Would you buy the Queen's merch?
Shingeki no Kyojin
Eren bought all of it as well as all the tickets to her handholding event
Of course. She is the number one queen I want to marry, after all.
We need a Gabi chapter to save these threads.
I want to hold the queen's hand too.
>Would you buy the Queen's merch?
Can this thread be comfy like the last one?
Don't you fucking start.
Not only is Eren not a villain, but he is a Hero and a beacon of bravery and valor.
Perfect aesthetic
last thread gave me a good laugh, feels good to ship tumblr kryptonite
Please don't start shipping, this threads should only be used for discussion >.
How does this make you feel?
Can I uhhhhhhhhh get a link to the uncensored EM comic from last thread?
.feels good to ship tumblr kryptonite
Yes it certainly does.
Not the OG poster but the artist was cang-ye-ji
Can you dump it again
Again, i'm not the OG poster but I saved like one or two pictures of it
>yfw this is the scenery Eren saw
Bros... I wish I could hold Hisu's hand...
>Marley transforms thousands of Eldians into titans to imprison Paradise
>Marley weaponizes Eldian children and uses them to wipe out like a 3rd of Eldian society within the walls
>Marley unites the world against the Eldian people and declares war
When Eren fights back against all this he’s seen as “becoming a monster that he was fighting” and an “anti-hero”.
Anything other than releasing the wall titans to bring the rest of the world to their knees is cucked bullshit IMO. So far Isayama has made SnK about sacrifice for your people, will to power, and killing your enemies to achieve freedom. Very wholesome.
>trying to 1v2 a Hackerman and the Colossal Titan
>without her Panzer gear and crew
Why are Eren's hands so tiny? Can he truly pleasure the queen?
>oohh I can't believe THAT will happen
Manga tier dialogue here
Don't worry, he'll pull through, I believe in him. Hopefully the ending is hardcore enough to be politically censored in official western releases.
>King Kuck Fritz wanted to prevent Eldians from ever waging wholesale war ever again
>was perfectly fine with the extermination of his people in service of that objective
>Grisha Yeager is an Eldian Restorationist
>wants to save his people
>sees glimpse of the future
>"Eren gets his wish, not you, Zeke"
>"it's terrifying"
>Eren Yeager only sees part of the glimpse of the future that Grisha saw
>wants to activate the Wall Titans for the Rumbling
>Rumbling concept is based on King Kuck Fritz's fake warning to the world that he never actually intended to follow through on
>King Kuck Fritz wanted to prevent Eldians from ever waging wholesale war ever again
>Grisha Yeager is an Eldian Restorationist
>the Wall Titans are facing inwards, not outwards
>"Zeke, please stop Eren"
p-pic related, b-bros...
Say goodnight
Damn it feels good to be an EMchad
A real EMchad-ass nigga plays his cards right
A real EMchad-ass nigga never runs his fucking mouth
'Cause real EMchad-ass niggas don't start fights
And niggas always gotta high cap
Showing all his boys how he shot 'em
Godgath will save her.
Eren knows which way the titans are facing, he can just tell them to turn around before advancing
Reminder that Shitren let his own mother die.
Literally how? He's even more helpless than her atm.
Reminder that Eren has won.
Zekucks can fuck off and take the shippers with you
at this point is there people still denying EH ?
I'm pretty sure that manlet, Hange and the rest of the 104th got all invited to the handholding event too.
She was already dead, he can't change the past, only participate in events that already happened.
We don't know that though.
And I doubt King Kuck didn't plan for this possibility.
Fuck off, Floch. You could have killed Pieck if you had simply brought some thundersticks.
The series has always been about becoming a monster to fight other monsters, but until recently it was more literal. Eren became a titan to fight titans. Now he does terrible, unforgivable things, and admits he's no different from people like Reiner he used to regard as evil.
Actual heroes are just myths, like Helos.
>brainlets STILL don't understand what kind of "time travel" we're dealing with
I don't think you are supposed to do that to your mom/sister/dog
I can't believe that muh scarf ended up getting more repetitive panels than muh ocean and Marcel's death
>EMA will never be together again
>Grisha can see Zeke because Eren can and is looking at him
Holy fuck how did I miss this
>"3/10 wits"
First of all
Also this entire infographic is wrong. It's not that the Attack Titan sees forward in time, it's that the Attack Titan happened to be the one who brought the coordinate and royal blood together in PATHS.
Im genuinely concerned about the regular EManons here. Like I genuinely think a suicide attempt or two will happen offline unbeknowst to us when *that* chapter eventually drops. Make sure everyone within your shipper discords knows the number for their local Suicide Hotlines
>when *that* chapter eventually drops
READ THE FUCKING CHAPTER. The attack titan, and only the attack titan, can percieve future memories. That's why king cuck didn't even know such a thing was possible.
