his manga voice for you?

The Akaza fight is dragged down a bit due to the simplicity of his style. The choreography is excelent but Akaza doesnt really do anything apart from throwing punch and kicks, not helped by the fact that the only hype moment is Giyuu mark .... which is completely useless and Tanjirou once again wins with OH MY DADDY FLASHBACK
Akaza's backstory flashback is god tier though

>Shonen Jump Issue 43 Cover: Kimetsu no Yaiba.

Maybe s2 announcement?

Koku is on Yea Forums and /fit/ all day. Douma enjoy Yea Forums but sometimes is on /ck/ to look for new ways to prepare humans

red light
best fight
best upper moon-ight

We all agree that Gyuutarou is Hiroyuki Yoshino, right?

most more putrid creations from reddit/twitter/wherever
anger will raise this thread's core temperature and BPM

I'm already over 25 user, I can't deal with that shit

Maybe. That would be episode 25's week wouldn't it?

I love this fight

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Gyutaro spends all of his time hiding from the sun on /r9k/ simultaneously spouting total misanthropy and getting into flame wars with incels that not all women are whores because Daki
then he smashes today's stolen computer after reading the (You)storm that follows every time they find out Daki is a literal prostitute

Gyokko = /ic/, /po/ and /h/
Everyone = Yea Forums

does he even have one?

Post Ugly and Gay edits please

What sort of entertainment is available in Taisho era Japan?

His manga voice is still Yoshitsugu, are you saying his delivery in the anime was worse?

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zenitsu isfucking shit
he even failed as a pleb filter fucking hell

same as previous eras for most people. Photography and cinema for people with money

Akaza stays on Yea Forums


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Rapist giyuu

ok but who is the most attractive demon moon Yea Forums?

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No because he's handsome and straight


What's same, theater?

What's he doing.

You got it right

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Predictions on where it goes from here? I could see the arc ending with UM 4 dying, and fully recovered Muzan getting Nezuko when they are all thrown out of the collapsing dimensional fortress.

Gyu and Daki would be perfect for the Gakuen spinoff.
Would Daki be doing EK here?

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What's her fucking problem?

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Yup; theater, oregami, ball sports, music, reading, various games, writing etc etc

RLD > everything else

he's a rapist

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Tanjiro's and Zenitsu's VAs freaking out over Nezuko

This nigga speaking DATRUTH

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>listen to more Zenitsu yelling

>and she could probably go to to toe with him
not when Tanjirou has O MY FLASHBACKS to win him every fight


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That's sexual harrassment

How do you go through life with skin so thin, I'd be scared of whispering to you in case your eardrum bursts

Yea Forums and /pol/ should just kiss already.


>Proceeds to not win every fight

Kimetsu is shaping up to be the best anime of all time

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>taking car of one's eardrums is having a thin-skin
Zenitsufujos are retarded as usual.

Here comes that guy

>still alive
>demon dead
>not a win
well ok

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We did it reddit! Next season when?

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>If I take out the context to fit my shit view I win

They will announce S2 and S3 just like Shieldbro.

This has to be shooped...

Things do seem worked out enough that, with a couple more reveals, we could have a conclusion that tied its strings. But it feels really premature.
I bet the plan was to end it here if it proved lackluster commercially, and there's an alternate long-running plot that will be brought out now that it's found great success.

Enjoy him while you can lads cause he's gonna die in the next chapter and Giyuu is next

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>and there's an alternate long-running plot that will be brought out
Are we Naruto now?

We should exchange Zenitsu for him.

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>people find character annoying
>durr you have thin skin!
How do people think this way?

Episode 24 will reach 50 manga chapters adapted, quite a lot.

I love dank demon slayer memes

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>there's an alternate long-running plot that will be brought out now that it's found great success
God I hope not, the series would nosedive for me if Wani actually did this.

Epic JoJo reference. Anyone else caught this?

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I'm curious are you mentally disabled or you're just an underage crossboarder looking for attention?

here's my (you) so it gives you dopamine

Yoshitsugu doesn't sound as feral and "pig" like, you can still hear traces of his usual Light novel protagonist voice.

He's doing a decent job all things considered, but he doesn't fit the voice I had in my head from reading the manga. It was a big letdown when I first heard him.

Thank god Yea Forums exists, Fuck me.

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Just report and hold out for another 3 weeks and they'll move on to something else

What are you talking about? I'm just posting a few kimetsu memes I made on reddit, go upvote them kthxbai

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Wani would never do a damsel role for Nezuko , especially right after sidelining her for so long

Are you stupid? It's the same thing evey fucking time an anime gets too popular, people will get butthurt and will start spamming threads and shit like that to create a narrative of "the reddit/newfag show!".
And you autists fall for it every single time.

>And you autists fall for it every single time.
Just because people want them to go away doesn't mean we don't know what they're doing. It's just hard to ignore and not everybody reports like they should

except you're the only new here retard

posting twitter screencaps and literally re.ddit memes never were "banter" on Yea Forums

return where you and the other underage retard come from

You're the reddit retard, go back

>reddit spacing

when do we get new chapter spoilers?

