Machikado Mazoku

And I thought Shamiko's kiki kanri form was lewd

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Machikado Mazoku - 09 [720p]7.webm (800x450, 464K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Okay, because people will ask, here are the Translation Threads from the archive:

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Is senior a body type?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Machikado Mazoku - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_16.14_[2019.09.10_00.12.45].jpg (1920x1080, 253K)

Why is shammy so innocent

Special seats!


Mikan is my wife!

I'm your son.


Attached: 201909101736670.jpg (395x456, 34K)

So Mikan's dad was the one that put that demon inside her, right?

I don't think Mikan's dad has anything to do with this, actually.

Didn't he summon it and it ended up inside her?

Yeah, but that has nothing to do with user being Mikan's husband, which was the point of

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Training with Shamiko!

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I recognize that bottle

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dumbass, that's got a different lid and is much larger
the bottle that Shamiko is holding is a generic rubber-top sports drink bottle, not a shake bottle for thick liquids

Does a boy join the cast? I can't tell what that thing is.

That's not a boy, user.

that is Mikan's baby boy (girl)

I want to drink that ancestor.

i want to headpat shamiko

Attached: __yoshida_yuuko_machikado_mazoku_drawn_by_pandemic14__03e8621835cfa183bda2261b4f965f84.jpg (600x1020, 685K)

Why is Shamiko so lewd?

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So the author is trying to tell us that even the mixed race incest rape baby of a teenager is still lovable? Because under the supernatural disguise that is what we have here. And they are all things Japanese traditionally find shameful.

She needs to live up to her Shadow Mistress name. Ganbare Shamiko! Become a lewd demon that can seduce all of your enemies!

Attached: Machikado Mazoku - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.01_[2019.07.31_19.06.31].jpg (1280x720, 288K)

why is she angery?

loli haet pizza

You mean OUR wife.

Attached: 1567107548970.webm (960x1080, 417K)

Mikan is the best balance between qt and sexy.

because you bully her for her small

I still think her curse is stupid. fight me, mandarine faggots.

Attached: Machikado Mazoku - 01 - Large 36.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

she's the perfect height for forehead kissu~

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The perfect height for tail pulling

Attached: How to talk to short people.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

Momo's front tail.

I thought we agreed that it was Shamicock not Mahou Futa

>no breast bounce

Mikan's mikans are contained by her enchanted bra

Why are lesbians so violent?

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your opinion is irrelevant in this discussion
Momo needs it deep inside her and Shamiko's the only one who can reach

wtf I love NTR now

The Collective's wife Mikan is very cute.

They just haven't matured.

Momo is genre aware

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Looks like somebody really wanted Slow Start to be there and that's the best they could find.

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She's been forced to make a pose that acentuates her massive Shamikos

Is that witch idolized by Koume actually gay, tho?

no way in hell this bitch isn't some kind of magical sleeper agent.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Machikado Mazoku - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.15_[2019.09.10_09.22.37].jpg (1280x720, 172K)

Satanic zionism yuri.

WTF I'm in the JIDF now.


Attached: Machikado Mazoku - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.10_[2019.08.25_18.20.37].jpg (1280x720, 176K)

She does have SATAN in her name.

Death to those who insult Fine-sama.

What Shamiko learned to do with her staff

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What is this double headed Gosenzo?

For some reason i feel like she swaped places with Shamiko, she looks just like Mom and Imouto

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I don't like her because she wastes time that could be better used for more shamiko and momo interactions.

Attached: ancestue kiki kanli.png (1866x2598, 2.28M)

Certainly a new meaning to "ancestor worship"

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Shamiko's wife Mikansei.

Also true.

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Art by tkmiz when?

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For some reason, that coloring livens up the drawing compared to the usual grays, even though it's still monochromatic.

Its a furry

Attached: 00107.jpg (1354x1920, 636K)

She's right though. Lilith is a senior.

Sata Anri

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Me first, and second, and everything until the last one.

>three sakanas
for what purpose

Looks like Momo started wearing more black after Shamiko's "confession" in ch26

>chocolate covered peach

Is SatAn ri a cousin from Seiko's side?

She starts wearing more black after chapter 39 as well

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>No more translations
>No more shamilator



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Smackrel? Do they explode like the ones in Shimeji Simulation?

I'm pretty sure Shamilator isn't the kind of person who drops a translation just because the show finished airing.