> muh reddit
> post more ship gay fanart
Go lose some weight you fat fuck
> It's not that the Attack Titan sees forward in time, it's that the Attack Titan happened to be the one who brought the coordinate and royal blood together in PATHS.
The infograph is substantiated by panels from the manga and established knowledge. What you wrote now is entirely your headcannon.
Just stick to ship shitposting idgaf
>It's not that the Attack Titan sees forward in time
Except that we are literally told that this is it's unique ability and all of the evidence supports it.
>Any time Grisha sees Zeke, it's because Eren is standing behind Grisha. This is why Grisha looks freaked out when he "sees" Eren. He's really briefly seeing himself in the third person
Oh shit. Mind fucking blown
“No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell”
This occurred to me as well. Didn't some kid in Russia kill himself recently over something that happened in, like, Naruto?
Imagine impregnating her
Where my Mehmetbros at?
>When Eren is calling Grisha a pussy, Grisha knows that Eren is like 6 inches from his face
>tfw you see Shippingfags
I don't have to.
Why would EManons kill themselves if the EM sex chapter drops
Eren has always acted heroically.
Whenever something threatens his friends he puts his life on the line to defend them.
In the cave when he really believed he had made a mistake he was willing to die to help fix it.
He never complained that he wasn't being treated like a big shot despite being humanity's greatest weapon.
When he had the option of going into any branch of the military he chose the survey corps which was notoriously difficult and high risk.
The only instances people ever bring up when trying to paint Eren in a bad light are the times when he was left with NO GOOD OPTIONS. Eren is resolute. He will not back down and if he has to make a difficult decision to continue the fight for freedom then he will. He didn't start this war. He didn't want any of this. Circumstances forced him into the position he's in and he will not lie down and die. To his dying breath he will protect the things he cares about even if the whole world stands against him.
He deserves happiness more than anyone else in this series.
Rico thread?
Nice falseflagging, emcuck
I doubt you could even imagine the glory and the power of the Eldian empire. They had buildings beyond imagination and their health was perfect. There was no need for healthcare and there was no sadness or hunger. They were perfect, protected by the godlike power of the founding titan and they raised structures that even with today's technology would be nigh impossible to create. But Karl the cuck had to ruin paradise and let the subhuman take control of the earth and look what their reign has brought. They use oil in order to fuel their pathetic machinery and wage war in order to attain more fuel which in turn destroys the environment even more while the founder could create from nothing better minerals that don't pollute the environment. The non-eldians are creatures full of disease, weakness and ugliness that do nothing but destroy. Why? Because that is the only thing they can. They can't create like Eldians. The only way to save the world is to eradicate all non-eldians.
Get 'em, kitty!
Imagine being her
I'm busy turning white girls into islam
Calm down fag, it's just shipping. Try not to project your own desperate obsession with it on to others. Also
Kindly do fuck off.
>Rico thread?
Rico dead.
>pulls a "keikaku dori" moment while Armin doesn't even get to find cups anymore
What the fuck happened? Wasn't Armin supposed to be Isayama's favorite character?
hes referring to this
Have the EMfags finally migrated from the other thread
>The only way to save the world is to eradicate all non-eldians.
Based, but at least Hizuru can stick around because they are best allies and Honorary Eldians.
Did Eren manipulated Kruger so he could make sure that Faye and Dina died?
Itachi's death
Never followed Naruto so I don't know who that is, but WEW nonetheless.
It's really, truly sad though. I've had a couple of friends off themselves, plus an extended family member. Years later, it's still hard to sort out those feelings- some combination of anger, guilt, and sadness.
Suicide is bad, y'all. Don't do that to your friends and family.
You wish she was.
If you want to win her, you must first defeat her boyfriend
My little influencing murderer can't be this cute!
You've given them the opportunity to post farmer because of your vague wording.
You mean comfy got the kind of autistic emcel lunatic that praises pride parades and hates stable healthy families? No. You people deserve endless nightmares.
>dog vs wife
You didn't know? Tying up a man and punching him in the head always works
you made her cry, user
I love Grisha and Zeke being afraid of Eren.
>best ally
>intended to claim all of your island resources
Historia almost killed him lmao
Why does Historia cry so much?
doesn't matter anyways, the CTs from the two inner walls will devastate within wall Maria either way.
and then if/when they leave the island they will completely devastate the island as well.
also, if King Cuck forced them to face inwards to destroy themselves, once they are done doing that they'll just wander the planet toward their next closest large population center. so releasing the wall CTs will still be the doom of the world.
>I doubt you could even imagine
>intended to claim all of your island resources
Give and take, user. They were helping Paradis fight off the vastly more powerful (((Marley))).
