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ITT: Make an anime premise with the intention to FLOP
Oliver Lopez
Other urls found in this thread:
Adam Cooper
male protagonist
one girl
girl is lesbian
focus on interior design
Aaron Garcia
it has mechs
Lincoln Jones
It was written for people older than 13.
Jonathan King
>anime as a propaganda to normalize LGBT agenda
Unicorn didn't flop, fuck you.
That's every shounen, it doesn't flop.
Dominic Hernandez
Aliens being introduced out of nowhere right after a major plotpoint occurs
Matthew Fisher
>and this is the sex room
>the what room
>the sex room
>whats it for?
>get out of my house
Parker Thompson
anything good
Charles Thomas
Dark skin tomboy and her boyfriend's relationship from confession to marriage.
Jose Cruz
>That's every shounen, it doesn't flop.
I think you misread.
James Martinez
A show about a middle aged plumber going through a divorce, set in 1990s midwest america
So like the dramatic parts from Rosanne, but anime
Michael Sullivan
Focus on the main girl heavily
MC chooses worst girl because she will put out.
main girl gets raped.
Christian Ramirez
A show about a dude who eats the same cereal everyday and the last chapter he changes the cereal.
Hudson Brown
I'd watch it
Adrian Watson
Why bother, just animate Gal Cleaning.
Connor Evans
Cute girl SoL anime but with JDs.
Evan Stewart
Sword Art Online: Cool Math Games Online
Cooper Parker
Oh shit don't remind me of that one. Author must have raged against his editor to pull that garbage.
Ethan Sanders
What happened with that?
Anthony Gutierrez
People are trapped in the game world and they have to solve math-heavy puzzles to get out.
The show doesn't bother to explain the solutions.
Jace Ramirez
>Satou-san Likes Frosted Flakes!
Jose Gutierrez
It goes from wholesome cleaning tips with messy gal girl to suddenly rape flashback with side girl character combo'd into a confession. After becoming a dumpster fire, the manga ends with a generic axe ending.
Daniel Gutierrez
made in abyss-tier underagebait love triangle but with a time skip after the first episode or two to being depressed adults with no desire for romance, trying to drown their self-hatred in their hobby
the hobby is book binding
Sebastian Ortiz
make it everything Yea Forums loves
Ryder Gonzalez
>depressed adults with no desire for romance, trying to drown their self-hatred in their hobby
Would watch the shit out of it. Very relatable.
Lincoln Martinez
A slow burning episodic story that gets more escalated and engaging as people get attached to the world it establishes.
...condensed into a 12 episode run
...and 6 of those episodes are dedicated to the side plot of one of the ensemble characters before we even get to know the main group.
...and it ends on a cliffhanger because the plots involving the main cast never even got started.
Why am I still so fucking mad about Love Tyrant?
Jaxson Cooper
Yea Forums loves good animation, so it might not flop despite everything else.
Liam Reyes
Cute girls doing absolutely nothing other than be cute.
David Powell
a man stuck in a time loop and is not aware of it. He does the same exact thing for every episode but at different angles. 11/12 episodes are him doing the same thing until the final 5 seconds of the 12th episode where he stops and says, "Huh?"
Christian Jenkins
Take your average cute girls doing cute things but replace the cute girls with cute boys but without any gay undertones.
Isaiah Perez
Literally nothing, there's a single chapter with a bit of rape and Yea Forums threw a shitstorm like always.
Carter Cooper
You don't get it user, the less sexual undertones there are the more sexual it gets
Nathan Roberts
>Very relatable
That doesn't mean watching it is entertaining. Imagine having the opportunity to escape the unending mediocrity that is your life for 24 minute episodes at a time and deciding to watch 24 minutes of unending mediocrity.
How about cute girls except they're all just greasy old men controlling cute girl robots remotely, trying to stop each other finding out the truth. Turns out it's all just one greasy old man with multiple personalities.
how about that one time something slightly lewd does happen one of the two involved kills himself
Grayson Gonzalez
an anime about anime production
but everything is filmed from a single camera in the corner watching the entire office work, every department (staff meetings, voiceovers, animation, etc) will be filmed this way, and the only music ever heard is the opening and ending
Brayden Johnson
>How about cute girls except they're all just greasy old men controlling cute girl robots remotely, trying to stop each other finding out the truth. Turns out it's all just one greasy old man with multiple personalities.
That would actually be entertaining and I would watch it.
Bentley Miller
Isekai where the MC is overpowered as hell to the point where he never encounters any challenge and so just sits around plotting and using lies and deception to win his battles for no reason, because he's literally so overpowered that he could just 1vEveryone and win without breaking a sweat.
Camden Wright
>greasy old men controlling cute girl robots remotely trying to stop each other finding out the truth
this is the kind of bad idea that turns into an incredibly entertaining series simply because it's different and has an interesting premise.
Jacob Miller
but half the production team would kill themselves while watching the premiere
why not go the extra mile and make it haruhi but where she isn't a cute girl, is entirely aware of what she is, and has full control over everything
with the isekai element still in there
like jesus assassin?
Samuel Lewis
Like this
Aaron Price
>protag and heroine are already a loving couple at the start of the series, they help side characters out with their romance drama
Ayden Perez
how about we figure out the premise that will drive the largest number of neets to suicide
Hudson Powell
>First couple of episodes are full of fanservice
>"hey guys maybe it's wrong to sexually objectify women?"
>remaining episodes have very little fanservice
Camden Martinez
Easy. Make something popular then suddenly turn it into NTR at the final episode with the Protag wallowing in his own depression while he can hear the Heroine getting banged in the other room. Fade to black as the banging sound continues through the credits.
Leo Gomez
Zachary Scott
Harem anime. 12 girls are introduced in the first episode. Each episode is about a girl realizing the self-insert MC has nothing going for him and she hooks up with another guy.
Jacob Torres
FranXX pretty much did that with the Boys vs Girls episode
Leo Scott
Christmas cake harem where all the girls get an equal amount of screen-time.
Wyatt Collins
Typical shonen world, but focus on the MC NEET who watches the shenanigans of the superpowered main cast on TV.
He also has an incredible superpower which can be unlocked after a bit of training.
The plot is being resolved without him, his parents die from an old age, then he dies from an old age too.
The end.
Hunter Brown
How about evangelion except shinji runs away and the world ends because of him
Jackson Lopez
Duos battle by holding hands.
Luis Mitchell
didn't that get a second season tho
Ryan Williams
It is 1000 episodes of 1 hour lengths of silence and black frames.
Liam Morgan
Only if the final episode is about the MC finally getting together with a high-school girl, who was introduced in that episode. Bonus points if she appeared as a run-of-the-mill background character in earlier episodes.
Luis Thomas
>main heroine is a single teen mom after getting knocked up then dumped by some asshole yakuza family chad boy in middle school
Matthew Howard
>main heroine
You mean main love interest in a harem.
Bentley Cox
Aiden Gomez
Oda Nobunaga in the title
Nathan Morgan
>her son starts sniffing glue and she has to support his mentally deficient ass
>she gets sick and can no longer support him in his twenties
>turns out the son was just faking it so he wouldn't have to get a job
>he smothers her in her sleep and goes to prison so he can remain a neet
>he gets out decades later and rapes some woman, completing the cycle
now we're getting close
Ryder Wood
Won't flop, too edgy. Will attract the crawling in my skin crowd.
Evan Garcia
Hello Gantz
Grayson Stewart
Isekai with a middle aged housewife MC (Read absurdly hot milf) who decided to ditch her family for like a week out of the blue because she feels that she gets no appreciation. She get captured by the spell of a desperate inexperienced child with the title of "sage" who select her as the champion who will bring peace to her people's world.
Christian Wright
>its a story about a guy and a gal who are childhood friends.
>the story follows them thru their life and their trials and tribulations
>the guy becomes a soldier and the girl wanders the countryside trying to find meaning to her life.