Attached: momostare.jpg (228x222, 16K)

Where are you getting this idea? Someone just provided a copy of Vol 4 the same day he finished Vol3 with Ch39.

Does Shammy prefer Light Peach or Dark Peach?

Its not the good scans of volume 4, just normal scans. They've been on nyaa for ages and we already had them, but due to the popularity of the series Shamitraslator was convinced to keep going even though our raw quality dropped off a bit.

She wants to be DP'd by both, non-sexually.

She's a big girl.

That's a lot of dildos.

Dark side can obviously grow dicks, since that's something demons can do. While Light Momo will just use her wand.

Is there proof of this in the manga or is it just your headcanon? I don't mind being spoiled.

Have you read doujinshi before? Demons can just grow dicks, its a common thing they can do. Its a common trope.

I have, but there's a distinction between a set-up for a porn doujinshi and a Kirara 4koma. Besides, not every demon does this, it's specific ones.

She's a succubus, a sex demon. She can do sex magics and grow a dick for sure.

50/50, but Koume is a certified gay so there's that.

Succubus only attacks in dreams (Shamiko does) user, whatever lewd acts she can perform as a succubus can only be done inside dreams.

It looked more like admiration to the witch in the anime, did she get together with another girl in the manga?

Lately the TLs have been over the weekends, user.

For you

Iirc she went to live with her after the timeskip, hence why she's a certified lesbian.

Because they live together? Allright, maybe I'll check that myself later.

Kon and Chiya are likely lesbos too.

What's with the cosplay? Some chuuni thing?

Oh, so they kissed. I'm not surprised, but this counts as a spoiler even if the thread is for a different manga.

They live together forever as Level 1's at the end

Who confessed first? Kon?


>but due to the popularity of the series Shamitraslator was convinced to keep going even though our raw quality dropped off a bit.
Oh, didn't know that sorry.
God bless you shamilator, your love for shamiko is bigger than your hate for shitty raws

I knew she would gather the courage someday. Sadly, translations are so slow I'll take some time to get to that point.

Don't they say directly they'll be together forever?

All the Uraras are lesbos and get paired up in the end.

Yes, but because they're both Rank 1 Uraras now.

This doesn't make sense. How do Uraras even reproduce if they all suffer from the big gay?

The same way Chiya's mom did, they get male visitors

She wasn't a gay. Just Kon's mom was, but settled with a man after Chiya's mom fucked a guy

I was just anwering user's question about how they reproduce.

Regardless of their mums, Chiya and Kon are gay and together forever.

This is all you really need to know.

Yes. I think it was in the summary of the latest thread. Try checking the archives.

I don't think their moms matter that much, but for some ultra gay girls the ending was kind of underwhelming since we only got confirmation of everyone living together, but nothing romantic. It's the kind of ending I don't want Machikado to have after all the development between the main couple

user, they went from Iirc rank 6~5 to 1 in the span of a chapter, it ws rushed as fuck, and those tibids were mostly damage control.

Yeah, I think the author kinda chickened out a bit in favour of the comedic element, but at least we got the confirmation of them together, which is all I really wanted in the first place. I wish there had been more, but I'm happy we got at least this.

Almost like the manga got axed.


>we got at least this.
What we got was just the ending I expected after reading the first manga chapter. After all the development, I wasn't expecting that anymore.

Yeah, I kinda knew that in the back of my mind, too. I was just hoping there'd be a bit more, but like I said, I'm happy we got this.

Yeah, it could have ended with Kon at Rank 2 vowing to become Rank 1 for Chiya which would have enraged me beyond belief.

That's good for you I guess, hopefully Machikado delivers the real package

Me too, user. Me too. From the latter, untranslated chapters, it seems like it's already gone farther than Urara.

>I'll catch you senpai
>E V E N T U A L L Y
Thanks asshole, now those memories are coming back.

Yes I know that, which is why I'm sure this won't be another disappointment.

Sorry, user.

Did you guys already ran out of lewd images to post?

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Well it promised 3 things
>The truth about Sakura
>Momo's fall to darkness (we are here)
>Free Lilith of her seal
>Shamiko being strong enough to take the core out of her, and bringing back Sakura (or their child if the core ends up being someone else due to Momo and Shamiko's ether)
I say we are in a good track, all the inbetween is worldbuilding and tie-ins for the rest of the characters. Wanting to go past that is wanting the serie to devolve into "Shamiko, Momo, Mikan, Ugallu, Lilith, and their child will protect the city from strong demons" sort of story.