>is inspired by Mikasa's speech and gets back up to fight
>Historia yelling at him just causes him to sulk further til his other friends give a pep talk
It's a feminine trait. Why doesn't Mikasa ever cry? Because she's mannish. EM posters are gay trannies.
I fucking hate Naruto but Itachi was a God tier character. Seriously only time I cried during Naruto.
It's to lure people into a false sense of security.
Isayama wants the readers to think she's a meek damsel in distress. In actuality she's the mastermind behind all of Eren's actions and the enemy of humanity.
>The Moral of AoT is that Israel should nuke all of Europe
>snk timeline is created by Eren controlling past events in an eternal loop
He's really Godren isn't he?
>tfw have to wait for a month
Not loli enough
I never thought in a million years than when we got an arc focused on the world outside the walls we that Reiner's mom would get a shitload more screentime than Annie's dad
Endgame right here, brother.
>t. speedreader
Are we even sure he's still alive?
Eren killed a lot of people in that crowd. Annie's dad could have easily been flattened.
Sure Hizuru scum
She is an emotional person
>scarf scene
>when Eren came back to life
>when she nearly kissed Eren
>when Armin nearly died
>when Eren killed all those kids
>when Sasha died
>when Eren told her that he hated her
Mikasa does cry a lot
We don't really know either way, but he is last seen alive and the wiki lists him as alive (not that that is the end-all, be-all, of course).
Like Rico, I would say he's "alive" until confirmed otherwise.
The top one feels way too try hard with "muh feels". Eren likes domstoria.
No one ever dies offscreen... except for Dykemir
They obviously weren't doing it pro bono, but their assistance was valuable to Paradis nonetheless. Stop being an idiot.
Gabi says be happy.
Yamyam did YHsisters dirty
Do you think she ever washed the scarf?
>7 times in 20-21 years
>a lot
But he hated it when Mikasa dom'd him
She was forced to become a breeding sow
>gets dommed by Annie
>gets dommed by Mikasa
>gets dommed by Historia
wew Eren
Dom is an art, not just midless violence
Who the fuck is that kid? I don’t ever recall seeing him in the manga and don’t even know where his name comes from. Call me a speed reader but I normal reread each chapter 4-5 times.
I guess it just encompasses who Eren is better. Ocean was Armin's dream that Eren adopted because of his sparky hopeful eyes.
i know EM is not happening, i just don't want EH to be canon.
We don't know who he is. He is probably a kid Eren met in the middle east, but he could also be from a WHT memory.
Stage 3: Bargaining
The CT's can just walk single file and avoid destroying the island
Not possible, but I kek'd
>Grisha is also referring to the secret that he didnt steal the power in the REISS BASEMENT
This is basically the manga and I love it.
Begs the question, where did he get it from? Grisha's parents were total pushovers, and Zekuck was just about the same.
Had to be from Carla's family.
>Eren takes a long glance at Mikasa because she represents what he wants, a longing for connection, beautiful things in this ugly world, a place in this world. Mikasa’s always spoke of the acceptance that Eren cannot wrap his head around with his black and white thinking, that there are both ugly and beautiful things. That despite of the world’s ugliness the beautiful things are worth living for. However, when he flashes back to the Historia scene four times it’s associated with his a lack of freedom, a lack of living for the future, that he has to kill himself, that he has to make the future that he foresaw a reality. Ideas of destiny and predetermination are more compelling to Eren. Mikasa symbolizes what Eren really wants, a future, to be enough for someone, to be accepted. Historia symbolizes what Eren thinks he wants, power and control.
Thanks Satan.
Which is better for the story?
1. Eren fell in love with Historia offscreen and got her pregnant.
2. Eren told Historia she has to get pregnant for his plans to work and she complied.
3. Historia's pregnancy is incidental and not tied to the other characters in any way. Isayama just needed an excuse to have Historia be absent from this arc.
Is he right?
It melts Eren's heart
>Carla raging at Grisha and Dina
>that stoned look on Kiyomi's face
>Keith sulking behind Carla
>1. Eren fell in love with Historia offscreen and got her pregnant.
this but on-screen
Yeah, losing your platonic best friend is a real bummer.
Begone, Yumirufag.
D-Does the YHfag know the others were a couple while Historia thought Ymir was kidding?
>1. Eren fell in love with Historia offscreen and got her pregnant.
Not even an EH shipper but this.
>the secret in the basement
>staring at future eren
>he was talking about the reiss basement
I would buy Historia's sweat.
Well, she's not a loli anymore anywayz.
Those are some wide hips
Stop spamming this. No one cares about your crackpot theory.
It was a cave, not a basement.
She was already pregnant
It's padding
>all the better to birth you with, my dear
A-Andre, i-is that you?
I want Historia to beat me to death
A certain guy seems to enjoy emotionally wrecking her on a regular basis.
