Tanjiro's earrings represent Japanese Imperialism. Please DO NOT draw or cosplay Tanjiro with earrings depicting the rising sun. Do it with the censored version please.
PSA About Tanjiro's Earrings
Why hasn't the retard been bullied into sodokuing yet?
it's based on a hanafuda card
fuck off
I don't even watch this show, but I'm going to cosplay this to spite you
user from another thread found out that the poster is Asian-American.
Why are gooks constantly buttmad?
koreans are the worst type of east asian
Is this a deja vu?
>shilling censorship
fuck off, Winnie Pooh.
That explains it.
You sure like being mad at twitter randos with bad takes. Sinner down and watch some anime
Of course, American education everybody.
>complains about tanjiro earing being imperialist
>but considers themselves a huge fan of jojos despite one of the hero's being a nazi
Are they Korean?
If so I guess that explains
They aren't really an sjw, just a butthurt gook using them as a weapon.
Korean flag in the pic
If my flag was a shining sun, and my enemy forced me to redraw it after losing a war, removing the sun rays, I'd be mad as fuck. You might as well cut every man's dick in the whole nation at that point.
t. eagle-less flag after WW2
>This post
Fuck off we filipino sea niggers don't give a fuck about the past already. Why do Americans have to feel sad on our stead?
Everytime they do this type of shit and it's really fucking annoying you know.
Who cares about a literal Twitter autist?This thread has been posted like 4 times now.
Is this peak autism?
You fucks who care about this should bully the retard on twitter not here where she can't read it.
too far up their own self-righteous ass to realise its just a hanafuda motif
No, THIS is deja vu youtube.com
Not the deju vu I was expecting.
Given that this thread is shit I'll ask, what does Winnie Pooh has to do with anti-chink propaganda?
He looks like Xi Jing Ping
I couldn't think there is something worse than Indians... Then I found more stuff about Korean roaches
Some Chinks think Xi Jinping looks like Pooh.
Indonesian here. I really don't give a shit about this.
>Worst korea
This makes me SICK. Worst Koreans suck at everything they attempt and still try to steal others' cultures and ideas. At least with the chinese, they know they're shit but give zero fucks as they copy and plunder. Worst Koreans have no identity, goals or pursuits as a people.
Even after 2 nukes destroying Japan, they still manage to make Korea their bitch
Sure smells like kimchi in here
Some random person online made a joke how Xi looks like winnie the pooh, meme became popular so the people's republic of china banned it, or face prison time at a forced labor camp.
explains why xe is so butthurt lmao
>announcing reports
enjoy your ban
and try to not come back too soon
my man
>three different-colored stripes
Why do so many nations have such boring flags?
So that every single plebeian of their citizen couldn't draw/make the flag wrong in any occasion.
fuck off
>missing reading comprehension
telling others to report != announcing reports, ESL-kun
i just reported you for being a meanie
enjoy your ban
For ease of recognition in the age of sail.
because they all fell from the minimalism meme. Flags with emblems are masterrace and no uninspired peasant faggot will ever change that
>German flag from the 1800s
>Back before natsoc was even a political concept
>Back when Germany wasn't even properly unified yet
>"early nazi era"
Koreans are uneducated subhuman.
it's not even a german flag it's prussia
Meanwhile no one gives a fuck about characters wearing the Stars and Stripes or the Union Jack even though way worse atrocities were committed under both. At least there are still Koreans around to be butthurt about what Japan did.
Black-white-red is Imperial Germany (and the nazis did briefly change the flag back to it before moving to the hakenkreuz) but the red comes from the Hansa, Prussia's flag was black-white-black with an eagle.
Meanwhile 1/4 of twitter has a hammer and sickle next to their name.
Why are the gooks always the first to translate doujins?
They are hypocrite but the worst kind is gook-burger.
Why do people always have to grasp at some political angle in my Japanese cartoons.
Why do tripfags always have to shit up my Japanese cartoon discussion websites.
What's with these threads about forced non-controversies? Did a Yea Forumsermin get lost and can't find its way back?
I'm a flip and I don't give a shit.
>muh Yea Forums
How about you fuck off back to tumblr, I hear boogymen are very popular there.
I mean I get it, that part where Tanjiro starts denying war crimes was kind of on the nose, especially that bit about comfort women
Shut the fuck up reddit scum
*twitter scum
>t. Yea Forumsermin
Gook genocide best day of my life
Are there a people more buttblasted than Koreans?
I wish the type of people who made a deal out of what they see as social irresponsibility would just stop. It's neurotic and the more people who get pulled into this neurotic way of approaching reality the more it's smothering healthy human interactions and bonding.
It's so frustrating watching things turn out this way when we could be so much better if we just cut this shit out.
That's like saying why do we all shit on each other when life is hard enough without that. It's pointless.
I don't think it's pointless.