>guy comes back a hero and meets with the girl who is part of a anti war group
then they part ways again. this time the guy becomes an entrepreneur and the girl continues her descent into the pits of humanity
>they meet again for a short time after the guy's mother passes away.
>the guy goes into a cross country trip of self reflections and is spotted years later by the girl when a news crew captures his trek.
>he returns again and is finally contacted by the girl, she had his child and is too sick to care for him. they marry and then she dies.
>the guy contemplates what life truly is, is it fate that binds your path, or are we all just floating around like a feather in the wind.
japs would fucking hate it
Zachary Lee
not if you make the pacing deliberately terrible
split it out across 24 episodes
that's why smothering, because it's less messy but more prolonged and personal
make it as comfy and slice-of-life as possible at the start before the glue huffing to drive off the edgy crowd
Leo Thomas
>high school girl is addicted to gacha on her phone
>due to her constant whaling they come to life
>after seeing her in such a pitiable and sad state they decide to try to get her to quit gacha
>each episode is trying to do fun things besides playing gacha on her phone
>at the end of each episode she has a lot of fun but goes back to her gacha because of a new event/banner
>series ends with her quitting gacha and enjoying her high school life
>OVA is a time skip episode of her playing the gacha sequel in college and now they have to show her how to enjoy college life
be honest, on a scale of shit to tl;dr how is it?
Kayden Wright
Show about the everyday lives of average employees of the super robot organization fighting to save the world from certain doom.
Disregard the bratty pilots, edgy commanders and science nerds. It's time for office drama.
Jonathan Long
starship troopers but with all cute girls. end episode reveal it's just the literature club and that was the book they were reading.
Last episode would be club president running in with a box labeled Dune.
I bet it would fail pretty hard.
Nolan Hughes
It's relatable, if a bit cowarly. Actually risking your life is scary.
Owen Hill
A boy falls in love with a girl.
Luis Wood
>literally me protagonist
>JK school idol main heroine that is tall, cool, big chest and black hair
>childhood friends
>story is that the MC realizes he has an NTR fetish and tries to set the girl up on a date with someone else despite that he has a crush on her
Gabriel Gomez
A SoL where nothing happens but has over-the-top sakuga. Then make the Blu-rays ridiculously overpriced to compensate.
Adam Rogers
>Protag is just an average JGSDF recruit with no special powers doing military things
Elijah Reyes
girl would know what sex is, would be funnier if she made a joke she'd be stealing all the girls from him with her better sex room
>You call this a sex room, come with me
>This is a Sex room
Ayden Hughes
I need this
Josiah Lopez
An average japanese highschooler (female) is truck'd into an average isekai world. Immediately she realizes that she doesn't have any money or marketable skills and decides to become an adventurer.
But she fails miserably, ends up in the hospital and now has mountains of debt, to repay the debt she decides to use her modern knowledge of finances to engage in a variety of highly immoral schemes with the ultimate goal of buying the adventurer's guild and tearing it down.
I call it, Ponzi-chan in another world.
Juan Hernandez
An anime about how evil the japanese POW camps were in WWII.
Jace Wood
More like 5 sub chapters
The rape wasn't even well drawn
Owen Price
A show about how to get a job and why NEETS are failures as human beings.
Jeremiah Sullivan
Run of the mill mahou shoujo but only post-menopausal women can become magical girls.
Thomas White
said no one ever because my post will be ignored
here's my pity self reply just so I feel a bit better and have a (You)
Brayden Gonzalez
What about a plot about a story that neverends and never finds a solution.
Death just restarts the death rebirth cycle.
Elijah Smith
so The Terror season 2 but anime
Robert Lopez
I like it.
Justin Davis
..but that's just eva and it sold millions.
Christian Phillips
>make something that it's actually good
Carter Scott
Pregnant loli SOL magical girls
Joshua Garcia
>implying neets don't secretly like NTR
Tyler Rivera
That would actually be great.
Daniel White
Anything Kyoani makes but without their name on it.
Carson Myers
Is there a not-pregnant version of this?
Michael Fisher
Even if it flops it will be kino
Liam Russell
>12 episode anime about male MC getting isekai'd to kill the Demon King
>every individual episode has a different major animation studio hired to animate it
>they're given no context on what the actual overarching story is, just what they need to have in their designated episode.
>description of the characters is only one specific character trait (like a hat, item, color or hair style) that's incredibly open and up to interpretation
>everything else is free reign
>OP and ED, OST's, remaining character design and personality, setting description, names, etc
>Final episode is a 2 hour movie, where the animation changes every 30 seconds, with the final killing blow on the Demon King changing every frame with each studio.
Essentially the biggest clusterfuck that's incoherent and burns through a shitload of money
Josiah Bailey
Smug evil lolis terrorising humanity aiming to conquer it only to be seduced by a baka with stupid opinions.
Liam Adams
Matthew Lopez
That would be interesting to watch. Everybody would get what's going on too because of the obvious drawing changes.
Landon White
>older cute girl explaining to the class why one must serve in army to vote
>cute sergeant commanding the cute recruit to fall on the ant mound and freeze
That actually sounds great.
Bentley Stewart
This one
A boy falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess, he is gifted with by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.
Ryan Adams
That would be really fun to watch weekly and talk about.
David Butler
It's time for the Kickstarter.
Christian Barnes
>A pair of elite top school students fall in love, but realize their relationship is drifting apart because of the enormous workload and begin feeling more and more trapped, their entire life path being planned out for them by their parents with nothing but hard work and boring office life in a big company to look forward to.
>Instead they both decide to rebel by dropping out, buying a small plot of land in the countryside with what little money they have saved up and start working odd jobs in town, developing their land, building a proper house plus saving up enough to get married and starting a family
Camden Thomas
One day, user. One day.
Gabriel Barnes
Adam Hall
Dai Guard kinda fits the bill for that one
Kayden Wright
>magical girls with boyfriends
Matthew Roberts
Sauve on image? Tried search already
Jaxon Roberts
Idol Isekai with brutal murder fights.
Eli Roberts
>MC lives in a society that's dependant on a world tree
>people feed the world tree nutrients making it grow fruits that grant qualities like intelligence, looks, personality, skills, physicals when eaten
>evil group comes and take over the society and control which nutrients the tree gets, slowly changing the society as people are only eating certain fruit, creating a negative feedback loop
>MC and his friends find a secret mutated fruit, split the immense power among themselves and go on a quest to defeat the evil group to take back the world tree and restore their diverse fruit society
It ends up flopping when fans find out it's about how otaku are ruining the industry by only supporting certain kinds of show
Nathan Campbell
A superhero show but the genre changes with each arc
Jacob Bell
>MC's inability to choose leads to all tge girls eventually finding other partners
Bentley Gonzalez
Freezing featured sexy girls and brutal rip and tear fights and I liked it.
This one is good.
Angel Diaz
I'd just make Platina End again, but with worse art and not a popular artist's name attached to it. Now no one has a reason to read past chapter 1.
Chase Wilson
I forgot to mention said said MC becomes best man at her wedding and becomes her butler, it would be a comedy take on the usual "literally me" type protagonist, and becomes a punchline like how Aqua/Satania is treated.
Yea Forums would probably find it hilarious but Japs would be angry.
Jace White
Like a time flop?
Elijah Price
>MC is a cute moe girl (lost shonen and fujo audience)
>she has 3 male pretenders but none of them are abusive (lost moefag audience)
>gets in a relationship soon with the quiet shy guy (lost women audience)
>arc about the other 2 pretenders becoming gay (lost male audience)
>once in the relationship, shy guy becomes overly attached to the point of making MC tired (lost romance audience)
>in last ep MC NTRs shy guy and lives happy life
Fanservices increases as episodes advance, optionally add magic or something to bait more people into watching this shit
Joseph Lewis
ryonafags would rejoice
Isaac Martinez
Toradora, except the male & female leads each get together with the person they were pursuing fairly quickly. The rest of the episodes show each lead doubting if they're actually happy in their current relationship, but never breaking up with or cheating on their partner, and their friendship with each other deteriorates as they choose to spend time with their romantic partners instead of each other
James Fisher
This guy knows it, but this is what I expect female author to write since even wicked smut manga series could become 5 minutes anime since 2016.
