There really hasn't been a single good ecchi since this one, has there?

there really hasn't been a single good ecchi since this one, has there?

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Nope. Not before or during either.

Pic unrelated i assume.

>there will never be a second season

I wish, I want to see more Kashii.

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Some ecchi magazines shut down back in 2014 like Champion Red Ichigo.

There is Jump Plus but it doesn't really offer the freedom that Champion Red Ichigo had.

>Hajimete gal

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isekai maou

that creamy shortstack is impossible not to fuck, MC is more than a cumbrain


They ruined Yukana for no reason and turned her into a fucking sociopath while every single other character gave Junichi shit for not wanting to be NTR'd. I don't even know why they did this, it's not like the manga didn't have enough content.

>Champion Red Ichigo shut down
well that sucks

>depict how women act in real life

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What are you talking about, retard? How about instead of depicting her like your twisted view of women in real life, they depict her like her actual character.
Take your buzzwords back to /r9k/ where you belong.

The director was showing us that the innocent gyaru is too shallow and fake. He wanted us to accept women for who they are and they are loose sluts who will cheat on you on drop of a dime. Women are whores and in this age of feminism, they can do whatever they want.

so they're encouraged to waste their youth and not focus on finding a good partner but chase hedonism?

based truthposter

i miss you, xebec.

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We read manga to get away from women, you roastie.

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S2 never ever.

Never say never, but probably never
Are there any other better candidates for the next gyaru anime? discounting gal-dino
I could see the hokkaido gal maybe getting one depending how the author plays with it.

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Meant yuuna since at least that one didn't butcher the adaptation with animeonly nonsense. Also big characters hadn't been introduced as of yet there.
For gals could see gal gohan being a good choice. Maybe that cosplay gal one too.

>no even buttplug-tail
what the hell is this shit

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blackmailing Ranko into a relationship with you to protect Yukana from you sounds win win.

actually is there any manga with this plot?
Guy appears to be interested in a girl's friend so she tries to protect her friend by intercepting the guy and agreeing to date if he doesn't touch her friend
only for the guy to secretly be after her but keeping up the pretence of interest in her friend or perhaps he develops an interest in her despite originally haveing an interest in her friend or he just got caught up in a romcom and wasn't interested in either girl but is now stuck in a relationship unsure how it happened or how to get out but kind of curious to try dating so just wings it.
anything like any of those?
gyaru is a bonus

Socially speaking, theres no one stopping them and if you criticize them for doing so you are commonly seen as "sexist". Furthermore some people would even encourage such activities as "liberation". So essentially, yes. They are above criticism and women in their entire history since suffrage have never been held accountable to the same standards.

they're more libertine than libertarian, the libertarians preach self responsibility

The brown one is a fucking lesbo whore

There hasn't been any lewd threads since NY's but at least there's this, you know- Oh I thought this was going to be a lewd thread or at least an ecchi anime thread, my mistake.

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probably not

Henshin Ganbo I guess and that flower manga

Miru Tights is unironically the hottest ecchi anime ever.