Attached: meat pounder.png (3426x1716, 2.68M)

>3 things
>lists 4
Also we're in an anime thread user, remember to use spoiler tags

Don't make dinner and post at the same time user.
>Spoiler tags
Give me a sincere reason as for why someone who likes this serie DOESN'T read the translations, but alas I guess it's because "I want to watch the rest of episodes blind, then binge read everything".

Keep posting this until everyone likes it.

I like it. but you can keep posting it.

Shit, meant to quote

>"I want to watch the rest of episodes blind, then binge read everything".
That's actually a good excuse since the show has handled some scenes better than the manga did. Also show ends in two weeks anyway, it's not too long

I will never again be able to look at a popsicle the same. Not after what Momo did.

What did Momo did with Popsicle?

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She wanted to forcefully insert it into one of Mikan's pockets.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I was thinking she did something with Shamiko and couldn't remember

What is this from? Shami's outfit is so much better.

Kirara Fantasia

Kirara's way of getting even more money out of people via mobage

Attached: 1548994966569.jpg (193x171, 10K)

>that fucking snake
Is that cutie a regular returning character?

>generic idol outfit
>better anything
The only good outfit in there is Gosenzou's tail-shaped boob(?) window.

Yes. We're not sure what religious/mythic significance it holds though.

Nah, her outfit in the manga and that one should be swapped.

maybe it's the same snake that contracted eve

What are you trying to tell me?
That I can dodge wieners?

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that "gotta focus" was so perfect and funny

I want Gosenzou to shake my coke really hard and make all the cola come out at once.

Post outfit.

No way. The Apple mahou shoujo navigator would be sticking with her instead of hanging around Mikan whenever she gets triggered.

we all do

Attached: lilith.webm (638x720, 410K)

Needs one cheek on each side and the victory hand gesture.

But user, every cola is sacred.

You're not a magical girl user. You'll take every wiener you get.

Shamiko's half sister?

same mother or same father?

no, momo

Who is up to make this a shamilong edit.

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Now Mikan can't get married anymore.

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>immediately reaches for her gun
Fucking americans.

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.21.532.jpg (1920x1080, 177K)

Well, what if Shamiko just looks the softest, but she is actually Diablo?

Momo enjoys the forceful entry.

I love the anime style, but this dwarfish chibi style is precious too.

My blood sugar level is dangerous.

But MTK is still alive.

I want to peel this orange if you know what I mean

Momo is so rough with Shamiko.

I've been waiting for someone to make a transparent gif of Momo shaking the can during the ED
Decided to make it myself

Attached: Momo shakes can.gif (347x397, 109K)

She tests if Shamiko can survive the childbirth.

Probably missed it, where does Seiko work?

thank you

Was Eve really the first magical girl?

Thanks user.

It was in Miracle, that's the one who died.

Attached: Momo shakes can faster.gif (347x397, 109K)

>born just after lilith
>is corrupted by a talking animal
>the corruption involves a fruit
It just fits perfectly.

>No glow
Into the trash Thanks user..
Read the last thread, there was a pretty interesting speculation about that Eve could very well be the first member of the Light clan, and Lilith the first member of the Dark clan.

>Hi, Adam! I am Ringo now!


no confirmation, but it just make too much sense to not be true.
for a few centuries after lilith left the garden of eden, eve is really the only person capable of becoming a magical girl.

>your onahole flesh doll clone becomes meguca

It does make some sense. The navigators exaggerate and spin things to perspective magical girls according to Shamilator.

What makes Adam then? Fucking Ayumu?

A guy with shit taste who would rather fuck his own rib instead of loving a DFC

Selfcest is a best fetish though.

A gentleman of impeccable taste who understands the importance of tits and ass on a soft body devoid of calcified dildos.

Eve ends up being the whore of Babylon so he had it coming.


She's too soft
She'll die

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As expected of the original mommydaughtersisterwife

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Momo is hardening her.

Ganbare Shamiko

Attached: 1567917862431.jpg (675x1600, 392K)

Momo hardening the Shamichinpo

How hard was Momo's ether?


Attached: tail4.webm (1280x720, 460K)

>climb the stairs to adulthood
what did they mean by this?

