ITT: Misguided Anime tropes

>portraying Christian heroes like Amakusa Shiro or Christians in general as bad guys

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Other urls found in this thread: December 1g_snd.pdf

can't wait for fedora tippers and sandniggers spewing venom

>Religious take over of any kind not being a bad thing for any country current government and tradition
Well tipped

I dont want this thread to devolve into that. I just ended playing Samurai Shodown and remembered that Amakusa Shiro is portrayed in Anime, heck most of Japanese media as a bad guy. When if you read what actually happened he was a tragic hero. His people rebelled against an oppressive government and due to a betrayal 40k of his people were genocided.

Christians were oppressed by the Shogunate. Amakusa was leading a rebellion in order to fight for his people freedom.

Wasn't it mostly a consequence of trade with the Portuguese rather than the result of an inquisition or some other actual take-over?

I think it's mostly because if Amakusa Shiro is depicted as anything but the bad guy, the Japanese would have to acknowledge they were wrong. They can't even do that for WW2, so why would they for someone most Japanese non-Christians don't care about and most non-Japanese Christians don't know about?

>I think it's mostly because if Amakusa Shiro is depicted as anything but the bad guy, the Japanese would have to acknowledge they were wrong. They can't even do that for WW2, so why would they for someone most Japanese non-Christians don't care about and most non-Japanese Christians don't know about?

That's the sad part isnt it? The thing is a quick research shows he was a martyr and is kinda sad his name is tarnished so much. I mean the man is probably in heaven but still.

And you don't see the problem with regional warlods who converted to christianity holding their religion as more importan than the shogunate, from the government point of view?
I'm not making an argument about what's better, I'm remarking it's naive not to expect christianity being represented like that here.
Besides christianity weren't completely shunned on principle up until the Tokugawa shogunate. Off the top of my head Nobunaga didn't give a shit as long as they didn't start shit and regional warlords such as Masamune Date only persecuted them when the shogunate ordered to do so.

Bro the Shimabara Rebellion happened during the Tokugawa Regime and the cause was the sharp raise in taxes and the extreme persecution of Christians.

More like whether or not they were allowed to evangelize depended on who was in power. The nips around Kyushu were the only ones who really took it seriously, for most Japs it was pretty much just a passing fad. They might convert and then when the new leader of the country decided it was forbidden they'd revert back to Shintoism with no qualms.

Blame Makai Tensho. Most nips did not give a shit about him and he only really became popular in the 20th century when foreign tourism increased and Shimabara became somewhat of an attraction. Fate/Apocrypha having one of the few sympathetic and nuanced portrayals of him is hilarious.


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Jokes aside though. This, I was honestly expecting him to go full villain in Apocrypha at some point but he maintains a peaceful, if misguided stance that's actually pretty understandable and makes sense to his history.

>it's okay for me to praise christianity out of nowhere, but bad for people to speak negative as a response
Christcucks must be the biggest snowflakes on Yea Forums(nel).


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Not same guy, but peaceful worship isn't something to be condemned, user. However, mocking and berating someone's faith unprovoked on the other hand even if it is one you do not agree with is not as acceptable.
Put simply: minding your own business - okay. Unnecessarily being an asshole - not okay. Simple, yes?

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For most, maybe, but that's true of any religion, Most people will just go with whatever's easiest for them to practice. But Christianity in Japan did go underground and was practiced in strict secrecy for over two centuries until the state persecution ended. For those people it wasn't just something they tossed away when the going got tough.

It's easy to forget in the modern era and with the perception of history colored by conversion by the sword of colonialism, but Christianity, and other evangelical religions, have made significant gains purely off the back of a good market pitch. It's foolish to ignore that for a good many people, there was something honestly appealing about various Christian conceptions of the world and life and death.

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nice spooks nerds

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the weird synthesis of eastern and western mythologies within japanese fantasy media is always a little perplexing and alien at first glance.

I love it, it's pretty baller.

Nothing misguided about that. Pedo fucks

>Pedo fucks
they're jewish?

No. People deserve respect, not ideas. Here we engage in the discussion of ideas and it follows if don't vouch what you love or despise you're pathetic.

I always thought this dude reminded me of someone but couldn't put my finger on it.

Are the Japanese the biggest Fedora Tippers?

Based and blessed

they are most cultist people i ever see


>follower of sandnigger religion bashing sandniggers

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Did you even read that post? Did you even read the OP?


that's not completely true, the foundations of christianity party derive from greco-roman philosophy and some likely influence from zoroastrianism.

Well a christian nation did humbled them in the world war

I've seen more positive depictions of amakusa shiro than negative ones

That’s completely wrong you fucking retard. Christianity started in Ethiopia.

>christian nation
Your founders say otherwise silly redneck



America was a secular country.

>God is dead and we have killed him
Friederich Nietzsche

>misguided tropes
Japs are based for doing this, and you should be ashamed of shilling Jeezus

Sure sure.

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How many times does this shit have to be debunked?

1. The Treaty of Tripoli has no constitutional force
2. The Treaty of Tripoli simply underlined what the second amendment already proved: that the laws, government and constitution of the US do not deprive their legitimacy from the Christian faith in any way (this was in part due to the Barbary Pirates' distaste for bandying with Christian governments, given that their own government was expressly Islamic)
3. The case United States v. Church of the Holy Trinity (which DOES have constitutional force) explicitly states that the United States is indeed a Christian nation. Not a nation with a Christian government, but a Christian nation. The state and the nation are two different things, one is secular and the other Christian.
4. The Founders themselves were even in complete disagreement about the role of Christianity in American society, from Jeffersons "lighthouses are more useful than churches" to Adams' "our constitution was written for a moral and religious people, it could not work for any other people".

