Anime logic

>This is a minor wound

Attached: jojominorinjury.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

Look if your to much of pussy to accept a little head injury maybe you dont belong on the team.

That's just how Jojo works.
In the panel where an important character recieves a major injury it's super exaggerated and looks deadly, there's lots of blood and !!! NANI screaming it's super dangerous.
Then the next page it's suddenly not as serious and it doesn't affect them in any way.

JoJo is gay

Only Giorno, probably.

This is a doughnut

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Not only did he fully recover in a few hours, his clothes were cleaned of blood and the holes in his hat were fixed up.

the amount of blood loss in parts 5 and 6 is ridiculous

>If i kill my enemy i will be like him, so let's be friend instead.

The fuck are you talking about? They fucking murdered one another even when they respected each other

He's talking about the actual topic of the thread and not just the episode that the OP example is from

>Let's an horny teenage boy live alone with a bunch of magahotties craving for his dick. He will totally not fuck the shit out of them. What teenager would ever do that?

Yes, and?

Mista is already used to shoot himself in the balls

Attached: friendshippp.jpg (600x992, 227K)

he's so fucking cool.

What a chad


This is when Araki realized he needed Giorno to become the group healer


>MC takes an entire season to get his main weapon

What a bro

You are also gay but we won’t complain

check'd and reck'd

Attached: 455A26B1-B463-468E-BF00-6881872383CF.gif (444x444, 347K)

Worse instance of that i think is part 7 after the boom boom family fight. Both Johnny and Gyro are mutilated levels of fucked up, they aren't getting healed by cream starter yet, and they're just fine the chapter right after.

Not as gay as Vento Aureo

not Yea Forums

Gentarou is one of the rare examples of the power of friendship done right.

Attached: vlcsnap-2013-02-27-17h17m14s1792.jpg (1280x720, 192K)

>I have only watched one anime in my life
>I am also 15

Is the algae part always necessary?

No but that way the rice doesn't stick to your fingers when you hold it.