It's getting so bad that Yea Forums is as good a respite as you can hope for from this strung out, no chill outrage drugging. It sounds strange, but I think it's true.
because flags from the age of nationalism are designed to be reproduced at will by illiterate dirt-farming peasants
Why are South Koreans so hilariously butthurt and pathetic?
I don't even hate them or anything (even though they're worst korea and export cancerous k-pop), but come on.
literally only koreans give a shit about this flag thing since 2012
I think the censoured earrings come from the chinese version but the shitposter on twitter is korean. I'm willing to bet chinese and koreans hate each other too because that's how neighbouring countries always are.
Why is japan so racist?
I feel like people from Singapore kinda forgot we even got colonized by nips during ww2. There's little to no hatred against Japan in modern singapore.
Sure smells like reddit in here
It's interesting that they modified the design for other countries though, clearly because they feared that it might be controversial.
Overall though it's literally just a cartoon. The person needs to take a walk outside.
Koreans are simultaneously chauvinistic and insecure because their history is comprised of being bitches to China, Japan, and USA, and thanks to their geography, they'll always be someone's bitch. Also much like Argentina with the Falklands, they'll never let go of their grudge because it's a useful political tool.
How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, Japan?
>tfw japan still uses the imperial flag on it's navy ships
>They removed the Japanese flag from Tom Cruise's jacket in the new Top Gun (Along with the Taiwanese flag)
>Now this shit
Why the fuck are they doing this
How does it smell? Asking for a friend
Fuck you, jew.
Let's put some swastikas in cartoons too while we're at it.
Like soi
Why is this sorry excuse of a thread still up?
At least Koreans don't shit up IT.
why, I can't danger zone to this
it's not even the imperial flag. unlike germany, japan has never changed its flag. it's always been widely used in japan.
you wouldn't believe but a soccer match in 2011 basically caused this whole controversy.
Too appease the Chinese.
Why not? It's an old as fuck symbol used around the world.
In Europe it used to be used by Germanic nations as a sign of good luck.
Just because one guy you dislike used a symbol doesn't mean that symbol is evil forever.
They can't handle the taiwanese flag either?
So why isn't it back yet?
Because of people who freaky the fuck out because a bad man used this symbol once, because they are fucking morons.
It's an ancient religious symbol still used by billions. It's so prolific, it's part of Japanese kanji.
Chinks get buttblasted when you tell them Taiwan is a country.
So a good reason then? Okay, let's keep it that way
But forbidden everywhere else.
Being irrationally angry at a fucking symbol is not a good reason. It's a symbol. Every symbol mankind has ever made has been used for atrocities, whoopy fucking do.
America uses the eagle despite it being the symbol of the "imperialist" Rome for example.
Fucking this.
Can someone shoop so he has Tojo face?
It's everywhere in asia. only European and burger get triggered by it
>it's literally just a cartoon.
>It's a symbol.
Every X thing is just an X thing, is it an argument?
>Series takes place in early 1900s Japan
>Uses 1900s Japan flag
Imperial Japan did nothing wrong. Korea and China are rightful Nippon clay! Glory to the Emperor!
Anime in general sometimes uses it, like bleach, it's sensible faggots like you (or americans claiming the moral high ground) who would complain about that, just like OP's pic of that korean faggot.
Who cares, why should they not use their flag because some Koreans and Chinese will seethe over it? Some Koreans will seethe over basically anything Japan does so why cater to them?
I don't care much about Japanese symbols, but if I were Chinese or Korean, I'd complain about them too, that's just natural.
A symbol that has been in use for over a thousand years as a sign of good luck does not turn evil because a failed art student decided he wanted all of his forces, and his entire country, to have good luck.
>everywhere else
Outside of America and some eur contries no one gives a fuck unless you are a public figure making a pro nazism claim.
Get rid of the US eagle then retard, it hurts me.
>that post
It works for both. I wonder if they just did this by default for this region, because they knew autistic there-SJWs would throw a shitfit.
The rising sun is still the flag of the JMSDF
If that student cause a world war which shapes the world for the next century, then it may matter more than the ancient usage.
Based and redpilled
>hitler germany
You need to brush up on your history.
>why the exceptions?
Because everything in the world is different?
World War 2 was inevitable with how World War 1 ended, the only question was who was gonna be the one to set the spark.
Moreover it did fuck all to shape the world at the end of the day. Japan lost some territory, and Germany got cut in half for 50 years.
Wow, some amazing world shaking changes.
The conflict between the USSR and America had more long lasting effects on the world. Let's ban stars and hammers.
Literally nobody gives a shit outsides Americans and Euros.
nip imperialists in turn also get butthurt when gook football players make """racist""" ape impressions at the nip goalie so its all just a multidirectional sea of triggering
I unironically agree with this. No flag should be banned. No idea should be banned.
People are free to dislike it, but banning an idea/flag/book/etc is just pointless.
