Shingeki no Kyojin

Eren will set Ymir free

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Other urls found in this thread:

Was she already pregnant here?

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Screencap this

Either Eren or the farmer is the father. It's not Armin like Fox predicts.

Fucking screencap this

Did the anime cut anything important from the Uprising arc? Should I read the manga version?

>EHfags ruin another thread before it even starts

She looks like a jew

EH is comfy

I like her

>rape if comfy

It cut a lot

you mean save

Did Historia see the cavern massacre memory here? In most other instances like this both parties have been able to see the same memory. Her eyes widen but it could just be her reaction to Eren. I wonder how upset she'd be if she found out Eren was more responsible for Frieda's death than she thought.

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Which character is most likely to be a huge stoner?

>EM Rapefag is a phone poster
Oh no no no

Mentally ill EMcuck

Why would we screencap the most obvious shit to ever be posted in one of these threads.

Gabi says be happy.

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It gets the gist of it but there are a shitload of cut character interactions that are pretty necessary for the full experience. Definitely read it.

I want this smol devil to beat me unconscious

Oh fuck, guys, think about this
Zeke said
>give the Subjects of Ymir bodies that cannot reproduce
And the titan bodies literally dont have reproductive organs
And with the time travel fuckery, what if Zeke literally created Titan forms with this wish?

Why don't the EHfags just get a thread of their own?

Her eyes widened because Eren was going nuclear

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She understood why Grisha did it she will understand why Eren did it

Last time we did that nobody posted or the EMfags started to spam

> Armin
> the father of Historia's baby
Man, that would be the biggest asspull. It would surpass Reiner's consciousness transfer shit move

Who is the most dominant girl?

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Oh no no no Carla chads this can the happening

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post JoJo pics

Spoiler: you're not the first one to come up with that blatantly-obvious theory.

What's the number of the next chapter?

>I wonder how upset she'd be if she found out Eren was more responsible for Frieda's death than she thought.
re-read chapter 67

Historia is full dom. Mikasa is a literal slave and Annie is an insecure little girl

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Mikasa is submissive.
Annie is apathetic.
Historia is full vanilla.

So realistically probably Annie. Memes say Domstoria though.

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>only 9 chapters left

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Fucking samefag fuck off

Anyone got the official english scans for 121 in high quality? I looked at the free sample on Kodansha's site and the quality this month is really crisp and the blacks are not faded for once, anyway I've been searching for am absurd amount of time for the chapter in official quality but can't find it anywhere when it'd usually be up by now, thanks in advance if anyone has it, best I could find was compressed official baguette scans with faded blacks.

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>Eren: Zeke, WAIT!

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>Falling for the "it's ending meme."
Isayama said this back in 2017 too. Even if there wasn't already too much content to cover in two more cours, which there is, season 4 wouldn't be the last season and the manga would be well over a year from ending, which they are. Too many loose plot points.

You what?

Eren will set his daughter free.

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is he our guy?

>I wonder how upset she'd be if she found out Eren was more responsible for Frieda's death than she thought.
She literally killed her father, dumb speedreader

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The scans are small but this is the only site that has the full chapter with official translations

There is barely enough material for one cour

Eren and Historia are going to have a lot of daughters.

Krista, Carla, Frieda, Faye, Ymir, Dina, and Freedom.

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Oops I dropped a > looks like you don't get a (You)

Retard. Historia would love him even more knowing this is what it took to make Kenny spare her.

That's not me!

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>Too many loose plot points.
I bet you're one of the people who think we should get content about ackerdogs and related stuff.


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>Too many loose plot points
I can't wait for the extended cut ending

Oh no I'm so sad I didn't get a (you) from some autist boohoo better kill myself


> this

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It's kind of hard to feel bad for Annie when she took joy in killing those soldiers. She literally spun one of them around while chasing another.

lmao good meme

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We're here!

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They tried to kill her

>a gamer's final face-off with a woman as the white knight watches on in horror


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What in gods name...

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So Eren wasn't brainwashed by Grisha, but backwards?

>schizo EMfag

and Redpilled!

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Order of events:
(1/6). Grisha uses the attack titan to see Future-Eren's memories and Future-Eren controls what memories Grisha sees.
2. Grisha enters the cave and explains to the Reiss what he learned from Future-Eren.
(3/5). Present-Eren uses the founder titan in combination with the attack titan to communicate with Grisha and ensure he finishes his mission.
4. Past-Eren kisses Historia's hand and sees Grisha's memories from the cave. This includes some of Future-Eren's memories because Grisha was thinking about them at the time. It also includes some of Present-Eren's memories because Present-Eren was communicating with Grisha at the time.
(3/5). Present-Eren uses the founder titan in combination with the attack titan to communicate with Grisha and ensure he finishes his mission.
(1/6). Grisha uses the attack titan to see Future-Eren's memories and Future-Eren controls what memories Grisha sees.

Are you reading the manga through these threads?

Indeed, gudfren. This is something that could've only been made by god himself!

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why is reiner still alive


To suffer

EMfags fears this

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Cuz he's the PlotArmor Titan

I’ve yet to see a EMfag put together an argument at this level

>Eren will pull a Le-

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>muh parallels

Some arguments are now invalid. Place in the trash.

B-but the scarf...

why is the reiss family full of cucks

Are there any zoomers like Eren? Waiting for one to pop up...

