Why are fantranslators so liberal in their translations whereas official translations are full of japanese words?

Why are fantranslators so liberal in their translations whereas official translations are full of japanese words?
Which do you prefer?

Attached: official vs fantranslation.png (1631x1247, 1.43M)

It makes sense to leave tsuriki untranslated, the rest not so much unless something in the context gives clues about the importance of the original word.
Still, it's a bit funny that some ten years ago the fanTL and the official's stances would've probably been reversed.

Attached: Cool story bro.jpg (251x251, 21K)

Because fanstranslator are sellout who try hard to cater to lowest common denominator to appeal the publisher so they can go legit and monetize their useless skill, while official translators just don't give any fuck because they are wage slave who work with bare minimum scripts and on thigh clock, along with have to finish working on dozens of different titles simultaneously.

This is the exact opposite of my experience

>Still, it's a bit funny that some ten years ago the fanTL and the official's stances would've probably been reversed.

I think it still varies, even now. There are some fan translators that assume you can almost speak Japanese; there are some that assume a single untranslated word would send you running for the hills.

The takeaway is that different translators translate differently, which is kind of obvious. But let's watch people in this thread try really, really hard to claim that someone is inferior and stupid for some reason.

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>Eat your hamburgers, Apollo

What's that from?

I'm not fan of leaving too much shit untranslated, even if the official translation obviously did it for flavor. On the other hand, translating sake as "wine" is fucking retarded.

Both are fucking shit but right one is better
>there is no reason to change sake to wine. Sake is it's own thing and most westeners should know it even if they aren't weebs
>just sounds like an autistic weeb adding in random japanese words, someone who isn't a turbo weeb has no idea what the hell they are saying

The primary difference between fan translations and official translations is that the former has honorifics in everyone’s names.

It was the old licensed translation of Angelic Layer

Attached: Sketch (252).png (418x516, 116K)

What does keikaku mean?


So much this, there needs to be a balance, translate as much as you can but don't force localization.

>Why are fantranslators so liberal in their translations whereas official translations are full of japanese words?
What the fuck, did we enter bizarro world?

Honorifics should always stay desu. It's not that hard to understand and gives a clear understanding in what kind of relationship characters are.
But for the love of god never try to translate honorifics. That always turns out really cringy. If you absolutely must do something with them just leave them out.

I don't mind when anime subs drop honorifics, since I can still hear them, but when manga translations drop honorifics it sucks because you're losing information.

because when they try to be strict you have situation like Baki

>the former has honorifics in everyone’s names.
The cartel says otherwise.

what is the 'cartel'?

>That always turns out really cringy.
How is -sama even translated usually when they do this?
Nothing comes to mind.
What about when it's something like "ojou-sama"?