The Star Wars manga is so fucking cool.
The Star Wars manga is so fucking cool
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Starwars is for gay losers.
I didn't try it because i'm sick of star wars.
Is it a retelling of the story or is it something new?
>OP's picture is of vader cutting off luke's hand
I mean, I'm assuming it would be a retelling user.
Just to make sure.
These are really old, they came out in the late 90s. Don’t really bother with the ROTJ adaptation though.
What a faggy way to hold a lightsaber.
I had no idea this existed, but it looks pretty cool. Thanks, OP.
Would you young Holdo?
The Lost Stars is pretty good too, certainly much better when that I expected from modern Star Wars.
Holdo's holds
It was actually good when we were kids, it ended in 2005, and guess you're right, only retarded drones like it nowadays
Wow, they found a way to make this character even more obnoxious.
Never. She was simply comically bad and somehow got fans. Even though I got the idea both her and Poe were in the wrong she somehow was in the right
*than what I expected
Shouldn't it be a very clean cut? Why is there so much blood and tearing?
It's a chink ripoff lightsaber.
>blood everywhere
What the hell? Or the hand was torn apart by the Force?
For extra edgeness; because drawn manga-style, of course. IIRC the closest thing that blood was directly involved in a lightsaber fight is when Darth Maul got cut in half; even with that it's only a brief spray of fine mist.
Also Kenobi cutting off the hand of the mugger.
>The official translations are mirrored
What cancer
It is imperative that you understand
Obi Wan would never bother
Telling you about your father
Doesnt the lightsaber instantly cautezire any cuts it makes?
That's just how things were done back then, up until the early-mid '00s. Dark Horse's release of fucking Akira is mirrored.
knock him out the box Luke
No but Ciena!
What about bishie Chewie?
>"Empire did nothing wrong" guy is an insane cuck beta orbiter
What did they mean by this?
If you replaced Holdo with Wedge and changed literally nothing else people would have eaten it up
Yeah but have you seen how cute Ciena is?
The Vader comics are the best thing to come out of post-Disney SW this is incontestable fact.
No, people woul have complained even more because they turned yet another OT character into a retarded loser.
No, Wedge was always sensible and the hack in charge specifically wrote Holdo to be antagonistic but also flirty and they redid that in ADR
>the best thing to come out of post-Disney SW this is incontestable fact
Not like that's particularly hard.
What else is there? The shitty Resistance show? Those novels with a pirate with custom pronouns who steals a Super Star Destroyer? The shitty animated shorts?
The only thing in the nu-canon that isn't complete shit is
Wedge was supposed to be the literally who Max Von Sydow played, his actor didn't want to come back if that was all he was gonna do
same goes for weeb shit dude and here we are
I don't know how Johnson or Trevorrow (before he walked/got fired) didn't listen to Lawson's interview and at least try to give Wedge an interesting, challenging treatment.
Is this Admiral Gender Studies?
Wait, this is real? I thought it was just a shitty edit some user did to troll.
She looks like tumblr incarnate so of course it's her.
Sasookay is rly kool
>posting this here
the irony is fucking physical
Meh, it was okay till ROTJ events, but after that it became a bland soap opera.
Go watch The Expanse or Battlestar Galactica instead of ingesting star wars filth.
Because it's COOL
Sex! In the Cave of Friendship!
Also in a dingy motel
It's just depressing reading an obscure star wards manga with better writing than the entire prequel and disney trilogy.
What Star Wars nerds don't understand is that it's a bad franchise. It's a horrible franchise.
It has two good movies (IV and V), one decent one (VI) and by now five (or six?) bad ones (the prequels + sequels). We've already gone over the tipping point where there are more bad movies than good ones. The franchise is bad, it keeps getting worse but nobody will allow it to die a dignified death because a bunch of fucking nerds. They just want to buy more more more shit and thereby kill what they supposedly love.
Why are people bitching about the disney trilogy when they can just ignore its existence. In fact, it will never be canon no matter how many millions they pay Lucas for ''rights''.
Reddit is two blocks down
you can also play a few videogames with better writing and read a few novels with better writing if you like the universe
I'd pay real money for any kind of visual media version of the OT that followed the novels
I generally agree, but the big irony is that star wars media should be incredibly easy to produce.
The formula is as clear cut as it could be, the aesthetic is insanely easy to replicate, and the themes are so generic that you can basically use any premise you can think of.
And yet KK managed to tank 3 goddamn movies by not even managing to implement single-trope characters doing heroic stuff successfully.
It`s ridiculous, really.
Also the prequels aren`t that bad, Lucas is just a bit autistic in his storytelling
One might think these are commercialized fan projects by people who became SW fans during the original trilogy and have since endlessly daydreamed about stories with OC content.
>prequel apologists
There's a free Korean-drawn recreation of the original trilogy.
It's pretty good.
you`re exaggerating.
The prequels were like 4/10 to 6/10, since they at least had a coherent, even engaging plot and tried to run on some theme, despite the bad editing. And the characters were flatly directed, but at least had something approaching an arc.
Meanwhile, the Sequels were just incompetent at every level.
Kathleen Kennedy
The art's actually better than the manga's.
I gave the PT a rewatch last year since seeing them on opening night, more or less. There's a lot of shit I missed, specifically for AotC, that makes a lot more sense and for a better experience overall but all this "lol the PT is actually a misunderstood classic" revisionism is bullshit. I still had to FF through like a third of TPM and AotC. The ST has huge problems, but that's because they made the boneheaded decision of round-robin storytelling combined with Fisher randomly dying on them.
Art style is good, but Star Wars is cringe.
Thanks for sharing user.
>lightsaber makes a ragged cut
why do you fucks do this
Yea Forums is not your safe space