>all these deleted
Too bad war and occupation aren't
You know that gook and chick gov. just use people tragic past for their own political agenda right? The people who open up the wound are people in their own society. And those people also don't have emphaty what so ever they see those tragic past as political tool.
And that's why certain regions censor those Suzuki-san
The Japanese flag during WW2 is the same as it is today. The rising sun is a war flag, and a variation of it is still used by the Japanese self-defense forces.
War and occupation happen endlessly throughout human history. Getting butthurt about any one example of it, as if THIS ONE is worse than any other example, is stupid.
And yet there are people that still don't want to see them.
What is this victim mentality? I love in Philippines and most of the people here no longer gives a shit with what flag the Japanese are currently using right now.
*I mean I live
Jannie-sama please clean up this shit thread!
why did you say euros twice?
But that's the exact opposite of the whole discussion. Ban all or none. Or at least stop crying when a country you don't care about bans it. They have the right to do so
People only about them when they can gain benefits from those butthurt. And why don't you just ignore it or seek medical health or just die?
Not really? Wars happen all the time, occupations happen all the time. No flags should be banned because "This particular occupation was obviously worse than every other one in human history"
>nazi man bad
>t. 13 y/o kid
Pointless discussing this with someone who never experienced the pain of loss.
The thing is most of the time people force others to ban it as well.
Some people theorise it's a power play to make others bow down to you due to their bigotry.
I see that as a possibility along with some people genuinely being offended by the symbols and being offended on behalf of other people (Messiah complex).
Imagine doing this on Yea Forums of all places
Because you're sucking their money, Philippines is being build up into a 1st world country thanks to all of the japs investments and infrastructure projects.
Because the symbol they used was specifically designed for that reason. And to this day people want to get offensive war stuff banned. Just like that hitler statue that was found. People don't want to see it and no crying will change it. But feel free to wear a swastika when you go out next time.
Those people are about to die by old age. The people who act like they are hurting don't even experience it. Many people move on, only nationalist who got brainwashed by the gov. would get triggered.
Sometimes even the people that were affected by that source. Not everything is your pol propaganda. People have feelings
Let me go wank over your dead grandma's tombstone and send you a pic of it. I hope you'll find it funny.
Just because people move on desn't mean you can just shove it in their face.
>People have feelings
What about my feelings of being oppressed?
>symbol they used was specifically designed for that reason.
No it wasn't. The swastika was a symbol in use in Europe for over a thousand years, Hitler just adopted it.
The sun-beam symbol while not in the Japanese flag for that long, has been in use in Japan for a very long time. Because of the cultural belief that the Imperial family is descended from the sun goddess, also because of the name of their country roughly translates to "land of the rising sun"
Young people complaining about things 80 years ago is emberassing.
Makes a sick mobile wallpaper I'm using this on my phone now
Just curious but what if they ban manji symbol just because they mistaken it for swastika?
Look here, we don't a fuck about this matter. We are already facing problems with our government. We don't have the time to cy or get offended by a Japanese cartoon character wearing earrings that resembled the Japanese Imperial flag. We don't have time for useless shits like that.
It's one of the oldest symbols ever and every culture has it. It's almost scary how often it appears in cave paintings of people didn't even know each other.
>country gets occupied for years among other things
>one user wants to wear a swastika in public but can't out of fear
Poor you, those other people had it easy kek
The pic could be offensive but whatever. Defacing someone's private property however violates the NAP and one is justified to vaporise the defacer with tomahawk missiles.
Oh shit, didn't know you were a 80 something yo victim of the japanese occupation posting on an anime and manga image board were people hate moralfags with burning passion.
Dont know the show, is this a historical / historically theemed anime, or a present day/futuristic one?
if its present day, I can kind of see why, but fuck off with this censoring shit. if its historical, then just fuck right off.
They don't really "shove it in their face" you know. It's not like they do it on purpose, to triggered you. Some instances are just people overeating on stupid stuff.
Adapted it and used it while occupying. If he used dickbutt it'd get the same treatment.
And you'd let Hitler take away the dickbutt symbol too? Fuck you man.
Imagine someone complaining about the French tricolor because their great-great-great-great-great-great grandparent died in the Napoleonic wars.
Nevermind some people have families that were around then and it happened to them and affected your family.
Isnt it still used by the finish air-force or navy? make a show about that and you can put it in and no one can complain.
It's set in 1900s Japan.
Yes, and. What's the downside?
everyone has so weak bones.
it's just Hanafuda earrings...
My great grandmother was put in a british concentration camp while they hunted the men and burned out farmland and killed out livestock in south africa, does that mean we should ban everything British?
You've had hundreds of years to do that, this is more important than your shithole.
>I support a country of war crime deniers because they make cartoons I like
You are right but stop posting like a faggot and lurk more.
You know that out side US and European countries it's a common symbol right?
>we should ban everything British?
Yes but not due to Boer propaganda.