Can the tail support Shamiko's weight? What about Shamiko+Momo?

My tail surely supports that coupling, if you know what I mean.

That they need to get high together.

So how soft is Shamiko, quantitatively? For example, if we use the Mohs hardness scale and assume air as a theoretical zero point, where does Shamiko lie between talc (Mohs 1) and air? What sort of substance would be so weak that Shamiko's body could scratch it? If we can establish upper and lower bounds for Shamiko's hardness (or, in this case, lack thereof), we would better understanding just how soft she truly is.

Attached: 1567785208605.jpg (1920x1080, 207K)

Hopefully soon

27 microMohmos

I dearly hope it's not 3.5.

What could possibly go wrong, user?

Attached: iwaz53p63ow21.jpg (638x638, 39K)

the Mohs scale doesn't apply to the human experience of touch. softness includes other factors like friction or "bounce". fabric handle is the closest scientific measure of the subject I know of.

it's Shamiko's fault that Momo hunted down another innocent girl from the darkness clan so she could wish for a dick from discount kyubei

At least it's not 2.0.

she slimy and squishy

Classic Nan Soft

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Anyone else find mikan's voice really soothing?

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Why do Shamiko's breasts get so much bigger when she transforms?

for my dick


Attached: Machikado Mazoku - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.07_[2019.08.23_22.07.44].jpg (1280x720, 432K)

I wish this game had an English release. I'd drop FGO in a heartbeat.

I'm just going to slap my nuts, if you know what I mean. You're going to love it.

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umu umu I'm a slut no one will see this

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y shami cri?

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They don't, she just dresses super conservative normally, while her demon outfit puts them on full display. She hates dressing like that

Arc where Momo has to tragically put down Shamiko when?

> t̶r̶a̶g̶i̶c̶a̶l̶l̶y sexually

Why would she do that?

Read the thread. She's a succubus.

Shamiko is too strong in bed to lose


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>No UMU filename

Read the manga, they really don't grow at all. They're pushed down or hidden by her clothes mostly but you can tell sometimes how much she's packing if she wears the right outfit.

Anime toned her bust down at first since boobs don't fit in their light hearted slice of life story. They stopped hiding it when Kiki kairi happened

KIKI KANRI I left randomized filenames on

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user, it was a meme

Everything's a meme here

I want long hair Momo back.

Well, for the most part.

Just the lewd posts and fanart.

She must have one hell of a Bra if they can contain those two giant melons to such a extent. You think such power would be beyond a poor family.

That fourth panel is the lewdest thing I've ever seen in a sfw manga. The expression and the question marks make it just so incredibly lewd.

that's why they were poor, they had to spend half their monthly budget on underwear for Shamiko

It's most likely her mom's old bra

Momo is my new depressionfu.

The way her shirt is drawn makes me think one of her breasts slipped out of her bra.

Attached: 1567726113267.png (644x482, 400K)

Push-up bra.

Attached: (333x391, 30K)

I doubt she uses one

>tags: non-consensual, yuri, mindbreak

Momo isn't depressed now she has a new wife

Attached: Shamiko, what's for dinner.jpg (680x508, 74K)

>Mother is also a massive titty monster in secret.
Don't tempt me with foul and perverse thoughts.

Then, how does she hide her breasts according to you?

Falling to darkness

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Why hasn't it been posted yet?

Attached: 1567827849534.jpg (1280x720, 186K)

Momo no!

I think "Filled with light" is more accurate.

>he doesn't know

Mikan approves of Momo and Shami yuri

Don't bully her by telling her things like all her height went to her boobs

Attached: IMG_20190910_182758.jpg (1024x1024, 92K)

We posting the new fanart now.

It's a very known fact Ara Ara /ss/ Onee-san has big tiddies to bait Shotas, and considering Joshua was old as fuck those must be very big. Hell Ryo has big meatbags and she's not even 10.

Attached: chinchin.png (1280x720, 472K)

Momo, Mikan, and...?

Anri after being given mysterious food from Ogura

Attached: yes.png (712x548, 263K)

Yuri and futanari do not mix.

Attached: H12.png (1248x690, 127K)

I snipped that panel for a reaction image, too. Sunami Yuuko is a goldmine

Attached: sunami yuuko.png (422x254, 59K)

They literally have a tag on pixiv called yurifuta

Japan says those two things go together perfectly

Futa on female is cool, but it's not futanari. Mixing it into established yuri leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

It really is.