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even despite the faults the moral underpinnings of christianity are a damn sight better than a couple other notable religions

>thinks stock image is proof

America bows to the Pope who is literally the Devil do you are wrong.

I was reading that Nagasaki was the largest christian area of Japan prior to Big boi being zeroed in on the important was it as an industrial site?

>Phonecian mediterraneans are "sandniggers"
you fucking arabist IMBECILE

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does he accept intelligence variation yet? or is he still making an ass of himself pushing his synthetic statistical noise fallacy


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I read that Icelanders can trace their lineage back along the mitochondrial and y chromosomes to only 5 distinct male viking Y groups and 4 Irish mitochondria groups
It doesn't necessarily mean that there were only 5 guys and 4 women but that those are likely from a limited number of groups

He's considered a villain in Japanese culture because the waitu piggus tried to convert them out of their native religion.

That's actually true. What few Christians existed in Japan lived in cities their fellow Christians nuked. What a based religion

>and was practiced in strict secrecy
I'm looking forward to reading a VN that, for some reason, contains some really obscure crypto-Christian lingo that was used back then. For example, benbou=purgatory, Jusuheru=Lucifer.

I don't think religion had much to do with it, europe tore itself apart with two massive wars with little heed to religion.

there's a timewatch video on youtube about the dark ages that talks about the hidden artwork of early christians in Rome

The point is Christianity is fake and gay and the positives are cultural, not religious. Being Christian didn't stop Christians from nuking Christians.

>invasive ideas
>not being bad

I don't understand why its misguided. Amakusa Christians were the bad guys in Japanese history. You have bunch of foreign Catholics brainwashing local Japanese warlords into rebelling against the ruling government and subverting the state. Tokugawa rightfully destroyed them for betraying their country.

And being atheist didn't stop atheists from murdering atheists either.

*Tip fedora

So you're suggesting Abrahamic religions have no value above the baseline. Wow, you're learning.

And you are admitting that they are no worse than lack of religion. See how both of us are developing?

The jews are their masters.

he's talking about the Coptics.

>>portraying Christian heroes like Amakusa Shiro or Christians in general as bad guys
That's kind of returning the favor.

At least atheists don't try to justify themselves by hiding behind their imaginary friends.

I've never heard anyone saying "God wills it" and after blowing up a city though.

Sure user, have you done your summer homework?

I'm 24

The actions of governments never have anything to do with religion, morality, or anything like that. It's all about cold profit and opportunity.
You'd have to be a child to think otherwise, but then again, fedoratippers are children.

You're 24 and still in high school?
What are you doing with your life?

Dude, it's almost midway through September. If somebody HASN'T done it by now, they're in deep shit.

>It's all about cold profit and opportunity.
So exactly like religions then, really makes me think.

Wew user, conceding two times in a row. Teach me your bantz.

they can call it a necessary sacrifice.

>religions have nothing to do with morality or principles
I'm slightly stunned by how monumentally moronic this reply is. You really are a child.

The only one conceding here is you, I get that it's embarassing being still in high school at your age, but you should man up and get a grip on your life.

Again the missed age "argument"? Oh user, you are so hopeless.

fpbp. You called it

>Morality and principles
Ah yes, nothing more moral than slaughtering, deceiving and tormenting your fellow men because your copyrighted sky daddy told you so.

Don't confuse organised religion for the masses with personal quest for enlightenment

The latter isn't necessarily better either.

>I dont want this thread to devolve into that
Then you shouldn't extend your one guy to all christians.


Catholics don't count as real christians

The Japanese were fully justified in genociding christians, who have shown themselves to be the destroyer of nations. Had they not been stopped, they would have done to Japan what they did to China during the Taiping rebellion

Does Japanese media bring up Japanese Jesus? The story where Jesus snuck off to Japan and his brother was on the cross in his stead?

The Chinese destroy themselves daily.

They wage wars about how to address/call the Allmighty.

So do christians, that’s the essence of abrahamic death cults: destruction.

Aw, you're cute.

My point was to point out that they are separate. One doesn't need to be atheist to disagree with the state of religious affairs today and vice versa

Roman empire would probably be a better example than China.

>change the name to Misguided Tropes in General
>thinking bible thumpers are heroes


generally they say "our god is the greatest"


>muh trannies
Based schizo retard


Not even trying anymore

>It's all about cold profit and opportunity.

Ironically only edgelords say crap like this. You must have never studied law to believe this.

Maybe they shouldn't have fed Christians to lions. Just sayin'


christianity has this concept of immortal sin and that everyone is born a sinner and the only way to get to heaven is to do good works or face eternal damnation, this tends to create some sort of motivation to better society at large.
basically its a stance of do things to make people happy or this all powerful guy will beat you with a big stick so you're intimidating people to be better to each other but without the guy being mortal and bribeable

Glad you're conceding.

Then it became the state religion, and

Actually that was mostly the jewish opium monopoly.

They probably should have in even greater numbers. The second christians got in power they did worse to pagans and eventually destroyed the empire.

Protestants don’t even believe in good works lmao

user is talking about the norm, not the few exeptions.