>gook/chink thread still up
The absolute state of this board
But now it carries death tolls. It's just the way it works. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Same way Americans will cry over 9/11 tomorrow. Those digits will always carry that meaning.
>I don't recognize any US war crime because I'm an american
>I deserve to cry more than you
Are all gooks like this?
>implying Nihon has anything on American warcrimes
Americans cry over 9/11 and americans make jokes about 7/11. They're not looking to ban depictions of 9/11 at the moment so I don't see how this is relevant.
If the US committed a war crime, why has no US president ever spent time in jail for war crimes? Checkmate, atheists.
You mean crying over a fucking flag?
It's taisho period so 1910s and 20s
>I post on an Japanese specialized imageboard even though I'm mad as fuck some random jap raped my great great grandmother and I'm alive
So you wouldn't find it funny? You're starting to understand how people feel. But instead of property it's like cuming over your grandma's corpse itself. I can bet you'd rather not see that.
I actually browsed through her Twitter.
She's an American with Korean ancestry. She doesn't know Korean and ranted about people oppressing her for not knowing how to say "Korea" in Korean. She's very likely to be only partially Korean, like 1/4 at most. Most of her Twitter feed consists of her looking up what Koreans think about X.
>encouraging chinese censorship
ok retard
>what is reading comprehension
And others censor it so people don't need to see it or overreact. Not a difficult concept
War crimes is a social construct.
Everything in the history of man carries death tolls how do you know some cavemen didn't kill each other over a 4 leaf clover time to shut this site down.
There's nothing more American than pretending to care about a place you've never been to.
>So you wouldn't find it funny? You're starting to understand how people feel. But instead of property it's like cuming over your grandma's corpse itself. I can bet you'd rather not see that.
I can turn my eyes away and not look at the photos. Go for the crime itself (cuming over grandma's corpse/occupation of Korea), not the depictions afterwards.
Well, technically....
Saved. Nice idea man
Is a spook to be more accurate.
I wasn't aware of there being certain words or symbols that indicate a shitty person.
I did this ironically but also genuinely felt this way. too bad that other posts with words like cringe, yikes and based are perfectly fine.
otherwise I wouldn't be this new. I guess I truly need to lurk more.
Just because you don't give a fuck about your family that doesn't mean everyone else does the same
Not that user but I don't mind it. You can try. I would find it hilarious seeing you trying to find it. Even I don't know where it is, lol. Don't think she has one.
What is not a spook besides our own ego?
Yes, and? If Europe and US bans it, that doesn't mean you have to aswell. Your moonrunes will just get censored. Like in OP. But you'll be viewed a bit different from those places. Your chickenscratch is safe tho.
Those are also looked down upon faggot.
Did you notice how you instantly knew what 9/11 is referring to? That's the point
When are they going to censour school bathroom walls
Because we can't remember it, no records of it. So as long as people remember, there will be stigma
I don't see your point.
Also it's silly to think it'll always carry meaning, 200 years from now it'll be a page in history books most kids will skim over.
Do you think about all the people that died in the Taiping rebellion, for example?
You'd get those photos in your mailbox, on the tv, internet. How long can you pretend to look away? It's not going to stop. People will joke about, make memes etc. Funny right?
It's all fun and games till you see it on the web and people make memes of it. I don't think you'd laugh for long.
>Funny right?
Nice strawman faggot
You mean my grandma tome stone right? Don't think it will be that famous but I don't mind. Not that user btw.
The swastika is nearing 100 years and the stigma is still going strong
I guess some feelings matter more than others.
>The swastika is nearing 100 years
The state of modern education.
Ha, gay.
Not at all, that's literally what's happening with kny, right in this thread even
Don't think it will become a meme but I like I said I don't mind.
What the fuck are you even talking about? Do you have some kind of mental illness? No one is forcing you to watch some japanese cartoon. If you're so butthurt at some country that a symbol on a characters earring that looks somewhat like another symbol starts making you foam at the mouth, you probably should avoid it in the first place.
That's because we had a long period of relative world peace. All armed conflicts put together since WW2 don't even come together to that death toll.
Just wait until some other conflict of that scale comes and the establishment will change its focus.
We're talking about the corpse now, since tombstones are property. Something you can get away with
Being a korean anime fan must be hell.
Though they behave pretty autistic on ex too, though, so maybe they're both anime fans and hate Japan.
By the way, what was this douijin about Aoba being prostitute to some high ranking chink office sitter? The chinks were furious.
We need the fixed image against the backdrop of a black and white image of Nippon troops massacring Sino. With a smiling Tanjirou.
The ones we can remember, certainly
My love for cute anime girls. And the simpler things in life.
Free paper to burn in my fireplace and shit I can ignore easily. Not exactly funny but whatever.
Victors can't commit war crimes.
It's only possible if you change them from victors to losers in retrospect.
>All these serious replies
Sure you don't. Or if you're serious and don't give a fuck about your family, others do.