Ryder Gonzalez
zombie idols
Mason Phillips
Josiah Clark
>anime not set in Japan
>no honorifics
>no mention of japanese or asian food or the use of chopsticks
>no japanese names
>there's not a single trace of japanese culture at all
>not even voiced by japanese people
>an entire cast of black people
Will you see it?
Caleb Sullivan
Non virgin girl meets a shy guy and later cucks him and the guy still accepts her
Landon Scott
>smash hit in america
Tyler Fisher
Now this is flop worthy
Dominic Ward
Women would watch it
Evan Brown
>start the show with a lone guy in a destroyed world
>he starts adventuring Girls Last Trip style
>eventually finds no one at all
>dies alone without water
>no lesson learned, just a guy trying to survive that realistically dies
No fun, nothing. Just depression and loneliness. Weebs already have enough of that stuff in their lives, would ruin them.
Blake Rogers
Alexander Brown
I think I saw a series already going that route once and dropped it immediately
Carson Perez
I think Kuzu no Honkai did pretty well, though.
Jeremiah Ortiz
A show about writing a dictionary. Oh wait
Kevin Richardson
Dominic James
Manabi Straight remake.
Kevin Wood
A Japanese minister who's trying to get his nation to change his nations view on whale & dolphin hunting and what happened in Nanking.
Charles Flores
>Not Magical Girls(Males) with their Magical Girls(Females) Girlfriends
Otaku is too pussy for this. Oh, l am bored of the series drawn by closed homosexual who want to turn his male friends into girls, so he can fuck them.
Evan Sanchez
Plenty of american shit out there if you only outside of your room and see its
Bentley Jones
Carson Kelly
Anime girls going on vacations
Jayden Fisher
isn't that pretty much endless eight?
Dominic Reed
And rightly so. It's shit
Ethan Miller
Make it a commercial for a bad gacha game and put gacha in a positive light at the end of each episode. Basically Gacha Dagashi Kashi.
But I guess neets would love it so maybe fails at flopping
Christian Rodriguez
What if they're about to do something Japan-like but they stop at the last second.
>two black guys enter their favorite KFC
>about to eat some fried chicken
>before their fist bite, one of them says
>"hey Tyrone, aren't we suppose to say something before eating this shit?"
>"nigga you gay?!"
>they arrive at Tyrone's house
>his friend starts to take off his shoes at the entrance
>"nigga, what're you doin'?"
Eli Foster
yuri bait and switch into hetshit
Daniel Carter
Make the MC special and give him access to more superpowers unlike the others who only have one. OH WAIT.
Ayden Nguyen
In a world of government superheroes and villains. Male and female lead criminal Espers can use their powers after holding hands. They fight like prowrestlers and hate each others villain ideology. Ends with them fighting each other in a fist fight.
Isaac Bell
>ywn tenderly comfort your mahou shoujo girlfriend after a long and hard day of getting tentacle'd
Nathaniel Barnes
>JK Girls
>All non virgins
>Have boyfriends
Luke Thomas
"i am the cheese" the animation. i hated that book in school. the entire thing is accurate to the source material BUT every one does jojo poses (nobody looks like a pansexual however)
Christian Taylor
Incels would watch it
Adam Brooks
Romance story where the guy falls into a coma at the final arc and wakes up to see his live interest have a family of her own with kids and the husband was the guy who kept on bullying him and trying to rape the girl althroughout the series only to be successful and impregnating the girl while MC was in a coma.
Alexander Torres
I'd probably kill the author if this is how a lovecom would end
Gabriel Torres
Animate Konosuba
Too bad intentions don't always go as planned.
Wyatt Reed
Starting with this premise, we can definitely make this a lot worse without being too degenerate
Ian Parker
No one likes NTR, despite NTRfags calling it a thinbking man's fetish(Hint:It isn't).
Leo Baker
Anime about insulting otakus aka biting the hands that feed you
Kevin Lee
This is actually a decent premise.
Jackson Thompson
>Non virgin girl
All you need to for it to flop,user.
Mason Cooper
chad bancho protagonist cucking all the virgin losers of the school with their dream waifus and teachers is also a chad gamer in the isekai virtual world and the best player of the server.
Austin Russell
Harem romantic comedy
Tomboy wins
It hurts bros.
Isaac Baker
>female MC
>she is cute, but obviously is malnourished and too pale
>sits in room all day browsing a site called Fchan
>SoL plot where her old childhood friends try to drag her out from her room every ep, she goes with eventually to do CGDCT shit
>at the end of the ep before last she does something retarded and gets herself crippled and stuck in a wheelchair
>she refuses to go out any more in the final ep and eventually commits suicide
Evan Fisher
I would unironically love to see this
Benjamin Butler
Julian Gray
Isnt the "thinking man's fetish" all about inserting yourself as the guy stealing the girl? It only takes a change in perspective to turn a Netorare situation into a Netori
Nathan Harris
Came to post this
The boondocks already exists though, and it is arguably anime.
Cameron Gonzalez
Harem, but all of the girls are the rapidly mutating flesh monster from the Thing.
Juan Reed
didn't something similar happen with erased
Zachary Long
Damn nigga you made me change my mind about ntr
Cameron Sanders
>they come across a question asking for them to formularize a method of finding all non-trivial zeros in the riemann-zeta function
>show just ends
Ethan Butler
Problem is the guy doing the NTRing is usually an ugly bastard, and I can't set my perspective to that. How about reverse NTR, where a real good-natured, somewhat handsome guy takes her away from her ugly and abusive husband? That's like the isekai wish fulfillment of doujins right there.
Dominic Martinez
It's the man thinking with his ass' fetish. They have ntr'd their own brains.
Aiden Foster
>MC is in his 30s
>Setting is the Frontier/Wild wild west
I could add more but that is already enough for the nips not to care
Oliver Cruz
Guy doesn't get a harem despite being nice
John Torres
>genre: Mahou Shoujo
Easton Butler
A series about a captain Americaesque Japanese soldier that fights deflecting bullets with a special katana during WW2. He defects when he finds out what happens on nips' prison camps and ends up fighting for the Koreans. He's captured and dishonorably discharged and tortured by the nips, but no one else can wield his katana, they all die trying to deflect bullets with it. He dies horribly in a PoW camp, but he becomes a hero everywhere in Asia except Japan. Throw in a lot of allegories of how Jesus died for opposing the Jews.
Jose White
Something that isn't garbage.
Jack Rogers
nightmare mode: not krautaboo
Brayden Edwards
I used to think that until I came to realise that I'm an ugly fat bastard in real life
Aiden Cook
Yuri Show
They fall in love with dudes
Angel Fisher
Ye, but it wasn't the main girl. Main girl was still "pure", and the slut was kinda played as a vilain
David King
Daily life of an office worker working at an insurance company that has to take care of structure damage cost left behind by the aftermath of shonen battles happening in the city
Angel Miller
Isnt that just cannonbusters?
Colton Cruz
Another Darker than Black season by Bones.
Isaac Jones
That'd be sick, like a professional studio Yea Forums draws
Jackson Murphy
Wtf that sounds great
also insurers usually don't pay (at least not the full sum) in case of a large scale catastrophe
Luke Moore
Love Lab S2.
Anime set in China focusing on Japanese brutality and war crimes.
Joshua Johnson
If the writer can find cool and funny ways to deceive everyone it sounds watchable.
Daniel Reed
Does he also summon horrible CGI goat demons at the end of S3?
Tyler Lewis
This is just Cromartie with black people
Aiden Howard
Battle harem, but the harem-mettes eventually get discouraged, drop out of the harem and start dating other guys. At the end, the main heroine hooks up with the rival (with every indication that they will make a good couple).