Attached: S.jpg (697x534, 68K)

>but it's not futanari
I meant yuri, fuck.

and japan has shit taste of course they think futa x futa faggotry is lesbian
too much fukushima radiation has made them go rama rama

You mean now that she has a new husband (me).

It is Yuri though, they're both girls
It's for people that want the girls to fuck, lesbian sex isn't the same and just seems like masturbation more than sex, but don't like toys since it's not the same and feels impersonal, and absolutely don't want to see some OC or faceless guy fuck them.

It's Yuri with a dick
It's basically the same as a dildo, except real.

>It's Yuri with a dick
Someone on /u/ is currently having a stroke.

A dick being involved means it's no longer yuri. I don't want to see an established lesbian character say "It's okay if it's a girl's penis", because I have seen it a few times, and it both killed my erection and soured my mood.

Pixiv says it's yuri


it's okay if it's a girl's yurifuta penis

me in the middle.

this. the whole point of yuri is the female body. Adding a dick negates anything yuri about it. ESPECIALLY when the vagina is removed as well. at that point it's not even futa, it's just genderbending

That's gay


you had to bring up your erection as if it matters, so thats a dick being involved
its no longer yuri now, dumb maleposter

Not really.

Momo's a boy, and if a boy has a husband, that's gay


Attached: 1566614257937.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

Imagine how many cute goats she murderized just to try to find Sakura.

We don't talk about that anymore

Yeah and look how her mind ended up.
Thank Lilith Shamiko came along and cleaned things up.

> Kill dark clan
> Get wish
> I wanna find Sakura
> Find another dark clan
> murderize, wish
> Find another dark clan
> all out of murder

Probably zero. We've seen other demons are not goats other than Lilith and Josh.

So demons take after other animals? Are there cat and dog demons out there?

I want to sniff mikan butthole

well Shamiko takes after cows, so it seems so

There's a tapir and fox, as far as translations go. Tapir's a cool dude and fox is a tricky bitch.

Is he meant to be an actual tapir as in a literal animal or, since he's a dark clan and all, a dream eating baku? Who can tell me more about him?

A literal Tapir. He can't fight. He runs a cafe. Quite a good fellow.

>when the vagina is removed as well
In that case it's no longer futanari, you know.

I'm becoming Momo.

Seems unfair for talking animals to be dark clan except when an angel does it.
Though I guess light clan making their own rules isn't anything new.

Well probably he is capable of eating dreams, given Shamiko's powers and the mythology surrounding tapirs, but chooses not to.

Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth.

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He's becoming Momo

Attached: momo box.jpg (760x1080, 194K)

I want to munch on Momo's box.

Why am I so sleepy when I haven't done much and got plenty of sleep? Even doing more things is not helping anymore. I'm getting sleepier everyday too. I'm not depressed.

Attached: frown.jpg (201x490, 35K)

That's Shamiko's box and that's definitely gay

a goat stole your blood

Momo putting her hands all over Joshua

I wonder if Joshua can see up her skirt

Shamiko is a powerful succubus?

Drop a vote for Shami to join the Yea Forums roster for the upcoming Autumn Cup by voting for BOGAH in the poll linked below, you can also come up with other names for Shami in the write-in section and even come up with your own new ideas.

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I always miss these stupid games. Voted for her anyway.

She becomes ever more powerful. The goldfish considers Shamiko a clear and present threat. Shamiko possesses a versatile staff, has the ability to get into anyone's subconscious and can alter memories and plant suggestions in just about anyone, and she is building a retinue.

>The goldfish considers Shamiko a clear and present threat
Which one?

I require it

Attached: H2c8c5639db74462387d9241df225b204e.jpg (790x967, 230K)

Well she's successfully seducing her mortal enemy, isn't she?

Zekiel, haven't you gotten to the part where Zekiel tries to solicit Ryo?

>rawfags flexing on mangafags and animeonly


I support ShaRyo as the otp.

Did someone save the BOGAH! compilation?

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The only thing that decides whether its yuri is if they're both girls, which they are. And not in a trans way, just in a "I magically grew a dick today" kinda way.

Futanari plots basically have to involve magic, which is one reason it fits well here. And because girl demons are known to grow dicks.

The vagina is always there or else it isn't futa. The fact that they're girls means its yuri.