2Z=8 Z=4
If it's shown in other countries, they have all the right to censor it
Ok. Too bad in reality there's no corpse cause we cremated it where I live but I like I said I wouldn't mind.
Feelings matter only to those who have it and those who share a connection with them. Put any kind of barrier inbetween, be it space, time or a tag and you most probably won't give much weight to them.
Its normal.
I don't think you can burn the internet, but ook
Wrong, the shoes and whistles in the first and second equations are in pairs, also the dude in the last equation doesn't have a whistle so he's 5 minus 2 (the value of one whistle).
Hes learning. People are starting to not fall for this type of thing when they see its a twitter post. Take out the blue check mark and they line up for the bait.
Just because you don't care about your family. That does nott go for everyone.
Oh jesus you meant emails rather than physical mail? That's literally a snap to filter. Failing that, get a new address.
Jesus, have you never had gay ads sent to you as a prank?
did it whiles playing vidya anyway
9 ez
Not of my dead grandma no, neither did they make memes of it and spread it online
If it was universally reviled there would be no need to censor it because nobody would show it.
Yes, kino no yaiba has its characters literally cumming on people's grandma corpses.
And that's why they censor it in places they don't want to see it
Back to rebbit
I don't get it. Why are you guys arguing with reddit-tier retards?
i looked up stuff about that flag a while ago, and i thought that pretty much everyone got over it by like the 80s or something.
however, fuck censorship, kill yourself.
Did your grandma just die or something? I mean you seem to be a bit obsessed with the whole grandma stuff. I'm just curious btw.
They took the picture. It's their property, let them do with it what they will.
Pig disrespecting grandmas left and right
Only gook, chick and burger are triggered
So yes use the rising sun because accuracy is more important than feefee's
I don't think most burgers even know about it
Thought it was common to not want your grandma getting cummed on. Didn't know it was a fetish, my bad
Imaging being a fan of and consuming media from a country you hate. What a cuck lmao.
only half gook/chick burger I guess like the person who posted the pic
It's not a thing most people even think about so you're the one being weird by talking about it.
I didn't know about it either until One Piece had the same kind of drama
Art thou kinkshameth? Bigots like you are the reason we need to ban kinkshaming.
>having empathy for other people means you hate everything about the place that produced the controversy
You must be 18 to post here
Just admit you're dumb.
But it's you who started it, isn't it?
He has the basic idea down. I'd say that user suffers from ADHD at worst. Like me.
fuck gooks and sea monkeys
Japan master race
china doesn't even have empathy with their own people kek
>implying he wouldn't be ok with it
You're the weirdo here. That's not how you should let others treat your dead family, but I digress
gooks certainly do, considering they have been seething non-stop for the past 100 years.
Go hug your grandmas, anons.
No one thinks about it except you
The discussion about what empathy is, sure. That would be terrible if it happened to me. Figured everyone here loved their family. Slipped my mind this is Yea Forums. I accept my mistake
You just imagined it.
But I don't want cumstains on my shirt
>Figured everyone here loved their family.
Not everyone has good relationship with their family but anyway yeah it's your fault forgetting that this is the internet. No one cares.
Too late...
Someone already hugged her?
And yet people still care irl and that's why they censored the rising sun. We finally went full circle
I can empathise with feeling terrible about having family's memories tarnished while respecting the right of others to be callous assholes.
I guess the question comes down to whether people have a right to be mean.
Stop moving the goalpost please. Masturbating and coming on the grave, or corpse of a rape victim or sharing photos of such a thing is absolutely disgusting. Getting offended by the symbol depicted on the earrings wore by the MC in an anime aimed at teenagers because it resembles the flag of imperial japan and thus can be associated with the crimes they committed during ww2 is an inane amount of reaching, especially considering the plot of said anime has absolutely no reference to ww2, the Japanese government nor its army.
I think they care about losing profits but yeah they still care about something
That's where empathy comes in
Why are you describing it now user, you weren't supposed to be the weird one
Brah, you must let them move the goalpost as far as they can and beat them there. Censorship has always thrived in the inches people give them by not moving the goalposts: i.e. porn and gore.
You're thinking of sympathy, he already empathized with these hypothetical people.
>people have a right to be mean
Shut up nigger
I empathise with the desire to make terrible jokes and the people who are hurt by their grandma's being cumed on. I don't see how that solves anything.
People lost their lives, the association persists and that's why it was censored. Ezpz
Go look up what empathy means
Successful bait
Can people really emphasize or all we're capable of is just sympathize?
Can´t we just go back to zenitsuposting?
>people have been discussing ejaculating on deceased elderly woman for an hour
absolutely and unabashedly based
>A South Korean newspaper, the Maeil Business Newspaper, accused South Koreans of being hypocritical in finding the Rising Sun Flag offensive, but not the flags of China and North Korea, whose regimes were opponents of South Korea in the Korean War, where they killed hundreds of thousands of South Koreans.[40]
Even the south koreans think the south koreans are retarded for this.