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>Dad, you have to impregnate mom, quick
>Harder, make sure he's pregnant
>It was beautiful, dad

karl put it into their genes

What did you expect? EHfags are plotchads and EMfags are dumblrtrannies.

Have the EMfags all left? It's quiet here.


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Reiss that type of family that would let black men fuck their women out of guilt for slavery

Even if she spun one around, that doesn't really mean she enjoyed it, she always has an existential crisis whenever she felt like she was responsable for someone's death.
When Eren bumped her into a church and a bunch of people died she stood there a second looking at the mess with a blank stare while Eren didn't give a fuck and just kept wrecking shit.

Why is Zeke so hot?

Fuck off Yelena

Whatever happened to that Yelena is Kruger's daughter theory

>she always has an existential crisis whenever she feels*

Thanks, even if this isn't the best hopefully it's enough for my friend who doesn't like reading the unofficial and avoids reading until official release (understandable cause the dark fanscans look like white and lose detail/visibility)

Yelena was crazier than we expected

wow i dont really ship but this makes a lot of sense

What is he listening to?

>Shitmachine guy

What if Eren was Grisha and Dina's son instead?

thats deep shit man


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He'd be a cuck like Sieg, Carla has the Chad genes.

Best girl is here

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And a boy named Kruger.

is it possible that Eren is able to do some of these bizarre "time travel" shit because he was conceived while Grisha held a Titan?
we know that blood relations have better path/memory connections, but this is a whole additional level to that it seems.

Pretty funny this was written before the wine, the family themes and Historia memory shard were revealed.

Hajime Isayama is such a shitty mangaka, no backgrounds and everyone looks cracked out. He should promote his favorite boislave and just do the plotting.

Ok let's test that theory. I will roll a random number between 1 and 121, and then I will count the number of pages, and roll a random page number. Let's see how it looks


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Why would you want him to die? That would stop the laughs

EHchads write the plot

>Eren being a waifufag cheapens his character.

lol only a tranny could possibly say this. The last time we saw him smile was over 2 years ago. He's been on full edgelord mode ever since. An EH flashback at this point of a tender moment with Historia where it shows his true emotions and motivations would be an absolute peak kino character moment for Eren right now.

Tick tock, fujos.

I rolled chapter 103, page 34
(45 pages per chapter)

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Can we say Frieda's pussy got destroyed by Chadren?

Reminder ch 121 confirmed EH
>Eren reaction to Zeke ordering Ymir is not normal Eldians are slaves to the founding titan he could easily reverse it , the only thing that will make his reaction normal is if there's a permanent effect to the sterilization plan, the only thing that i can think of is the baby dying and Eren already killed countless children so it doesn't make sense to care about a random farmer child.
>Eren is not influenced by anybody, his conversation with Falco was just Eren seeing himself in Falco.
So ignore the EMwhales/YHdykes spamming and shitposting.

And what do we do with this shit?

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Anyone got more like this?

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>Eren will kill billions for this smile

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My bad, the wine being spiked was revealed in 112, but people still thought that Historia got pregnant to delay Zeke’s death by then.

her pussy game must be worth it

Eren will try to destroy the world but he will be stopped by Armin and Reiner. Isayama is building up to this. Also as thanks for the help Magath will pretend that paradis got taken over by Marley but in truth let them live in peace. The world will remember Eren as literally devil hitler with only Historia and Mikasa knowing that he wasn't evil.

EMfags are still coping about this page, it’s honestly just sad at this point.

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What the other user said in a previous thread is the funniest part desu
Grisha is seeing himself 6 inches from his face with his kid basically calling him a pussy

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How can a crystal be dominant

Even O MY RUBBER NEN would be high writing compared to armin fucking hisu

How does this preclude him pulling a Lelouche? In a hypothetical Zero requiem scenario the Eldians would still survive, even the mainland ones.

Damn, I didn't notice that.

once she moves she cannot be stopped, zeke will win

Why? After this chapter, it became clear that Eren has no family, only friends.

>Eren clearly against doing the rumbling at first and wants to find an alternative
>something happens that makes Eren panic and stage a plan with Yelena
>Goes to Marley and suddenly ok with slaughtering children and doing the full rumble
>Freaks our when Zeke commands the founder to sterilize everyone
Uh yeah I’m thinking EH is pretty much confirmed

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Unironically to chaddest one is the bastard daughter......Alma at least had good genes.

I think that's a different guy. He said he was from a tiny, no-name village

Based sluts created two the most chaddest spawns from cuck sperm.

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Anyone got a link to the official chapter/scans?


>>Freaks our when Zeke commands the founder to sterilize everyone
So if Zeke command goes through Historia baby will be killed?

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except his daughter

How could you hate them?

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EM is happening

by constantly having faggots like you bring them up.

At least she'll join Porco in paths hell soon

so 3 AND 4 then?

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That ain't official chief.

Is SnK the only shonen where the divine entity of the story isn't the final boss or the etereal good guy, but literally a neutral mindless slave who have to do the same shit for centuries? Because im literally likeing Ymir fritz/krista way more than kaguya,Nyx,the soul king and all the others god-like faggots.

>That ain't official chief.
Dirty fucking casual

Wrong characters for pretty much everything

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I have some bad news for you, pal.

