How's your Nation represented in manga/anime

How's your Nation represented in manga/anime

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German: Cuck

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Arrogant rich chads or black.

We got a tendency to get some pretty based characters.

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Austria: not at all

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Shichiten Battou (Miyasaka Takaji)] Uchi no Tonari no Shougakusei wa Kinpatsu Hekigan Ecchi-zuki


Good shit

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As an alternative source for their declining birth rates?

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Supein: atsui

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Are there any pajeets in anime?

At least they acknowledge it's existence... Its something

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Mentions of it mostly

America: Chads

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Italy: chads, but full yaoi.

There's the spice guy in Shokugeki no Souma.

Only references

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Something something ancient heroes and gods and shit.