I feel my balls shrivel up every time I watch someone get hits to their ball so people are definitely capable of empathising even if it's not 100% accurate.
If you understoon that the hurt people don't want to see the "terrible jokes" you would'nt make them. Simple
The absolute state of gook.
south korea's current president and his lackeys are commies and north korea sympathizers, makes sense
Chinks review-bombed Devotion and even got it pulled from Steam for being "offensive" because of a supposed Winnie the Pooh joke. They're insane.
>300 replies
I would make them twice as hard, nigger faggot
I don't think that really stop them tho
Then you have no sympathy. That's on you
That goes against the whole concept of trolling. You understand what makes them hurt/angry and you double down.
That word doesn't mean what you think it means.
So we figured out that cumming on your grandma is bad, but what about grandpas?
Chinks came up with the winnie the pooh joke. It was probably the work of CPC shills.
Depends if you're "human" which a lot of Anons aren't. Still we're talking about sensible people
You can sympathize with people but that alone doesn't stop people from being mean.
If you're not a human, sure.
Kill yourself for spreading twitter ass cancer
>dude if you don't care about the feeling of literally every human being and paralyze yourself with inaction you aren't human
based and sympathypilled
You're right, it doesn't exist in your dictionary. My bad.
Ah yes, now we pull the "not a true human" card. The good thing is that we don't use your definition of human.
People die crushed by vending machine every year. Someone trying to be funny by stating that vending machines kill more people yearly than sharks might be uncomfortable for someone whose grandma died crushed by one.
Just because someone died, it doesnt make the subject a taboo.
Reminder that Koreans lacked a written language before the arrival of the Japanese.
we don't know what value a single shoe or whistle represent
yeah some of us are aliens
user, I...
If you understand the same could happen to you, you wouldn't be mean. Thing is, you just don't understand.
>"this could never happen to me"
>talking about a censored flag
>he goes all the way
>W is V times two
Whatever you want to make yourself believe
See now you're being mean by saying I don't understand. The only way for you to not be mean is to allow me to be mean.
How the fuck is this thread still up?
is the dude wearing shoes?
Understanding that doesn't automatically stop people tho.
Why are you being mean to anons by calling them inhuman? Why don't you try empathizing with them, you big meanie.
But it does, that's literally how censorship of everything nazi works. In Germany at least. Same way they censor something different in another country
Lurk for 2 more years before posting
Try to understand then. I'm cheering you on
I think people just try to believe that people who are capable of doing something terrible aren't really human because they're afraid that they too are capable of doing those things. Or they're just delusional and think human are only capable of doing nice things.
But it does, that's the entire point
If we were all that good natured crime rates would drop to zero and so would innovation. Civilization was born of human ingenuity and their desire to live better lives, the latter being a sub-product of people lack of empathy for those beyond their reach. You work hard for yourself, maybe your family. Your neighbours have financial problems, maybe you spare them some money, but unless you value them as much as your family you won't share everything you have with them. The same goes with one's concern.
There's nothing wrong with not being human. Still that means you lack empathy. Simple
But user you're a hypocrite now
>Try to understand
You're still saying I don't understand you big meanie.
The bottom line is, humans should do nice things. They just don't. Others don't want to feel hurt so they censon something. Completely innocent
>No one spam loli pics
Absolute state of nu/a/
Thread suddenly got hundred fold better.
And that's why some people live in 20 room houses and others on the streets. If you think that's the correct path, then more power to you
Don't think mod care. They deleted some pics here and recently on similar thread all mod did was deleting loli but not the thread.
Censoring is stopping people from expressing ideas. It's anything but innocent.
But I'm not, I believe you can do it. I'll be here when you finally understand. We're working on your improvement and understanding.
This guy always draws the same shit.
>Not legal
Yet, but I trust you will.
Communism isn't an option compatible with human nature user.
Yea Forums is pro japan and we need to defend it against the horde of disinformation.
Reminder that Japan was never nuked and the war ended in a draw.
The treaty and surrender was to appease the US civilians, japan never lost their army, navy, the emperor lived along with many generals and unit 731.
US even waged anti japan proganda in trhe 80's when japan's miracle economy was booming.
Nanking was part of that propaganda, chinese resistance called japan over to help them with the civil war which the US was funding.
What happened after the 2011 earthquake which was actually a nuke? jewish people were seen near fukushima disabling the factory's safety operations and the prime minster suddenly payed a trillion dollars to the world banks as donation.
Afterwards he was let go and Abe who's ultra nationalistic was put in and grew the JDSF up, 8 straight years of budget increase with many new units created like amphibious landing units and electric warfare units.
Japan investing hundreds of billions of dollars in SEA and tens of billions in India while giving them tech and promising navy protection.