>the only way to get to heaven is to do good works or face eternal damnation
The original sin theory is hogwash that doesn't even work that way, and doing good work alone won't get you to heaven, not even for protestants.
>this tends to create some sort of motivation to better society at large
Yeah, I sure saw how that worked out in over two millennia.
>so you're intimidating people to be better to each other but without the guy being mortal and bribeable
I guess that's why selling indulgences and the other numerous historical examples of catholic bribes, if not straight out ransoms, let alone systematic political destabilization in numerous regions, tax evasion, organized human trafficking etc. are a thing.

And that's why Protestants are heretics that will burn in hell.

Daily reminder it has been empirically proven religiosity stifles scientific innovation. December 1g_snd.pdf

Daily reminder the overwhelming majority of leading scientists are atheist

Daily reminder religious people are less intelligent according to dozens of studies.

Daily reminder religious people are less educated

Religious people are literally a lesser breed of human

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What can I say? Payback's a bitch and her stripper name is Karma

Pretty funny.

more like the truth.

Christianity's basically Friday the 13th of religions. drags on too long, too many contradictory portrayals, and is iconic to those who never actually ran through the entire thing.

Based retard

Explain to me how much you could do in your daily life without the legacy of christian europeans and the technological developments that were fostered and developed by their culture and beliefs?

Why are atheists so easy to troll? 10 years ago triggering Christians was the bread and butter but at some point, the trend reversed and now fedora tippers are the ones sperging out the funniest.

Not all religions are equal.
Zoroastrianism has some interesting tenets.

Because now atheists are living in a Godless world and have nothing to blame for everything that goes wrong. And the best part is they did it to themselves.

>worshipping a pokemon
>not even the one that is technically the GOD of pokemon

>technological developments that were fostered and developed by their culture and beliefs?
Which ones exactly?
The same developments that were "fostered" by the inquisition, such as what happened to Galileo and the likes?
Or are you talking about the systematic censorship and burning of all those icky books that were too uncomfortable for the christian doctrine, let alone the convenient self censorship and rewriting of the bible?

Memes: the post.

you seem to be very misinformed

>winged horse that flys you to heaven

He's talking about pic related one.

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Hi. Don't mind me.

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Can't make this shit up.

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>Not portraying a human conflict with a sense of tragedy because neither side is particularly bad just convinced of their own righteousness

>This blogpost by a literal who proves me right because he's a self proclaimed atheist

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I'm an atheist/deist but you're just an idiot who hasn't looked at the actual facts


What actual facts?

Amakusa Slave trade tokisada

So, every self-proclaimed atheist is wrong?
Good to know. I accept your concession.

Reminder that Japan's greatest shogun was Christian. Damn, how will weebs ever recover?

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>More non sequitur
For somebody who boasts about christianity's achievements in shaping culture and preserving ancient knowledge you sure don't use any of that stuff, oh well, you are a buttmad christfag so that's to be expected.

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He was a slaver?

the christian enlightenment shaped the very development of the last 400 years

For a self-proclaimed atheist you sure are wrong. But you already admitted to that, so I guess we're just going around in circles now.

Oh how sad you are.

Religion in modern practice is simply unfeasible due to cultural and social evolution. Dogmas and stigmas can only be upheld when information is withheld - which is becoming increasingly difficult. Therefore it would be foolish to follow or preach what is essentially a cult of personality based on brainwashing and restriction of freedom.

That being said, fine christian art and culture, such as byzantine, and the culture / practices of the crusaders and Spanish inquisition are peak aesthetic. Therefore our lad Amakusa Shiro is absolutely based.

Fuck fate fags.

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Where exactly have I said I'm an atheist?
Now you're also imagining things on this board outside of imagining things in history.

Not even surprised tbhwymb (to be honest with you my brother). Christian churches in general, and especially the Catholic Church since Vatican II, have abandoned the old "fides et ratio" approach and instead went for a more woo, cuddly-wuddly nice feelings approach. Most mainstream churches have nothing left to offer in current year, especially not to people who aren't sensitive to an emotion based approach.

Reminds me of something Bishop Barron noted in one of his videos, in that he was never formally instructed in apologetics when he was in seminar because it was deemed "anti-atheist", "anti-islamic" and "anti-protestant". In other words, it wasn't "nice" to defend your beliefs. If that's the attitude the church is taking, I don't blame anyone who walks away from that. They aren't the victims of an unfair stereotype of being depicted as naive fools, they are themselves living up to (and perhaps even creating) the stereotype.

Then there's also the fact that ironically enough intelligent people are also the most likely to embrace stupid ideas. People with better critical thinking skills actually tend to embrace such ideas as climate change denial, fear of nuclear energy and anti-vax.
More intelligent doesn't always mean "more right".

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>I was just pretending to be retarded! Honest!

>Non sequitur again
Guess it's all you can do at this point, fabricating things, just like you love your fabricated propaganda.
I'm still waiting for you to redirect me to one of my posts where I said I'm an atheist.

This belongs on /pol/.

Most people don't deny climate change rather the extend man has on it and the fact it is a Jewish motivated plot to destabilise the west

Dude, just stop. You're embarrassing yourself at this point.

When in your country Christianity = product of Portoguese manipulators trying to set the ground for future colonization by selling you a whitewashed version of their specific Christian subgroup, it obviously takes a bit of a negative bent.