>Prequel story
>Kill 10,000 demons
>"I want to find Sakura"
>Her wish is granted by showing her an image of Shamiko and telling her "Go back to Sakura's town and find this girl"
>Reveal she found Shamiko as soon as she got back into town after several years away, and started stalking her right away
>New manga has momo perspective, showing just how she stalks Shamiko all day.

Sasuga Urobuchi Gen.

>not grinding your teeth together until they crack and you have to spend thousands of dollars at the dentist

Her weakness is she has no physical ability, and she's too nice to be evil.

However Momo says that Shamiko's dream/subconscious manipulation ability is a super strong ability that can do a lot of shit.
And she has a magic staff that can become anything on command based on what she can imagine, with no real limits other than her MP value

She has very little strength in the real world, but in dream world she can control people's actions and cause them to do things later using mental manipulation. The only weakness of this ability is the same weakness as all succubus and incubus, if the dreamer suddenly becomes aware its a dream and it becomes a lucid dream they can trap you in there or deal with you.

In fighting terms I'd say she's a Blue Mage.

>The vagina is always there or else it isn't futa.
It's called futa when there isn't one too, you have no idea.

No, the vagina is a schrodringer's cat in futa, even when they have balls the vagina is still there, its just hidden. I've read every futa story in the world.

If someone calls an apple an orange, it doesn't make it a fucking orange.


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Apple orange = new (Apple);

If an orange is specifically an orange in a story, but it turns red, its still an orange. The inside is still the same even if the color is slightly different.

did the typesetter die

We don't have a set typesetter, random people do it each time. Which is why the releases are pretty inconsistent. If you can find a typesetter then find one.

Hell if enough time passes maybe I'll end up doing it or something, but I don't know if I have enough freetime to make that commitment yet.

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I'm probably just missing it but which one has ch17

Durian Mahou Shoujo who looks like Tomoko

it's easy to burn yourself out typesetting.

Watermelon Mahou Shoujo

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She wasn't half transformed in the anime

Any maho shojo who are named after hallucinogenic plants?

she no cri. dat eye juice.

suicide cat

Someone called out the TL saying he was going to drop it once the series stop airing, and he started seething that he will never drop and keep translating until it finishes

Forgot pic of my wife

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Imagine running your finger around the base of her horns.

Image sucking Momo's dickjuice

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does eye juice taste good

What's with those weird steam pipe noises all the time? Is Shamiko secretly a steam engine? Not that this were my fetish or anything.

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I claim Mikan for myself!

Of course, there's Kinoko and the American exchange student Mary Jane.

To late, I already harvested and squeezed the orange and drank her.

Oh, shit, I didn't realise that one had 17. I saw 16 and figured since that one was typeset already I wouldn't bother putting it in. Sorry.

No idea
>we will never get to taste Shamiko's eye juice
Why live.

Boga = snarl
Goba = roar

I dunno why the anime made Ogura a close friend from the start and has her constantly hang around the friend group, when Shamiko also says she's never talked to her before. Her inclusion feels forced in the anime.

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She's not a close friend of Shamiko initially in both the manga and the anime. Manga saw Ogura stalking Shamiko in the background while the anime made her rather overt.

You can simulate this experience in a few simple steps.
1. Take 500 ml of drinkable water
2. Add a pinch of of salt and taste test
3. Add more salt and taste test
4. Fuck it, pour it all in
5. Drink it like a man
6. Die of sodium poisoning in a puddle of your own vomit

Man, I so hope we get a Shamiko nendo with eye juice face.

Yeah, sounds about right, user.

I see, thank you very much.

Yeah, but knowing me and my life, right when I reached step 6, somebody would walk in, even though I live alone and have no friends or family nearby and see me and call an ambulance and race me to hospital and manage to save my life and now I'm stuck with my same old miserable life and a bazillion freedombucks worth of hospital and doctor bills.
Feels bad, man.

Imagine filling her dark soul with light

That's what Shamiko did for Momo.


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Fuck you cunt

Shut up momo, girls can’t have babies with other girls

You can just DIY a life by magic. Go ask Mikan and Lilith.

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Don't mind if I do.

Big if true

He's not a demon for talking like people. He's one because he stands on two legs.

Imagine Shamiko using her tail to jack Momo off

no homo though

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>four legs good two legs bad

Not with that attitude.