Isn't it more like, from the point command is issued no more babies and ones that were still in wombs will be born?
Or logic behind 'Hisu baby is in danger' is that Ymir will delete wombs thus ending Hisu child life?

Allocate a character from The Boys to a character from SNK.

If Hange does make it Historia's farm, what clues will she find that finally leads her to the truth?

she already has enough information

the babies are in danger

His suffering is the funniest running gag of the series

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Eren probably doesn't know for sure

Yeah, im preatty sure she was going to go there if wasn't for Nico's show and" the UNJAEGER bastards"

He would have gotten himself, his parents and his grandparents sent to Paradis to be titanized

anyone else hope that levis finally fucking dead
i know he isnt but i want it to be true

If you could impregnate one of the boys, which one would you choose?

Is the next chapter the last chapter of the volume?

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What's with the autistic hatred of one of the most unoffensive characters in the manga? He's OP, sure, but he's also good at moving the plot along when it needs a kick in the teeth.

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i thought it was a good death
how else do you expect him to be used? hes gonna kill some titans for people over and over then die
theres not much else for him to do anymore

Other way around, he is entertaining in down time chapters when he is just being an autistic grumpy old man but unbearable when he is an unstoppable slicing machine.

Sorry, but he is the only character isayama will never able to kill off, mostly because the fujos would KYOANi him istantly (right after chapter 114-115, after the chart explosion, he was assaulted by some fujos who throwed rocks at him)

Eren is Homelander.

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She'd hear Frieda's speech and vomit in disgust. She ain't no race traitor.

I posit that Grisha is the main character. Thoughts?

>im a doctor, can't kill children ereh!
>cutting their dicks off? what's the problem??
Grisha's character got butchered. It's one thing that he is not as hardcore as eren, but agreeing to zeke's retarded plan out of nowhere, wtf?

No, I want him to live and realize that he will never fulfill his promise to Erwin, that he will have no part in the final battle, and that he figure out what to do with himself that doesn't involve fighting

there is no way of grisha knowing what zeke's secret plan was. he just didn't expect eren to genocide everyone except for paradis.

But what about the Historia?

merely the means to an end

Which one?

user, boys cant get pregnant

Im pretty sure grisha knew nothing about zeke's plan, he just asked to him to stop the "complete" genocide

Grisha didn't know that was what Zeke wanted. Even if it was, that Ymir could just clip em humanely.

imagine if you were a girl and you could impregnate a boy and care for him as his tummy grows big and swollen

How many babies Frieda has aborted?

It makes much more sense how Grisha could see Zeke without creating inconsistencies. And i also believe, at least for what we now know, that we are living in a fixed timeline

So Grisha is saying the Attack Titan's entire existence has been leading up to this moment?
Maybe it's Eren orchestrating everything after all.

Maybe the Attack Titan doesn't have the ability to see the future, maybe that's just Eren doing it all using the paths.

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rough sex with mikasa's luscious body resulting in a strong, healthy offspring + tummy licking

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damn, I will have to admit you guys are probably right. haven't considered that.

This is exactly what I've been trying to tell people. But they think that just because Geisha said something that he has no reason to be correct about, it's canon that way.


Fuck shipper wars, can we all just agree that this was the moment that saved SnK?

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Hey now, I happen to find hatred of own race a very attractive quality in a woman

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yes also best Eren

how was the hype in these threads when this happened?

Are we even sure the rumbling will work? Think about it, why would King Fritz set up a literal nuke?
Seems kind of.....out of character for him. I mean he's supposed to be the peacenik

Sasuga Isayama

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go read uri conversation with kenny

It's just nuclear deterrence

I'm not really sure why the colossal titan is "one of the nine OC donutsteel titan" if there are thousands of slighly shorter colossal titans lying around

Is there any character that can defeat Eren Yeager? And I'm not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager. Hell, I'm not even talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after ingesting the Yoroi no Kyojin serum and having practiced his hardening abilities with Hange and the Survey Corps. I couldn't be talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yaeger using Porco Galliard as a nutcracker to destroy the Sentsui no Kyojin crystal so he can consume Ms. Tybur and gain precise creation abilities. I'm NOT talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager commanding a group of loyal followers who have dedicated their lives to fulfilling Eren's dream of finally setting his people free and ensuring the safety of generations to come. Do you think I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after going fully nuclear and telling Mikasa he's hated her his entire life and beating the shit out of Armin because they're both just slaves who refuse to accept freedom and try to get in the way of his true, eternal freedom? You better be joking if you think I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after being ambushed by the surviving members of the Senshi-tai, effectively fighting off both Reiner and Porco at the same time and even taking on Reiner, solo, after eating two direct headshots from an anti-titan sniper rifle. I'm definitely not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager surviving after being decapitated by top Senshi-tai candidate, Gabi Braun, and still moving forward to enact his master keikaku. You better ban me if you think I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager walking Zeke through Grisha's PATHS memories so he can see the error of his ways and come around to the belief that life is worth living. I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager becoming the Devil himself, willing to destroy the entire world, and manipulating the past, present, and future in order to protect his lover, Historia Reiss, so that his child can be born free into this world.

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O MY RENOUNCED WAR VOW prevented them from being used


No that would be immediately after when Eren dives into the crowd like a rockstar

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>his lover
No. She's his womb. That is all.