Should he be playing up the Betelgeuse parts of his Inosuke voice more?

What is actually wrong with his earrings?

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These are the same people who want to get rid of the Buddhist swastika on Japanese maps because it reminds them of nazis.

I love Love!

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This left episodes 25 and 26 with only three manga chapters to adapt and is likely the last page of chapter 53 showing the train won’t appear. There is a chance for Kanao extra chapter to be adapted in episode 26.

Kill yourself Zenitsufag(l*dditor)


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Jesus Christ kill youself

They will keep defending the Mary Sue...


Why are kimetsu threads so shit?

It's funny because they're usually pretty good. Then it got popular after episode 19 when the shitposters flooded in

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They're fine until shitposters like you show up. Nobody cared until episode 19 and suddenly people had to suddenly shit up the place

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This guy definitely sucked demon cock



Stop pretending you're some chad, gay and ugly boy.

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Fanart like this is weird. I cannot picture Tomioka being so dominant in this way. He would be passive and uninterested for sure. It's like the artist has a certain fetish and they just tweak the characters to fit in that fetish.

So handsome
I love his pink hair and eyelashes

He actually offered to suck off Koku immediately after receiving Muzan's blood. Koku hasn't acknowledged his existence since. That's why Koku reacted to Akaza's death but not to the death of his hand-picked Upper Moon and only other breath-using demon. In his head, he was breathing a sigh of relief.

Yeah, they'll have to mix the extras here and there besides using the usual filler padding, or the episodes will be really stretched

But Tomioka is a chad who's handsome and straight

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>t.Ugly and Gay

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So why did Koku give blood to Kaigaku?

He was handsome.

>"You now have another mans bodily fluids inside you because of me... no homo tho...

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>bait thread slowly turns in a genuine thread
I can't wait to find out what the writer looks like, hope she's a qt

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here a more accurate version

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he was a slut

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What about some aphrodisiacs.

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He wants grandsons.

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The doujins write themselves

Kaigaku became a UM demon because he knew how to get on his knees and beg

so is it any demon's slayers cells or just the blood that converts you?

And he was sexy too.

What's this expression trying to convey.

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God I wish that were me

she wants to kill and is holding back


Shinobu's pegging him, isn't she. Of course she is.

Does anyone here know... Why grandpa... talks like this...

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Dude is old as fuck and is in a constant fever for the past 500 years

Kaigaku, because it's just Zenitsu being a badass

Also, Koku has been pretty kino so far.

Would Shinobu say this to Ugly and Gay if he proposed to her?

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Muzan is older and he's not autistic

>Dude is old as fuck

so is ayuwoki but he seems ok

Yeah well Autism runs in the family

He is senile.

She doesn't hate Giyuu, so no.

Maybe the Mark gave him autism

>Ugly and Gay
>having enough guts to propose in the first place
>proposing to a female

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>Pffft hahaha, who would even marry you? So pathetic.
>I guess I will do it then. I feel so bad for you.

He doesn't have enough self-worth for that, he's dying alone.

It's actually astonishing how bad these threads have gotten since the anime started airing.

Red Light district because it was the first time the manga started doing that thing where the protagonists keep barely scraping by death. Fight took so fucking long

thank you for your contribution
a lot of people think the train arc will start and then be a cliff hanger for season 2

She'd immediately bend over

Kaigaku fight was really good, could have used a little more build up though

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And the same people tearing down Confederate memorial statues despite no Confederate ever having been tried for treason against the United States. Censorship police erasing history because it's inconvenient to their narrative are the true Nazis.

How would Shinobu react if Tapioca went up and hugged her

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thanks for saving the thread!

This is one of the few instances in which the anime could add something to the story. There's at least one moment, can't remember when, where Tanjiro wakes up and is told that Zenistsu recovered faster and was off doing a mission. Could create a small story and expand on their dynamic before this fight happens

I really fuckin like the inosuke vs tanjiro battle from sheer choreography alone. Spiderboy is really good and in terms of impact in the anime so far it's great. Can't wait to see how they improve the train fight next season



the only thing that's gotten worse are the contrarian retards who hate it now that it became popular and started shitposting as "ironic ledditors" to prove their own point
there are so many fights I can't wait to see animated, I have such hope for the sword play being amazing

All it needed was a single chapter where Zenitsu explained his situation beforehand. There was plenty of time for it in any of the recovery or training timeframes. Having it all revealed at once was too much. I don't know how we get this message across to the important people but they could easily fix it in the anime adaptation.

The pleb filler is useless.

daily reminder to eat your pre-workout meal

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I think the mangaka got the idea for that development a bit late in the game or had to move some things around in the story. That whole thing really came a bit out of nowhere, even if Kaigaku was already foreshadowed to be scum, the execution was a bit rushed.

The main flaw with Kimetsu is the lore, we don't even know what makes the breaths different

When's the best place to add it? Here? It was right after the red light arc

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They really don't mesh well as a couple at all, but eh shippers gonna ship.