Japan's economy is growing thanks to those investments beating every doom economic predictors of japan's economy.
Middle east is being supported by Japan as well with billions of dollars to build factories in iraq and even sending Egypt some officers to help them with war planning.
Because the idea of showing material that reflects suffering and occupation is good
It's not
The problem with censorship is you can use "I'm hurt" as excuse to silent people.
You really gotta stop pointing out what I'm lacking because that's mean.
Neither is capitalism. Inb4 real capitalism has never been tried. Communism has nothing to do with goodwill, by the way.
>posting pictures that are more anime related than this thread
Communism is forcing people to share. If you understood, you wouldn't need to be forced. You'd share, even if a tiny bit.
How did this retard get so many (you)s, he's clearly baiting, nobody is unironically this stupid. Stop replying to him you retards.
It is, just kill the greedy people and you have an utopia.
And in this case with the rising sun this isn't applicable.
Then mock their ideas. Refute them. Convince people it's a bad idea and get them to disagree with it.
Censorship is not necessary.
To be fair, real capitalism hasn't been implemented. Neither has real communism.
Yet I'm helping you find what you lack.
I think you don't understand that people who understand all things you said but still capable of being mean actually exist in this world.
How can you not recognize GK?
It is.
Isn't that what the gook crying about it is doing? He wants them to change it.
>loli posts removed
>shitposts including OP still there
Come on, you can do it. Delete the fucking thread.
mods deleted this same thead days ago out of nowhere
don't know why they took so long to delete posts
There are other ways to combat that instead of censorship
But it shouldn't. Not if you truly understood the person and felt with them. We're just too used to being mean. It's natural. Being nice is difficult.
Yea Forums is /pol/'s clay
>don't know why they took so long to delete posts
The mods have very human needs too.
And what is the idea of showing it to gooks?
Everyone would need to change at once. That's not happening and this is the reason censorship exists.
The Irish tri-color is probably the best simple flag ever designed. Every color has a specific meaning, which together are a representation of Ireland as it exists today. It wasn't just a random collection of colors mashed together just to be different from someone else's color-mash flag.
nu-Yea Forums is full of retards who reply seriously to a bait thread. Should have turned this into a roll thread like usual.
Nice try, jannies.
Demanding others do what you want is not refuting an idea.
But I want to know more about user's relationship with his grandma
Who the fuck is showing it to gooks? If they hated Japan enough that some little earrings gave them a rage-induced aneurysm, they wouldn't be watching anime.
He explicitly stated how offensive it is.
But they're looking at it themselves.
White for potato inside. Orange cause beer. Green=Leprechaun
Truly meaningful
based cunnyposter
You're a true hero. The one this thread needs but not what it deserves.
not really
It's not the usual genre I'm into so I had no idea.
And that's why they censored it. The rest is fine, earings have to go. If not, they'll just edit their version. Surely this isn't a reason for nips to get upset, is it?
Capitalism as a societal structure is the most compatible with human nature we ever saw in history beside tribalism. Its not perfect, but so are humans. People can't all be able to sacrifice what they hold dear out of goodwill and never will. Unless you start treating 'greed' as a crime worth of death or imprisonment like suggests it can never be achieved.
I don't care about 'real capitalism' or 'real communism. You should use the terms 'theoretical capitalism and 'theoretical communism' because that's what they are, theories that cannot be perfectly replicated in reality.
Don't be delusional. People aren't born good.
Ah sorry. I've been focusing on the right side where he suggests changing it. That's what I take issue with.
The left side is fine by me for debating the issue.
Oh boy some 13 year old came over from tumblr or twitter to post this. time to read how the shitshow went down.
especially considering this has 380 posts and the second post already answered it perfectly
It's a great manga. You should definitely try it out.
It is outsourced.
If you consider their side, it does bring back memories. You don't need to accept it, but it is true.
nobody has "censored" anything. Brainlet gooks are just complaining about it because it makes them feel good. Even their media sees how dumb it is
Tabula rasa. All depends on the world around you and we're mean.
>explicitly referred to as "The Kid with the Hanafuda Earrings"
Imagine being this far up your own ass
Not everyone can be proud of dropping two nukes on a country.
Spamming loli and you can't even bother to do it right?
Come home already, Ping Hai
Jesus fuck
It's the current year.
Sounds like those American "mexicans" who try to get mad about characters wearing sombreros when nobody south of the border gives a shit.
Original file size too large to uploaded
And what is the harm of gookland censoring it? You can't claim who's faking it. It wouldn't change a thing about the story
This cunniposter has too good a taste.
If you want to really fuck up a thread you gotta post some toddlercon
>Tabula rasa
look at this dude oh no no no no no
The harm is in hurting the artistic integrity.
You make Thomas Meagher proud with your vast and overarching knowledge of Irish history.
No argument
People aren't a blank slates at birth. We are living beings, we have a survival instinct. We have biological needs that are paramount to our survival that are ingrained in our dna.
it's 425, might as well just keep posting till it hits 500 and then have it naturally fall to the bottom.