Please stop posting this. Eren is only OP because of this causal loop. He's not that strong. Either of the seniors from Grand Blue could take him in a vacuum (assuming he is indeed Ymir's devil and so wouldn't be a shifter outside this circular timeline).

What is Harvey Weinstein doing here

>I’ve yet to see a EMfag put together an argument

This part was fucking glorious, Eren doing evil shit is amazing

To bad that she would choose getting BLACKED, RiCED, KEBAB'D, POO'D, TACO'D and every other exotic 'Ds over your Eldian ass

I hope that the studio that gets to animate this does it justice.

Will they be good parents?

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Before that snk was just good, but after that chapter isayama elevated himself over the mediocrity of all the pussy shonen mangaka, turning the MC into a realistic anti-hero (and not into some edgy bitch like sasuke, even man-bun edgeren was based and realistic as fuck) who have the balls to actually kill innocent people instead of became a moralfag or a pacifist (actually armin became kind of moralfag.....but at least he have the balls to shift into a 60 metres walking nuke and destroy and entire fleat alone)

>how was the hype in these threads when this happened?

see it yourself.


Some people were genuinely anal about the GR 2.0 for some fucking reason.

She is an egg donor

>Everybody is incompetent trash exept my devil sex god with 1000 pack mr perfect most deep and complex in existence 1000IQ the mastermind goat with super duper mega willpower to single handedly save his country and advance the civilization Chadren Chadger
Bravo, Isayama.

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If Grisha was on work trip this could simply be the village in question.


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Eldian whore

Fuck your sand castle bitch

Why does this make fujos so mad?

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Wait are you telling me Zeke did create titans? Oh no no

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Because they hate things that are cute and canon

>He's not that strong
And this the best part of him! He is strong and menacing but not a stupidly strong entity like aizen,madara,freiza etc...
He don't need planet bursting powers or infinite illusions, he can just relay on his fighting skills, his flew powers as titan and his comrades. As a villain/MC/antihero eren feel so credible because he is weak and fragile compared to the guys i already nominated, because you can see him actually struggling in order to archive his dream instead of "im strong and invicibl.....oh no! You find out that i understimated you so you could use the super secret tecnique to defeath me" or similar Z tier shit

She already gave an explicit A-OK on the deed once she realized how cucked the Reiss were when she rejected Rod.

Chadren = Heracles (paragon of masculinity) literally confirmed
Hel will save Ymir

I still remember people loosing their shit because Historia became queen

these people never change now do they?

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Why do you mean? Fujos love Historia.

Nope, everything points back to MUH SHIP.

Only YH. The fact she is pregnant is a big no no

If you have Yea Forums X and hover over the last two links back and forth you can make a little animation out of the thumbnails

SnK didn't need saving.

I found a spic guy that predicted 121 half ayer ago around time of 112-113, he has an interesting theory about Ymir right now.

So, how is he gonna stop her? Headpats and promises of companionship? I mean he has jackshit on her.

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I want to see Zeke face after his realisation that he just invented Titans with his wish

Historia for sure (she alwais wanted to BECAME MOTHER, it was HER GREATEST WISH since she was a child because she wanted TO GIVE THE MOTHERLY LOVE SHE NEVER FELT BECAUSE OF HER MOTHER.....have you listen me YHfags who don't care nothing about hisu and ymir outside "muh yuri ship"!!!!!!),eren......i don't know....if hisu's child is his too we don't even knoe if he will survive/live enought to actually see him (the fact that he got decapitated like 3 chapter ago doesn't help)

What do you mean

maybe some bullshit where the founding titan actually has priority once he's there or something

They hate Historia now that YH is over and she's pregnant with signs suggesting it's Eren's kid.

If the attack titan has been influenced by Eren for 2000 years that's truly a mindfuck.

He's going to pull himself forward and past her then throw himself into the coordinate.

He came for the show like Mads Mikkelsen.

He wont stop her

Whoever saved that as a jpg with those quality setting deserves to be shot.

Reminder Isayama just stated Eren already won. The next chapters are about how he won, but victory is already confirmed

How is Isayama so good at drawing emotion on faces

The baby has royal blood and will support Eren from the future.

At no point did Historia ever say she wanted to be a mother, or that it was her dream or greatest wish. What story are you reading that you have confused with SnK?

What if Ymir's "deal" with the Devil was actually a deal she made with Eren to allow him to use the coordinate himself at a certain point in time 2000 years in the future. Since he's going to touch her, he should be able to see her memories, and since she had the attack titan powers at one point they'll be able to interact.

but she cannot be stopped user. I'm with #her

unless his visions of the future aren't what he thinks they are

Is that the same guy that kept claiming that Kruger was controlling Eren after 112?

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We'll get a flashback of Ymir actually being an evil witch first

Why did the anime change her dress and hairstyle?

>"make the Subjects of Ymir have bodies that cannot reproduce"
and now you remember that titan bodies lack genitals
This shit is going to backfire like the monkey paw wish, and with the time travel fuckery it will affect the past

>The attack titan never stops
>Ymir never stops
Wander what's been set up her

The girl is not Ymir for sure.

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Is it safe at this point to say this loli is final boss? Not the main antagonist nor anything, just final boss from Eren´s perspective.