>2. Eren told Historia she has to get pregnant for his plans to work and she complied.
This is the best cause it would show us how low Eren has fallen for his plan delusion of the future.
3. Is also a great choice since it would be really funny if Historia choosen the farmer on her own and had a kid with him willingly just to not be alone after Eren left her to go to Marley, it would be best option to BTFO all shippers in the franchise.
1 is for EH fags and a really the most cheap storytelling so I hope Isayama won't go there, he already surprsied me as hell with Eren ordering Grisha to kill Reiss family so I hope he will keep it coming than regressing it into shitty route.
I see all these memes but can Eren even send memories to anyone other than AT inheritors?
That's what's been established so far, but I think he can. Since he also has the FT, which is connected to everyone
yeagerists are zoomer bros, right?
That even doesn't look like dyke Ymir anymore.
Personally I think joining the SC was good for her but thats not the point, all im saying is that Eren and Mikasas interest didnt line up and her doing things was more out of her own desire than from mutual interest.
>to anyone other than AT inheritors?
No, which is why some of edits are pretty dumb
>This is the best cause it would show us how low Eren has fallen for his plan delusion of the future.
It's also the least likely since it's a pointless reversal of his character from the rest of the series.
t. EMtrash
Eren visited his own memories and used the Warhammer titan to put Annie inside a crystal. The Warhammer titan is the only titan who can put people inside crystals. Annie didn't do it herself, she can't. No other titan other than Warhammer has that ability.
Eren told Shitmir to leave with Reiner and Berthold. Her actions don't make sense now, but they will when Eren talks to her in the past and tells her that this is the only way to save Historia.
Screencap this post.
Her crying face is so cute
>faggots still deny their reunion
>Eren savea his mom
>He never gets the titan shifting ability
>Everyone on Paradis dies because of following events happening without Eren to help
>Thoughout all forms of AOT media
>Showed us the final page
>Last episode of season 3 pt 1 showed us future of season 3 pt 2
>Last episode of season 3 pt 2 showed us season 4 and beyond
>We are all Shingeki no Kyojins
The Yeagerists are based and redpilled on the (((Marleyan))) menace.
>talk about how the next time they meet him they’ll get the truth
It’s over EMAfag. The death flag is raised
Did we ever get an explanation about the crystal that intensifies the power of royals/memories in reiss the cave?
I'm not EMfag.
I'm Eren x Annie one.
You know what, I actually really LIKE Gabi unironically
Will EMA ever be like this again?
He literally refused to move and had to be forcefully taken away from her despite a literal titan closing in on him. Furthermore while being taken away he fought tooth and nail to break free.
Eren did not let Carla die. He did everything he was capable of to have the best chance at saving her and he failed.
Damn you, Eren...
So when is Ereh gonna wrap her up in the scarf again?
>How is that Erwin Jr going?
I think those words are meant for EHfags. They have talking about Eren as the father for A WHOLE FRICKING YEAR. If someone will commit suicide it EH not EM
Not so fast
so we can all agree that chapter 99 is still the peak of this manga right?
Maybe at her funeral, or to choke her
saved but you're wrong. Ymir is about to lob everyone's dicks off. No more time for leisurely memory hopping.
EH fags loves projecting
>eren can't just trip her up
>he won't just call her krista
>shipping is okay only when EMfags say
To all non EH/EM fags here, will you be happy when the shipping war ends regardless of who wins?
>Sacrificed Carla so he could join the scouts
>Sacrificed Marco to give Reiner PTSD so he would reveal himself
>Sacrificed Erwin so he could take over the island
>Sacrificed Sasha so the 104th would be arrested at the restaurant
Fucking Madman
I'm more woried about EHfujos who consider EH basically canon and won't accept any other possibility.
>BTFO all shippers in the franchise
Except this would only BTFO EHfags while the rest of shipperfaggots will gladly keep with their cancer
Yeah way back in like chapter 40 you speedreader.
Why is shit machine guy pissed? Was Grisha sleeping with him for info about the Reiss?
I love this. Come to think of it, it makes sense
Where is all of this EHfujo and EHfurry shit coming from? I thought EH was supposed to be the anti-tumblr ship.
>does he know it's a headcanon?
I want to cum inside Annie.
I rewatched the Annie/Eren rematch in Stohess last night and I am starting to buy into the "Eren saved Annie" theory. Eren gets that thousand yard stare like he's seeing a vision right before the crystallization process begins and they cut away as it starts so that you can't see which direction it initially originates from. There is also art of the 9 titans from ancient times that depicts all of the titans separately, except the Female, who is paired with one of the other non-Colossal males, very likely the Attack Titan.
Eren needs Annie for something.
I just remembered that we still don't know what Isayama planned to do with the plane that is fueled by iceburst stone, any guesses?