Smiling, happy for them, the hero walks off into the sunset.
Luke Perry
An isekai anime, where the main character is the runt of the litter. His school bully turns out to be the hero of the new world. Eventually, the main character's childhood friend begins a relationship with him, and it becomes clear that the main character's resentment is making him unpleasant to everyone else.
He eventually leaves on his own. The former bully tracks him down, and the MC begs him to tell the others he died. The bully agrees, and the MC wanders off never to be seen again.
The rest of the group saves the world.
Carter Allen
So basically no unnecessary drama and MC is a nice guy who more or less solos the plot?
If it's not SOL(in which case there is no story aside from MC being a good samaritan with no payoff) then jokes on you, I will watch the shit out of it.
Chase Diaz
Japanese toy story but with plants instead of toys.
Evan Scott
The first part is similar to the Dungeon Seeker, except the bully is a total scumbag.
Carson Perry
sorta, but it was his mate, and i guess he was happy about it?
but he still got that pizza delivery girl in the end
Colton Howard
Does he build fire forged friendships with the people he comes across though?
Xavier Barnes
I think it would make sense that, when you arrive in another world and it's life-or-death, petty concerns kind of fall away. Sure, the alpha male could pick on the nerd, but when you're battling skeleton warriors, you want the confident (almost arrogant) guy in charge to rally around.
It might be a real gut-punch if he goes "Dude, I was just joshin' you. You're still not over that? Shit, that was years ago. I don't even remember that."
Connor Ortiz
Isekai where most of the class are sent into your usual world to defeat evil, but the MC starts as an average support player or such - and he stays that way throughout the whole series while the cool kids gather fame and thots. In the end he feels happy to have supported the team effort all the way, having suffered the most and gained the least.
A deconstruction of the Japanese economy
Xavier Sanders
>petty concerns kind of fall away
It depends. It may or may not be about petty concerns. It could be how one treats people when he is in the position of power.
Giving a really malicious bully a superpower only increases a pool of people who can be treated like dirt without any meaningful repercussions.
>"Dude, I was just joshin' you. You're still not over that? Shit, that was years ago. I don't even remember that."
This actually can be an interesting plot twist. Overly rough, but fundamentally good-natured guy teams up with the person he used to bully, matures as a character during the journey only to receive a knife in the liver at the critical moment due to the old hatred.
Jeremiah Anderson
Magi with a slice of Christmas cake?
Landon Collins
I like the idea that he's not fundamentally good-natured, but he's exactly what they need. Like most people, he's complex in that he's good AND bad. He's just way more useful than the protagonist, who is an emotional drain on everyone he meets.
It works better if you emphasize how the group functions fairly well without him, because he's not dragging the party down.
Owen Lewis
Legendary judge Bao Zheng is reincarnated in modern times to deliver justice once more. Since no one in the west knows who the fuck Bao is, the show is bound to flop there, however it becomes a smash hit in Asia.
Cooper Russell
Some people are manipulators, sadists and psychopaths pretty much by design. Only the extreme need can force them to work together with the team.
Any type of heroic narrative fails when you have this type of character in the leading role, no matter how competent he is.
John Thompson
take a popular manga many year running manga, really hype up the anime and then turn it into 3 minute shorts that are essentially just spoilers to the manga and ruins the experience for readers
James Howard
An anime original, where the main characters fight generic monsters, but they sing while fighting, and the new group member joins at the end of the series is used goods.
Tyler Parker
Something that breaks the incredibly autistic muh purity standards like a romcom where the main girl had sex before and it wasn't due to rape or some tragic or contrived bullshit she just had sex like a regular average person with a pair of other guys before.
God the japs and retards in this board would be SEETHING from getting such a small taste of reality.
Josiah Edwards
>3D is PD
Nothing new for us, chief
Jayden Rodriguez
Guy wants to be a real life superhero but gets into monkey trouble after the showrunners start doing drugs
Adrian Jackson
Baffles me how you have thousands of anime and Manga with shit unrealistic female characters but the moment we get a small taste of reality every anime watching loser gets ass blasted. The fans are truly the biggest cancer of this medium and why we just don't get good things.
Eli Brooks
sucks to be you
>but he still got that pizza delivery girl in the end
Yeah she was pretty alright
Justin Nelson
It was probably already proposed
>yuribait CGDCT
>three episodes in it's revealed that everyone had a boyfriend this entire time
>they already had sex
>its all revealed in a calm manner since it's obvious such cute girls will surly have boyfriends
>boyfriends are total assholes that bully a yurishitter nerd
Kayden Hill
>escapism isn't realistic
It was proven many times that female characters are better the less "realistic" they are
Gavin Cox
I'd watch the shit outta that though
Aiden Lee
While this is true in general, there are good and bad ways of making a female character unrealistic, and assuming that the common methods of doing so are all good is ill-advised. For example, fat fucking titties and knee-length hair are wastes of space. Miniskirts are immersion-breaking. Tsunderes are a tired archetype that have been done to death, and I can't speak well for many other token personalities oft included in haremshit. Escapism doesn't imply turning what could be good characters into depthless husks of surface sex appeal.
I want an isekai where the MC goes to buy a slave, sees a cute loli just waiting to be cleaned up, and completely ignores her in favour of a seasoned soldier to act as his vanguard. The slave contract is entirely professional, with mild subservience towards the MC but occasionally replaced with aggression.
Nathan Martinez
>get literally any VN
>give it a shoestring budget
>make sure the anime follows a mixture of all the routes in it
Camden Price
>surly have boyfriends
Now I want an anime about Surly King of the Egg Fort.
Benjamin Foster
You laugh, but if you do your composition right you could have it so that there are several background side stories that get developed or more intricate as new elements are revealed by the different angles
Justin Sullivan
>its the "technical department has to weld back the decorate armor bits" episode
Ethan Myers
Up until the last two points it was basically LoGH
Jordan Long
New Game sold well didn't it?
Oliver Bell
Yuri show.
Also has yaoi couple.
The protagonist yuri girls fall in love with the yaoi couple and they break up, and the yaoi couple breaks up to date the former yuri couple.
Wedding scene where one of the yuri girls announces she's pregnant
They also all convert to Christianity
Mason Powell
Shows like this already exist retard.
Julian Morris
cgdct but no yuribait
not made by dogakobo or kyoani
airs at 2am
Elijah Ross
so Hen with a slightly different ending
Carter Cruz
A fantasy anime but get this
It's not an isekai and it doesn't have any sort of rpg elements.
Bentley Perry
gal clean anime
Andrew Adams
Except its actual yuri with fisting and drunken fighting at 3am
One of the characters is overweight and the other has a shaved head and piercings
Dylan Lopez
>forrest gump the anime
would watch for the token loli
Christopher Torres
Isekai ponzi-chan!
would watch, would be even better if she starts one of those self help cults that boomers are really into
Anthony Wilson
Lewd loli anime.
They never sell and it's at least something I'll enjoy.
Charles Sullivan
'The world god only knows' is for you, user
Jeremiah Allen
>fat fucking titties and knee-length hair are wastes of space
What? Why? Looks like you just don't personally like it.
It could be a problem in live action action-packed scenes(hi, Tifa), but I fail to see the problem in anime.
>Miniskirts are immersion-breaking
Why? People wear them IRL when it's hot.
>Escapism doesn't imply turning what could be good characters into depthless husks of surface sex appeal
Well, that's not the only type of escapism, that's for sure, but this one looks perfectly reasonable to me.
Market feels a bit too oversaturated, though.
>I want an isekai where the MC goes to buy a slave, sees a cute loli just waiting to be cleaned up, and completely ignores her in favour of a seasoned soldier to act as his vanguard
Yes, that would be fantastic. Pragmatic protagonists are rare.