No, that's not the same thing at all. Buddhist swastika and rising sun imagery had good meanings before people twisted it. The confederate soldiers were fighting to separate from the United States which caused a lot of grief. It's no wonder people don't want to honor that with statues. They have historical value sure, but if that's the case it would be more suited for a museum. Bottom line it's the people in the community who can decide what they see everyday. But this is getting off-topic so I digress.

t. shinobu

There needed to be a flashback reminding us who Kaigaku was before the fight. maybe expand on why Gramps took him under his wing after being an orphan. Would give more weight to the reveal that Gramps killed himself

I'm gonna miss him, bros.

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I'm quite enjoying it but I don't think I could ever call it a favorite
there just doesn't seem to be much under the surface

enter CHADnitzu

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If they aren’t married why is her hand wrapped around his arm

Not everyone likes gayshit, fujo.

They're cute together

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The good ones die while trash like yellowshit lives on.

Kaigaku did a good job fucking some man into him.

>demons aren't people
I'm telling Nezuko

Either there or during training.

So he can't run away

but literally everything that Yea Forums likes reddit likes too,it's retarded insult

>I'm telling Nezuko
Tell Tanjirou instead.

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If she lets him go for a minute he can end up in jail.

But he'd overpower her easily

If Nezuko transformed in front of him instead of Tanjirou she would be fucking dead. He would have let Tomioka behead her with no issue.

Power isn't all about strength. There's psychological manipulation as well.

He protected her box without even knowing anything about its contents besides knowing there was a demon inside. If he had already been attached in that scenario, he would have at least tried to stop it, even if not succeeded

How would she manipulate tapioca

I absolutely love the camaraderie in this manga

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He was only doing that because Tanjirou told him to.
Pikachu was afraid when Nezuko was about to get out of the box.
If she attacked him the same way she did Tanjirou he would beg Ugly and Gay to kill her.


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I hope they bond more in the future.

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I saw a post before saying Kenjiro Tsuda, and he's my pick as well, but Hiroyuki Yoshino wouldn't be a bad choice either.

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>Muzan escapes and finds nezuko
>The medicine nezuko got to turn her human failed but she got her intelligence back.
>She obliterates muzan
How would Yea Forums react?


Handsome and straight

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Giyuu seems like he would be weak to guilt-trips, so maybe that. Also he wouldn't want to make a scene in public so he could be afraid of getting scolded in front of people.

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I can't deny that, but Shinobu casually bullying him when she's not too busy being angry and the world is a much more fun dynamic

Yup, this. He only started to treat her like a human when he saw she was a cute girl.

Look at his butterfly hairpin, so gay.

considering she hasn't had any training I'd be hard to have her beat him without it feeling cheap. She'd either be way too powerful or he'd have to be weak, both of which would be a cheap payoff

I want Giyuu's big cock inside me.

Wouldn't he like an angry tomboy like Shinobu though?

>she hasn't had any training
She has a lot of fighting experience now.

What kind of dumb point is that, Tanjirou only protected her because of his existing emotional connection, if it had been some random dude he didn't know that attacked him he wouldn't have stopped Giyuu either

An excuse to post some cool rare Kyogai fanart I found

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What, you never just casually watch your buddies while they sleep? How sad.

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Are we assuming Zenitsu and Nezuko aren't siblings and only just met in this hypothetical scenario?

Giyuu likes what he is told to like.

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>Ugly and GAY
Tapioca won’t like a female no matter how good she is.
Finally he is too far up his own ass to even fix his own basic guilt trip.
Shinobu's SEETHING RAGE and fake smile is different thing entirely.

Attached: Tapioca.jpg (768x768, 67K)

She is precious.

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> c ucked zenitsu
not gonna lie I laughed in this chapter

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Poor fujo.
I can't wait to see Tomioka with 5 wives at the end.

He probably doesn't even have buddies. This is so sad.

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Redditors are coming to this thread, as usual.


Beat Heroaca rankings.
Beat Heroaca sales.
Beat Heroaca popularity.

The new prince of shonen indeed.

So hear me out here. I think i know how Boarboy is going to get Aoi's heart. Remember that momment Tanjiro hinted at her being a fighter and she replied with "im too scared to battle" she's scared to battle but inosuke isn't scared of anything and loves to fight. I think Yea Forums is smart enough to put this puzzle together. I just hope the writer goes thus route tho

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I don't think you have the right to talk about this topic fujoshit.

I commend you for your devotion for your deceased minor demon husbando

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Tanjirou, it's okay. You don't have to lie.

Is that from the same artist as this? They draw a lot of Kyogai.

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>reddit meme
go back.

Translation pls?

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But Tapi...Tomioka-san is so cool!
And definitely straight!
Handsome too!
Just look at him!

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But I got it from Yea Forums tho...

>your deceased minor demon husbando
In my case that's actually Enmu, but I really like finding fanart of rarely appreciated demons in general. Though Kyogai is definitely cool

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t. Inosuke

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So assuming that Mitsuri and Obanai make it out ok from fighting UM4, and that at the very least Sanemi and Giyuu survive, that leaves 5 spots to be filled by Tanjiro, Kanao, Inosuke, Zenitsu and Genya.

Will Nezuko actually marry Inosuke?