This is the reason these threads last under an hour.
t. whitey
I believe in EH over EM because that something that you could easily introduce in the current story if Eren is the father via flashbacks. EM relationship in the other hand didn't just stagnated but actually regressed during the time skip and Eren is obviously isn't gonna make it(he is already dead).
It's never gonna be over.
And you know it.
How long are her fucking feet, how have i not noticed this before
A Founder which he can't use, he can only do that in the limited time he spent in PATHS with Zeke and I think we've seen all the memories.My initial thoughts were Attack Titan's ''futuresight'' being bullshit and it's Eren raining down memories on Grisha and Kruger but for that to happen, they need to visit Kruger's memories.I think sending memories thing is an actual power but it's limited with that while when they visited Grisha in the cave, Eren directly affected Grisha.But it's strange since I don't remember Grisha acknowledging Eren's presence there, only Zeke.Was Eren talking bullshit there?This is why time travel is a fucked area to go in and cheapens every story.
>Implying EM is shipping and not something that will happen
All shy girls in love of the mc. Calling it now FG and EM are the only ships that will happen
And?? EHcucks just ship for the sake of being contrarians, we deserve to post EM and it's implied the scarf moment will come back again.
Maybe you should stop being delusional thinking Isayama will develop romance with a yuri bait character, EHfurry
>always uses same artwork made by a fujo
>s-stop calling us fujos!
>>Eren fell in love with Historia offscreen and got her pregnant.
This is for EHfags. Delusional fools and shittest writing of the highest order
Her hands are massive too.
Manstoria indeed
You need royal blood to convince Ymir, that's what's been established. But so long as you don't require Ymir, why can't you use it?
Not him but that's not how it works unless you are calling EMfags fujos too
wit niggers are so retarded as usual, lmao
Yet they will meet again.
Do you feel that threatened you see EHfags everywhere?
EHfags call and depict Mikasa as a dog, which started the furry thing.
I have no clue where the fujo comes from.
>EHfags call and depict Mikasa as a dog, which started the furry thing.
>the state of snktards
There never was a ship war.
EH likely happened but maybe not. That's it.
It's still Paths related but maybe you're right
>EHfags call and depict Mikasa as a dog
But they use it in situations where they say Eren wouldn't fuck his dog.
NEWFAG, Mankasa has been called dog by everyone
If you can prove we use fujo artwork then sure.
>he doesn't realize that the anime retconned this out of existence
>Sacrificed Erwin so he could take over the island
Damn I'm a brainlet, I never picked up that possible reason. Makes picking Armin bearable knowing it was a 5D chess move
Ever noticed that her coat is different in that first panel?
Alright so anyone can help me understand what is going on with Eren's power?
What can he do and how?
kek so it was a triggered EMfag?
Post shit plotpoints here:
>Armored Titan Serum
>Japanese nation
>Paths timefuckery
>Eldia and Marley
she misses Yumiru
I hope her remaining role in the story doesn't just involve Levi. Her arc as a SC commander trying to fill in Erwin's shoes still feels incomplete.
And why is EM superior to fujos?
Now that I think of it, Eren doesn't even have access to Founder's memories, why could he be able to use it?
Detective Hange soon
All titan shifters can inherit memories from a previous shifter. But the Attack Titan can also transmit memories backwards in time. It is the natural enemy of the Founding Titan (who is otherwise all powerful). It's sort of like a failsafe, in case something goes wrong with the Founding Titan
>feels incomplete
She had more plot than Armin as a commander, if anything Jean and Armin are underused
I think
>Will help manlet to move forward
>Will talk with Historia
She already did more than AMJC, what the fuck more do you want
you zoomers are alright don't go to work tomorrow
So the future can actually be changed? Zeke can stop Eren?
This doesn't make a lick of sense if all nine titans were originally one. Unless you posit that Ymir had split-personality disorder. The Attack Titan is the part of Ymir's will that kicks against the world, hence the deal with the devil. The Attack Titan only sends memories back in time because it happened to be the shifter power present when the coordinate and royal blood met. It could've as easily been any of the shifters.
Also Eren isn't dead. Cope zekefags.
Sorry but even EHcringe is better than EM
The same way they retconned the tattoos right. MORON
>Turn 360 and rumble the world!
It's the same coat with Lost girls ova
Hansi was never fit to be a commander, Eren is more charismatic and Isayama still has to complete Armin's arc, same as Jean's leadership.
Should just come back to investigate titans and the Ackermans now
Thanks, what is going on with the time travel, how can Zeke and Eren talk with Griesha and influence him and more importantly why does Eren say "thanks to you I have his path, now"?
Yes, but some ''scenery'' needs to happen since Grisha saw it in Eren's memories.Shit is fucked.
