
First translated chapter is out, it turns out this little futa shit is going to be the God/Doom Slayer

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Curious to see how he/she grows up and if it turns out looking more male or female.

Is this monthly?

Don't have high hopes for it, apparently it was an experiment to teach his assistance how to draw but that's probably a bullshit excuse for Berserk delays.

According to a recent interview to Miura, Berserk is in the last stretch and this manga is training for his assistants (4 of them) to emulate his style and help him to have a stable chapters release for Berserk.

>Don't have high hopes for it
As always, why would I expect good things to ever happen? I find an original shota/loli manga and my hopes are immediately crushed by knowing that it probably won't last long

>ywn have an orgy with your 4 assistants
why even live

>wanting to have Miura stand behind you as you draw and make some strange ruffling sounds as you focus on the drawing, only to feel something wet and warm on your back, you don't dare turn around because you believe its all in your head, better focus on the drawing because Miura will rip it up

what the fuck user

how much loliservice will berserk have soon?


>look at the first two pages
>see an incredibly erotic loli
>happy to see miura drop all pretentions and embrace lolis
>read the rest of the chapter to find out its a disgusting futa abortion
How does that work anyway? It has both ponos and vagoo? Having no genitals would have been acceptable but both of them is vomit inducing.

>it will get faster once he got Gigantomakia out of his system
>it will get faster now that he's switched to digital
>h-he's training his assistants
I don't have hope user.

So is Murata trying to pull a Toriyama?

>refers to herself as "boku"
that's a cute boy pronoun. She's a boy to me

i really hope after this we will see an increase in berserk chapters
if not at least i hope the assistants continue duranki when theyre not working on berserk

>Last stretch
Before, or after the 5-10 volumes about the God Hand he needs to make to compensate for their absence?

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Any one wanna explain how the art in this is better than Berserk?

Seriously, this looks a million times better. Reminds me of Pre-Elfheim.

>Projared and CommanderHolly go for a walk

because its cute and funny

>Last stretch
>Idea of evil still not introduced officially yet
>Skull Knight's backstory and his history with Void still a mystery
>Wtf the other Godhand members are doing
>Griffith's endgame
>Who is the behelit for?
>Moonlight Boy's story still needs to be resolved
Miura isn't even close to being done unless he plans to skip a bunch of shit.

Basically, what this user
said. It's clear whoever was drawing this was clearly inspired

>Skull Knight backstory and his history with void already strongly implied as early as the golden age
>the other godhand members don't matter; it's all about Griffith and Void since they are the major players
>Griffith's endgame is to have his own kingdom and secure it against all enemies (this has been both directly stated in the case of the former, and in the case of the latter, implied)
>who the beherit is for could easily be resolved in a few pages (basically whoever activates it at the time)
>Moonlight Boy's story is just that he is the part of Griffith that Femto inherited from Guts and Casca's child, and he doesn't need to be explained all that much beyond what we already know

>that user who theorized that Berserk was being drawn by Miura's assistants was right

Bump because I think more anons should know about what seems to be a very promising cute and funny manga

The godhead existed and did shit long before guts story. This is his journey and story, so godhand doesn’t need to be resolved, just his.

not that user but what was the goal with the creation of fantasia
we saw the godhand members after the blast and griffith has falconia now and turning people into apostles is still their job

>this manga is training for his assistants
I don't think your assistants need further encouragement to like loli/futa, Miura, otherwise they wouldn't work for you.

The hermafrodite that saved Berserk

if it has both male and female genitals then why don't i see a vulva?

Attached: x24.png (1114x1600, 676K)

Because it's more fun to keep the readers guessing

but i see a penis and it's explicitly said that hte character is both male and female indicating genitals so there isn't much guessing to do. i think the artists were just too cowardly to draw a hint of a vulva even though they did so with a penis. extremely sexist.

Honestly, I don't care all that much
Everything goes for me as long as we get to see Usum naked at least one more time

miura has included vulvas in his manga before so unless we see it i will not be satisfied.

Jokes aside, we should pray this manga will have a somewhat regular serialization. If it really is just a way for Miura's assistants to hone their skills I wouldn't be surprised if Duranki got axed abruptly

i'tll probably be like gigantomachia and only have a volume's worth of chapters, like 6 or 7. and just so you know i wasn't joking.

>a volume's worth of chapters, like 6 or 7
That would make sad. I'd like at least two volumes of content. And I wasn't joking too: I'll be immensely disappointed if I won't get to see Usum naked one more time

so the fat fuck finally lost it and made his assistant draw degenerate furry pedo shit

>degenerate furry pedo shit
You wanna cram another couple of words in that salad, pal?