Double that with the inherent secularism/sincretism of Japanese attitude towards religion and you're bound to get that kind of portrayal. Religion in Japan has almost always been top-down matter, a tool used by the ruling families to solidify their rule and secure assets (i.e. More guns from Europeans in the Sengoku Jidai by converting). Christianity in Japan was never a popular movement from the lower classes, as it was in the Roman Empire; the two things are incomparable.

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>"Science was great under Christianity!"
>literally forgot how to make glass and concrete

Don't listen to him and post more. I want you to deliver more lolcontent.

Except atheists haven't waged wars to convert people to atheism.

How do you wake up and look at yourself in the mirror when you lie to yourself this much, especially on things this frivolous?
I don't think God would be happy with that either.

Who are commies? Who are Jacobins?

It's easy. I'm not (You)

>Christianity in Japan was never a popular movement from the lower classes
But it wasn't a movement from the lower classes in the roman empire either, christianity (like all religions) only started to get a real foothold once christian emperors imposed it.
The "revolution coming from below" thing is largely a romantic myth, and this isn't something strictly unique to religion either, it goes from religions to philosophy or economic theories, even the french revolution was largely fueled by a handful of strong figureheads, it wasn't the kind of fortuitous and symbolical human resonance many school books would like kids to believe, same goes for more recent events in the modern era, from the unification of Italy to Cuba.

Based national anthem of the USA

>Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation!
>Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
>And this be our motto: 'In God is our trust.'
>And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
>O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave![47]

True, but my point is it's the roots of a movement that define its character. Christianity is undeniably born from the masses. Sure, it only really gains any foothold once it is adopted by the Roman elite, and the newly-converted Germanics definitely don't do so for its egalitarian views or its martyrs, but that popular origin remains undeniably an integral part of Christianity in the West. If not in actual practice, then in its "mythos".

All the major Japanese religions and sects focus mainly on their hierarchical nature, whenever they aren't being quickly adopted due to politics with foreign powers. While you are correct in saying "the popularism of Christianity is overstated", keep in mind it is almost non-existent in the major Japanese religions, including Japanese Christianity.

>it wasn't the kind of fortuitous and symbolical human resonance many school books would like kids to believe
I'd argue the "Great Men" approach is still far more popular with the average person, for better or worse, than the Marxist "economically bound to happen" approach.

It was still influential enough among the people for it to survive several brutal persecutions. If it was just another minor cult it would have been squashed fairly easy. But it spread throughout the empire and did so even when Christians were fed to the lions. Maybe it was the sheer fanaticism/piety (depends on who you ask) on display, Christians literally went to their own executions smiling. In a more superstitious age that would probably have been a pretty inspiring sight. Any brutality on the part of Christianity only became a thing once it became a part of the state apparatus. Then Christian fanatics that had long been downtrodden and persecuted by pagans, took their revenge. Many Christian "heresies" knew that Christianity had changed once it went from being a completely grassroots religion to a state sanctioned one. Christianity was ok in its early days but as soon as it became part of a bureacracy it was corrupted by politics.
In other words, Quakers have it right.

Well, he's portrayed as being more misguided than evil in Fate/Apocrypha.

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But Jannu is a good girl.

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It's in JoJo

>Who are commies?
Marxists who tried to spread Marxism

> Who are Jacobins?
Extremist left-wing French anti-monarchists

I bet you think the Spanish Revolution was about religion, too, rather than opposing systems of governance.

>Jesus' brother
Typical Japanese, with their hard-on for sibling relationships.

It's honestly funny how much they sanitized her for Apocrypha. A short brown-haired brown-eyed French nationalist religious fanatic becomes a tall blonde blue-eyed neutral humanist who mentions "kami" maybe twice in 25 episodes.

>>Who are commies?
>Marxists who tried to spread Marxism
Who also terrorised any nonatheists and fought against the church.

>> Who are Jacobins?
>Extremist left-wing French anti-monarchists
Who also stood against anything which was even remotely associated with the church.

>I bet you think the Spanish Revolution was about religion, too
And I bet you are a manlet. Why? Because why not, you made retarded assumptions about me too.

>Portraying Jewstianity as anything other than the filthy virus created by the chosenites that it actually is

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They're fine lads

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MacArthur was a dumbass that could literally end mankind with a nuclear war if Eisenhower didn't stop him. Also he didn't change shit on Japan because he thought they were just subhuman apes that could become into another third world puppet state like any banana republic without realizing they already experienced an industrial revolution, which allowed Japan to profit from the Korean war (the real reason for the Japanese miracle).

You are delusional if you don´t think commies were murderous atheists who killed and tortured in order to spread their atheism

>Christians enslave Nips
>"Why do Nips portray us as evil?"
Toyotomi Hideyoshi do it again

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>commies were murderous atheists who killed and tortured in order to spread their atheism
LMAO, commies weren't the ones who went on literal witch hunts, even the most die hard fedora tipper anarchists didn't kill anyone in the name of atheism.

Cope more
Commies commited atrocities of all kind in the name of their fedora tipping

>Still living in the red terror propaganda in the year of our lord 2019

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They didn't kill to spread atheism it was because churches were too independent.

You're taking this way too seriously.

>Random appeal to nationalism

Based and Christpilled. Fuck sandniggers, fedora tippers and especially nordcucks.

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Sure they did not. Also you are not stupid.
It was more of me making fun of that user. Nationalism is ok but people can go autistic about it, but that goes for most good things I guess

He was plowing delicious Assyrian ass every night and the plot had to do really go out of its way to frame him as a villain

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I just see some kid fighting and killing everyone on his behalf? Reminds me of how Okita is generally depicted alongside Hijikata.