Well she is the commander while JAr are still only her potential succesors. But I agree. I know this is probbably wishful thinking at this point but I want to see three of them as a some sort of team.
>Kiyomi and Kruger
Would be kino.
>1. Eren fell in love with Historia offscreen and got her pregnant.
I don't care about shipperfaggotry but if they really had something then it should be shown on-screen, at least through flashbacks. As long as it's handled properly it doesn't bother me.
>2. Eren told Historia she has to get pregnant for his plans to work and she complied.
What plan exactly? As far as I know Eren didn't need Historia at all
>3. Historia's pregnancy is incidental and not tied to the other characters in any way. Isayama just needed an excuse to have Historia be absent from this arc.
I highly doubt this, Historia was a significant detonator to trigger the arc we're currently in. So it's safe to assume that she has a role to play in this arc
They got right that Zeke and Eren are the only characters that matter
I had a serious argument that the "see you later" isn't "Sayonara" but" itte rashai" but the idiot couldn't comprehend. He kept saying it means that EM is splitting up
This actually helped me understand the chapter a lot better. This shit is way more trippy than I thought
wow it's not even edited
After Zolmes and Manletson Bizarre's Adventures
We already saw that and only Hanjo talks not letting Armin and Jean to develop.
EHfag spotted
>Grisha can use this to see Eren's recollection of the same even that he's currently experiencing
It's a shame that this has to be specified, it was pretty obvious after 121 how Grisha was able to see Zeke. Good job anyway user.
Because they are in the paths, they were able to speak to Grisha. Zeke didn't know that would happen, and when he figured it out, it was already too late
Daamn 200 iq
I don't agree with this analysis but it is interesting how it roughly corresponds to Grisha's two wives, where Dina represented a time where his mission took priority over all else, including his loved ones, and Carla represented a time where he put aside his mission in favor of his family.
This is your queen, anons.
Lmao EHfags are majority. Cope!
Lmao you see EHfags everywhere you paranoid schizo
So when the Smiling Titan eats Carla and Eren swears to eradicate the Titans, his mission resumes (as Eren is his inheritor). Nice catch user.
EM is canon, boys
We got that in the restaurant. If anything manlethans (not shipping) needed more time together for a nice change plus the JAr need to grow up
Why is it that despite making up roughly 20% of posters, EMfags are responsible for 90% of the shitposting?
>if you don't have my low-iq seething while posting then you must be one of my shipper rivals
I want shipperfags to go
why can you not shut up about your faggot ship bullshit
Genius comedic page
Based smug horse
Its getting tiring seeing it. I wish these faggots left.
>Chadren naysayers: b-b-but he's a puppet. H-h-he was supposed to be outplayed by Zeke
Fat people don't have much to do other than sit behind a computer
What’s the next step of their master plan?
EMdumblrinas are kikes
If Zeke wins they are going to need to use Historia
Yup, I think this was something for the original ending that got scrapped
And that's probably why that snippet got removed in the anime
Given that time "travel" fuckery should have been planned since the beginning, I bet the original ending where everyone died had a tragic time loop plot
Raise Ymir.
Fuck off dyke
Why is that neither of you can go one thread without talking shit about relationships? You've never even been in one and can't stop obsessing about it. Stop.
I really liked that panel of Grisha leaving with grown-up Zeke and Eren, so cold.
The anime is the final version, user. EM has nothing to do with anything on that front. The "see you later" thing is no longer relevant.
t. EHfurry
That's why I'm scared for her. JAr both still need development with their leadership skills but then Hansi would need to either die or resign. I don't want her to die, but if she resigns she'll become Shadis tier for me
>>Yup, I think this was something for the original ending that got scrapped
Not yet. Mikasa's memory shard was right after Eren had that dream
>>And that's probably why that snippet got removed in the anime
Mikasa's tattoo were scraped too
Wouldn't the EMfags be the furries? They seem to like the idea of Eren fucking his dog an awful lot.
She cute.
>anime is the final version
anime is the final version
What about Mikasa's tattoo? The anime scrapped it but Isayama went along with it.
Keep socking yourself in denial.
And Mikasa memory shard was right after Eren had that dream
*woof woof*
It's the EHfags that love to photoshop her on a dog
What is there to be misunderstood?
Order of events:
(1/6). Grisha uses the attack titan to see Future-Eren's memories and Future-Eren controls what memories Grisha sees.
2. Grisha enters the cave and explains to the Reiss what he learned from Future-Eren.
(3/5). Present-Eren uses the founder titan in combination with the attack titan to communicate with Grisha and ensure he finishes his mission.
4. Past-Eren kisses Historia's hand and sees Grisha's memories from the cave. This includes some of Future-Eren's memories because Grisha was thinking about them at the time. It also includes some of Present-Eren's memories because Present-Eren was communicating with Grisha at the time.
