Is this the worst anime of the year

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Attached: Screenshot at 2019-09-09 22-00-50.png (3840x2160, 3.35M)

That doesn't look like Dr. Stone.

I've been enjoying it for how bad it is at least. I imagine it would be a frustrating experience if someone genuinely cared about it

How is this worse than kenja no mago?

Oh and Sarazanmai was shit too. So was Carole and Tuesday. At least ariwhatever wasn't gay


Your opinion could be true, but you're streaming so it's inherently invalid.

kenja no mago was good. Carol and tuesday, yu-no and maybe fairy gone are some of the most disappointing shows for me this year.

kill yourself


Is this anime or some kind of chink shit?

Your opinion is worthless and its not.

How do you know he didn't torrent a screen record, retard?


Is that a serious question?

OP is right you know, this shit isn't even worth seeding

Attached: g8jl5.jpg (335x250, 18K)

go on nyaa, they exist, screen recordings of streams available

>streaming something 'not worth seeding'

even worse what's your point

yeah and literally who the fuck would download it other than a MONSTER retard

Even for isekai this year, Cheat Magician is worse than that. The studio doing KnM actually put some effort into it and had decently animated fights and made it more comedy oriented.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kenja no Mago - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.06_[2019.05.01_12.54.12].jpg (1280x720, 101K)

you are a nigger

a monster retard, and the retard who uploaded it

Reminder that a screenshot from a streaming site without a watermark will never get called out because no one here will know the difference.

funimation has a watermark, I don't know if crunchyjew does

so is morgan freeman

Pleb filtered

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It wasn't good. People just overhyped it because muh Ikuhara.

And it's also popular on Jap streaming sites.

It's pretty bad, but it's not the worst.
I have a feeling the jap humor doesn't translate the best into english.

It's always not good enough for you faggots

You called?

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Kill yourself streamfag

It has a god tier vampire loli, though.

Arifureta and Shield Hero look really similar. So how is the first very little known while the second is really popular?

The state of nu Yea Forums.

He only wanted to rustle your jimmies with "le stream" cancer and it worked, you took the bait. Well played.

The CG and also the anal rape of the dragon in the latest episode was so fucking bad.

Why did they think anally raping a dragon would be a good idea?

Attached: fail.jpg (1280x720, 122K)

Regardless streaming will hopefully never be accepted here

Hey, I liked Carole and Tuesday!

But seriously that daughteru demon anime is absolute shit.

It's my biggest the disappointment for sure. The 2D is ok and I can even stomach the atrocious 3D, but not all the skipped content and unnecessary nonlinear narration at the start.

Why does the bunny dress so slutty?

She's a twitch streamer.

Stupid faggot enabler

Go back.

Ain't gonna lie, I've downloaded stream rips and played them on VLC. Zero fucks given, it's my life I'll live it how I want.

Isn't it a shit adaptation as well? Yet normies and are eating this crap up like they did with shield hero

Yeah, okay, we believe you.

Carole and Tuesday is disappointing but it's not anywhere close to being worst of the year. If cour one was much more like cour two (focusing on the characters themselves instead of that stupid American Idol arc) it could have been at least decent.

It's not good, but it's pretty good.
I like the bunny and want to fill her with my semen.
Also the teacher and like half the class.

I used to do this when I was 14. Downloading with flash video downloaders in .flv.
Good thing I found out how to torrent.


I almost have to respect them a bit at this point for saying you know what fuck all this stuff at the start lets speed forward and get to the Dragon anal.

Wait do dragons have anuses or is it a cloaca. Deep thoughts.

>Kenja no Mago
You need to watch more stuff you faggot

Anyone who has watched pic related knows that its the worst anime of the year
>animation is shitty early 2000's series tier
>butchered a beloved manga
>the plot is pants on head retarded
>shitty non-ending meant to get people to watch a second season
Seriously fuck Netflix

whoops forgot pic

Attached: 7seeds-poster.jpg (1280x640, 164K)

It's dogshit, get real you retarded pleb

peak anmation

Attached: arifureta.webm (1920x1080, 2.61M)

Does it though?

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My god that dragon animation was just terrible. Thought someone was playing with a toy dragon and they just editors it in.

