Have you actually tried any of the exercises from this show?
Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru?
No, I'm not a faggot so I don't exercise.
Yes. I've tried them all and did the ones at the end of the show too.
Planks are still my favorite. I really like how a lot of them they show you how to do without machines so you can just do them in your room.
One of the best "user-experience" anime I've watched.
Do they use a rower?
So you're just a weak faggot instead of a strong faggot?
A few of them yeah. I Bought 5kg dumbbells because of the show
I'm a happy faggot that's also straight.
Planks are the best honestly. Not a fan of sit-ups since I need to bring a thicker mat because my tailbone likes to hit the ground.
Stuart Mcgill mentions sit ups are overall bad for your lower back health so it is smart that you prefer planks.
Hibiki will hurt someone with her antics.
Ah ok, What is a good rep for them because I usually do 15 second plank, 20 second rest.
I do 5 Minute Jog on a treadmill, Tricep curls, shoulder lifts, barbell curls, chest press, lat pulldowns, Leg curl, leg press, and end with planks into 5-minute stretching then treadmill cool down.
I do many at the gym.
Plank is brutal.
Planks are great for a total beginner, but you progress out of it really fast. I can do 3x60s after less than two months so now I'm doing ab wheel rollouts.
Not him, but I typically do a single 2-3-minute long one. I don't know if my form's correct, but I think it is.
I tried them in my head.
I don't see how you can screw up the form as long as your hips aren't drooping. Though there's little benefit if you can hold for over a minute so you might want to switch to a more difficult variation.
fat fuck detected
our school system has failed you if you've never done any of these exercises at least once in your life.
just wanted to let you guys know that I'm now down 20lbs, I'm currently at 16% body fat now. I think I'm going to try to get to 14% and then I'll start bulking for the winter but slowly.
nah, skele.
Dumbbells - was already doing them normally, did the one for waist slimming and it's harder than usual
Planks - hard but I'm 120kg so that might not have helped
Dragonflag - couldn't get all the way up but close enough, hard
Push ups - more effective than dumbbells for me
Why dont you jus have a squat rack in your bedroom, faggot?
Not adjustables? Ngmi
Gymfag triggered lmao
anyone looking to buy a set of dumbbells, make sure it has thick enough grip, curling with skinny metal grip and sweaty hands is shit.
Yes. I actually learned about side bends from this show and have added them to my routine.
>I'm currently at 16% body
Do you have a scale that measures your body fat?
Aren't those expensive as fuck?
Tried this but they barely did anything for me.
I had a coach who showed me a another exercise instead.
No they're cheap but totally inaccurate. If you want to actually know you can buy a set of calipers, or pay for a DEXA scan/float tank measurement, but even then the absolute number isn't that accurate, it's better just to track the relative changes.
I've tried a few, typically the ones I can do while watching the show (don't want to pause the episode or miss subtitles). Most notable was the chair dip one because man I was terrified by the creaking noise and wobbling my chairs did. It became extra funny when Hibiki broke the chair, which caused me to immediately stop. I don't think my weight was the issue since I'm only about 65kg, so it might just be my chairs aren't sturdy enough in construction for it (they're pretty old and some of them are missing screws). Needless to say I haven't tried that particular exercise again.
The rest went smoothly. I'll probably add some of them to my exercise routine when I get more time.
>showed me a another exercise instead.
What is it?
I have already been working out every day already for the past two years, because Hajime no Ippo made me buy a heavy bag and gloves.
But this show makes wanna switch up my usual routine of 25 minutes hit the bag, 15 minutes push-ups, sit-ups and jumping rope, 5 minutes on the dumbbells and finishing with 15 minutes of running. Especially for winter, where running outside is a fucking pain.
I just started going to the gym for the first time last month. Unrelated to this anime but because of another one. I'm up 16 pounds already and noticing myself getting slightly more toned. Super excited to keep going