Miura interview
>1 minute ago
Cool, I literally just finished the last chapter.
Oh thank god it means we're at absolute worse half way done, optimistically we're at 75% he might actually live long enough to finish it.
See you in 2030.
>even miura wanted his own isekai garbage series
But he scrapped it. He gets a tiny bit of credit for self restraint and realizing there are way too many out there.
He didn't need to since berserk has isekai tier writing now.
oh shit, a goatman
Are we talking about that one where that one guy goes back to medieval Mongolia?
probably was blocked by his editor
So let me get this straight, the guy hates Berserk so much he uses his new project to teach his assistants how to draw it for him in the future. Meanwhile he still consumes so much shit that when thinking of creating a new series, he decides to vomit out an isekai with a futa MC and editors barely manage to convince him to at least drop the isekai part? Wow.
What chair is that? Herman Miller?
>Berserk is currently in the later stages of its overall story
I don't believe it, unless by "later" he means the story is 51% complete. Then yes, in that case, I do believe it. But if by "later" he means like 80% done, then that is bullshit.
God i wish, there are loli lesbians this time.
The switch to digital shows. He should work on paper and let the assistants scan and finish.
Since no one else bothered so far: dumb phoneposter.
>His editor stops him whenever he goes that far.
Do you want to get one chapter per year or something?
his editor doesn't want him spending 5 hours drawing every wrinkle and curly hair on gut's nutsack
>one chapter per year
don't you think that's a little too optimistic, user?
>Miura getting a bunch of underpaid assistants do another manga so he can have them finish Berskerk in his place
HAHAHAHAHA. You can't make this shit up.
It is. They really love that chair.
I remember a co-interview he did with Kazuhiko Torishima, where he was discouraging Miura from doing backgrounds, these damn editors are confusing him and deviating him from the darkness and seriousness (he even criticized the eclipse). Just give Miura drugs or something to keep him working.
His editor must be gay.
Link to the full interview anyone?
Why? It’s guts story. He requires resolution with Griffith, that’s about it. The godhand as a whole doesn’t require guts defeating them or whatever bullshit, they existed before guts, and aren’t central to his story. It’s always been him, Griffith and to an extent casca. Cascas been unpotatoed. I can definitely see it ending in a few volumes if he doesn’t pad out chapters. Fags will probably be asshurt that it doesn’t end like every shonen but whatever man
>the manga has been going on for 30 years and it's still not over
at this point I've given up hope of having a satisfying conclusion
Are you stupid? Look how much Guts has changed, do you honestly think he'll have any future stages after this? No. The story is around 80 percent done AT LEAST
>(he even criticized the eclipse)
What a bunch of retards, I really hope they don't cause any more damage to the quality of berserk