
Part 5 is actually the thematic culmination of the Joestar-Brando feud, with Giorno, the child born with both Joestar and Brando blood becoming an angelic entity, transcending the flaws of both families, and even the idea of Stands themselves with GER being the most powerful ever.
Part 6 cheapens all of this with adding the three Dio sons, which ruin Giorno's status as the culmination of the rivalry

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Other urls found in this thread:

Part 6's ending was good, but tying it to Dio was absurd, considering the amount of timeline retconning it does, and the inconsistency of Dio's character with the other parts.

>Never makes anything about it, no references to that dio is his father or anything

>the thematic culmination of the Joestar-Brando feud is a few days of petty gang warfare led by a child who doesn't know anything about the Joestar-Brando feud
Sounds dumb.

Well he says muda

ok that's true, and he did the hand thing once

>part 5 is the thematic culmination of the joestar-brando feud because it creates a character born from both families who is essentially a christ figure
>part 3 is NOT the thematic culmination of the Joestar-Brando feud because it doesn't have that and instead it actually ends the Joestar-Brando feud by killing off the one who started the feud in the first place

I dunno user, i'm no poet but i like the second choice better

Giorno is the biggest Gary Stu on JoJo and if not one of the biggest on anime/manga history

Thankfully Araki retconned him out of Part 6

Jonathan loved Dio, and Dio never truly hated Jonathan either, so the real culmination of the conflict would be the union of the two families into a righteous child, rathan that Jotaro killind Dio.
Part 3 ended the threat of Dio, while part 5 reunited the Joestar-Brando spirits.

Was him not showing up in part 6 the most retarded thing Araki did?

DIO wanted to eliminate the Joestar bloodline.

Actually is one of the best things he ever did, would ruin a great part with this tard

He showed up but got btfo by based Westwood

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Brains don’t make cum.
All of “dio’s children” are Joestar’s.

I mean, it really is because there aren't really that many cute boys in part 6 compared to part 5 and prior to part 6 it was all manly cute men so you have a point.

which did muda to the plot, really.

He knew they would see him as a threat and come for him, and Holly's condition made them fighting inevitable.
Jonathan earned DIO's respect more than any other person and pretty much single-handedly changed his views on humanity from Part 1 to Part 3.

Is this the main Jojo thread for the moment?

The brain ur mum gave me made me cum explain that.

Fuck no, at least they introduced a McGuffin to give him an OP stand. Jotaro literally just gets his OP ability randomly with no prior foreshadowing or hint that he has it. In fact Jotaro literally wins every fight in Part 3 just by pulling something out of his ass at the last second to win. Jotaro is the biggest gary stu in anime history.

You know with part 6 DIO acting completely out of character makes me think that Araki somehow forgot what DIO’s character actually was around this time period. He made Giornio stoic and ambitious because that’s how he saw DIO also.

Some user said that being Dio’s som makes sense due to one of themes of this part that there can happens good things in bad origins. Aka thanks to the gangstar he meet since kid he had a dream instead of becoming a bastard like the others Dio’ son. Same goes to all the gang of Bruno, being Bruno the one that got out of their misery to Fugo, Narancia, Abbachio and Mista

>now they will post the same copypasta about why Bruno is a Gary Stu and bla bla

He kinda succesed because Giornio is gay

nah man,dios kids represent something diferent in part 6 than it does in part 5

the point of dios kids in part 6 is that theyre puccis ultimate test of fate because they represent the worst parts of dio and hes forced to confront and accept them

Post your JoJo Waifu here.

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>Fuck no, at least they introduced a McGuffin to give him an OP stand.
Having an entirely new mechanic introduced to the story for the sole purpose of making Giorno the strongest character in the universe is pretty Stu-ish.

>Having an entirely new mechanic introduced to the story for the sole purpose of making Giorno the strongest character in the universe
Forgetting about Bites za Dusto, are we?

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What are you implying?

>Imagine being this retarded
The point is that Diavolo wanted the arrow to keep being the boss but the arrow said “Fuck you” and choose Giorno. Also arrows existed since Part 4

Requiem stands did not exist until the last arc of Part 5.

The literal worst character in the series

>The point is that Diavolo wanted the arrow to keep being the boss but the arrow said “Fuck you” and choose Giorno.
Is this supposed to convince me that Giorno isn't a Gary Stu?