I find it funny, first you say it's not a big deal, it's just a symbol. But now it's really important when changing it is discussed. It's just a few different lines.
Okay then
>blank slate
You are a genuine article proof that people aren't born as blank slate. No natural cause could have given you this much retardation.
Depends on our upbringing. You still have instincts, but the decision between flee or fight is determined by upbringing
0 to 100 real fucking quick.
You're being angry. I sympathize with you
It's not like you've brought up anything particularly compelling beyond "dude empathy". Tabula rasa has been outdated for decades, nobody who isn't a clown unironically believes tabula rasa anymore.
But we gonna have nature vs. nurture debate.
I already explained it here
>blocked artist
>because of DMCA
What the fuck.
I jest. I read up on the colours and it's a very sweet flag.
Create a new thread and I'm game
Pleya just don't respond to this kid, he's a lost cause.
So the debate on nature v. nurture already have a conclusion?
>this debate
>meanwhile you have an user spamming underage porn and not getting banned
The symbol is just a picture
The right to display that symbol is the important idea
I thought it has always been "both" for everything. Even my 5'6" height.
untrue. Try suicide , the body itself decides to fight against you.
So this is a japanese style toilet...
Do they have them in korea too?
GK isn't funny anymore makes me sad
It depends on nurture how you deal with nature. Simple, agree?
He's doing us all a favor
He's getting rid of this trash thread by force.
Also I've noticed that in the past few months cunny threads don't appear later in fireden if you want to go back and read the BS that went down. He's doing us a service and erasing this from existence.
Cunnyposting is more relevant to/a/ than this 'discussion'
So no actual report or paper or anything but just what you believe?
Even if people want to view the work and not be offended? They have the right to an alternative. It is outsourced after all
Leave this shit on twitter, they already told you there: they're flowers.
That's censorship.
Depends on the nurture how and if.
So you don't know what this debate is actually about.
>censoring a thread where OP demands censorship of an anime
How poetic.
She's looking at you, that person who's saving the toddler pics in this thread
Not always or at least people who pro nature side of the debate going to disagree
I just told you nurture>nature
Insanely cringe.
Based thread.
They can disagree, they're still wrong
Complaining about twitter on Yea Forums is reddit.
You know too much.
Excellent taste
Not complaining about twitter on Yea Forums is reddit.
>t. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Why is Yea Forums upset some Korean woman doesn't like having a symbol portraying her people getting raped shown everywhere?
I'm extrapolating from the evidence that shows every human quality (height, IQ, weight) is based on both.
If its their own copy, they can censor it. If it's at the licensor level, it's more complicated. I believe they should be allowed to censor on a distribution level if the author agrees to have it censored and its clearly noted that the art has been altered.
nature always wins
You don't really understand what it's about. That's what you believe but the opposition exist.
Nurture will fight till the opposite is true
>caring about korean women
Get the fuck back to your k-pop star rape threads.
she's not Korean, the symbol doesn't portray that, (you)
I lean on nurture. That's my point
>over 200 (You) 's
Nigger half of this thread is loli and toddlercon.
>500 posts
Good job, janitor.
The hero we need.
He's just waiting on those hotpockets.
This is pure degeneracy.
Good thread everyone.
It started shitty but turned into based one.
might as well make another one with the same OP since the fucking janitor won't do his job
This is a containment thread now.
Indeed. Why ruin a good thing that farms (You)s so well.
Kinda reminds me of Kaiji's jacket.
A little trest to cleanse your eyes from all the lolis
rip lolibomber
Nice, back under the bump limit. We got thee green to continue shitposting.
Disgusting ape.
based janny leaving the butthurt gook thread up.
Tsukasa Jun is a blessing on this earth
What is this?
What the fuck jannies
What do jannies mean
This would have been deleted even on /pol/ for too much redpills.
>underage porn
They're drawings. And I'd rather see loli porn than this shitty /pol/bait OP.
How do i apply
Based Janny, get some taste cunny faggot.
I don't want loli gangbang and sluts, give me pure cunny.
Janitor applications are now closed. Thank you to everyone who applied!
Best manga of 2304?
Fireden doesnt even archive Yea Forums anymore.
Why do Americans do this?
>I'm 9% Irish and 4% German so I drink a lot!
Is your country such a shithole that you cling to anything that will seperate you from it?
>Janny Brandes-Brilleslijper (1916 – 2003) was a Dutch World War II prisoner among the last people to see Anne Frank
What does Yea Forums mean
I wasn't aware elder liches could get drunk.
And the other are my (You) 's
Why can't I bump this anymore?
post the imgur compilation
japanese girls love white men.
>jannie still deleting pics
Lots of dedication for free.
Based as fuck.
Fucking koreans. Get over it already
How is this thread still up
Jannies are gooks