Would shamiko be a good mother to momo’s children?

Of course.

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she's already a good housewife

>stroking the horns and tail
>filling dark souls with light
>steam engine noises
this show is too much for me

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Filling light souls with darkness, you mean

Wasn't this the one where it was two girls with a language barrier?

but Shamiko is Momo's light

Momo's soul's filled with muck that Shamiko cleaned out


Shamiko is darkness, that corrupts the light filled magical girls. Slowly making them darker as she goes.

Although darkness is a lot less evil than light here.

thanks. i've been looking for this one for a long time. forgot the title

>user rubs Lilith's horns
>Lilith: "D-don't be mistaken; it's not that I like this or anything, but-"
>user lets go of her horns
>Lilith quickly reaches behind herself and grabs your wrists with her small hands
>Lilith: "I didn't say you had stop, you know."
>Her tail reaches up and wraps around your arms as you get back into horn-stroking position, like the wooden shackles that medieval prisoners wore
>[Cute Shamisen noises]

No worries. Glad to help.

At this point i think we should choose a standard set of Fonts so anyone trying to do some typesetting at least has that part of the consistency, aside from that, there's very little redrawing if at all.

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Yes. That's why our resident goat isn't down on all fours all the time. There are some of us who would prefer her to do just that but not all of us have pink hair.

They literally prove you wrong in vol 4. It did take a group of them though.

>shamiko is yuri gang banged

What is the Japanese word for fruit salad?

That wasn't really a birth, just giving form to an existence that already existed within Mikan from ten years ago that was forcefully jammed into her. Lesbians can't create new life. All she did was put something out there that already existed since she was possessed by a demon.

Lemme guess. Pic related is you. Right, user?

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No, but there/s kind of a big difference between Mikan being posessed and they shove her inner demon into a new body, since it was specifically a seperate existence that she didn't create, and giving birth.

She can't create something from nothing, she's just creating a container for a demon. I think people look too deeply into that scene and create something it isn't.

2015 was the best time of my life lmao
things just aren't like they used to be

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>Lesbians can't create new life.
Lilith reproduced asexually so therefore it is possible for lesbians to create new life and Mikan is now teen mama thanks to a bunch of them!

I think you've underestimated the actual situation
In ch52, Lilith explained that Ugallu was supposed to be a familiar, which was a lump of magic that has been programmed and then loaded onto a physical medium, making it closer to the likes of a golem.

Lilith then said that Mikan's exceptional magical power made Ugallu into something that could no longer be described as a familiar. Lilith further built on this by ch54 when she said that Mikan is the mother by the virtue of Mikan having created a soul through magic, which is the way that Lilith increased her offspring.

>things just aren't like they used to be
Jesus kuraisuto.

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Has the manga explained why Momo retired as a magical girl yet?

Isn't it heavily implied that it's depression from the death of Sakura?

That would be a newhalf, faggots like you are the reason i cant search for futa on any imageboard without being flooded with trannyshit mistagged as futa.

The one thing I took away from that.

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Don't think so
She never heard about Sakura dying, just that she disappeared one day, and no one had info on what happened to her. She came back to town hoping to find her, or find out what happened. She knew the only clue was probably the dark clan that were hiding in town.

She thought Sakura might be reduced to a core state, but its not like magical girls can entirely die. Although sometimes their fate may be a fate worse than death. Although I don't think she heard about Sakura going missing until she already quit. Chances are killing demons put a bad taste in her mouth which is why she quit. She says herself that she has no good memories of being a magical girl.

I don't think nuking the world makes god stop existing, and even then the doujinshi ends with her believing in god again.

Wow, you sure got TOLD by .

Seems to just be a matter of opinion. Ugalla isn't a life that Mikan created, just something she gave form afterwards. I feel that's different from birth. Even if she powered it up a bit the core materials weren't created by her or anything. It feels about the same as creating a familiar almost. Only if the familiar was already created by someone else, and you're just giving it a body.

Okay, dude. Whatever you say. The rest of us here will go with the Shamilator since he knows what the fuck he's talking about.

>Isn't it heavily implied that it's depression from the death of Sakura?

Possibly, but the author has been fairly careful to eventually fire the various Chekov's gun she set up early on. So I'm thinking when it's revealed why Momo retired we'll discover that it was much more important than we thought.