Juan Torres
>MC is a highschool boy isekai'd into a fantasy world
>he gets robot arm, an eyepatch and use guns
>animation is really bad and uses PS1-tier CGI
>at one point MC anally rapes a dragon
Ayden Kelly
Well that doesn't sund ba-
>show doesn't explain the solutions
Ayden Ramirez
>start with battle seinen trainwreck with edgy MC
>switch midway to battle shounen and MC becomes a moralfag
Aiden Wright
It's about trannies but portrayed as unnatractive as they are in real life with no anime magic bullshit. The first season would be a huge financial blow to everyone involved even if it was well animated and the extremely vocal handful of western fans would blame it on Trump and cishets.
Xavier Jones
>It's about trannies but portrayed as unnatractive as they are in real life with no anime magic bullshit
So Sanji 3D2Y spinoff?
Nolan Thomas
>MC meets girl
>story goes for hundreds of chapter with lots of sexual tension between them
>finally the chapter where they have sex arrive
>they prepare to have sex
>next page is a timeskip of MC with something that seems to be his child with girl
>story ends without ever showing MC and girl getting intimate
Justin James
Hyouka Season 2
Charles Morales
>Magical girls lose their power if they are single
Ethan Cox
There is an obvious loophole. They can date each other.
Ryan Morgan
I'm okay with trannies being portrayed as physically attractive. But they're usually shitty toxic drug addicts, and it'd be interesting seeing that portrayed
Evan Sanders
>romance/ecchi anime
>male MC
>each arc is a different girl
>at the end of each arc MC is brutally NTR'd
Christopher Bailey
A girl has sex with a different man every chapter, and gives them a score at the end
Lincoln Bennett
A girl has sex with a different man every chapter, and gives them a score at the end
Landon Hall
But they have to date guys
Kevin Foster
Lots of anime do that. Maybe not as much "in your face" as having a scene that looks like it leads to sex only to King Crimson to the children, but they can get pretty close.
Jonathan Barnes
>MC is falsely accused of rape
>he struggles to clean his name
>eventually he cleans his name
>girl gets no punishment because MC felt sorry for her
Evan Davis
Sounds like a decent hentai plot. If it's not a hentai, are you sure that it wouldn't be popular with females?
Carson Watson
I was thinking about pic related. 8 years, user...
Kayden Long
That's the shield hero anime.
Jack Perez
A sociopathic salary man gets isekai'd into magical europe as a little girl and has to fight in magic WW1 at age 11 because he pissed off god
Jeremiah Gutierrez
>Why? People wear them IRL when it's hot.
Well, miniskirts irl never get as short as they're in anime, because it would just be impossible. The skirt has to cover the butt and the butt reaches down the legs farther than the point where they start. Anime miniskirts look like they don't go down more than a few cm after the point where legs spread, so, the butt should be almost entirely visible from the back, and that's never the case. Anime skirts are as short as the camera angle lets them be. But I would hardly call that immersion breaking.
Joshua Ross
>despite talking all that shit, Aunt is revealed still SOMEHOW be a virgin (because used goods bad amirite lol)
>Still doesn't get to fuck her
Oliver Johnson
Let's make it worse:
>she also has a virgin male friend that is completely oblivious to her sexual adventures
>he falls in love with her
>she knows he likes her and plays along, but never gives him a chance because she thinks his score would be too low
Carter Murphy
Well, Sex and the City was more or less that, without (overt) scoring, and it was popular with women, but I don't know if it was popular in Japan. If you need it to flop with women, you can give her a hentai build, make her look like a porn star, and to repel men, I don't know, you can have all the men be impossible chads while she routinely rejects normal guys but giving them fake hopes. I'm sure that some user must have that fetishized too, in that case just make the girl ugly but pretentious. That should be enough.
Carter Ramirez
Sex and the City was not popular in Japan. A clique of hedonistic childless New York Jews resonates very little with their culture.
Kayden Roberts
>insert your favorite anime's premise
>midway through the series introduce an extremely annoying sidekick that screams and make unfunny jokes
>rest of the show gives annoying sidekick even more screentime than to MC
Xavier Richardson
meant to quote
James Rivera
A shut in introvert with few friends makes friends with a new female student.
Their relationship blossoms and he becomes infatuated with her.
He finally confesses his love at the end of the series.
She rejects him with a laugh and then dates a guy who was introduced in the last 15 minutes who is strong, tall, and has a successful career.
The MC and the girl gradually stop talking to each other and he ends up working at a gas station.
Juan Allen
An European salaryman and weapon enthusiast gets isekai'd into feudal Japan and revolutionizes it by making different kinds of European swords, all of them better than the katana. He's not strong himself, but forms a harem of warrior girls and makes an appropriate sword to each one of them. They btfo evil samurai all around Japan. The future (our present) gets so heavily modified by his tinkering that samurai un movies are portrayed with all kinds of swords but no katanas.
Asher Flores
>never get as short as they're in anime, because it would just be impossible
Artistic embellishment, obviously. Just like seemingly bottomless magazines or an unreasonable durability during the fights.
Very similar to Panty and Brief from PSG, just add the explicit scoring. This is why Stocking is the best girl, if absolutely unrealistic.
Caleb Rodriguez
Great, then this is a guaranteed flop.
Joseph Martinez
I wonder how long can you keep teasing the audience that she might give in, just for it to literally never happen
Adam Peterson
>MC is a pathetic loser who keeps thinking one day he'll get revenge on his bullies or something
>All of his bullies get married and have successful lives
>The girl who protected him the most married the guy that bullied him the worst
>To get revenge he kidnaps their kids, but then he gets caught by the bullies
>The girl that used to protect him spits on his face, talking about how much of a spineless and pathetic loser he was and starts laughing when he starts crying
>the others start beating the shit out of him until he's unconscious
>The next day the police come to arrest him for kidnapping the kids
Jordan Myers
I'm not even gonna read this thread because I already know what all the responses are:
either fags who describe genres they hate or fags describing a specific show they hate
number of responses to OP: zero
Jeremiah Gutierrez
That sounds like an awesome battle harem.
Actually, there is a possibility of being a smash hit on a west. Fifty Shades is the most popular book of all time, you know.
Michael Perez
Of course, but at some point I got a little crazy while trying to draw the same girl in different positions and realizing that the skirt made no sense. It was pretty autistic from me, I admit that. I had a phase of drawing girls with the butt half exposed but it looks too classless
Noah Ramirez
That's embarrassing, but I didn't pay much attention to skirts since my fetish is competition swimsuits and bodysuits in general.
Jack James
>Fifty Shades is the most popular book of all time, you know.
>"Just fuck rich men! Don't worry about the consequences, put your pussy on them immediately! You don't need a normal life or family! Get fucked by rich men immediately! You are a hole for rich cock!"
Pretty interesting given today's Epstein context.
John Hall
Yuri and yaoi action show.
Jaxon Adams
I know, right?
Good, but just a touch unrealistic. I expect kids to be raped, mutilated and killed by the time the cavalry arrives. Exact order may vary.
Carson Jackson
Doesn't she "cure" him from his fetish at the end?
Wyatt Harris
the shitstrom would nice desu, if some truly made it.
Caleb Mitchell
>literally any story and genre
>problem arises
>there's an obvious solution that most viewers can easily figure out
>author didn't think things though and have the characters always pick the most idiotic path, leading to needless drama and shitstorms that could have easily been avoided
>author forces a moral dilemma when there's none
>author forces a third path out of nowhere when there's an actual moral dilemma
Robert Baker
New Game is about OLs, not JDs.
On the other hand, 67% Inertia is good, but has no anime yet to judge whether it would flop or not.
William Richardson
PS It would be more realistic if he blunders(as always) during the kidnapping and everyone laughs at his pathetic attempts, including the police.
Basicly Foxy Nudes before she shows up. Damn it, she was a fantastic character by any standards, and a fucking unicorn when it comes to "characters" in hentai.
Basically pulling the true succubus from D&D, but without any superpowers and without even putting out for the victim.
Adam Moore
The rape and mutilation happens in the prison arc. He doesn't physically hurt the kids because deep inside he's still scared of his bullies. He just does an autistic rant about how he's going to kill their parents for what they've done to him.
