YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of this World

Next episode soon

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Other urls found in this thread:


I want to fuck Mio.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.19_[2019.06.0 (1280x720, 103K)

Surely they wouldn't eat hot Kunkun after just three minutes of screentime, r-right?

Wouldn't be too bad.

Yeah at first I though Kanna was probably best girl, but she seems to be both pretty old and pretty STD-infested, so maybe it's Mio after all.

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So did they eat the dragon girls corpse?


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Will Mio ever return Yuki's feelings?

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Just look like her mom

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>takuya fucked more girls in isekai than when he was still on earth

kanna's existence is saved

Only one more hurdle to cross now
Would be crazy if after skipping so many the put in Yu-no sex scene of all things.


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO - 23 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.13_[2019.09. (1920x1080, 736K)

She's one with takuya now

I mean you have to have it in to ensure the timeline.

I want to be one with KUNKUN

Paused in the middle of the new episode
trying to delay the inevitable
don't want this show to end

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO - 14 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_14.10_[2019.07. (1920x1080, 631K)

I didn't understand a single line of her dialogue.
Like what the fuck is she even doing there?
I have no idea anymore.

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This dedication need a medal! Really every week its the same

And Amanda and Kanna

Hopefully they don't fuck it up too much! If they give us some original kanna ending instead of yu-no/daddy, i'm killing all the anons in this thread, then i'm killing my balls!

Sensei doesn't have to make sense, she's inserting herself into the timelines from the 29th century while pursuing the escaped temporal criminal whose distortions are traceable to her.
but in the end the real crime was not giving her the dick

It would be ironic and hilarious , just think about them putting in the last minute and slightly obscured like that scene from "Island" nobody expected to see that!

She looks just like her father actually, face features for sure

there are more dedicated anons out there
pic related

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Actually I already forgot how Sayless looks like

Soooo....... they too reached the capital. Then...

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You don't say

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So that we learned Amanda wasn't sullied in prison.

KUNKUN died for since of those anons who didn't pick this show up

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This is actually addressed in Mio's route in the Visual Novel:
Just like how it was unchangeable fate for Mitsuki-san to die, Mio viewing Yuki as only a friend is part of fate. He could use the time travel device thousands of times and she would turn his romantic confessions down every time, no matter what he says to her or does for her. Takuya takes some solace in this since he's in the Mio route, though Yuki's feelings being eternally unrequited of course applies even in the other routes.

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>nogards actually can stabilize themselves back into strenght when close go exhaustion if copulated
>kunkun feels need to be loved
>ask takuya to give her some love , in that way she will go back to her strenght and be one with one of those she loves
>that faggot misunderstands like any other shitty harem dense virgin
>he's actually not a harem dense virgin

This would be hilarious!

Our guy finally did it.

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Perhaps the real YU-NO was the Kunkuns we ate along the way.

So good to have her back

>the real crime was not giving her the dick
Yeah, I was real disappointed when I heard that you couldn't have sex with her in the VN

I know that feel, I will miss this show once its over

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I hope Kanna gets a good ending

>mother is a cute tomboy virgin
>daughter is an autistic slut
How does this happen? Is it from Takuya's manwhore genes?

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Me too, I love all of her
Her voice is so damn perfect
She is like the embodiment of sexiness in itself

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What do you think of the spoilers user gave?

I think Mio sounds like a bitch and her refusal to return Yuki's feelings makes me lose a lot of respect for her.

Sorry user, since I am an animeonlyfag, I'm reluctant into clicking that spoiler.
I'll write down your post number, and send you a reply after the series has ended.

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It's not something that will be revealed in the anime lol

there is a porn where she gets fucked



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Summary of the episode?

How many more ep until I can finally finish this shit?

1. Amanda is a virgin
2. Amanda is not a virgin


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Why did I laugh at such a dumb joke?

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I don't want this show to end
I'm too emotionally attached now

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When the H-scene kicks in

I don't get it.

Wow fuck you dude

Does Eriko show up in the capital to do a plot dump then fuck off in the VN as well or did the directors just forget all about that whole plot point until some intern realized they had to tie it back together after they had produced 22 episodes? It felt very forced.

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Will he unbrainwash her with the power of the dick?

