Like a series

>Like a series
>Want to discuss it
>It has a thread on Yea Forums
>Said thread is full of shipping wars/garbage and waifu/husbando posting

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reddit infiltrated mods and jannies to ruin the site by simply being inactive

The real reason is that it's released monthly. If One Piece was published like that it'd have the same problem. People get bored.
Try sorting by creation date for once. You'd realize you're a schitzo.

>If One Piece was published like that it'd have the same problem. People get bored.
Cope, SnK is just shit compared to OP

If you're talking about Snk, the threads have also turned into /pol/

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Nothing new here.
There are only a couple of good thread on Yea Forums per month.

Stop liking garbage.

>want to discuss it
>on Yea Forums

>liking shounenshit
That's your problem.

This board brings out the worst in a fanbase

I wish shippers would die

>relatively popular series
>Yea Forums
Pick two

Now you know the pain of a non retarded HunterxHunter fan.

SnK is full of shipper baiting. Especially the last arc.

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I mean I get being annoyed by Hunterchad stuff, but from the threads I've seen they actually discuss the series, quite the opposite of most other threads.

Yeah the actual threads are good. It's more when I go into a non HxH thread and it's immediately ruined when the copypastas are sent in.

This doesn't apply to Shonen only though desu

Shounenshit is the worst offender by a mile.

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>Implying OP threads aren't shipping wars /waifu/husbando posting

>Like a series
>Want to discuss it
>It doesn't have a thread on Yea Forums
>try to make one
>either dies in 10 posts or gets derailed with shitposting that the series has been associated with for the last decade
>large amounts of the series were never discussed in any thread

Fuck Yea Forums.

that's why I only read shonenshit, since you have at least active threads and people to discuss with

One Piece threads have the same problem, the whole board got infested after the first season of SnK aired.

We need accelspammer back. This board keeps getting shittier and shittier.

Seriously what the FUCK happened to SnK threads. I go in there and all I see are shipperfaggots posting the same shit over and over

It's how it's always been for popular series. I actively avoid Snk, hero academia, and anything fate related because the threads are nothing but shipping, posting images for (you)s and talking about their fetishes.

Don't forget a couple of them purposely hound specific threads just to nab dozens of anons for the most trivial offenses.

I swear they're becoming as bad as real life cops. Only problem is we don't have guns for internet cops.

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In the last few years, I've noticed a few rogue mods that are very ban happy, banning people that post things they don't like, a lot of times the posts are actually on topic.

i think the mods should ban more desu

I think you should need a pass to post. It'd keep the kids and trannies out and make bans actually work.

yeah that worked out so great for Something Awful

Why can't the mods just fuck off