Crazy Survival Manga Thread

You know them, there are a lot of them. Jinmen, Terra Formars, As The Gods Will, Gantz, Dolly Kill Kill, Attack On Cock, Hakaijuu, Magical Girl Apocalypse, and so on. Premises that are absolutely insane and involve ridiculous amounts of carnage and contrived drama, death, and tension. As trashy as it is, it is my crack and I love it. I'm currently reading Tokyo Dragon as it updates, which is fun but you know how it is with ongoing manga. What are you currently reading?

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Tenkuu Shinpan and Greenz World.I don't know why but ai really enjoy this shit.

They're basically the b-list action movies of manga. Fun but not you know high art. Sometimes I want to watch Citizen Kane. Sometimes I want to watch Sharkansas Women's Prison Massacre.

These are legit my favorite guilty pleasures for manga. Looking for more myself. If im remembering correctly wouldn't the old manga/movei King of Thorn be in this genre too?

Oh yeah I liked that. I'd say it counts. Baller OST though, imo.

I guess I'll list some: Ingoshima, Cage of Eden, Darwins Game

I really enjoy this genre but I find that most of these either have really shitty endings or shifts focus away from survival as the series go on

Cage of Eden was terrible
I love it

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Gofun Go no Sekai.
it was pretty good, but it got axed next week.

I fucking love these mangas. I wish we would get more of these. The detailed gore, cheesy love story, predicted brutal deaths and so on.

Survival manga are shit, you should move on from that and turn the plot into something of deeper and interesting like SnK did

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I read that too you silly bitch. Sometimes I just like watching a bunch of people die to cool monsters. Fuck depth.

Really hate the forced angst drama commonly found on survival mangas.
There's only a handful of them left, and the edgy angry teen picks a fight with everyone because of truly bullshit reasons that any sane person would set aside given their situation.
And the nonsensical decisions are just too dumb. One guy would want to go back and 1v100 the savage locals because they killed his friend? The fuck?

You're going about this all wrong. The plot serves as nothing more than a vehicle to show cool fights and cool monsters. Just read it for those. If you can appreciate those things you will enjoy it. If you can't these probably aren't for you. It's like Michael Bay movies. Do people watch that shit for a well-written plot? Fuck no! They watch them for the explosions!

alice in borderland is my favourite

it was really entertainingly stupid
too bad the ending really sucked

I started Tenkuu Shinpan bit dropped it after the Chapter 3 or 4 I think when the FeMC wouldn't shut the fuck up about muh oniiiiii-chan. Knew right then and there it was gonna turn into an imouto incest bait story.
Tangentially I have a question regarding Tachiyomi and MangaDex for Android: am I the only one who can't use the search function for MangaDex specifically? My other 3 sources work just fine.

I wish I dropped it as early. That had a lot of flaws. The power creep was ridiculous. Someone introduced as OP would be easily surpassed in 10 chapters, until it's their time to get a boost themselves.

I'm reading Battle Royale. Its a fun series

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I really like these kinds of stories. The world nobody knows anything about, the monsters, the design and the gore.
Sadly, most of them turn into shit after a few chapters, especially if the main characters turn into a monster-human hybrid. They can barely hold the suspense without going drop the whole point of being cautions and trying to survive, instead they overpower everything.

any series like Gantz where the people in it actually have some fighting power instead of just walking fodder for the monster?

I'm not sure what counts as 'crazy survival manga'. Suicide Island? Parasyte?

reminder that these niggas was boolin on mars n shiet

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imagine having 1000 pointy teeth UNDER your heavy ass tongue all the time.

Have anyone read Bio-Meat? I don't know if that manga fall in the crazy survival manga category, but I enjoyed it.

Did anything ever top Gantz in that genre?
I remember reading the entire manga in a few days. Katastrophe was such a huge clusterfuck but man it was one of the most fun manga I’ve ever read.

Apocalypse no Toride had some pretty creative infected. I actually hope this gets an anime movie or something

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It was great and made me hate burgers even more.

Pretty sure it does

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Alice in Borderland is one of the few that isn't pure schlock and tries to have a plot without relying on gorn and shock value. A good cast of characters and an author that wasn't afraid to not force the MC to be in everything. I appreciate it for being what it is, shame about that sequel series though that was utter garbage.

Bio-meat feels like an 80s OAV but from the 00's. Retarded foreigners and narcissistic nationalists all continually causing one worse disaster after another because of petty capitalism. I love it, especially because for once they don't juice the entire main cast and instead everyone makes it out alive. Some people don't like that aspect but I found it refreshing that competency was in their vocabulary.

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Darwin's Game is pretty much what Gantz should've been. I've enjoyed all of its arcs from the beginning's battle royales to the current interdimensional survival/warfare plotlines. The powers each character are pretty standard for related genres but the battles are pretty well written. Plus the MC's a likeable competent guy and has an ever growing fanservice loli harem.

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>Tenkuu Shinpan
I read it cause the art's nice, but yeah I understand the gripes.

My general problem with those manga is that the endings are usually incredibly shit, even more so than any other manga.

I think cradle of monsters was the only ending where I wasn't angry at it.

either everything is just pointless, the justification of the monsters are given at all/and are completely retarded, or the plot goes off the weird ass rails in the middle where the premise doesn't even fucking matter by the end.

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>Bio Meat.
My brothers. Hugely underrated survival manga.

>Some people don't like that aspect but I found it refreshing
One of my favorite parts of Bio Meat was the whole aspect of getting through a worsening threat over a large part of the characters' lives. Granted, that also implied most of them would survive, but I really enjoyed it regardless

You made a good choice to drop it instead of suffering through the entire 260 chapters of pointlessness. Only good for the occasional fap.

>tfw love Alice in Borderland, but Asou Haro will always be "the Hyde and Closer" guy in your heart.
It's a complex feeling.

So laughably bad.

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wait, they are the same people?
how does one man's art change that much?


This part was terribly stupid. They had to kill him for what reason? Shock value?

yes? the whole point of these series is about people just up and dying.

But that stopped a long time ago. They even had a counter at one point. The only ones that ended up dead are the no-name ones.

The reality of a lot of these stories is that they thrive on having incredibly dumb characters walking into obvious deaths with a handful of intelligent people dying anyways for various reasons. And if there is someone who can solve a problem or more safely navigate trouble people actively work against them for the most petty reasons.

It's mostly exploitative fiction; people tune in for sex, violence, and gore and it's easy to just keep escalating things to infinity and beyond.

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I imagine the Awaken My Masters song but with djembes and some other African songs whenever I see buff roaches

but that's not my complaint at all.
You didn't read anything I wrote.
I've never been mad about dumb people being dumb. That's just natural, especially under duress. I'm one of the few people who weren't mad about the scientist running directly away from the rolling wheel in Prometheus.

My problem is with shit endings.