That the Shield Hero princess?

>fucks his daughter before he impregnates her mother

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A true patrician

>oh by the way, I ate Kunkun

>This breaks Yu-No's brainwashing

As a VNfag I didn't mind the first half even if it was bad, but this epilogue has been a big letdown so far.
And I was expecting nothing.

That's more or less there.

lemme correct it for you
>Fuck his daughter before he impregnates her mother with her
>also fuck his other daughter.

Does the VN have good sex?

No, and fuck you for making that comparison

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>they ate Kunkun

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Haven't played it yet, but I know you can't fuck Eriko so it can't be that good.

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Not really. there is the first that had some, the remake sex was just hinted, now is being ported to pc through steam and one should come out soon which all of us hopes for H-scenes, hopes? = 0

buy the steam version even if you don't play that YOU BUNCH OF FAGS! thats our only hope for uncensored tits!

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can't wait for these scans

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I'm a little surprised he still plans to leave this world, and his daughter, behind to save a prostitute after all these years.

The anime makes character motivations utterly incoherent.

Because it's an anime only thing and does not make sense.

Fuck, I really want to play the new VN after the anime
But I fucking know that since I don't play anyfuck (and VN threads aren't allowd on Yea Forums) I will forget about this

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maybe he also want to save sayless by returning by death, direction was using cocaine heavily in this one.
also having the reflector device in dela was the worst original USELESS asspull of this show, they should had gotten rid of it like in the vn, with that in mind sayless being gone would have a greater meaning if nothing could be done to fix that.

Kana was still just sperm in her womb at this point.

Will that get scanned?
Marry Eriko
Fuck Sayless
Kill Ayumi
Headpat Yu-No

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So were there actual other resistant members Takuya befriends at this point or are they all nameless mooks? Elf Yuuki and Toyotomi didn't exist in the original VN, nor did they survive the prison in the original VN, right?

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The resistance hideout had already been discovered by the imperial forces when Takuya and Amanda got to the city. He waited on a street and after a while she came back chased by soldiers. So yeah, the two were basically alone.

Unlike in anime, she doesn't do the initial plot dump in the fucking middle of the VN so at least to me she seemed to be a very suspicious but still just a teacher. Which is why her appearance in the other world was a big twist and reveal.

They left out the amazingly atmospheric intro scene of the city. youtu.be/MobF4gUPTFA

The place had been talked about a lot prior to this point, and after many many hours of reading being actually able to see it was a big moment.

At this point in the VN the plot finally started clicking together real fast with reveal after reveal - I remember going "WHAT!? ERIKO?! LONG TIME NO SEE!". Because the anime explained her role much earlier, the likely reaction for animeonlies is "oh is just Eriko again". Same with other twists the anime foreshadowed too strongly, some of the excitement due to the reveals is gone.

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Yu-No has a serious Electra complex.

Well, she grew up in an isolated place with no social rules or taboo, with his father and mother being the only example in life... it's quite easy to see why she's fine with loving her father.
Plus part of Sayless is inside her.

I get that, but it sure is fun to watch Takuya's reaction to his daughter's confession.

Does this shit really happens on the VN? Because seriusly, what in the fuck.

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Komatsu!? What happened to your nose-job!?

Kanna has been lying dead in that park for years now.

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She'll be fine.

Not sure if Sayless in the VN was actually in her, takuya as far as i remember was quite skeptic about "mommy be still with her" but i've played it long time ago and i can't remember.
That i remember and was sure fun to watch! hope we will get to see that cringe/ (this might do too) boner , also in the anime

It does. It's just as painful :(

Depends on how much you're into 90's ero graphics with no voice during sex (I just skipped them during my play through)

With these guys surviving and able to cross the desert without trouble, Kunkun's death seems extra pointless. Takuya and Amanda could have made it, or at least traveled back to the prison to regroup.

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>lost respect because she's loyal to takuya
u wot

what kind of subhuman thought this was a good idea?
dragon girls are supose to live 100 years

>adult Yu-No

The girl looks like the bitch from the #metoo anime

God this anime is so retarded. Why am i still watching this?

>Any kind of yu-no being anything else than perfect
Well just drop it now, no need to watch next ep with yu-no clinging to daddy and asking hugs with that attitude.