(3/5). Present-Eren uses the founder titan in combination with the attack titan to communicate with Grisha and ensure he finishes his mission.
(1/6). Grisha uses the attack titan to see Future-Eren's memories and Future-Eren controls what memories Grisha sees.
It's really quite simple.
Hanji completely negates Armin and Armin completely negates Jean. They can't work with each other by any means unless they are kept separate.
Is it true that Eren lives in a different house than Mikasa? Oh no no no
Yeah. Mikasa and Armin live together though.
that was a fake interview made up by an AMfag
>EHkeks have to imagine Mikasa as a litteral animal in order to feel secure
LMAO.. April fool interview..EHfags
Some AMfag's fanfiction
cope harder
Here's the solution: You retire the unqualified bitch, make Jean lead cadets and fodder, assign Mikasa and holy shit I was going to say a couple other names but we literally don't have any characters left.I was about to say Jean, then remembered what my post was about.About to say Sasha, then I remembered what happened, thought about Connie but he's useless so I guess just Mikasa and Levi under him.
I know, that's why I asked for source
I mean, according to Isayama, yeah.
See above.
The tattoo was not included for air because tattoos are super taboo in Japan. It will be retconned in if truly needed.
Why are EMfags so riled up today?
You could post this every day.
What do you want her to do? She can't fight and manlet needs help too, the detective meme actually reveals a lot and is more useful because information = power.
EMfags, Mikasa is telling Eren goodbye. They are separating forever. They can never be together again. Keep hoping in what does not exist. Delusional EMfags
VERY soon, actually.
After Eren beats Zeke he will force him to have sex with girls again and again until he likes it. And everytime Zeke cries asking Eren why he's doing this Eren will say " Because you were born into this world"
You forgot someone.
>1 chapter a month
How is in not fortnightly?
this is schizophrenic levels of cope
meanwhile EMchads already got their flashback HAHAHAHA
Moron, read the raws. It shows they are in fact together
It literally doesn't even matter at this point.
Hanji is a hundred times the leader Jean will ever be. She doesn't mentally choke all the time, she is capable of throwing aside her morality when it's needed, she is capable of living with her choices without repeatedly second guessing herself, she provided her own solution for the Eldian conflict even if it ended up failing and she has got more talents than barking out orders in battlefields.
Is it me or people really hate the diea of Hange and manlet together as a team
Bait. Japanese text implies she expects him to return.
I meant Levi and Mikasa under Armin.
Maybe it’s his grave or something
>it thinks I have a horse in the EM vs. EH race
Stop speedreading, user. EH is pretty fucking obvious at this point to anyone without an agenda.
>write Levi
Everytime user. We saw in Uprising they actually had a nice support but got nerfed for the sake of the plot
>shingeki no kyojin
>can be translated as Advancing Titan
>always advances/moves forward toward the future
>special ability is seeing future memories
Makes a lot of sense
Is there any character that can defeat Eren Yeager? And I'm not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager. Hell, I'm not even talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after ingesting the Yoroi no Kyojin serum and having practiced his hardening abilities with Hange and the Survey Corps. I couldn't be talkig about Shigeki no Kyojin Eren Yaeger using Porco Galliard as a nutcraker to destroy the Sentsi no Kyojin crystal so he can consume Ms. Tybur and gain precise creation abilities. I'm NOT talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager commanding a group of loyal folowers who have dedicated their lives to fulfilling Eren's dream of finally seting his people free and ensuring the safety of generations to come. Do you think I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after going fully nuclear and telling Mikasa he's hated her his entire life and beating the shit out of Armin because they're both just slaves who refuse to accept fredom and try to get in the way of his true, eternal fredom? You better be joking if you think I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after being ambushed by the surviving members of the Senshitai, effectively fighting off both Reiner and Porco at the same time and even taking on Reiner, solo, after eating two direct headshots from an antititan sniper rifle. I'm definitely not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager surviving after being decapitated by top Senshitai candidate, Gabi Braun, and still moving forward to enact his master keikaku. You better ban me if you think I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager walking Zeke through Grisha's PATHS memories so he can see the error of his ways and come around to the belief that life is worth living. I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager becoming the Devil himself, wiling to destroy the entire world, and manipulating the past, present, and future in order to protect his lover, Historia Reiss, so that his child can be born free into this world.
>Hiding behind EA
Wow, an Anniefag who isn’t mentally retarded. If only there were more like you
>Erwin Jr
Reminder that Hange lost her baby in the bert bomb and manlet killed the father
Can Eren see the Founder's memories?If not, what about warhammer?
They were already a team for nearly the entire series. Hanji being the titan biologist/weapons guy of the SL while manlet was the muscle.
