>right click
>audio track
>disable or japanese
Attached: image.png.jpg (400x400, 16K)
>jap audio only
>dual audio
why everytime
Another frog about to be iced on cirno day
no mods huh?
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Attached: dumb frogs.jpg (1395x858, 122K)
posting in le ebic thread
Attached: rosa_likes_you.jpg (850x567, 127K)
this is a loli thread now
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Kill me and then kill yourself, there's no hope anymore
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>Only the dual audio upload has seeds
We exist to suffer
too bad this IP is blocked from making threads but oh well, this'll do
Attached: 1543055714575.webm (1280x720, 1.28M)
>frognigger is too brainded to use hotkeys
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bote sluts
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no mod hours
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how long can this go on?
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the last thread took them 2 hours to delete so we've still got a while
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This board sure has been taken over by stupid frogposters.
but we're here to fix that
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Imagine getting so mad over a frog that you start flooding with loli porn and on top of that you don't even sage, fucking retards
why sage a loli thread?
Attached: 1553657399777.jpg (1299x1841, 306K)
>on top of that you don't even sage
You don't even know how it works retard.
Attached: 21.jpg (1000x1415, 246K)
Mods are busy massacring frogs on /bant/. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Also can you post JY or JS? I prefer my lolis young.
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Imagine getting so mad that some based user is posting loli that you feel the need to make a post agreeing with a frognigger. Kys faggot.
Why can't Frogposters and Animeposters become friends? The rest of Yea Forums hate both our guts anyway so we should really stick together.
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and you're constantly necrobumping these threads so whatever
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at least spam the good stuff like ponies
no problem user, we're all friends here (except frog posters)
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Oh gee I wonder why
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i know your baiting but i like to deliver
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This is my first post ITT, and I only bumped it because got mad at the other user saging it.
Thanks bro.
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why is your cirno black
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this post along with every cirno post is necrobumping frog threads from page 10 but whatever let's just have a loli thread
Attached: 1554122929885.jpg (1047x1277, 844K)
>thread was dying
>suddenly bumped for le epic loli spam
Why are pedophiles so retarded
If the mods would do their job it wouldn't matter
it gets bumped constantly even if it gets to page 10 so whatever, let's have fun while the mods aren't around
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