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I'm more curious whether Ymir will do anything to resist him. It wouldn't be hard for someone like Eren to restrain a child so I think she might be like a ghost where it's not possible to touch her.

More like Eren's been influencing the attack titan. Every holder of it has seen the glorious future he has planned and has worked towards ensuring it happens.

This. Seeing EMcels bring up the massacre as some big dunk was so weird. I couldn't tell if they were trying to bait or if they were just plain retarded. The girl literally broke her own Dad's spine to save Eren and then cut through his fucking nape to become Queen.

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who is it then
and wheres ymir, in the coordinate?

>she cannot be stopped
You mean "he" (the attack titan) cannot be stopped

Explain. Because it sounds as though your entire reasoning is "lol Zeke sometimes lies"

She can probably crumble him away like clay if she wants to.

Zeke and Eren are the antagonists depending on which side you support (you are a bitch if you dont support eren btw). Ymir is that one final boss.

Basado y rojoenpastillado

>Eren is nog panther
>Literally dogshit art
>Zero creativity
Whomever made this should have their legs crushed and their skull caved in

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>Eren's body just disintegrates
>"Who do you think it was who rebuilt you?"

Would be very funny.

I like you

Zeke isn't lying, he simply doesn't know any shit. Erem calls her "Coordinate" in 122.
"Chista" probably.


Attached: 1567575849162.png (494x388, 194K)

Eren is the Hulk but yeah, most don't make any sense.

>Erem calls her "Coordinate" in 122.
user what the fuck are you even talking about.

Is it implied that Eren wanted to join the survey corps BEFORE the series starts? Cuz it seemed like news to his parents. Perhaps while sleeping under the tree is when older Eren set the time loop rolling and gave Eren his hatred for Titans.

He'll let her take his titan powers. She's been stuck in the PATHS since she touched the source of organic matter. This is the only way for her to get out. That's why she's a child in here.

In 121, sorry

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He literally called her "founder Ymir" last chapter.

Reminder that

1. Ymir is a pure loli who never saw a dick in her life
2. Ymir has seen a pussy (her own)
3. Ymir gave Zeke a pussy then thinking it was the usual.

Prove me wrong.

The hatred didn't set till after Carla died, Armin telling him about the outside made him want to join on his own.

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Truly wish I was the one who molded those birthing hips with my penis.

Not that user, but he's talking about Yggdrasil.

Humm I actually thought the tree was the coordinate

Zeke, not Eren.

But she had 3 kids


FBI will stop him before he stops her

He's not talking about her. He's talking about the coordinate that she's walking towards.


He's referencing the means of causing change, not the actual cause.
I hope you're not actually this stupid and you're just messing with me.

>Ymir had 3 daughters

What does it matter if her name is different? Her role is the same, the girl who made the deal who became the first shifter and progenitor of Eldians.

Implying they were her kids. She never grew up.

I still think the story about her being Krista in the Reiss book is fishy because she's depicted with black hair.

Attached: latest[2].jpg (411x425, 104K)

Who the fuck is Krista then

No, when Eren called out to her in 120 he called her Ymir. He knows as much about her as Zeke does.

That looks blonde though

I don't think it's blonde.

Attached: tumblr_inline_p8h0166vPg1syf9yy_500[1].png (500x280, 90K)

The girl in the book is Christa, the monster is Ymir

Attached: Ymir and Christa.png (500x280, 99K)

It’s blonde. Just shitty Isayama art in the back

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It would fuck up her womb

>Just shitty Isayama art in the back
It's called cross hatching you fucking pleb. It's a shading technique. The entire thing isn't shaded to illustrate that she's blonde.

That's Eren on the left and the girl is his daughter with Historia

Attached: 1567894635618.png (854x672, 406K)

It's blonde, she just has shadow lines in her back

hol up

Why does Zeke keep going between euthanize and remove the ability to reproduce?
They are literally two different things.

the sterilization of the eldians leads to the euthanization of them.

Isn't it because war renouncing vow forbids infighting as well? At least I assumed that much

The distinction between sterility, genocide, and euthenasia doesn't exists in Japanese.
Just kidding. It's shounenshit writing.

>Eren appearing like a ghost and making people take questionable decisions in order to the series to happen like we know
That's fucking hilarious, is there more?

Are you ready for the rumbling?

Attached: baby-Eren-rumbling.png (262x484, 149K)

Samefag kys

are you literally a retard?

I don't know what that has to do with the post you replied to but it doesn't. Source: the entire fucking uprising arc.

Yeah, this always bummed me out too
Idk if its a translation thing or he means to euthanize the race as a whole by removing the ability to reproduce. Hence, they would die in a humane way

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Sterilization makes you unable to pass your genes. If you sterilized a whole race, you would kill the race, and Zeke thinks this is to stop eldians' suffering so steriliztion = euthanization in this case

So was she ErwL mod all along?

Attached: neato.jpg (595x170, 21K)

u f*cking tards the ending was already spoiled for over a year. Isayama gave too much info to koei tecmo and they spoiled the ending. Eren sets Ymir free or becomes the Ymir titan himself (tags: genderbending, giantess)

It's not literal. Jesus.

It literally, factually and objectively doesn't mean that. Sterilizing them means they will die out. Euthanizing them means killing them.

Don't weigh in on words you don't understand.

That makes no sense user.