Well "reduced to a core state" is functionally not much different from dying, and if someone in a violent line of work suddenly disappears, "they're dead" isn't an unreasonable assumption to make. But eh, I could be wrong.

Riko said the Mikos collected the cores before they fled, so maybe they're recycling them or doing something with them? IDK either.

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All she knew at first is that Sakura disappeared. Could be dead, or could be working on a case and had to go underground or something. Momo didn't know what to assume at first, so its unlikely that's the reason she quit. After all she has no reason to automatically assume she died just because she couldn't find her.

It was only months later that she probably decided "Okay if I haven't heard from her by now, maybe she's gone". Core can be salvaged and turned back its hinted , but in order to do that Momo has to find Sakura's core, which she did eventually.

kill it

Cute onahole.

I wanna prod that cute little doll with a stylus.

Or maybe it's not that she thought Sakura was dead (or at least, not entirely that) and more because the older sister figure/emotional support she had in Sakura was suddenly gone.

and its revealed that Sakura in her core form still has complete sentience, the only thing she's lacking is enough mana to reform her body. Seems like an easy fix eventually. Only reason she stays inert is because if she separated from Shamiko, Shamiko would die immediately. Shami has to become strong enough to stand on her own before Sakura will separate.

The issue with conception is pretty interesting. All magical girls can be reduced to that of a lump of ether in the form of a core, but then you could also reduce a familiar to that very same thing. Ogura's research on homunculus was immediately applied to Lilith vessel dolls, Ugallu's newly made corporal body as well as Lilith's full-sized body.
Ugallu's vessel body was treated as an integrated circuit when Ogura's planning out how to properly summon Ugallu.

The story is showing that procreation is not the sole mean of conception, although the nature to soul or the 'breath of life' is not concrete. Mikan pointed out that the soul can dissipate upon the loss of the vessel medium, while Lilith use 'program' to describe familiars.

How does a comedy 4koma manga manage to be both so dark and so heartwarming while simultaneously so funny?

How can any Kirara manga go this deep in lore at that?

Fuck, Ito needs to make a 4koma titled "I can't believe that my rib is a magical girl!" at this rate.

Seven or eight pages of slice of life, then throw out one tidbit of lore at some point in the chapter every chapter.
Every five or ten chapters have all the lore you've dropped accumulate into something bigger, or have it payoff a bit. It will invest readers further and further the plot just a little bit at a time.
But always keep the focus primarily on the slice of life. This may seem counter productive, but rather not drawing attention to the deep lore and instead just putting it out there, and letting the readers put it together themselves, will only make them more invested. Like what happened to Five Nights at Freddie's(only example I can think of right now that didn't spell out the "deep lore"). Also I guess pokemon fits as an example; because most of the game is innocent, people latched on more to the small amounts of deep lore on Cinnabar island talking about how Mewtwo is born. Deep lore is something meant to stay in the background. You need to allude to it sometimes, but don't have it front and center too often, let the readers put together parts of it themselves.

Sounds like an easy formula but I doubt most authors could pull it off the same.

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Molest Shamiko

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What happens if you put Shamiko and Kaos on the same team.

What is the hat creature?

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Generic mob from Kirara Fantasia. They have feelings, but you have to kill them because they're literally evil.

>Mikan has a top that completely covers her shoulders
What is the meaning of this?!

Nice no u

if Shamiko gets pregnant, can the baby survive with just protein shakes?
asking for a friend btw

To be fair the anime kind of foreshadowed the everyone is friends forever ending.

The only improvement there is Momo's outfit.

What's wrong with her pantyhose in the right picture?

They outdork each other.

What is Momo training Shamiko to defend against: Magical girls, other demons, JSDF, cosmic horrors?


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Her skirt is too short.

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I love Shamiko's voice when she is being hit.

user just discovered his ryona fetish.

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Is Shamiko Ryona material?

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What does the tail coil mean when she does it to herself rather than others?

Ku ku ku

defense mode

hover hugging herself

I'm pretty sure she's just a troll.

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Aren't trolls supposed to be ugly hideous monsters or are they different in the Machikadoverse?

no ku

They are on the inside, but on the outside they look just like regular people.

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Why is she bent over with her ass in the air?

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maybe her butt hurts

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baiting Shamiko's tail.

From what?

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And she saw it all through her glasses.

Is she really the best person to be Ryoko's master?

street corner demon

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me on the left

How much?