Lucas Brown
>comedy anime
>they hire a western female writer
Nathan Allen
You underestimate what can years of hatred and isolation do to the man.
>deep inside he's still scared of his bullies
That's exactly the reason why I think that children wouldn't survive the successful kidnapping.
Elijah Bell
How about I make it more pathetic
>he only hurts one of the kids because he's not too good with blood
>one of the parents were trying to beat him to death for murdering/grievously wounding their child
>MC starts begging them to not kill him which only makes them beat him harder
>the others watch on smirking or laughing quietly
>MC ends up shitting/pissing out of fear for his life
>police come before it's too late and saves MC's life
>MC is in a terrible state, broken bones
>starts screaming at the top of his lungs about how he'll kill them all
Camden Foster
The point is for it to flop. If he kills them there would be a huge uproar because of the controversial content, boosting it's popularity and edgelords would start to into it in masses.
Nolan Morgan
>villain is a mass murder and kills someone dear to MC
>MC is now seeking revenge
>MC finally defeats villain
>decides to spare him because if he kills him, he will be just like him
>they eventually become friends and MC even forgets what former villain did
Ian Bailey
>MC starts begging them to not kill him which only makes them beat him harder
For extra hilarity, they kill him and they are thrown into jail.
I almost forgot. Good point.
Are you sure it wouldn't be popular with normalfags who will root for the former bullies?
Jace Myers
I'd watch this japanimation about Mario's life falling apart.
Luke Turner
Cube is one of my favourite movies though.
David Young
Solid fucking gold.
Ian Diaz
An user tries to change his hikikomori ways and to find a job. After countless rejections, some worse than others, he can't decide between suicide or shooting people at random. Spectators will decide which choice user will make at the end in a way similar to Carnival Phantasm.
The option with the least amount of votes will be animated. Since user is unpopular, then the least popular option will be given a chance.
Landon Mitchell
That's too pathethic, it might get a morbid audience that watches it ironically.
Ayden Martin
Have JC staff animate it
Lincoln Cox
>The option with the least amount of votes will be animated. Since user is unpopular, then the least popular option will be given a chance.
Twist: don't keep this a secret or anything. Better yet, release conflicting information. Make the audience suffer for caring.
Mason Morris
Matthew Perry
Hunter Ramirez
Woman who is not a virgin enters relationship with man, there is no harem and no love triangle. They bond over their love of Korean cooking.
Liam Hill
Free! but everyone's overweight.
Dominic Jenkins
>No fanservice whatsoever and the main character is a fat ass
All the virgins wouldn't even bother
Bentley Davis
>anime with high school setting
>an entire classroom as MCs (25 students)
>each episode takes place on the same day but from the POV of a different student
>episode 25 is about a guy who stays all day inside his room planning something
>the tone of this episode is different than the others, this one is dark and gloomy
>on episode 26 that guy enters the classroom next day and kills everyone
Ryder Smith
On top of that, the studio films themselves working and rotoscope it.
Animated by DEEN.
Hunter Bailey
I will pay for this project on Kickstarter. That sounds awesome.
You need to know something to truly enjoy destroying it, after all.
Charles Rivera
That's just a plot to 32 episode dorama.
Benjamin Russell
it's an isekai
Carter Nelson
Speaking about school shooters, I liked the idea that various students decide to shoot their classmates in the same day so a war among them begins inside the school.
Nicholas Richardson
>start as regular romance between boy and a girl
>each episode have 1 member of the girl's friend group turn into a brooding man-hating lesbian for no reason at all
>finish with everyone unhappy and with no progress
Okada would be so proud.
Nicholas Morris
Frame it like a shonen anime with the MC finding new friends by beating rival shooters with the stun gun, also throw in a few training arcs before the shooting.
Each school is a Mission Impossible-like season finale.
Elijah Rivera
The location of the show is entirely in an office floor of a skyscraper. Almost all the characters are in 40s or 50s because they've been there since the company started and the MC, 'new guy', is in late 30s with a decent amount of experience. It's not drama, but a slice of life of a 'more well run' and/or 'a lot less dysfunctional' company. The show is well done, but the target demographic is so small it doesn't even finish the first season.
Wyatt Cooper
a cgdct/sol set in a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center
Carson Johnson
All of the 5 main girls are huge sluts who suck dick every episode.
Jace Young
>each episode have 1 member of the girl's friend group turn into a brooding man-hating lesbian for no reason at all
What if MC tried to rape a different one every episode?
Isaac Sullivan
Unrealistic. If there's a shortage of support and every group needs them, they're going to be assholes and demand gibs or loot priority. I did that as both a tank and healer in wow up until LFG ruined everything.
Anthony Bailey
An isekai/action/whatever where MC rescues the pure heroine from being raped by the villain, just to have her obsess in secret over the villain and eventually kiss him in front of the Hero (even the villain is surprised since he assumed she hated him). Since every other male character lacked any kind of sex drive, and she had a very uptight raising, the villain's attempt to take her purity let her imagination burning. She leaves with him and, thanks to getting laid, the villain calms down and stops being evil. Every time we see them afterwards, the villain seems more chill than before, and the girl is dressed more slutty.
Isaac Hernandez
That would make it look like Japanese economy even more
Parker White
It's the , isn't it?
Aiden Jenkins
anime about OL cakes watching as their lives spiral out of control and fighting against the urge of killing themselves
Bentley Jones
I think we have seen that before
Aaron Flores
Isekai about an ugly bastard in a fantasy world
Dylan Bell
>I became an NTR old man in a fantasy world?!
Luke Moore
> t. Houshin Engi
Jacob Jackson
Based, this one sounds interesting.
Grayson Campbell
it's Elder Pasta.
James Hughes
an in-depth look at the japanese commercial fishing industry
over the course of the show the MC moves from vessel to vessel, as such we are able to explore most of the major fisheries.
we will learn a lot about both marine life and what the work entails as well as the logistics and politics behind the 14 billion dollar industry.
all the characters are female and there's a lot of fanservice and uncensored nipples.
Adrian Roberts
Welp, didn't know about the pasta. I'm a relatively newfag on this board.
Brandon Peterson
I didn't mean any offense. Just brought you into the loop.
Charles Ortiz
Something actually original, this way it'll flop even if the animation, direction, music, voice acting, plot and characters are all amazing. Small cult following at best.
No idea what something original would be since I'm not creative, all I know is that originality is not what the average anime watcher is looking for.
Kevin Martinez
Also if it'an anything like the D&D, support is a very broad term. A competent high-level cleric is a swiss army knife who can do everything,
David Bailey
This one just have to be the MC, though.
I agree. Let's dream up something nice, like the faithful adaptation of Blame!
Dialogue is overrated anyway.
Jonathan Ramirez
A bunch of mature adults get superpowers and must fight to protect the world.
Gabriel Lewis
This is great. We could have the HR lady play the role of the annoying morals committee officer.
Mason Johnson
A SoL comedy about life in the trap? I'd watch it.
Owen Allen
An anime where nothing is done to ensure there is some empathy to bond the audience.
Delivers and voice work is drawn out and terrible.
Art suffers from being too many stills.
Pacing doesn't work or is too slow
You can apply this to every single idea and it becomes a terrible mess.
There is a reason why teens and adults do not watch some of the worse toddler shows, they are everything that suffers towards the watcher.
Andrew Harris
Can't fucking believe Keit-Ai is considered an old pasta.
How did i spend so many years here?
Lucas Edwards
Complacency, user.. You grew complacent and now the years race faster and faster.
Leo Parker
That's because those NASA niggerjews are using alien technology to make time pass faster.
Chase Robinson
this, but unironically
Ayden Brown
You imply that someone cares about you enough to do that.