>being a delusional shipperfag

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How long till Tanjirou grows feelings for Kanao?

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Wani made her fighting style incorporate gymnastics
Wani knows what we want

>Boarboy is going to get Aoi's heart
Watch this.

Attached: Aoi GET.jpg (905x2198, 389K)

>implying i ship those two
>implying i'm a shipperfag

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I love this artist.

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>Tanjirou gets 5 butterfly wives

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>Muzan beats nezuko to a bloody pulp
>Starts consuming her
>Nezuko kamikazes herself while she's being consumed and kills muzan


Nope it's by ねこ堂 on pixiv. This person has a lot of great Kimetsu fanart.
Do you remember the source of that Kyogai?

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That’s a cute snek hat

>manage to win two girls heart in one chapter
Chaddest shounen mc.

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Ye but Muzan has kept up. Even in fashion.
Grandpa sadly cant go out and socialize cause he gets bullied for having too many eyes

This manlet is so moe this is almost yuri.


Tanjiro gives almost everyone he meets that face. First it was inosuke than kanao followed by Aoi the duffrence is only one of thoes people fell in love with him n she shows it sorta. Tanjiro is for kanao only

But we do don't we? I mean the breaths are just basically different styles of swordsmanship so a lot of the differences come visually but it's not hard to spot differences. Breath of Water focuses on continious and flowing strikes, Breath of Lightning is straightforward and emphasizes speed, Breath of Insect is tailored to Shinobu's thrusting prowess and poison capabilities, Breath of Love incorporates gymnastics that utilizes Mitsuri's inherent flexibility/muscle composition, and etc.

And he doesn't even mean to. He's just that desirable.


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What would sex with Tanjiro feel like?

Will Tanjirou go back to coal burning once this is all over?

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>Inosuke thinks Giyuu is cool
best boy


>Tanjiro gives almost everyone he meets that face.
Because some expressions are reserved exclusively for Nezuko.
>Tanjiro is for kanao only
>lower case k
poor autismo, no one takes her chances seriously.

Attached: Perfectly acceptable sibling behavior.png (605x951, 890K)

She will marry the most handsome man.

>hugging your sister is incestuous
there is something wrong with your brain

you're doing the lords work

Kanroji likes everyone he ain't special

Thanks friend

Based, GiyuuxNezuko is endgame

t. obanai

Stop being a butthurt beta orbiter manlet.

Horny butter girl

This artist is pretty based, thanks for posting them

Attached: 9A973FFA-C476-493E-B6CB-C49CA678367B.jpg (700x800, 108K)

Later in that arc he also gets Genya lusting all over and nowadays all he does is daydream about him.
Tanjirou didnt even notice and he has like 4 bitches out for his cock already

Shut up snake faggot

>hugging your sister is incestuous
Who are you quoting?
But I do have quite a few female siblings.
>hug is from behind
>she is moving to grasp his arms to deepen the hug
This is not how you do that, pull that off in public and if you both are same age you will be taken as a making out couple.

Attached: 1567383736210.jpg (192x266, 35K)

She likes Snake the most, the databook says so.

Don't forget

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quit posting and kill biwa girl already

Red light district.
The sheer desperation to win that fight was fantastic.
The moment you think they got him, the demons pull some bullshit move, but they are again countered by bullshit move from tanjirou and the crew, which stacked up over and over.
No other fight come near it.

I wonder who could behind this post...

There is definitely not going to be any incest but I agree that some of the art is very romantic looking.
I mean look at this shit. If you didn't know any better you would assume Nezuko was the love interest.

Not a Snakefag by any means, just pointing out what the databook says. I'm curious to see what she sees in him desu, he's kind of a dick.

>KnY is the first shounen to end in a harem ending
Based crocodile

Attached: images (90).jpg (634x286, 41K)

I want incestfags and haremshitters to leave.

No u


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Well he's not a dick to her. She probably thinks he's a cute tsundere towards others or something.

I just want one more arc after this

It dont need to be long, but there needs to be just one more, tiny arc covering Ultimate life form Muzan or something to flesh out all the missing details

There still needs to be explanation for Tanjirou's family, truth for sun bros, nezuko and tamayo's fate, snake's back story, etc.

There needs to be around 30 more chapters, I would think

She is the main reason for Tanjirou to do this and he values her life above anything else.

Attached: 1567147081015.png (904x921, 454K)

That doesnt make her his love interest. You retards are looking at something that isnt there to fulfill your fetish traumas

Attached: EEDxx7JUwAAf3if.jpg (1190x1684, 314K)

I'm pretty sure Wani has never intended to and will never go forward in writing/implying that there is anything to their relationship beyond a deep inseparable platonic bond, but I think that the bait is there for people who are into that kind of shit and it's especially evident in the earlier chapter covers and such like in those pictures. But it's undeniable that they're incredibly close so I don't think there's really anything inherently odd about them hugging each other like that, it's just at the same time I wouldn't be surprised if Wani was baiting slightly with it

Attached: EEDxx7KUwAAxQHw.jpg (1190x1684, 380K)

Oh 100% he will. He’s only a demon hunter due to circumstance already.