>It's shounenshit writing.
I'm inclined to believe that.

Then it's shitty writing.

oh yikes it’s the guy who got mad about the word “kino” here to troll again

I've seen a lot more in previous threads, but only saved this one

what a fucking dork
why did they do him dirty like this

both of you are fucking retarded sterilizing the Eldians will lead to the euthanasia of the Eldian race

He's killing the Eldian race not the Eldian people

I think he looks cool!

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Chunnis opinions doesn't count!!

Alright then. Let's see if you can back up your point. You can't, but let's see you try anyway.

Define "Euthanize."
Just define the word, don't apply it to any situation. Tell us what it means to Euthanize someone. A dictionary definition will do.

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Eren would told him not to in order to torture him again

I know what would improve this semantic debate: SnK is KINO

kill humanely

>Friendly reminder that huntercucks aka EHfags will get BTFO in the next chapter

Attached: Huntercuck.png (1768x1480, 643K)

Now define "Sterilize."
Just define the word, don't apply it to any situation. Tell us what it means to Sterilize someone. A dictionary definition will do.


Remember when they were relatively happy?

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>Also called mercy killing. the act of putting to death painlessly or allowing to die, as by withholding extreme medical measures, a person or animal suffering from an incurable, especially a painful, disease or condition.
painless death.
He's mercy killing the Eldian race by taking their ability to reproduce.

>increasingly nervous user posts same message 7th chapter in a row

Its SNK's 10th birthday today, make a wish, digits wish gets granted

to make something unable to have children

EH canon


Pieck traitor scum dies

make so one can not produce offspring
so, now we have both definitions. i will create a sentence that makes sense without using the word “sterilize” or “euthanize”

zeke will kill the eldian race by making the eldian race unable to produce offspring

Gabi is helos

Full rumbling

The inevitable EH reveal isn't autistically drawn out

Now, if you stop someone from having children, are you humanely killing that person?

Then he is sterilizing them. Not euthanizing them.

Here we have an user with a brain on his shoulders. Very based.

kill them humanely!
it fits perfectly

Ymir is from the future

Armong and Annie die

Eren gets to see his baby and historia at least once

Armin and Eren will reunite and they will be happy for a couple of days.

if you stop a race from having children, you are humanely killing it, though

HxH is cancelled for extra seething

You are the retard too stupid to understand the words he's using. Sterilizing a race IS killing a race, it's literally acknowledged as a way of genocide, and this genocide is what Zeke refers to "euthanizing the eldian race"

Ymir is Historia’s kid confirmed


Huntercucks assumption was completely destroyed in chapter 121.


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WINRARS. Although you said his baby and Historia so doesn't have to be Historia's kid

Don't worry historithot and rest of jewnazis,


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If Christa became Ymir, who on to have three daughters and found Eldia, then who was left behind in the paths to operate the coordinate during her lifetime? Why does "Ymir" still look like a child?

My wish is to die while I sleep tonight

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He's sterilizing individual Eldians and euthanizing the whole ELDIAN RACE.

i dont know what that means either

Ymir didn't have daughters, that was a lie to make the Fritz the "rightful" inheritors of her power

You aren't killing it, you are removing its ability to have a future. Killing a species, irrespective of how humanely you do it, requires actually killing them.

>You are the retard too stupid to understand the words he's using.
It's funny how you say that and then go on to say, "Sterilizing a race IS killing a race"

> it's literally acknowledged as a way of genocide,
Provide a source.

>and euthanizing the whole ELDIAN RACE.
Except, he isn't. Because he isn't killing them. He's removing their ability to reproduce which means they don't have a future. That's, by every literal definition, not killing.



You dumb dense motherfucker, if you can't interpret the usage of euthanization in this setting than do us all a favor and euthanize yourself

>Provide a source.
The true mark of the bugman

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What the fuck

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He isn't killing the race, he's removing its future. You can't kill a concept.

I can interpret it, I know what anons are trying to say, but that doesn't change the fact that they are too retarded to actually use their words and explain what's happening in a more accurate and nuanced manner. You're welcome to put on a dunce cap and sit with the retards if you want.

So, no source?

What's your wish?

Attached: activating the coordinate.jpg (550x820, 205K)

>first the kino debate
>now the sterile debate

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>you are humanely killing it
Kek, I wish you could convince the ICC that non-consensual sterilization of humans is "humane". Even though it would solve a lot of real world problems, the current belief is that it's an inhumane violation of their rights.

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if people keep falling for it, he will keep baiting them.

>Take off your dress!

it isnt a concept

Yeah, i'm done arguing with him.


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as far as ways of killing goes, it's humane but those old kikes probably think they should live forever and feast on young blood so

I'm afraid that we'll need to agree to disagree on that one. But it looks as though two of the anons just conceded, so things are going to get boring real fast.

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Ymir unironically looks like the cringe baby

Then how were her titan powers passed on? What was the foundation of the Eldian race, and why are they all connected? And if the Fritz lied about their lineage, then why does the FT work with Frieda, Zeke, and even Dina, but not for Eren?

That would be kino development for his character



It's just Eren ssj3. Calm down jeez


Forced sterilization was a method used by the Nazi regime to remove the mentally ill and handicapped, among other undesirables.
Zeke calls his plan euthanasia in order to give it a more humane appeal. But the result is the same, the eldian race dies peacefully

>Eren wants the dress off of her ASAP
Gabi really left an impression on him.