The thing literally just leans back and forward with no other body movement in one scene

>It's dogshit, get real you retarded pleb
summer reddit

>If cour one was much more like cour two
but is wasnt
then is shit

The story is alright, I enjoy the manga. But man, this animation is QUALITY

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I don't even know what that is (arifureta?) but I know that it's not Dr Stone so it's not the worst anime of the year.

Why does she look like a whore?
Don't they know how to put make up?

they could drawn a fucking dragon and powerpoint slide it in 5 scenes very well... but fuck it let's destroy our work with garbage CGI

Is there an explanation for this or do they really think guns work this way?

The whole story behind the production of this anime is a mess, so they clearly are running on don't give a fuck.exe mode

It's an isekai but they don't actually explain that it's an isekai in the anime. There's really bad characters and dialogue, terrible animation, really stupid things that happen like a dragon having a metal rod shoved up its ass, and a bunny girl that was designed to be as annoying as possible.

I'm not sure about the anime I haven't watched it but in the web novel he doesn't actually make a "gun", rather "a rail gun" that he triggers with the lightning skill he gets from eating wolves.

Also it's japan so who knows.

I really enjoyed the novel and am disappointed to see it animated so poorly.
Although I wasn't really expecting it to be done well.


The irony. It's the most generic isekai to ever exist and yet you're telling others to watch more anime.

I'd rather be a pleb than a faggot.

Isekai Cheat Magician is far worse

Attached: mfw.jpg (1920x1080, 74K)

Which girl did the guy get with in that Pic, or at least which did it hint at. If none, it really is shit.

I think this image pretty much sums up the type of people that are attracted to shows like this.

1 * 2^-15 = 0

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>Implying you wouldn't seed bunny cunny

>The whole story behind the production of this anime is a mess

>no gay sex with hats on
One job.

I'll enable my fat black cock in your tiny anus, anôn

Vampire lolis are like pizza or icecream, even bad ones are nice

What's the story? I'm actually curious how something can be this bad

granbelm is worse

I heard the author insisted on doing the storyboards himself

what about when he gets his arm cut off and vomits blood
like... thats not how anatomy works

>normalfags getting triggered by high impact anal violence
My fucking sides.

Alright this part was unexpected. Uncensored plump she dragon anus being ram rodded.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.08_[2019.09.09_20.29 (1280x720, 65K)

i like this dumb masochist

>what is japanese
He's about to say 50,000 and then says 60,000. 50,000 in japanese is pronounced starting with the nip word for 5.

>implying twitch streamers aren't sluts

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.43_[2019.09.09_20.46 (1280x720, 69K)

I don't know what's worse, this or Cheat Magician.

Not him but as far as I know the anime was supposed to come out years ago but it was so shit that the author rejected it and wanted a redo, and this was the fucking result
Also I think its White Fox in name alone since its some no name third rate studio doing it

The author sperged out when he saw the first drafts and demanded a complete do-over with himself as the "writer", causing the anime to lose it's original studio, being postponed and having to be done on an even worse budget (since it wasn't getting any more than what it had already received).

I can understand series like Fate or Monogatari pulling shit like that, but he's a literal who

cheat magician is garbage from its core foundation. at least this one has an interesting story


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what are you supposed to do?

torrent like a non-neanderthal?

The guy's a massive chuuni and his autistic fanbase probably made him think too high of himself.
>this one has an interesting story
You may call it interesting but the story is incredibly generic and the way every single girl falls for him is so cringeworthy the author should've been hanged for it.

Haha, oh the ignorance!

Please just read the LN. This show does it 0 justice.

yeah ill admit the way every girl falls for him is cringe as all fuck, but still i enjoyed the setup and im interested in what happens because of it

Kill yourself.

What ever the SHAFT anime/animes was/were for this year.

Oh yea, he totally should download it so he can fully enjoy that god tier CGI

Sarazanmai was good, it needed to be a 2 cour anime to really shine, C&T is just bad but there are tons of anime this year worse than C&T

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sarazanmai - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.53.968.jpg (1366x768, 173K)

I say it's a tie between Isekai Cheat Magician and Vinland Saga.

So I just finished catching up with the manga release. I have to say, the moment he got his bullshit kaneki powerup from eating a rabbit, the series went to shit. Its like reading an adult chuuni what I want to be diary. Consistency is not the key here. What you want to do is to cramp as many cool and edge ideas into the story and never exactly go through with it. Nope I don't care about everyone. I got my arm ripped off, I will murder everyone and do everything just to get home. The next chapter later he saved a 300 year old vampire loli encased in a box just because. Actually, I wonder how the hell someone able to put her in there in the first place despite mentioning nobody managed to break through the lower floors. Maybe this is explained in the LN?