>Imagine being a manlet...

Sometimes Onii-chans are just crazy siscons.

Attached: Yanderejirou.png (1185x681, 500K)

At least he's not ugly and gay

Im sorry your sibling raped you

So how different would the story be if Tanjirou had turned into a demon instead?

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He is a harlot.

Attached: ED8TslYUYAAih-L.jpg (2048x1423, 287K)

I love this AU so it would be right up my alley

yea, his dick is pretty nice

Nezuko has a similar unstoppable determination and kindness so I dont think the story would play too differently. She might be grossed out by Zenitsu trying to fuck her all the time though
It'd be funny to see demonjirou ripping his dick off though. The relationship with Inosuke would be the exact same, I doubt Inosuke even notices the difference.
In the battle at the Fortress she would probably go fight Douma instead of Akaza as she'd also work as bait for Douma's vore girl fetish
Also the Swordsmith arc might play out a bit differently cause Genya is awkward with girls


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Short haired Nezuko a qt.

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I'm doubtful that Tanjuro imparted the same teachings to Nezuko, so perhaps she would struggle without knowing how to use DOTFG techniques.

Why are you putting spaces for every sentence? It looks stupid.

So? That doesn't make it incest.

I really like Giyuu's sword colors


>Giyuu kills him

Entire story becomes a shoujo harem with rape undertones.
Tanjirou is somehow an even bigger chad.
Zenitsu learns the definition of fear.
Inosuke stays pretty much the same, but mask is less prevalent.
Tapioca’s Gay is absolutely obvious from the start.
Might be fun.

Attached: 1567488896955.jpg (720x900, 510K)

stop spacing it, you look like a retard.

Why would there be rape undertones

If it were a shojo manga all the villains would be trying to have sex with Nezuko.

>Muzan x Nezuko

Giyuu would probably give Nezuko an even greater benifit of the doubt cause he'd be charmed by the qt demon boy

Because it’s a shoujo harem, duh.
Outside of that any scene where Nezuko is pushed down by a demon Tanjirou is very much that.

Could it be that the Water Pillar Akaza encountered was Urokodaki's predecessor? We really need an Urokodaki flashback.

Attached: akaza panel.jpg (1107x335, 84K)

You guys know that shounen manga can feature female MCs right? Why just because the roles are reversed would this automatically turn into a shoujo harem?

Could very well be Urokodaki himself if hes in his 70s, which seems pretty plausible actually

I said IF it were a shojo manga.

You mean like Act age

Akaza said that he killed the last Water Pillar he encountered, but who knows, maybe he didn't confirm the kill.

I think it was probably Urokodaki himself. He seems badass enough already, he was probably downright unstoppable in his prime.

I feel like this would be the most important plot point. Nezuko wasn't taught directly like their father taught Tanjirou, so some fuckery would have to happen for her to learn it properly.
Maybe demon Tanjirou would have a knack for doing the dance and she eventually notices it's something important and copies him.

Other than that, some character dynamics would be negatively affected simply because she's a girl, which is kind of a shame

>Muichirou's hand is bloody

Attached: 0119-001.jpg (959x1400, 201K)

This story is pretty much one, but Tanjiro is male and straight.
However if Nezuko is the MC, all the males Tanjiro and now Nezuko befriend become potential candidates for shipping.
Pillars, RLD – oh boy.
Its cancer.

I don't hate Zenitsu, so don't take this any other way, but that fight was easily among the worst in the entire story. The build up with Zenitsu being pissed off was great, knowing ahead of time his teacher died in some way or another, and the outro of the fight was also great regarding him, but the fight itself was fucking terrible. I feel like Wani could've expanded so much more on Kaigaku.

The only dynamics altered would be Zenitsu (and that'd be really annoying...) and maybe Genya I think.

S2 will be the peak of this franchise.

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Well yeah but it was never implied in that post that it would be a shoujo
I was thinking more Golden Kamuy but that’s a seinen. I feel like if Nezuko were the protagonist of Kimetsu she would behave somewhat like Asirpa though
But this manga was never a harem to begin with and it doesn’t have any of the elements of a harem. Obviously there would be great potential to ship but that will always be the case with any manga involving a ton of character interaction like this one.

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Yeah wait until it gets picked up by JC Staff!

I really wanna see awakened Nezuko kicking the absolute fuck out of Daki

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>But this manga was never a harem to begin with
Because there are more males then females.
If you turn MC female this becomes a shoujo harem, if other characters show the same level of respect towards Nezuko they do to Tanjiro there is no way to avoid it.

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>Uzui forces Nezuko into prostitution in this timeline

genuinly looks like kino

>If you turn MC female
I like this idea.

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You dont see the guys lusting over Tanjirou (apart from Genya) It'd never be a harem thing. The only one seriously affected would be Zenitsu, if anything, the lusty butterfly girl mini harem would be lost

H-he will live right?

Attached: EEHCFhDUUAIO30f.jpg (1323x2048, 476K)

Of course. Literally everyone else is going to die though.

Nah, it'd just make the infiltration portion of Red Light way easier.

