Daily reminder that Jotaro is a quarter Venetian BVLL

From his maternal grandmother side Suzi Q

No wonder he is so chad

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This wimpy faggot on the other hand is not even Italian

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Jotaro was too much of a pussy to meet this guy.

Koiji met him who is more of a coward than Jotaro


still the strongest jojo

Jotaro can literally stop the time

Reminder BVLLtaro gassed jews just like his grandpa.

Giorno is only 15 years old.

Name an anime/manga character chadder than him.

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>reverts everything you did in the time stop

Nothing personal

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i want him to spit in my mouth so bad

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He looks so bad in the anime, sister.

Jolyne is so lucky

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Jolyne only likes black men though. The only black thing Jotaro has is being a deadbeat father.

I wish Jotaro would make me watch as he fucked Jolyne right in front of me.

jotaro is a p*do

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He smashed? Chad move.

she's 10


my dad works at nintendo

I read somewhere Jotaro Kujo is more italian than Giorno who neither of his parents are italian.

>I read somewhere Jotaro Kujo is more italian than Giorno
That's literally the topic of this thread

What happened with Jotaro's shoulders?

Giorno is English/Japanese, 0% Italian

and he was 17 it's all legal then

daddy jotaro is my favourite jotaro

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anyone got any info about his wife?