Is Yea Forums ready for Magia Record?

Is Yea Forums ready for Magia Record?

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Im ready

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>No OG girls
>No true Magius plot
>No Holy Mami
>No walpurgis happy ending
>Kuro doesnt waifu Homura
>Kuro gets shoved as a main character for no reason.

>we will never get the true PMMM continuation (fuck everyone who says otherwise. Rebellion is NOT an ending!)

Can someone tell me why is this shit called 'Magia record' when its clearly not?. This doesnt even qualify as an adaptation.

t. Didn’t understand Rebellion

>the girls lose their memories
>Homura becomes crazy, and even she admits this wasnt the result she wanted.
>the world is all upside down with witches and wraiths living with humans
>Madoka is being kept captive like your crush being shoved into the basement

Sorry, but what in the billion fucks is there to understand? As i always said, say what you will about End of Evangelion, but, reboot movies aside, it did gave us THE END OF EVANGELION.

You say this stupid shit every thread, retard.

There’s actually a ton to understand. So much so that it’s almost impossible to sit here and explain it all to you.

Is that girl in the OP considered to be a fucking total and compete babe or am I just blind and stupid?

Should I continue the gacha if I want to enjoy this show or not?

You can’t stop playing it even if you wanted.

Nobody could.

The new trailer looks good and everybody seems to be underestimating this anime. I feel like it could end up being the best anime of the year. I don’t think SHAFT would mess around with an anime like this and make it not good.

It’s like the opposite of evergarden which was overhyped from the beginning and turned out boring.

The threads are going to be fucking fabulous regardless.

If you ignore the Yea Forums crossboarders being there every time, sperging about the gacha.
FGO and Azur Lane should teach us what to expect next year with Magia Record.

Did they mention they were going anime original and skipping everything from the game?

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>No Kajiura soundtrack
Nope. Big fuckup there already.

That’s not the only good music in the world.

as ready as anyone can be for incoming rape

Yes, I look forward to seeing what an awful trainwreck it'll be.

Didn't give a fuck about side projects before, don't care now that they're finally animating one. Especially if it's some garbage mobakuse gachafest.

>magia flop

I am unbelievably fucking hyped.

I am too. I think SHAFT is underplaying it on purpose.

I’m going to laugh when everybody is blown away by how “surprisingly” good it ends up being.

Can SHAFT even make a bad anime?

I tried playing the game but the I got bored way too quickly. I want to violate Iroha though.

Yeah that one with the Hatsune Miku lookalike.

A lot of people just don’t find those kind of games entertaining. I don’t like them either. I just like the cutscenes.

To be honest bros I'm playing it for her

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shitty stupid fanservice anime
just give me a rebellion sequel

As long as tripfriends join Madoka threads!

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I wonder if you cancer cells can even survive when there's new content to make threads about.

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I’m a Virgo, tho.

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If you're playing EN then be aware they might not get the Nanoha collab because of licensing costs.

>no proof of any of this shit

If you listen to current gen anime fans the only good anime music is literally Kajiura or Sawano who are a big reason Aniplex shit is as popular as it is nowadays. It's a big fucking deal for them.

More like the issue is the Madoka soundtrack vastly helped that show and the movie. It just won't be the same, nothing about being a fan or not.

Soulless cashgrab with bland waifu bait characters. They should never touch Madoka again.

Will it be good?


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utterly based

I was once a glorified magia record. That is until I realized that I’d use my wish to pay off student loans.

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You don’t remember prime Madoka threads.

Halloween Madoka!

>looks like Homu
I can tell she's best girl.

She’s supposedly older than most girls who contract.

I think a lot of people like Homura because she’s 26 so another older girl in the anime will be welcome.

This is a 26 year old female.

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god i wish she would rape me with her filthy young virgin body

Imagine undoing her shirt while she looks at you like that.

Whore like body

More like fucking shit.


what is that and why do I want to lick it

>Supposed to be a really experienced magical girl.
>Only a two star.
>Fucking Sayaka is stronger than her.
I know that in Gacha stars does not equal power, but this still bugs me.

sayaka balls so much harder though


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H-How old is this girl again?

old enough

Base stars equal rarity, not power. Right now, Yachiyo and Tsuruno can become 5*, with the full package, doppel included.

>the current /vg/ thread


Mami is a pedophile!

Why yes, I am ready for Mifuyu to be crowned the Worst Girl of 2020

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I wanna fuck Touka!


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Get on the bus loser, it's time for suffering!

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She is 19, but she contracted at 12. She's been a Magical Girl for 7 years and is extremely strong.
At 5* she's currently one of the best megucas in the game.

I hope we will get to see Madoka's second canon lesbian in at least a cameo!

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But Ayane told me she fucks a lonely OL every night

>No OG girls
>No true Magius plot
>No Holy Mami
>No walpurgis happy ending
>Kuro doesnt waifu Homura
>Kuro gets shoved as a main character for no reason.

These are all good things tho

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Fuck you
Holy mami is great

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