>If you turn MC female this becomes a shoujo harem
Nah. Nezuko like Tanjirou would have other things to worry about, just because there’d be more of a variety of characters to ship her with doesn’t mean it’d be a harem by default. And why would it be a shoujo? If the battle aspect still remained it’d still feel like your every day shounen, just with a slight twist.

>we don't even know what makes the breaths different
Huh? They're just different sword techniques/usage and each guy has their own different style. Is there much more needed than that?

What's rengoku saying?

He already got shot by Genya himself, demon gun. That might be enough for a convertion

I meant Genya is going to be the only one that survives.

>You dont see the guys lusting over Tanjirou
Because he is male, duh.
Male surrounded by females even if they don’t show the “wet for him” signals will be called a harem show.
Female surrounded by males is in the same exact scenario.
Add that Tanjirou will push her down more than once and you got the full picture.

>lusting over male
Ok fujo.

He got his head blown off by Genyas gun

FemTanjro is for ___________

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This is cute but snek is too tall

Attached: Sneklove.jpg (1000x703, 105K)

Giyu's days are numbered hurts to think about...

Not existing.

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>lusting over male

Fucking harlot


Attached: 1568077902379.jpg (203x126, 7K)

Unironically a harlot.

Tanjirou disarmed Genya by looking at him cute during the Swordsmith arc. This literally a plot point. And he spends every fucking arc thinking of Tanjirou.
Hes a faggot

I think it would have been a lot more shoujo-ish

Female Tanjirou would unironically be great with Giyuu.

silence gay

Good. His sister, wife and homolust bro are waiting for him.

Genya canonically blushes everytime a girl is around him since he went through puberty. Cope, fujo

Slayer Nezuko would still be absolutely fucking ripped just like Tanji right?

Maybe it would be called one but it wouldn’t automatically be one

Attached: ED8CztfUEAE1RW8.jpg (1500x656, 143K)

>...Tanjirou, you can explain later.
>You will immediately change your uniform. Got it?

>the final battle has tanjiro doing his fire dance all night while muzan moonwalks out of his grasp
pure kino

Aoi and Nezuko can go into prostitution together.


Attached: 1567285292647.png (582x900, 496K)

Keep deluding yourself fujoshit.

Attached: img_2090.jpg (1402x2048, 762K)

>gets cut

>demonTanjiro scores his first pillar kill by turning Uzui inside out
I’d imagine that unlike Nezuko who opted to "conquer the day" Tanjirou would opt for combat abilities.

Shipperfags (fujoshits included) will ship anyone regardless. It's the writing that matters. Considering the tone of the story, I doubt it would be nearly as bad as you're saying. The fanbase would probably be different, yes, but the story not so much.
Thinking about it now the story would probably not have survived its earlier chapters without fujobucks. Uh.

Based aniki looking after his little sister.

>only holds his waifu's hand during arm wrestling
poor snek

Attached: ED3KHUNU4AAnSJQ.jpg (655x1000, 177K)

Only if gramps turns him into a demon.

>Tanjirou disarmed Genya by looking at him cute during the Swordsmith arc. This literally a plot point. And he spends every fucking arc thinking of Tanjirou.
huh....when you put it that way

What a handsome and straight lad.

Tapioca is the kind of pathetic gay that tries to gets any rando straight drunk to fuck them

Genderswaps only work if you genderswap everyone.

this was genuinely cute Gyutaro for best oniichan

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I want /u/shitter to go and unironically kill themselves.

Yes, thats it

Attached: gentan87.jpg (1280x1101, 311K)

that's like if Shinobu was turned into a demon, it's not gonna happen, Koku was ready to kill finish everyone off last chapter. Muichirou regenerating wounds be a cop out

My God.

Cope more fujoshit.

They are literally just straight up Nezuko and Tanjirou but if their lifes were mega shit from the get go instead of somewhat confy

>the story would probably not have survived its earlier chapters without fujobucks.
This is a pretty stupid opinion since it took so long for just the trio alone to band together and Tanjirou rarely ever interacted with boys his age in the beginning before that. The fujo shipping potential only becomes largely prominent once Zen and Ino and all the pillars and Genya are introduced which is relatively far into the story

Attached: D_cnQbHUcAAzoOX.jpg (609x1100, 163K)

so spoilers should be dropping in a few hours since early chapter this week?

Waste of digits.
Ugly and Gay was there from the start.

Attached: I am not hated.png (902x609, 183K)

I bet Tomioka would be a good husband for her.

Man, the art has come a way. Giyuu's face looks so plain in the early chapters, everyone is way more detailed now

I said “rarely” doofus


Attached: gentan19.jpg (721x1280, 275K)

His body might belong to girls but his heart is clearly swaying. No one can escape Tanjirou's smiles in the end.

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I felt bad for them

they were cute i need more school AU

Attached: siblings.png (892x492, 399K)

What is it with Genya and loli’s?

Goddamn. They were honestly tragic. She even gave up a chance to go to heaven in order to join her brother in hell.

Gotouge definitely got used to drawing faces better.