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This is for Kunkun.

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the hobos will take a good care of her

cumming inside yuno!

>Have unbelievably pretty daughter
>She's 6
>She looks 20
>Mentally probably 13-16
>Sneaks in your room at night to sleep with papa
>Squeezes thighs not understanding what hormones are doing to her
>Ask for hugs

What You Do?

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No Way Fag.

Now it makes me wonder... HOW OLD WAS SAYLESS?!

Turn 360 and walk away

Might as well.

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>ask for hugs

Eihriulukwadrol is a wonderful, good-natured and beautiful woman, she is nothing like Bitch

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Also, Yu-No is A CHAR
I am your father

So the ending will be a Kanna end, right?

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Kunkun was a loser that showed up for less than a minute in her human form and then dies.
On note of that, did they really eat her?

Retro eyes are shit but holy shit did they censor and water down everything.

>Retro eyes are shit

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Yes they are.

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Finger lickin good

>it's Yuki's fate for the girl of his dreams to never love him and fuck his manwhore friend when she can
Life sucks.

What is the definition of a whore?

Did he get back to his original world yet?

Anime made her really pretty
Appreciable when you see her running in the OP

Is Mitsuki still dead

It's her fate.

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But why would they kill her off if they kept showing her panties

is it me or is it always the same person making the threads every week

What did she asked though?

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To help her kill the emperor gently.

to make her a woman

Funny he meets Eriko again for some info dump then they separate again since apparently she doesn't give a fuck the trouble Takuya's in right now.

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don't bully time-space cop, she has a lot of paperwork in the future to fill out because of all this craziness.

I'm still wondering how this went down, I mean, how do you eat a cute girl repeating daisuki daisuki to you?

That episode was kinda of watchable. At least comparable to the piece of shit we've been subjected to since this went isekai.

In the VN she says she "wants to become one with him" before she dies, Amanda twists those words saying it's okay to eat her, Takuya punches her for that but they have no food source and they're in the desert still so they have no choice. Afterwards they have sex and the next morning Takuya is like 'why is this bitch being so clingy to me'

marry the step mom
fuck the big titty tsundere
kill the used goods

delgrando or whatever it's called:
marry the daughter
fuck the dragon
kill the girl who snitched on him

This was peak yu-no. mc missed his chance

Who is the used goods, Mitsuki?

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>why is this bitch being so clingy to me
Sasuga, Takuya.

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I want kunkun to brap in my face. RIP

Animeonly here. I know this thing is full of plotholes but I just can't get off this wild ride.
The VN remake translations are coming to Steam this month right?

Obviously to take her home

>467 Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO

What went wrong?

It comes out at the very beginning of next month, but its advised you track down and play the original

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the original is a mess. the remake will be far superior

I really want to see Yu-No's reaction when Takuya tells her he ate Kunkun.

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Reminder that this clusterfuck is nowhere near as good as the clusterfuck that is the original VN.

Just quickly hopping in this thread to say that the redhead looks like Myne/Bitch/Slut from "Rising of the Shield Hero"

>we live in a world where people’s only exposure to Yu-No is this anime
>even worse, they may play the remake instead of the original
Being a Yu-Nofag is suffering

It's not fate for her to remain infatuated with Takuya; in timelines where Takuya doesn't pick her, she moves on to other men. The only part that's fate is that Mio will never love Yuki, even though he loves her in every timeline. She's the ultimate heartbreaker.

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This getting an anime at all is more surprising than anything.

We've come this far user, gotta see this trainwreck to the end.

At what point in the VN does Takuya realize Amanda is Kanna's mother?

Not!Malty best girl.

That would piss everyone off, also would totally disrupt the already holding together by miracle plot, and not getting an explaination on how yu-no got on sankaku the first ep

Maybe they will pulla grisaia out of this and not only get tons of other remakes/manga but also hatefully inferior spin-offs

You got that right

Attached: ErikoCatch.webm (1920x1080, 2.76M)

>be takuya
>see that
>pick her up
>put her back in the middle of the bed
>wonder how the fuck can she fall off the bed even thought she's between me an sayless

Being takuya is a life of unanswered questions.