Colton Mitchell
Loli mahou shoujo protagonist who is super strong and defeats her enemies with 1 attack but her clothes disappear afterwards. The anime isn't focus with the battles, but focuses on the loli trying to get home without being seen each episode
Isaiah Young
A 30 year-old MC is an otaku and /vr/ gamer who returns back to his hometown to find it completely changed,except for a 2-storey manga rental store/house.When he enters the manga store,it looks exactly the same,like in the late 90s.He goes upstairs to browse the comics like he used to;it is also filled with random toys from the 80s and 90s.He unexpectedly sees a cute halfu(half nippon/white) loli named Meru whom he used to know and chats her up.Strange thing is,she didn't seem to have aged since the 90s,then again the oba-san running the store also looks like she never aged.Soon he meets the loli's sister who is now grown up with a daughter(Oga) who's slightly older than Meru.Oga causes awkward moments since she likes running around naked,masturbating and saying adult-like things.Meru asks MC about Oga's adultish antics,and he keeps trying avoid them and tells her to "just google it" which puzzles her.After a few days,newer post-90s manga and toys start appearing upstairs,and MC discusses with Meru about how newer manga is shit and panders to moefags with shit taste.
PLOT-TWEEST: MC eventually finds out from oba-san that he is actually dead and haunting the house while blinded by his own 3deep5u tastes.IRL the house is no longer a store,and Oga and her mom are the only real people living in the house.
Oliver Lopez
MegaTokyo:Dom & Ed spinoff, the anime.
Errant Story X A Hentai Made Of Glass.
Jason Anderson
Alt WW2.
1st Arc: Yellow empire of nihon goes around the world chopping off head of commie chineses because buttherts.
2nd Arc: Commies win WW2 and start genocide against capitalists and empiricals like Nihon.
3rd Arc: Nuke fallout because Albert E is evil warmonger in this alt-reality.
4th Arc: Only commies survive and nihon becums a wasteland of mutant rapist furries.
5th Arc: Commie find mighty macross lostech in Nihon and use it to finally wipe out all rapists in Nihon. HAPPY END.
Sebastian Sanders
>market it as the most historically accurate anime ever
>get most details wrong
>shoehorn politically correct behaviour
>keep insisting that everything is right
Lucas White
>each episode is 1 minute long
>both OP and ED are roughly 30 seconds each
>less than 1 second of actual episode
>MC can only say "あ" before it ends
>repeat this for 100 more episodes
Dylan Sanchez
That sounds great
Jacob Lopez
/u/bait that over the course of the series has each of the characters get boyfriends
Xavier Scott
The most popular character (no matter who it is) dies for a stupid reason.
Easton Lee
romantic comedy about hapless american/australian/european/etc. sex tourists in japan, assisted in their hijinks by their savvy korean expat guide, as each of them find love.
one of them is black. animation style emphasises their foreign features.
occasionally, episodes will highlight controversies in contemporary japanese culture with a view towards accusing it of racism, sexism, etc.
this sounds okay. would be a flop but watchable.
Kayden Myers
Anything thats not cute and nothing happens.
What's a lump of lewd? Can I have it?
Jaxon Sanchez
Toji no Miko did that
Logan Adams
people get more than 'a small taste of reality' every single day. there are an infinite number of possible realities, which may have very little resemblance to the one you inhabit, wherever you may be.
the only thing that bothers you is the presentation of sexuality, because you can't be at ease unless your views and values are reflected in all possible media.
no other realities may be imagined, no other people except you and the boring people you know.
ultimately nothing you suggest is as subversive as you'd like it to be, nor even is subversion for it's own sake worthwhile. 'butthurt!'
Evan Ward
MC has a personality instead of being a self insert. MC ends up having sex with main girl
Aaron Clark
>made by muricans
Evan Thompson
NHK already exist and the point completely flies over their head while their fap to Misaki
Gabriel Howard
Fuck, it still hurts
Matthew Scott
I remember.
Luke Kelly
It's a scifi future, where teens pilot cute mechs to kill weird not-quite-alive creatures threatening their society.
The mech pilots have some tension in the team, because they are all horndogs hitting puberty without so much as knowing what a cock is
The most popular guy, Chad, is in an accident and forgets how to pilot. Suddenly, a dinosaur-blooded waifu shows him how to pilot again.
They fight progressively bigger monster-transformer-biomechs.
Then suddenly it turns out that the moon was a mech all along, and dino-waifu swallows it whole, and chad and now-huge-from-moon-vore dino-waifu fuck off into space while the rest of the cast stay home and fuck each other and sing at a rock
Kayden Edwards
What a beautiful and peaceful looking corpse
Jaxson Green
Fat elf manga adaptation. For extra flop, include harem bullshit as anime original content.
Nathan Brooks
Make the main character (Japanese) insult Japanese food
Ian Bailey
dark souls anime when?
Robert Campbell
crossdress sports manga turned 13 episode anime.
Colton Bennett
I want you to know I have respect for you my brother
Aiden Murphy
i would make a story based completly in fighting whit style and a lot of movements
just constant war with gorgerous looking coreography
the show would fail after the second episode looks like shit
Luis Green
>its a story about a guy and a gal who are childhood friends.
>the story follows them thru their life and their trials and tribulations
>the guy becomes a soldier and the girl wanders the countryside trying to find meaning to her life.
>guy comes back a hero and meets with the girl who is part of a anti war group
then they part ways again. this time the guy becomes an entrepreneur and the girl continues her descent into the pits of humanity
>they meet again for a short time after the guy's mother passes away.
>the guy goes into a cross country trip of self reflections and is spotted years later by the girl when a news crew captures his trek.
>he returns again and is finally contacted by the girl, she had his child and is too sick to care for him. they marry and then she dies.
>the guy contemplates what life truly is, is it fate that binds your path, or are we all just floating around like a feather in the wind.
Grayson Nelson
Pokemon. Jap kids are suckers, every time.
Jonathan Wilson
there's a manga that deals with a group of guys in a fantasy world visiting and rating brothels, Ishuzoka Reviewers
Jayden Perez
Iiiiiiits spring time, for Hitler, and Germanyyyyyy!
Deutschland is happy and gaaaaaaaay!
Thomas White
Any important moment(plot mandatory battles, confessions, character development) is cut short, then switched to a under-anus view of a middle-aged Jap man taking a shit. Uncensored gaping in the Blu Ray version.
Cameron Rodriguez
It's made by niggers for niggers
Ian Nguyen
Everybody gets truck'd except for an ordinary Japanese otaku, and he has to eke out a living after the Atruckalypse. He doesn't even have evil trucks with a taste for blood to spice up his life.
Aaron Wright
Trigger animates it
Henry Morris
not if they need to be powered by semen
Xavier Harris
>old men working in an office building
>small target demographic
have you ever heard of this country called Japan?
Luke Lewis
Jackson Ortiz
Ghost in the Shell but only with JK waifus and full of shoujo cliches, but somehow still taking themselves seriously. Something like that manga where magical girls meets real life military.
Zachary Parker
Watamote, japs hated it
Dylan Powell
An anime adaptation of the science-fiction novel Red Plenty.
Kevin Wood
So Raita?
Asher Torres
There was that one manga about some jap roastie that got abimated by a bunch of different animators. It was a short, so the first five mi utes would be the show and its gags, the second fifteen minutes would be the director talking about the processes they used
Robert Clark
The Boondocks is kino
Samuel Gray
A story where the japanese imperial army is portrayed as ruthless savages commiting war crimes all over Asia but the american good guys absolutely destroy and humilliate them.
Midway, Iwo Jima and Hiroshima get and OVA
Dylan King
Seinen titled Boy Hunter
A virign wageslave who hides from everyone that he's a hardcore shotacon is visited by aliens that task him with the mission of capturing evil aliens that take over the bodies of young boys. To make the aliens let go of their hosts, wageslave-kun has to literally fuck the shit out of the boys. He is granted a magic suit and becomes Boy Hunter, with many powers that allow him to get close to boys and rape them.
Jonathan Green
Is that supposed to be a bad idea? Sounds amazing to me.