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>Gyutaro for best oniichan
Both Onii-chans fucked up by not being there when it matters.
That was a well done low blow.

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They bad it really awful, but Akaza takes the suffering cake

Giyuu's old hair jesus uhg

Sadly she doesn't know shit about anatomy

wow sanemi looks leagues better now

But they more than made up for it by protecting their sisters at all cost.

What's wrong with her anatomy?

Attached: G15.png (959x1400, 1.22M)

Sanime best onii chan for being there on time

I'd like this just because Demon Tanjiro looks like a demonic sunbro. Imagine Muzan's shock if the guy with Hanafuda earrings and the mark was a demon

>The sexy body of a goddess with a bishounen face on top

Attached: 1492571374860.jpg (1280x720, 126K)

It’s called artistic expression and not giving a shit about the technicalities. As long as everything looks proportionately and dimensionally consinstant it’s fine

That hair was truly peak ugly and gay.

Nah to make the joke full she would a be ridicolously stacked chick with a gorgeous curvy body......and a really masculine albeit very, very handsome face. With a massive jawline and all of that

Modern one is just gay. Might be a faggot but he looks half nice

When is Shinobu's ost going to come out?

MGRfags would come out of the woodwork once Nezuko reattaches herself after Daki cuts her up

That was pretty much what I was thinking anyway, but she'd have to at least have some muscle or her upbringing wouldn't make sense. Definitely a huge rack though, and even current Inosuke has a great waist to hips ratio.

Bishonen faces are overall somewhat girly, thats why I disagreed. Femsuke's face has to be chad manly

I like how Nezuko is getting fucked up at first but then she proceeds to just utterly demolish Daki. It wasnt even a fight, Daki only survived cause Nezuko was getting bloodlusted for humans.

That’s what happens when you give a girl with rage issues demon blood.

Certified lolicon, Genya will marry one of the Ubuyashiki women soon.

Not really enjoying the UM 1 fight. More excited for what comes after

I mean, it's not interesting if the good guys are only getting their shit rocked in a one-sided fight.

Am I the only retard who thought Giyuu was a woman when he first appeared?


Definitely one of the weakest Upper Moon fights, only Gyokko was worse. Especially glaring coming off from Douma and Akaza...

Why do you think Gyokko’s was bad?

He’s gotta get approval from their last living brother. Will Genya be able to obtain it?

It was split into two portions. The first one is him using a bunch of flimsy spells and then the water bullshut
The second portion and climax of it is just him bragging for half a chapter before getting oneshot.
I also didnt find him interesting at all, his only funny bit was the artistic jealousy he had with the swordsmith dude but otherwise he was a really boring character. Also ugly

>implying Kiriya won't go full REPRODUCE as soon as he knows

Man is all bussiness.

For me I’m kind of fond of that fight because I’m a mistfag but yeah it’s definitely one of the weaker ones and the water part is weird

You shut your whore mouth. That only happened because no one gives a shit about OPM, KnY is a resounding success and they're going all in with it.

It's popular so it's Reddit
Just like how any bad post on Yea Forums must come from Yea Forums

>a mistfag
how are you holding up with the latest chapter out

>Genya, my fathers last wish was for my sisters and myself having as many children as possible. The one who’s hair you pulled? She wants you.
>And remember. No pulling out.

The open has both numbnuts

I may or may not shed legit tears upon seeing next chapter’s first page

>literally walter
>same haircut, exposed chest, blue thing on the neck, turns into a demon and jobs

Attached: 1540001592922.gif (250x195, 1.95M)

Im sorry

I’m going to be avoiding the threads come tomorrow until Sunday because I don’t want to be spoiled about the inevitable truth that is to come

the chapter releases early this week, on Friday the 13th

Oh yeah I forgot and that means spoilers will be out really soon right?

>Friday the 13th
They all are fucking dead.

Attached: 1567204746053.png (695x396, 99K)

hopefully, toc hasn't dropped yet so I'm feeling doubtful

>Friday the 13th
Well, that seals it.

Attached: 735.gif (290x189, 2.9M)

oh no

Wani planned this, absolute madcroc

>Friday the 13th
Will Grandpa play the slaughter?

Attached: 1567698696180.jpg (600x806, 98K)

Yep, he's dead

Attached: EBaCoHeU8AA-Erg.jpg (1560x1738, 546K)

>the chapter releases early this week, on Friday the 13th

Oh fuck its also my birthday

Attached: IMG_20190909_045814.png (1372x1372, 2.04M)

delete this but happy early birthday

Attached: 72404023_p17.jpg (1828x2048, 1.75M)


not for long

How do you kick with only 1 leg

With resolve.

>Monday is Respect for the Aged Day (敬老の日).

Attached: IMG_20190909_122855.png (750x656, 95K)

That made me laugh you cunt

Attached: 72404184_p0.jpg (1024x1024, 650K)

He sure is.