>Forced sterilization was a method used by the Nazi regime to remove the mentally ill and handicapped, among other undesirables.

No Ninobros? Nino got cucked there you know?

That doesn’t look like Eren at all

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What's Eren current hairstyle called? it looks very good on him and he has a wide (not high) forehead like me.

This titan never even appears in the game, that teaser was a total cock tease

his hairs long like ymirs was
or its ymir
pick one

>The mentally ills are basically doing it by themselves nowadays
Hitler truly were AHEAD of his time.

The reason only royals can use the FT is because Ymir only obeys people of royal blood instinctively, the powers come from the Devil of the earth, he gave the power to Ymir to save everyone, but condemned her, his own daughter, to suffer eternally in the paths

>tfw you will never fuck Sasukaji

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Its the marleyan admixture

Fuck Erenyama instead

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How did Isayama go from faggy looking femboy to hot?

he's married, step off thot

He was hotter as a femboy.

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>Bebo tier emo profile pic

He had sex and realized the importance of procreation and family

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He stopped dressing like a fag

Eren looks amazing when he's desperate. Displays of raw, unfiltered emotion from him have been really scarce since the timeskip, so it's been quite the treat to watch the mask of cold indifference he's been trying to put up after his return to Paradis completely crack from chapter 117 onwards.
Although it's ironic how the closer we get to whatever future Eren has envisioned, the less serene, certain or even in control of said future, despite being presented as the true instigator of one of the most gruesome and crucial moments of the story. The calm and collected hobo in Liberio who pretty much declared war on the whole world while perfectly maintaining his composure all the way through the massacre is now struggling like a madman to break out of his chains, all the while letting out yet another ear-defeaning scream of sheer fucking rage even his 15yo self would be scared of, and I love everything about it.

The huntercuck is not an EHfag, retard

Why can't the manga always look this good? Eren's will to advance is admirable, but the fact that he literally resembles the Attack Titan in the bottom panel is high art.

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I want Eren to be happy

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>Zeke calls his plan euthanasia in order to give it a more humane appeal

This is the only reason why the euthanasia/genocide confusion bothers me a bit. Zeke wants to enact a genocide, no matter how justified it is in his mind. He prefers to portray it as benevolent, humanitarian act, but it really isn't. Unlike real mercy-killing--where there's an incurable illness or injury that will only result in pointless suffering--Paradisan Eldians have proven can live relatively happily and peacefully in isolation. Zeke's premise that all Eldians are doomed to live as either brutal conquerors or the brutally conquered is incorrect. Using his terminology to describe his plan sort of goes along with rationale that the story itself has debunked.


What are your predictions for the next chapter? Eren getting a Ymir flashback? Railroad ceremony flashback?

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And start to lose his hair.

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>but those old kikes probably think they should live forever and feast on young blood so

Attached: mmmmmmmmhhhhhhmmm.jpg (1772x1772, 332K)

>The fury of a father when the life of his baby is in danger

>incurable illness or injury that will only result in pointless suffering
Titans are not?

this is our moment to find out about Ymir, I predict we will learn about her powers and her background.

I thought you wanted him to rest

Attached: 117-39.png (906x1300, 463K)

Reporting in!

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Speechless but present

Attached: jean speechless.png (289x280, 91K)

Dying is another form of happiness

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Went from Virgin to Chad, like his MC.

Attached: 1554970220686.png (1298x1341, 1.24M)

This is actually Krista. She is a slave to the devil and Eren will set her free.

I want him to live old!

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So what is driving Eren so much? He only got 4 years left to live anyway

Neither of those is his chad-mode.

Eren can't set het free since he's the one who used her in the first place

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muh freedom and whichever your shipfag theory is

Because his work has only just begun

Attached: ASMANYASPOSSIBLE.png (1022x790, 1.17M)

He's dead niggers

his friends

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So he knows how to dispel the curse?

It's not really a hairstyle. It's just long hair with his grown out bangs parted to either side of his face. All you'd need is shoulder length hair and a little mousse combed backward into the hairline to keep it from flopping forward.
But manga hair never look as good in real life, so you'd probably look like a faggot.

Attached: kyaa, biker chan.jpg (750x575, 78K)

hes got another eternity in the paths world

Well if he can't see into the future, he already knows he's the last attack titan, meaning he knows he solves to titan curse, meaning he knows how to become free.

Read the fucking chapter. Him and Zeke have already wandered Grisha's memories in PATHS for years.

>But manga hair never look as good in real life, so you'd probably look like a faggot.
Like that flat headed fuck of a porcofag. I still laugh.

zeke spent years upon years waiting for eren to just arrive

feels bad man

Attached: Annie Reiner ending.png (1002x674, 381K)

The "You know I had to do it to em" pose with the wedding ring conspicuously visible seems pretty chad to me.