Yes I do enjoy it. Somewhat. But I wish he shouldn't met with the girl nor received any sort of bullshit powerup because he just happen to eat an animal corpse without diarrhea.

Not even close

Attached: arifureta tio transformation.webm (854x480, 2.87M)

She almost looks like elf sensei, quite arousing I must admit

Attached: arifuretatiohot.webm (854x480, 1.68M)

>wanting this garbage on your computer

Is that arifureta? I never understood why isekaifags hate that one more than the other fucking garbage in the genre.

It has some tropes provoke negative emotional response in some people

I mean people in isekai threads were hyping up dungeon seeker, that shit literally starts with NTR.

Probably an irrational hatred for overpowered MC's

Have you seen the stuff they read in isekai threads?

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I don't hate it, in fact it greatly amuses me

It doesn't matter how powerful they are, if they're an underdog, Yea Forums won't hate them for being overpowered

Nah, Try Knights is worse than this.

that shit used to really tickle my pickle but then i realized you can give them any kind of stat you want, the author ultimately controls everything that happens

Well of course not, it looks like Arifureta.

Worst of the season is between Arifureta, Maou Retry and Cop Craft.

Abysmal taste

found the mom isekai poster

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Anyone have a webm of the dragon with her head turned ant he mouth just flapping? I'm pretty sure there are better CG in win98 games.

unsightly opinion

You can't be this dumb right?

Fuck off to your containment board

>kenja no mago was good.
As someone who went balls deep into the isekai boom and literally went out of my way to watch any and all isekai anime that have ever been made, it was the first one that I simply couldn't finish. It was just too stupid. Arifureta Shokugyou is fine so far. The production values are very low, but I like the power fantasy. Kenja no Mago was just garbage, though. There was no challenge for the MC, no depth to any of the characters, no reason for it to be an isekai, nothing interesting. He was basically just a god and everything that could possible go his way, went his way. The end. I couldn't have written a more boring story if I tried.

He's tired of people shit-talking Fire Force, which is the only anime he's watching this season.

buy Fire Force has a nice premise

I enjoyed it for the comedy and the facial expressions in the anime.
It was fun, nothing deep about it. Exploring Schtrom was an interesting.

Worst anime of the year had the best episode of the year.

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that doesnt sound like a very common expression

>buy Fire Force has a nice premise
And most Isekais start with a nice premise, hell, most anime start with a nice premise and devolve into generic garbage

> it was the first one that I simply couldn't finish
Me too, user. I sat through Smartphone to Tomo ni, and Death March kara Hajimaru and I was like "heh, this is fun," but not Kenja no Mago.

I wonder if it would have been more fun with more of a harem instead of sticking him and the winning girl together right at the start.

As much as I love isekai I had to force myself to finish Kenja no Mago. That said, it still wasn't the worst animu I sat through, don't forget this year gave us Girly Air Force.

i don´t think this is worse than egao no daika

Shit taste

It's all about managing the audience's expectations, if the story is too similar to other stories that the audience has already experienced, they will not expect to see anything of interest

>i don´t think this is worse than egao no daika
Still waiting for the Loli to go nuclear, way to subvert the audience's expectations

It's just this anime, is so fucking edgy. Like isekai trash like cheat magician and whatever the fuck clone shit from the last few seasons it seems kinda light hearted. Something rubbed me the wrong way for this show, it's just ridiculously retarded.

And it is still watchable compared to other shows this season, there is not one I would rate above average

>maso anal dragon
im in love, im pretty sure she would welcome the butcha-u treatment for sure

No you're absolutely right, it's extremely mediocre.

This show is a gem

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I don't know what this gay show is but they should have translated that to "fifty" then and if you don't understand this you are retarded and/or esl.

Anime and Girl of the Season

Attached: arifureta tio deserves it.webm (854x480, 1004K)

Why does everyone say dr stone is bad? I'm like 3 episodes behind because I couldn't be fucked but it wasn't that bad.
How far are you with the novel? I just finished vol4 and honestly every time his harem increases I like it less and less.