Attached: You...lost...this....png (144x137, 14K)

Attached: 352215.png (540x585, 384K)


Everyone stop it he's not dead until the crow says he is

Attached: 4Keks.png (256x384, 135K)

I love the fight itself quite a bit, but Kaigaku was not built up to very well at all, and at the same time the fight was too short for me to get attached to him. There needed to be more about Kaigaku hinted at throughout, so I could be caught off guard more when it's revealed he became a demon. Instead it's like "oh... that faceless guy from the flashback is back and he's still a dick. wow"

That's probably my bigger issue with this series. I understand it wants to keep its pacing quick but it tends to only gloss over some beats and then exposit them to you in flashbacks, when the story would be innately more satisfying if those beats were just set up ahead of time.

Fucking hell

Attached: 1564110610452.jpg (648x636, 63K)

Muichiro bros... This can't be happening

iirc training chapter got bad place in toc.

Nothing speaks more substantially of the ongoing crisis of contemporary masculinity than the fact that people can’t look at this sort of thing anymore and see it as anything but incest. How unhealthy are your attachments to your younger sisters/siblings that this doesn’t seem like a normal display of strong familial affection to you.

>He sure is.

He probably just needs a hand

Attached: 1562517139728.png (547x265, 159K)

Which literally doesn’t matter unless you have autism.

I can’t believe muichirou is going to die before himejima.
Screencap this in case I’m wrong.[/wrong]

it's funny how Himejima's death flag was as high as Tokyo Tower but now it's low as hell

The only ones here that actually looked bad previously are Tomioka, angry Tanjirou, Sanemi, and Himejima. All the others not only looked good in the older style but were honestly kino in their own way.

why does it feel like almost all of the pillars have death flags?

>Gyoumei's nose and sideburns
holy fuck

>not a single one of them will have a peaceful death besides Uzui
Why wani

I liked ayy lmao Sanemi but her art has improved a lot.

Attached: x21.png (959x1400, 920K)

Because all of them do.

It may rise to be higher than Mt. Fuji once they reach Muzan though.

I’ve actually always liked angry Tanjirou. Also I agree they all looked good before already but the improvement in art is still very apparent in those later panels. That Nezuko example is especially impressive, the 3d dimensionallity of her face is a lot finer in the later drawing compared to the older one.

It's only been what three and a half years? That's a good increase in quality

Issue 42
My Hero Academia
Kimetsu No Yaiba
One Piece
Dr Stone
Chainsaw Man (CP)
Black Clover
The Promised Neverland
We Never Learn
Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs (CP)
Mitama Secureity
Jujutsu Kaisen
Mission: Yozakura Family
Samurai 8
Jump+ Series
Double Taisei
Yui Kamio Lets Loose
Beast Children
Tokyo Shinobi Squad

Issue 43 Cover: Kimetsu no Yaiba

TOC is out, spoilers should be out soon

Once Grandpa is done flexing that room becomes a slaughter house, doubt that anyone of them will reach Muzan.

tfw ugly and girl

Attached: 01.png (720x1066, 483K)

1st again!?

Oh, for sure. Not to take anything away from her art now and how it’s noticeably improved, I’m just strongly of the opinion that Wani has been a commendable artist from the very beginning.

What... the fuck this even, what is he burning?

Giyuu is far by the most impressive, he used to be ugly and gay now hes just gay

I definitely agree. There’s something about the mood Wani’s older style gives off that I really like. Somehow reminds me of the Mushishi manga a bit

>All of them
Stop right there

Attached: 1565751945197.jpg (1056x864, 168K)

Thats not how boobs...well whatever

I think he's burning the women's outfit, like the Butterfly girls did.

He is in a retirement. All active pillars have a death flag on them.
Even then he is defending Kiriya, old Rengoku is more likely to die but the chance is still there.

Mui toes

Wani has a remarkable sensibility at conveying mood in her art. I feel that it’s especially apparent in the older style panel of Muzan’s face from that user’s image. His expression there is so viscerally unnerving to me in such an effective way.

>tfw the story completely wasted Nezuko who should have been the second most important character and instead is just a comedy prop and plot device

Attached: 11.jpg (493x364, 10K)

Yeah, Wani has always excelled at conveying mood through characters’ expressions, among other things.
Read the manga

Read nigger, read.

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>t. animeonly pleb

>Hasn’t even read the red light district arc yet
How pitiful.


Muichirou confirmed alive

>different user
>did read the manga
>she's wasted there too
Past where the anime is, she gets 5 minutes of fame against CHOO CHOO MOTHERFUCKER, 5 minutes of fame against whore demon, and 5 minutes of fame in blacksmith village; she still doesn't do more than show up, kick and burn some things, then lose prominence again. Train was the closest she came to actually participating for more than a couple of chapters, and ever since blacksmith village ended she's been offscreen as Muzan's unobtanium.

Unbelievable levels of speedreading.

Where in any of those chapters did Nezuko get a serious character growth and perspective that isn't the same "protect your family" we have seen every other time she pops out of the box to kick something and then pop straight back in? Where was she an agent driving the broader plot forward by her actions and not her existence?

I mean more do you want out of her? She’s had her own developments already and the plot literally revolves around her as it is.

that time she fought against multiple moons and choose to die to save innocents

You do realize that this manga isn’t finished, and that entire plot threads that literally revolve around Nezuko are still very much unresolved, right?