>Character's names pertain to their appearance or abilities
It stops being cute at some point

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Perfidious and blood/goldthirsty Spaniards were massing their fleets and armies at Manila ready to conquer Japan with help of their christian minions

I remember hearing a Spanish history podcast on the evangilization of Japan. There was a point in the podcast where the researcher/historian was referencing a dialogue an interpreter/diplomat had with Toyotomi Hideyoshi where Hideyoshi asked how it was that such a small kingdom (Spain) controlled so much of the world. The interpreter boldly stated that the Spanish strategy was to bring priests into the new territory and convert the masses. This would cause social instability and weaken the enemy before conquest. Basically, the interpreter liked to talk and told the Japs their entire strategy and Hideyoshi realized the threat.

Not sure how much of that is accurate but it be funny if the only reason Japan isn't fully Catholic/Christian was due to some loose lipped idiot.

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tfw there will never be a catholic Japan

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And it's a good thing!

fuck off heretic, if you guys dont want to be a part our church then fine but dont pretend that we arent the founding branch of Christianity and that all of your shit comes from stuff we wrote/edited centuries ago

Wasn't it the Portoguese who had the Japanese colonial ambitions?

>it be funny if the only reason Japan isn't fully Catholic/Christian was due to some loose lipped idiot
Look up the San Felipe incident. Portugese cargo ship got shipwrecked and the pilot who thought Japs were stealing the goods got angry and blabbed about how religious missionaries were just a vanguard for a full invasion and such.


>Major overreaction by local Captain changes Japanese history forever.
Sure, it might be a farfetched story, but it's these little things I love most about history.

This is complete horseshit. Anyone who has taken college philosophy course, knows that if it wasn't for the Church there would have been no advancements. The "Dark Age" is a meme spun by kikes and atheist. There was no 'dark' it was just an age, there was progress made in many fields. Priests where the scientists in those times, since they were some of the only literate people. The Renaissance is a biproduct of wealthy nobles who enriched themselves by having the church lift the ban on usury, as well as the lucrative trade produced from the silk road. Rich nobles and the Church both funded the Renaissance.

You're all slaves to jews now so who really cares? Until jews are written out of divinity and shunned by the church you're both fucked and meaningless.

Cringe thread, arguing politics and religion is for retards.


>Christians enslave Nips
Things that never happened.

how are they a part of divinity?

Thank god that jap smart enough to see the kikery trick behind it and eradicate it before spread.

Spain sent missionaries and the Spanish king wanted to be on friendly terms with Japan because they had the Philippines and were planning on mounting an invasion in mainland China. Didn't want to have to fight two people at once. There is also some famous Japanese diplomat that went around all over Europe and fucked a ton of bitches. There's a town in Spain where everyone's last name is Japon and are direct descendants of these Japanese emissaries.

Apparently it was a Spanish ship. Guy was an absolute retard lol.

>On 19 October 1596, the Spanish ship San Felipe was shipwrecked in Urado on the Japanese island of Shikoku en route from Manila to Acapulco. The local daimyō Chōsokabe Motochika seized the cargo of the richly laden Manila galleon, and the incident escalated all the way up to Toyotomi Hideyoshi, ruling taikō of Japan. The pilot of the ship incautiously suggested to Japanese authorities that it was Spanish modus operandi to have missionaries infiltrate a country before an eventual military conquest, as had been done in the Americas. This led to the crucifixion of 26 Christians in Nagasaki, the first lethal persecution of Christians by the state in Japan. The executed were later known as the Twenty-Six Martyrs of Japan.

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it's true though, what do you think they did in monastries, look at gregor mendel's legacy

Nor have atheists made charity work an essential aspect of their culture and beliefs.

this guy didn't help either

>There is also some famous Japanese diplomat that went around all over Europe and fucked a ton of bitches. There's a town in Spain where everyone's last name is Japon and are direct descendants of these Japanese emissaries.
This is a little more complicated though. Hasekura Tsunenaga, the Japanese embassor sent to Europe, was ordered to return inmediatly to Japan for the recent decision of sakoku (insolationism) but Hasekura himself and his men converted to Christianity during their long journey. Hasekura had to return as the leader of the expedition but basically he asked his men if they really wanted to return considering that most probably Christianity will be banned in a short time (it was). Some samurais chose to stay and start a new life in Spain and like they weren't any women in the expedition, they took Spaniard wives. They're closer to refugees than colonizers

don't try to argue with Godless heathens it seems like they're pretty set in their ways

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>Muh holier than thou
Surely you mean money laundering and syphoning.
And if you want to be picky, there's more non religious charities than there are religious ones too, and I mean actual charities.

>what do you think they did in monastries
Beer and lots of gay sex.

Look up the Portuguese slave trade in Japan.

what are hospitals? Poor houses/alms for the poor?

>Pagans invent ancient computers and steam engines
>b-but Christians reinvented the abacus

>more non religious charities than there are religious
Maybe secular, but not atheist. Also, don´t you know that million dollar charities and foundations and shit tend to be schemes for tax evasion and poilitcal lobby?
Btw, my local church collected 15 tons of food for charity over the last year and is doing the same this

Nothing christianity came up with, for starters.
Useful indoctrination centers.


Keep projecting.

It's not about inventing it's about placing such a heavy emphasis on doing those things in society and doesnt have to be a christian exclusive practice but we set up a shit ton of those places


>Christians in general as bad guys
Nothing misguided about this though.