Nathaniel Gutierrez
Slice of Life with a male MC with no friends, acquaintances, or social interaction. He has no special traits or talents and uninteresting hobbies. Each episode has him talking to himself and trying to figure out what to do with himself for the day. He doesn't have a very active imagination and he is not very creative, so he eventually runs out of ideas and when he does, the whole show ends right there.
Asher Price
they did this, its called zipang
Luis Gray
>episode 10
>it turns out that Jin pushed the ladder over from behind a corner
Kayden Foster
At first its a generic isekai, OP gets a whole harem by ep 1, by ep 2 all of his harem either dies and those who remain alive NTRs him, in ep 3 its revealed that the MC has no special powers and he becomes a imperial bathroom cleaner were all he does is fight against random sewer monsters and cry about his life
Charles Cooper
the last episode where everyone watching is hoping for the final girl to be the one to break the cycle, but she isn't
pic related
Anthony Rodriguez
>someone make my body clean again
The guy must have had a mental breakdown
Jaxon Martinez
It is a 12 episode anime about a hikikomori. Each episode covers an entire day, and each episode is sequential, taking twelve days in total. The series just follows what the hikikomori does, occasionally saying what he (because of course it is a he) is thinking. He never leaves the house to buy food, pay bills, or anything; in addition, he never talks to someone at any point during the show. It takes places entirely inside his apartment, and nothing worth mentioning ever happens to him. He just reflects in his mind and talks to himself.
How boring is that?
Nathaniel Bailey
>silent hill 4: the room
Landon Richardson
Kek. I love you
Jackson Gonzalez
Madhouse. It's about a mansion that is the site of a long and complex ceremonial magic ritual called the Abramelin working. In the first few chapters we see the main character performing it, but he makes a mistake in doing so. He doesn't finish it and instead unleashes all kinds of insane forces into the house. Afterwards the mansion is abandoned and then turned into a mental hospital. As a hospital it is rife with abuse and other crazy stuff. Something seems to draw all kinds of demented and evil people to it. The original magician has to come back and fix the problem he created. He has to put the genie back in his bottle and complete the ritual.
Nicholas Brown
>12 episode anime about a stereotypical Fantasy with an adventurer and his party
>first episode is an introductory where the majority of the budget is spent and has incredibly over the top animation and FX, orchestral OST's and an incredibly lengthy OP and ED
>second episode, the budget drops like a rock because of how little of it there is and the characters within the show are affected by the changes, acknowledging its presence. With things such as the story, animation and sound design all taking drastic decreases in quality. In such a way that it pisses off viewer's who expected the same consistent quality throughout.
>as the series progresses, it transitions into horror, where characters are getting cut unexpectedly or killed off-screen to save budget costs, the OST cutting in and out and being mismatched with what's actually happening and the animation continuing to further degrade into a more sketchy tone.
>Characters begin having existential crisis' about their inevitable erasure, with the side characters beginning to conspire murder on the main characters because they know they\re going to get cut off first.
>Final episode, the entire world is a devastated black and white sketch wasteland, where the Demon King was slain by simply being cut from the story, and ends with the MC roaming a white dessert.
Joseph Harris
>attractive female mc
>harem consists of chads
>they have no interest in her and just become best friends themselves
>MC has to fight for their attention
>they‘re all senior citizens
Aiden Roberts
>And it‘s not a comedy
Had to add this, otherwise it could be comedic gold
Luis Perry
The meta part of this makes it sound good
Nicholas Fisher
An isekai where a dude dies, and seemingly revives in the very same world he just came from. He's reborn as his dad the year before his wife (mother) gives birth to their son (him) and is forced to live his new dad life up until his son, aka himself from the past, dies in the event that would lead to the isekai event. Should anything go wrong, time resets to the year before his birth.
William Thomas
>aka himself from the past
wouldn’t it be him from the future?
>him knowing his wife is his mom turns him away from her resulting in a broken relationship with no love, the one that he experienced himself as a kid and fucked him up to begin with
Landon Harris
A fucking alien comes outta nowhere in the last episodes, the show didn't exactly flop
Jason Martin
A suicidal rich reverse-mermaid (fish upper body, human lower half) construction worker that has fallen in love with a literal cat, and wants the cat to eat him.
Ian Gray
How about a manga instead?
A fresh and original story with deep and interesting characters published in WSJ
Ian Turner
>MC has to fight for their attention
Is this a harem, really? Sounds like an adventuring party in the making(akin to older FF15 cast) and the female sidekick/deadweight.
Leo Lewis
Looks like an episode of Gintama.
Julian Diaz
A show where the girls are ugly
Tyler Johnson
It's a show about cute girls... am deathly the main character is an irrelevant boy devoid of personality with hardly any voice lines. But get this..... there is no plot! The girls just talk while sitting around doing nothing!
Christian Reyes
An anime about people playing tabletop games at their local store.
each episode is a different game and ends with the MC losing after a close match.
They explain all the different rules as one giant monologue while the game goes on in the background.
Last episode has the shop close down and the guy picks up video games.
Easton Jackson
Anime adaptation of the Conan the Barbarian stories
Lucas Thomas
That just sounds like a shitty version of Tatami Galaxy, which I don't think flopped at all.
>The Wire: The Animation
You can make it work, and yet it would probably still be a flop, good job.
Make it animated by Deen and I think it's a contender.
Mason Reed
Mahou Negro
Joseph Brooks
Charles Jackson
Cooper Nelson
Sounds like the premise for a successful SoL series. Three seasons guaranteed.
Oliver Wright
I've seen this as a CG set about ugly man fucking otome villainess and they had a great dynamic together
Adrian Flores
It's basically my hero academia but even shittier
and every week it got more and more ridiculous and completely obvious that the writer was just making shit up as he went along
Justin Miller
literally a four cour anime out of nowhere. where the MC gets the girl immediately after 1 episode
Connor Powell
I can't wait for the 'O MY 7 QUIRKS' controversy to hit the anime.
Juan Davis
Dragon Ball.
Bentley Ramirez
Sci fi Harry,nobody even knows it has ever existed.
Elijah Stewart
literally afro samurai
Anthony Johnson
You're kidding, right?
Angel Perry
Wasn't Seinfeld popular in japan and that is about jews living in new york.
Ayden Ward
if I kill myself this is gonna be why
Adrian Peterson
Isaiah Roberts
either that or it ends up getting axed for allegedly calling out corrupt government officials
David Martinez
Have a look at these:
Entire cast of Saki
Easton Sullivan
>MC starts fucking his childhood friend while her husband is away.
That's peak NTR right there.
Justin Edwards
samurai flamenco.
Liam Cook
MC is a xenomorph, all are moefied. AotY.
Ryder Lewis
at least i got the flopping right
Easton Clark
Levi Wood
That's not a bad premise if the story has other major plot points besides the ecchi, it could be fun watching the MC actually getting the girl and forming a family. But if it focuses heavily on the ecchi and sex is the main theme of the story, and in the end there's no sex scene, it checks out.
Angel Thompson
>You HAVE to be dating to have sex
>what is casual magical girl sex with no emotional connection, just pure lust and the need to orgasm
Jayden Evans
How is this supposed to flop?
Joshua Reyes
Aren't there a ton of isekai with the MC not being the designsted "hero" of the new world or not saving the planet?
Jackson Cruz
>underdog male protagonist but is secretly op
>cool guy rival all women love
>MC will have happy end
>power of friendship
But everyone is a nigger
Aiden Hill
Sounds like the beginning to your average revenge plot.
Anthony Gonzalez
this guy's asking the important questions
Hudson Brown
There's an anime airing next season about cute girl tabletop, but it's not a terribly popular manga so it will flop.
Benjamin Smith
>NTR stood for Netori all along
Like pottery.
Nathaniel Ramirez
seinfeld is pretty much an american slice of life show
Landon Martin
I was thinking of something more like pack mule/cook/slinger that sucks at combat because he was peer pressured into speccing mundane stuff.