He doesn't tell her, he lies to her about it.

did you miss even a single thread since that episode aired?

i seriously hope the retarded plot change is only in anime version and the remake is actually have coherent writing

> in timelines where Takuya doesn't pick her, she moves on to other men.
Never mentioned in the game at all.Where do you get this?

Actually he never really make the dot, because he wouldnt know that amanda falls to earth 50 years past

so he fuked KUNKUN ????


So from last episode. You just had to plunge a metal rod into the lighting tower to destroy it? That seems like a major flaw, how could they not predict something like that would happen?

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Remake is completely the same.

Actually since we're on the topic of remakes is anyone interested in the remake for famicom detective club 1 & 2? It's being done by Mages as well. The art for part 1 wasn't particularly good, and the art for part two while nice wasnt particularly amazing either so I dont have much problem with it.

Well you could play the old and remake on two separates screens and use the original as translation actually, at this point it really surprises me how they didn't make the port sooner.

The original was fan translated.

I haven't paid attention to the whole series or was this the first episode that used 3D models?

The reflector device has been 3D for some shots in past episodes. Can't remember if anything else has though.

Question for those who have read the VN, did Yu-no ever interact with Mio in the VN or is this just something that the manga pulled out of its ass?

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The only people yuno ever meets from takuya's world is eriko and ryuuji (fake). Though, the latter is more of a bad guy showing up last minute to fuck everything up rather than a meeting.

The latter, although there is the bonus scene unlocked after 100% completion where the characters all appear and congratulate you.

There is a manga?

Two mangas, one made a couple years ago and adapts only the prologue and Ayumi's route, the other is from the late 1990s and tells the game's story in heavily abridged form. Neither has been translated.

Is the 90s manga uploaded anywhere?

Yes: nyaa.si/view/444490

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Why did they brainwash her into an elite warrior if they are just going to kill her?

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Is Eriko going to help Takuya at all or just showed up to tell him shit?

maybe if those idiots sells enough they will milk this cow just enough to give us a proper manga

also about translation: where is the Digital of this? we need something better than cheap scans to translate

My cocks demands it

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>maybe if those idiots sells enough
Too late for that sadly

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According to, she should make another appearance at least

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So she would gladly kill herself later

Doubt it. I think they wanted to sell 1000 BDs for the OVA, but that's not happening. Still getting the OVA anyways though.

What will the ova be about though?

What's this about an OVA?

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I remember people talking about it a few months back. I think it's a bonus in one of the BD sets that will be released in the future. No idea what it's about though.
Can't find the article that was talking about it, but it's listed on >mal so it will exist.

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That's good to hear, hopefully it'll be something good

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Does he fuck his daughter from the future?

I'm not sure, maybe?

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I want more Eriko, so I'd be okay with this

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Yes. Several times.
Or at least once.

If he fucks Yu-No I'll forgive every stupid change in this adaptation. They wont do it though no balls

So who was the elf girl from episode 1?

Is it a good adaption? (faithful, largely complete) Deciding if I'll binge the series after it finishes or finally read it.

>Is it a good adaption?
No. It compresses and streamlines the story to fit 26 episodes and even slightly changes the story at times. It will be a complete adaption though.

Thanks, read it I shall.

As a current anime-only I am looking forward to seeing what they changed from the VN.

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people actually watch this drivel??

They look exactly the same.

I miss Kunkun.

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That was the trashiest part of the anime and VN. Fucking waste of a character.

Shut up

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was the anime considered sci-fi par with steins gate?

Did they really needed to eat her all? I mean, a leg would had been enough to feed all 3 of them and then just walk to it off, jesus.

That was yu-no, she even was saying something in 3th person to papa in ep1

Doubt they will go down that road, they might simply have them kissing and pass it out as "thats the only form of expression of love she has learnt from her parents" , and that even in ep1 it was just her way to say "i love you the most" yet still lacking of common knowledge of sexual matters.

They might actually push it like island did in ep10 and have an actual sex scene and cover it with muh lack of taboo; or muh genetical perfection and lack of incest drawbacks , or even "thats not just yu-no , thats also sayless" but that would only make this anime KINO!

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Still doesn't beat Lucy's full name.

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Your eyes are made of the same doggie poo as the new eyes are made of.