Eat shit Yea Forums!

you are the cancer of Yea Forums(nel)!

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Other urls found in this thread:


you've got the wrong board buddy, the worst board on 4channel is easily Yea Forums

enjoy your ban, ant fag

Is this cunny for ants?


Why would they pose like that? Arent they embarrassed?

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wow rude

easily Yea Forums you c/a/ncer
Yea Forums is the most based board you dog shit
>Yea Forums cucks cant even post from mobile
lol braindead subhuman oxigen waste.

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shut up nerd

o-oh well if you're gonna show me that then I guess I'll have to listen to you
long live Yea Forums, Yea Forums has sucked ever since sakurafish was banned anyways

Oniijanny is gonna licky lick this thread.

>Yea Forums
>worst board
this is the state of Yea Forums fags, kek

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>replying to yourself

Fool, lolis only make me harder (to beat)!

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well that was fast
your mom replies to herself.

>posts a thumbnail on an image board
>calls someone else cancer

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Why Lolis Love's fat old men cock?

>implying you dogshit are worth the orignal size
no you are not

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You fuck, I click to expand just to find ANTS!


no you nigger
go to wsr if you dont like it Yea Forums cuck like you subhumans tell others always

Oh shit, the advertisers are gonna be PISSED.


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What is this? A bait for ants?

why can't you type normally?


I always knew Noafag was a subhuman Yea Forumsermin.

Get raped twice and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
this shithole shall be nuked

In all seriousness, Yea Forums's history of board conservatism has made it the worst the worst blue board. This desire to remain just as it was in 2006 and lashing out at anyone tries to introduce something interesting as Yea Forumsermin is insufferable.

Why is Yea Forums obsessed with trannies?

Normally you're supposed to post displeasing pictures when you want to attack the board.

fuck off and get raped by a nigger you dogshit.

Yea Forums has been gay for years now

other way around

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It's a double edge sword that's for sure.
On 1 hand it prevent Yea Forums from getting as worse as Yea Forums
On 1 hand it kill some of the fun from shitposting and become reddit but a little bit more edgy with heavy moderation

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fuck off, reddit zoomer.

Take your meds, schizo

let's all hope Yea Forums finds some good jannies in this new hiring wave

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nothing interesting has ever come from crossboarding newfag cancer

>something interesting
What? Twitter screencap threads? E-celeb faggotry? Frog and Wojakposting? /r9k/ and /pol/ faggotry? A million threads about some Nintendo kiddie game?
This place is already a shithole riddled with fujoshits, shounenspic shitposters and autistic tripfags. Why would you want to bring even more autism?

this is more your speed?

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Nah, all the new jannies will be on power trip more than before.


hot as fuck
post more.

lets hope you never come here back again you subhuman
and lets hope redit ruins this board as well

You're both wrong and retarded.
/vp/ is the absolute worst board on 4channel.

Sasuga Yea Forumstoddler. Upset because your faggotry isn't put up with here? Please, throw another tantrum.

Meanwhile this thread and the shit in this thread gets posted, my thread yesterday making a joke about pic related gets jannied.
When will trannies learn?

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I can't see that. Anyone have a larger image?

grim reminder

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and I wear it like a fucking badge of honor.

Reasonable bait, could've been better.

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>vidya ad

See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. I've been here since 2005 although I lurked Yea Forums and you get called a newfag for going against even the minutest grain of the general consensus on this board. It makes me thankful that I mostly just stick to /r9k/ even if that board has gone to tranny shit.

Which board has the most ironic lolicons?
90% of lolicons on /jp/ are true lolicons.
40% of lolicons on Yea Forums are true lolicons.
10% of lolicons on Yea Forums are true lolicons.

Disgusting. Almost every site and board outside Yea Forums is a degenerate LGBT nest. Yea Forums is the last place for guys like me to express my heterosexuality with 2D tits and asses.

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Thanks. Now I can harass @Pokemon's twitter page even more.

Nah that's is /vg/ pal, that is the worst board.
Beside a few good general like /mhg/ and etrian
The rest is dogshit and full of ERP faggots

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Nice get.

no you!

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wtf don't shitpost with my wife

Do you see the title of the vidya or the company? No


fuck off, crossboarder loser.

Based janny and mods not doing their "job".

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Nevermind I found it. It's censored too. OP is a pussy.

Still vidya

yes mod here
may i suck your dick user?

What with the pure hatred for other boards on Yea Forums?
I didn't remember it being this bad, almost everyone crossboard Yea Forums because it's an ANIME WEBSITE

>sad panda threads and discussion of hentai series are fine
Mods sure lead by example.
>judge posters based on the ACTUAL CONTENT OF THEIR POST
Yeah, I'm judging a shitty bait thread of an assblasted retard for what it's worth.

Maybe they're asleep?

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Almost, but now it's my turn.

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There are some boards Yea Forums doesn't hate like /jp/.

/pol/ took it over years ago and the industry has a history of pissing off core gamers with progressivism.

Autism respect autism.

>gaia online tier faggotry
>muh strict anime imagery
>no fun allowed

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/vp/ is 90% lolicon, like actual pedophiles jacking off to 12 year old girls of Pokemon,
intersecting with furries who want to fuck Pokemon 24/7.
The rest are bara, shitposts, and fart/pregnant threads.
This year alone /vp/ only has 2 good posts. Thanos Masuda Endgame thread and Anorith mix and match.

Understandable because it filled with 3DPD

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I hate /jp/. Nothing but idolfags and snowflakes.

Respect you nee-chan, user.

No, it's my turn.

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>I've been here since 2005
More like you've were born in 2005, Yea Forumsermin

So how did Yea Forums become the worst board?

Most of the non weeb boards are SJW cancer. And /pol/ is just too conservative for us.

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Yea Forumsnons are probably the closest thing I have to "friends".

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Literal discord trannies and gay ops.

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>What with the pure hatred for other boards on Yea Forums?
Maybe we wouldn't hate other boards so much if they kept their faggotry away from here.