>It's not about inventing it's about placing such a heavy monopoly on doing those things in society
Fixed that for you.

yes healing the sick and injured is bad, tip your fedora harder

No other institucion for a long time would be able to do anything similar. If it was a monopoly it was because there was nothing that could be similar

>It's not about inventing it's about placing such a heavy emphasis on doing those things in society
And what does that have to do with christianity?
>we set up a shit ton of those places
Of course you did, aggressive proselitism and propaganda is the best way to get that big, luckily nothing lasts forever.

>And what does that have to do with christianity?
They did it because they were motivited by christianity
>Of course you did, aggressive proselitism and propaganda is the best way to get that big, luckily nothing lasts forever.
You just implied that it had nothing to do with christianity. Are you cognitively dissonant?

>they were motivited by christianity
Just like how genociding entire cultures or systematically destabilizing governments was motivated by christianity, I presume.
>You just implied that it had nothing to do with christianity
Luckily for you, not even blind fanatism and greed are a prerogative of christianity, I understand it's a bit hard for you to digest though, let me assure you that no amount of "we wuz" is gonna change the fact that 90% of christianity throughout the ages preached a lot of things that were hardly, if ever put into practice.

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So anything good done has nothing to do with the thing you dislike, but all bad things were caused by it? Also, you seem to concede that it has to do more with human nature than anything, so why are you so salty about christianity?

>portraying Christian heroes like Amakusa Shiro or Christians in general as bad guys
Imagine worshiping an evil god and saying you're anything but the bad guys

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Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the most Christian cities in the country and that's why our jewish government bombed them.

Christian think of themselves like a savior of the world, just like the jews think themselves like a god chosen master race.

>So anything good done has nothing to do with the thing you dislike, but all bad things were caused by it?
Ah yes, hyperbole and passive aggressive victimism, the usual christian strategy.
>you seem to concede that it has to do more with human nature than anything
At least you get one thing right.
But really, this is the core of the matter here, which you fail to realize like most christians, you aren't different from the rest, that's the point.
Pretending your football team is somehow responsible for a shitload of things, most of which aren't tied to christianity or faith in general, while also conveniently trying to hide the massive load of shit and, barbaric, inhuman stuff you committed through millenia, let alone the ever persistent hypocrisy and systematic redaction of a supposedly monolitic faith and truth is what makes people like me very wary of your kind.
I know and am friend with good people who also happen to be christians, but I am not deluded enough to pretend christianity is some special quality, and I'm especially not as completely deluded to think christianity is any different from other religions, which are all extremely questionable.


lol. Do you even know how much of the money donated to big name charities like UNICEF and the Red Cross actually goes to helping improve life for disadvantaged people? Churches fund missions and community programs directly from their own operating funds and none of the people who run them take 90% of that funding as a salary.

My point exactly, organized religions constitute the majority of charity work done in society

>Churches fund missions and community programs directly from their own operating funds
That's the least they could do (if they actually do that, which I honestly doubt) given how much taxes they do not pay for the real estate they own or the fact that part of the government taxes in Italy goes to them for no good reason other than old laws from the fascist years, despite the Vatican being recognized as its own state, let alone the dire state of various and incredibly shady christian lead Onlus "charities", various money laundering problems going on since decades and so on.

it's lway ess genocidal than islam or judaism its abrahamic brethren

the vatican is a major global money laundering hub up along with "the city of london" in london and washington dc

so what anime display christians in a positive light? excluding fateshit
Maria Holic? Haganai?

>it's lway ess genocidal than islam or judaism
Neither of those genocided an entire continent and more worth of people, nice try though.

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The thing is, you go back and forth with this narrative, you like to point out how we are not different, but at the same time you like to cry about our "hypocrisy" and "barbarism". I see some truth in what you say; bad things were done by christians - even with I would say you have a distorded view of what actually happened - and it cannot be denied, but your view is still unilateral. You are "wary" if our kind, but I thought we were no different? Shouldn´t you be wary of everyone or every group at least? I could say that you should be wary of your own "atheist kind" because you don´t belive in any sort of transcendent moral order, - or at least you should not to be coherent - and thus everything is allowed. And don´t get me started on how atheists are far from having blood on their hands. More on that, if you are an atheist, why do you even care? We are just atoms and energy. Why is something wrong or right? Because of some retorical construction based on some moral axioms that hold no weight?

>genocided an entire continent and more worth of people,
neither did christianity

The american continent disagrees.

what else would you expect when one developed population with some of the most impressive population diseases contacts stone age hunter gatherers?

we need to create something like a religion that has the strong moral underpinnings and instructive stories but none of the fucked up metaphysics and mind control elements

Asians worship what Christians see as forces of evil. Basically,
>mr evil elephant spirit don't eat me and my family here I sacrifice my neighbours
Christians, Jews, Arabs worship single weird entity that's supposed to be the only and ultimate and knows what's good. For them it's basically impossible to understand. Asian morality is all about doing anything as long as you won't get punished for it, moral isn't alien to them - honor is about keeping face in front of others - aka sudoku.