Bump for hermaphrodite lolis

I feel like Miura may be setting up a story that can keep going if he wants to continue writing and storyboarding for it since he's not entirely sold on letting his assistants do more work on Berserk. I think the first chapter would've jumped into the action sooner if the story had a definitive endpoint in a couple of chapters. Duranki's continuation might hinge entirely on whether or not Miura thinks his assistants are good enough to take over more of the art on Berserk since I think he'll happily take the chance to write something that's not Berserk every now and again.

Picked up. Based Miura

it's a shota not a loli since you can only see the penis

>Duranki's continuation might hinge entirely on whether or not Miura thinks his assistants are good enough to take over more of the art on Berserk
And what are your thoughts about it, user? Do you think his assistants did a good work with these first two chapters? I think so, but I admit I'm not exactly an expert on how to write, storyboard and draw a manga

This gave me a good belly laugh, nicely done

Look, user, I'm not here to argue about semantics: Usum is feminine (or masculine) enough to be everything you want

what if she can have butt babies?

i doubt he can as there is no mythological precedent for that

There's a first thing for everything, user

that won't stop Miura's magical realm

Welcome to the world of non-loli lovers. You have to suffer with us now.

not if they don't have a visible vagina that we can clearly see depicted on a page of the manga

>Usum is feminine (or masculine) enough to be everything you want
It might not be in whatever language that word's from. Unless he just made it up.

Give it time, user. Give it time. I'm sure Miura (and his assistants) won't disappoint. R-right? ahah

this was meant to be the page where they indicate that the character has both male and female genitals. but they only depict the male ones, which is bullshit and poor writing. if they were ever going to show it, it would have been there.

user, whoever was drawing this page pussied out and didn't give us what you clearly wanted. What I'm trying to tell you though is to wait: if all goes well, we'll get another shot at Usum's genitals and your wish will be granted

jsyk it's not something i specifically care to look at (there are plenty of other places you can go for that kind of material), i'm just infuriated by the double standard

As I already said: this does not particularly bother me. But I get what you're saying, user
>there are plenty of other places you can go for that kind of material
I would unironically pay good cash for a loli/shota h-manga done in Miura's style (or by Miura himself)


For cum dumpster

So basically it's a boy that can get pregnant right?

Pretty much, yes. And if we're lucky we'll get to see the black-haired shota introduced in chapter 2 pump "him" full of children

Threadly reminder.
>"Do you think you are good enough to draw Guts?"
>"No, it's 100 years too early for you to draw Guts."
>"Go train by drawing some naked loli until you are good enough."


Maybe we have to wait until a sex scene.

No is a Loli with penis

it's a boy until we have visual evidence otherwise

Come on, user, don't be obtuse: the satyr tells us (the readers) clearly that Usum has both a benis and a bagina

we only saw one. i won't believe it until i see it.

Well, maybe your wish will be granted in the 2nd chapter. Which reminds me: is the chapter in question still untranslated?

it's untranslated but i've seen the scans and we got nothing

Ok, well, hang in there, user: you'll get your hermaphrodite vulva eventually. Have faith in Miura's inner lolicon

Another bump for those who might have missed this cute and funny thread

Ok, last bump. Come on, anons

Interested. Hope it lasts more than a single volume like the last thing miura worked on

The art is alright, but the line weights seem to be all over the place. I'm thinking a longer Berserk hiatus in exchange for three volumes of Duranki. Clearly Miura's assistants still need to learn the art of obsessing over every pixel before they can be allowed to draw Guts.

Fuck, I could really go for a good shota/loli h-manga now. You guys got some good ones to share?

Need a better OP image,some lolibutt.

Isn't this not enough already?

no because it's a boy

>a boy
Read the thread, buddy

i did and that's how i came to that conclusion

Do you mind explaining to me how exactly you came to this most peculiar conclusion?


>tfw you lived long enough to see Miura art turn to shit, his writing turning into loli softcore garbage and his legacy shit on by the worst anime adaptation in the history of japan

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Yeah, it's fucked up that we can't have the Miura from 20 years ago.

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Is not a boy


Yes, (s)he's not. But I find it hotter to consider "him" a boy

This is not miura's art, its all by his assistants.

Listen here you heteronormative scum.
Usumgallu is anime's first genderfluid protagonist and nothing you can say will take that away from us

i know you're just coming up with wacky shit to say in order to bump the thread but i thought hte use of gender neutral pronouns in the translation was stupid. i doubt some random farmers would be woke enough on gender that that's in their lexicon

My favourite part was where the cis bully Satyr kid mansplains genders to Xer and Xe fucking owns him.
I can't forgive him for all the rape in berserk but this series on it's own is at least showing that Miura is learning right from wrong