I rarely see anyone mentioning this, but if he has a body in Paths he should have a body in the "real" world too. Which means he got full-healed out of thin air for everyone else.

none of that matters user. he is at the source of the paths. every one who has ever or will ever get the attack titan will see him and he can influence them. its like saying you can manipulate history even after your dead so none of what you do matters. your dumb user

and no he wont set her free hes going to drop kick that little bitch then run to the pillar of light and never have been shot by the girl by telling his past self not to do it "dont go to zeke hes a race traitor coal burning faggot. just have sex with historia after she eats zeke to do the world flattening. zeke cant walk right now no hurry and if they kill him who cares"

If you ever strike a meme pose, you're a massive faggot in spirit.

don't mind me just posting best girl

Attached: hitch.png (500x500, 170K)

Bold if true

Imagine thinking Historia is just sitting there thinking to herself "Yeah this is fine, I'll do it, this is my purpose in this world" no wonder she fell in love with Eren when he stood up for her in trying to find another way. The EH reveal will be fucking kino, I'll probably cry reading it.

Shame she got so ugly after the time skip

A cute tortured girl with a dreadful job.

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would you really fall in love with a man just because he stuck up for you?

are you a woman?

I don't think Annie would fall for a guy who pretty much pushed her into hell.

If other people are going to steal my freedom,I am going to steal theirs.
Krista(Ymir) is his freedom.

>Titans are an incurable illness or injury that will only result in pointless suffering

Absolutely not. Maybe the Restorationist counter-propaganda was wrong about titans being nothing but builders and creators in the Eldian empire, but there's no reason titans have to be weapons of war in future. Remember, the mindless titans Marley uses as shock troops are artificially produced. They're the only titans that are cannibalistic and capable of nothing but destruction.

If that technology is destroyed, or Eldians genetics are altered so that the spinal fluid injections no longer work, then the remaining nine titans can be passed on non-violently at the end of each holder's life. I suppose you could say that a 13 year lifespan is still an incurable affliction, but it will only ever affect a tiny minority of Eldians, and there's no reason why those 13 years can't be happy ones.

Shouldn't you be happy? At least it isn't Armong

reiner literally
and im saying this with full knowledge of what the word means
does not deserve annie

Based thot's gene

I mean this is not some mundane situation though. This is a life and death situation and no one else is stepping up. Hell her other "friends" barely give a shit about her pregnancy for what it's worth.

>If that technology is destroyed, or Eldians genetics are altered so that the spinal fluid injections no longer work, then the remaining nine titans can be passed on non-violently at the end of each holder's life. I suppose you could say that a 13 year lifespan is still an incurable affliction, but it will only ever affect a tiny minority of Eldians, and there's no reason why those 13 years can't be happy ones.

That's not good enough for Eren though.

Where can I get a ticket for her handshake event?

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Yes you fucking sperg, did you forget she was crying the moment Eren stood up to offer looking for alternatives?

Eren's point of view is obviously more extreme than mine. Nonetheless, Zeke's premise that all Eldians are doomed to an endless cycle of war is false. And if Eren is able to destroy the curse (or possibly all titans) as well, that makes just Zeke extra wrong.

Nowhere, a bastard bought every single one of them

what is this berserk tier animation

Attached: scare.png (175x201, 48K)

yeah an ugly fat bastard
historias gonna get her little royal hands all sweaty

Fucking hell. That bastard must really love her hand.

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Next is Annie chapter

Attached: Annie.jpg (433x650, 32K)

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>what is this berserk tier animation
Stop trying so hard to fit in, you look like a fucking idiot.

when did you people realize EH was a thing?

Is there any doubt that this will have a happy ending?

Attached: 1565802519022.png (1245x990, 695K)

I think reading the manga after bingeing the first two seasons, after the Rod Reid's fight during the farmhouse scene.

Attached: em.png (543x1371, 991K)

His desire to impregnate mikasa

I marry Historia

Hello, Eren

this exact moment

Attached: cave.png (494x770, 300K)

Reminder thah Eren loves freedom but his real wife is destiny. He just can't get away from her.

Attached: s.png (550x820, 526K)

Fuck you! I want to lick the queen's hand


you want to lick the queen's hand free of the bastard's sweat and grease?

Fucking retard

Attached: this makes me hit the wall.png (300x401, 47K)

Hello, slave


Well, licking Eren's fluids is just a bonus

eren isnt fat enough for historia

I thought that revenge was his other ideological waifu

>implying Hisu hasn't already licked Eren's fluids off

How many times did they have sex?

Attached: 1565806475243.jpg (680x405, 53K)

its not healthy if its a disgusting half chink

Everyday until he left for Marley.

not as much as her and this guy

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>implying EH is canon for him to cuck Eren

Attached: Eren_Yeager_character_image.png (645x645, 452K)

Back off bitch he's mine!

Attached: ZmjisDF.png (221x262, 122K)

So is this accurate? I've heard other people saying the ability to look forward in time isn't actually "exclusive" to the Attack Titan. Basically all instances of an Attack Titan seeing the future is the result of this particular occasion in 121? (and another potential use if Eren touches Ymir).

How did Mikasa not notice?

until he passed out every day

Attached: 1556910534230.png (720x714, 340K)

He knows her real name. Screencap this.

>He knows her real name.
Why would I screencap a guess?

>So is this accurate? I've heard other people saying the ability to look forward in time isn't actually "exclusive" to the Attack Titan

It's unconfirmed, but it's a good theory.

surely Historia told him about the book and his >3/10 intellect
will figure it ouy

Attached: SI9WP5A.png (254x433, 136K)

Or he actually read the book, if still existed


He came there to die obviously


How many people can he kill in 4 years? He’s going for the all time high score