>your view is still unilateral.
Countless historical chronicles, many made by christians themselves, are not unilateral, things like the Lorenzo Valla affair are not unilateral, the catholic church giving their blessing and support to fascism isn't unilateral, all of these are history, whether you like it or not.
>I thought we were no different?
Yes, you are no better or worse than others just because you are christians.
>I could say that you should be wary of your own "atheist kind"
Where have I said I'm an atheist again?
Oh wait, it's the usual deranged christian view where anyone who isn't religious is automatically atheist.
>why do you even care?
Because propaganda and proselitism built on a mountain of lies and double standards is absolutely repugnant, and your own faith says so despite most of you, you included, conveniently ignore this very basic precept.
The fact that you say my own morals (as if you know anything about it) holds no weight but the ones of a literal criminal organization parading around as a bastion of human salvation do is beyond revolting.
You're the typical christian so far up your own ass you don't even realize how contradictory your behaviour is, so much for the teachings of humility of christianity.

I'm not sure if they're ever explicitly called Christians, but I guess Black Clover? Asta's village has the church run an orphanage, run by a priest and a nun -the latter of whom explicitly has a vow of celibacy- who dress in a traditional Catholic fashion. I'm a filthy secondary so I'm not sure whether they're supposed to be Christian, Fantasy style Faux-Christianity ("Church of Light" or whatever) or they just share the aesthetic but nothing else.

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>what is Buddhism


>Countless historical chronicles, many made by christians themselves, are not unilateral, things like the Lorenzo Valla affair are not unilateral, the catholic church giving their blessing and support to fascism isn't unilateral, all of these are history, whether you like it or not.
Your view is still unilateral. Fascists and the church allied for some time, but broke off later. It was condemend by the church and the it helped the jews to flee form persecution.
>Yes, you are no better or worse than others just because you are christians.
I´ve never said otherwise, one needs to work on following actively christianity to become better. Speaking of assumptions
>Where have I said I'm an atheist again?
Everything you said made me come to that conclusion, as you dislike religion in general, but fine, maybe I am wrong, care to clarify?
>Because propaganda and proselitism built on a mountain of lies and double standards is absolutely repugnant, and your own faith says so despite most of you, you included, conveniently ignore this very basic precept.
>The fact that you say my own morals (as if you know anything about it) holds no weight but the ones of a literal criminal organization parading around as a bastion of human salvation do is beyond revolting.
All I´m asking is for you to explain on what basis do you say something is wrong. You seemed to hold a atheistic view until now, and that would not seem to me to be a solid view for having any sort of morals. Other religions, even if I don´t belive in them, would have a better case for defending some form of morality, or at least some kind of spiritual belief or something among these lines than atheism. Morals hold weight if they are true or not, and to to afirm one is to deny all others. Such is life, people disagree, get over it.
But again, even now you did not spill your beans on what you believe, but that would mean for you to expose yourself to criticism, wouldn´t it?

Apparently Buddha was Blue eyed tall and pale haired according to the chronicles.

>or they just share the aesthetic
Thats the case for most japshit, so its just like that. Its very rare you get the straw church in Japshit, because they lack the cultural intoxication of agape vs bureaucracy. So if a star institution shows up, its generally the Jap pecking order, including the social contract only working one way.

You also see this in works like Seikon no Qwaser, where its just windowdressing. And thats true in something like Fate Stay Night as well, except some more idea of legitimacy due monopoly of force.
I can't really think of a manga or Jap art i have read that presents its church as something more than window dressing or background decoration.

Not anime but Ode to Kirihito is full of Christian references and imagenery, Kirihito is a playword of Christ (Kirisuto)

Attached: kirihito-cover.jpg (411x589, 86K)

Reminder that Japan is a swamp.

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Well yeah, same with Europe, and in both situations the government was fairly shit and the Christians raised the quality of life wherever they went for all classes of people.

Dude, at the time Christianity was introduced in Japan, Europe was going through the worst war in its entire history, the thirty years world. Proportionally, it killed almost as much or even more than WW2

>Proportionally, it killed almost as much or even more than WW2
It almost exclusively killed G*rmans so it's fine

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That is why I believe in Kamen Rider

To be fair, back then almost all Europe count as "Germans". At the end of the war, the Sacred Roman German Empire was on life support and never recovered

>Christianity didn't keep the Europeans from autistically fighting each other like they did since they existed like all humans do, so it must be responsible!

>blue eyed pale
>we wuz Buddha and shiet
Lel pol so desperate that they're trying to claim a poosinloo is white. What next Ghandi is white?

>Christians were oppressed by the Shogunate.
'Christians' were caught trafficking slaves out of the country only a few decades earlier, among various other things
why does everyone act as if their oppression, whether you agree with it or not, was completely baseless? It's dishonest as hell

>Christianity is useless.
Glad to know.


Nothing to do with the hippie green peace vegan buddhism you're probably thinking of

Christianity never promised nor advertised that it would fix this world to begin with, it just gave the common people something to band around, and a refuge they could go to that the barony were afraid to touch lest a mob rise against them.
Christianity was "class consciousness" before the Marxists permanently ruined the concept by applying it to economics rather than actual class.

No this legitimately a part of the very few details we actually have of the appearance of Buddha.

Kind of curious, what year would this have been?

Yes. The 'roman' epithet was carried for centuries by powers who had no connection with romans/italians.

The man is a nepali or pooinloo what are the chances of him being white.

because it was established after the indo european invasions
hinduism is another indo european religion.

Reminder that America selected the Catholic cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as the targets. This was no accident.

Here's your Indo-Aryans bro

Attached: Indo-Aryans.jpg (1020x534, 122K)

dude I'm not even fucking white, it's just the truth

>capitol and largest AFB

No they initially chose Kyoto but switched to Nagasaki due to weather

>actually falling for this lie

>ban christianity
>force them to convert
>kill everyone who doesn't
How is that not being oppressed?

He's saying they deserved it rather than denying it. My non English speaking friend.

minor correction I double checked it was dark hair not pale though he had paler light golden brown skin as he was an indo-aryan royal

That's only part of the story, and a very simplistic one at that. The reason Christianity was so important was always their temporal power, and how effectively they ran in parallel with the rulers. This has always been the largest impact of the Church, both in the good and the bad. They were never outright "friends of the little people", and any claims to the contrary are ludicrous, as they were insititutions primarily ran by members of landed noble families; hardly "little people" themselves. There was no separation of Church and State: they were very much one and the same, and whenever they drifted apart (usually over issues of land or how much control the Pope had over the clergy) was marked by extremely turbulent periods.

That being said, Christianity also has a massive cultural impact through the presence of its insitutions, churches and monasteries. They were gathering places, and often even carried out significant acts welfare, such as taking care of a community's undesirables (widows and the elderly) and putting them to work. But one should take the objective benefits of such functions and record keeping along with the reality that they were very much major political players first and foremost. The latter is the primary reason Christianity is so important in the West, as a temporal institution with significant influence, not as a "Deus Vult", popular entity protective towards even the most humble.

What is the japanese equivalent?

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Unironically Saints Young Men

You know that there existed a time period between the fall of Rome and the fall of Byzantium, right? Christianity didn't start out as the pope telling kings when they could and couldn't go to war.
The monks were already well into the founding of botany as we know it today by the time the church got "in" with most European governments.

>The monks were already well into the founding of botany as we know it today by the time the church got "in" with most European governments.
The Church was "in" European (lol) governments (lol) as far back as Charlemagne. What are you talking about?

What the heck Japan? Who exist then, hi no tori?

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I'm talking about the existence of Christianity prior to its influence being absorbed into the nobility, I thought that was pretty clear.

>Leading a religious rebellion against a warlord who already faced another one and recognized the dangers of allowing a cult that goes against the norms established by his attempts to unify the island into a single nation.
Based Monkey did nothing wrong.

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What, so during the time it was treated as a cult by the Romans? Outisde of its earliest roots, Christianity has always had a close link with temporal rulers.

Why do you plebs keep forgetting best christian boy?

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I think the point is nothing. The director was a socialist and he was very bitter with the same assholes that led Japan to a suicidal war were still in power. That's why the movie's message is how Japan can't move on, it's always going in circles. There's a criticism to the left too but that's another topic

> Amakusa Shiro
Isn't he usually a anti hero or villain? Like, the only anime I know about where he's a bad guy is Fate Apocrypha. And he's honestly not even that evil or bad compared to other fate villains.

>Christians in general.
I mean, they pretty much were the villains for most of human history. Unless you actually are a spanish nationalist, it's pretty hard to portray the spanish empire as anything other than cruel and murderous.

>but that's another topic
This thread's already gone to the dogs. I'd much rather hear about a Japanese person's thoughts than an argument over Western religion.

>what is communism

you kind of had to be given the reconquista to drive off the islamists

>Because now atheists are living in a Godless world
The whole point of atheism is that we've always been living in a godless world. That's what sets it apart from people like me that do think there might be, or have been, some kind of godlike entity.

can humans live without religion or do they naturally create them in order to survive?

>muh pegginz

To be fair, she didn't have much of a reason to be a religious fanatic while overseeing the grail war.

I mean, that might have been a somewhat decent justification at first. But everything after that is a lot harder to excuse.

Humans create religions to explain shit that they can't explain yet with science. It's not a necessity to survive, but I do think it's a natural process.

Is he the Japanese Rasputin?

the jews didn't exactly help considering they made a fair bit capturing castrating and selling off christians to be muslim slaves. probably fucked up the country a bit.

Should have sold off more, if you ask me.

>Is he the Japanese Rasputin?

In that he was a religious nut? Sure. But unlike Rasputin, he had no sanctioned rule over anything and was not involved with his countrie's respective government. He, in the perspective of the native Japanese, was a cultist who actively tried to pose a threat to their culture and traditions and they snuffed him out when he finally started getting militant and aggressive.

so what are your views on that delightfully "enlightened" religion known as Islam?
what could be wrong with ritualising and seeking to emulate the lifestyle of a 7th century warlord.

>so what are your views on that delightfully "enlightened" religion known as Islam?
Outdated as shit. But not any worse than most religions.

>not any worse than most religions.
how do you even come to this conclusion?

Because most religious are ridiculously outdated in their believes. A lot of them still genuinely seem to believe in supernatural phenomenon and divine law as a thing.

I like how Hellsing handled it. Zealots who were self-righteous but also human and could be sympathetic, like when Heinkel saw everyone she grew up with die brutally and face the shame of being pitied by an enemy.

Of course there were also people like Maxwell who used their positions for personal gain.

And speaking of Hirano's works, Joan of Arc and probably Jesus resenting humanity for their betrayals and wanting to purge them from the face of the Earth is an interesting take on if martyrs regret not living for their own happiness.

>Isn't he usually a anti hero or villain? Like, the only anime I know about where he's a bad guy is Fate Apocrypha.
Check out Ninja Resurrection

>the jews didn't exactly help considering they made a fair bit capturing castrating and selling off christians to be muslim slaves.
As if that was the main reason and not the fact that the Spanish crown owed them a decent amount.

>Implying the subsequent 300 years weren't a thing