>im totally an innocent third party!
not even falseflagging is too low for EHfags
Because Isayama is a lazy cunt.
Literal schitzo asspulling now
Why not Mikasa under Armin a and manlet under Hans?
>write Levi
>Hiding behind EA
Okay. You do you.
He is the only one to be confirmed to live until the end of the story.
They always operated for separated though, we only saw them together during Ilse expedition, the rest they were working in different sides
She's a fucking hobbit
I’m genuinely angry that Armong will survive
We should have simply had Hanji as the overall commander, manlet as her right hand man and everyone else leading their own squads rather than AMJC sticking together all the time as if they were glued to each other.
I miss Joseph...
Not him but I guess those who writes Levi usually hate Hango and hate the idea of them being together
Why is there a need for a Hans & Levi partnership?I swear to god shippers are braindead.
Any fellow unabashed EHchads around here?
>goes from the "stock hot-headed shonen hero" to a (maybe literally) devilish mastermind capable of committing horrific deeds while looking like an incredible alpha chad
HOW the FUCK does he do it, bros?
Mostly based, but「巨人」means "giant." The japs don't really have the concept of Titans because Greek myth isn't part of their zeitgeist. I don't know why anyone at the localization department felt the change was necessary honestly.
Your ship is worse than your games
Just be thankful that he faded into irrelevance for most of the timeskip rather than getting more 3 cups and GABDAN! moments
Nigger have you not read the new chapter?
Who the fuck was shipping them, I enjoyed Erwin and manlet together so I want to see more Hange and manlet as commander and captain together, retard
Good. Seethe more.
Hisu feet are for worshiping
what about her hands?
I'll take that under consideration.
They were together during Eren's initial experiments when he joined the SL, during nearly all of Uprising, the Basement, the Ocean and all of the Paradis flashbacks.
Annie a cute.
Evidence shows he's genuinely an EA shipper who really hates Armin for some reason.
>this route it's shit
>okay but why is it shit?
EMfags are always exposed by their ESL retardation and convenient posts
Hange would have been a great commander in a pre-basement world. She lacks the political skills that Erwin had and the charisma to keep people in line. Jean is a good field commander, but like you said, lacks to nerve to make difficult decisions required for a leader.
Actually, what is the future purpose of the Scouts supposed to be anyway? A modern military will be needed for Paradis, so do the Scouts become a special forces unit?
>for some reason.
I wonder what's the reason
>I-I swear I don't ship them, I just wanna see them kis- I mean kill some titans
Worship Hisu hands as well
Lol nobody wants those two together, just kill the hongotranny and pisstoria and the manga will improve x 777, then Jean and Armin can finally shine
Eren fucking Mikasa in any way would be hypocrisy of the highest order.
Hes all about that saving the Eldian race shit. He would never fuck a half asian mutt
>She doms Eren into licking them clean
Wasn't it Isayama who came up with the translation Attack on Titan? Which would explain why the title never made sense in English.
I mean, I don't have a foot fetish but Historia is Historia.
Good, now them alone and then going to Historia's farm.
>I wonder what's the reason
It think it still matters considering Mikasa's shard was right after the dream
Stop making EHChads look bad you braindead fuckwit. Read the godamn chapter.
>being this afraid of two characters interacting together
Okay, should have suspected you were a shippertard
>who really hates Armin for some reason.
What is this one saying
Are they black Americans?
I meant that I fear that Hange's only purpose left now is to further develop Levi discarding her own arc that like I said I felt was still unfinished. If that doesn't happen and they both complete their own arcs satisfyingly then I have no problem with them both being together.
Don't forget, she still has a case to solve
It literally takes 1 single image to convert the footfags to Hisu/EHfags.
Nevermind literally every other physical feature of a woman. Nevermind her personality or her status. Tell me about her feet. That's the important part.
It really is an enigma how footfags brains are wired. I'm not even mad at them. I think more companies should exploit this. Just throw them a single bone and they'll be hooked forever.
Ittekimasu and Itterasshai are most often used with family members or people you live with. It doesn’t matter which one is said first, but both expressions are usually exchanged when someone leaves the house.
Although English doesn’t have expressions like these, it is easy to understand the feeling behind these words. Ittekimasu and Itterasshai both have the warm feeling of wishing to return to their loved ones.
I'm personally not into big feet on a midget
I fail to see how is that incompatible, helping manlet and investigating Historia is important too
>Implying Armong won’t steal it from her
I hope Falco's titan is as chad as Porco's
Armong's far from the crime scene, whereas Hange will swim there
>Magath soon
Floch is the true bane of boomers.
>implying we don't want Annie to wake up already
>discarding her own arc
Jesus you sound like that one crying about Historia being irrelevant when she had two fucking arcs, maybe manlet is the one giving her even more arc
>zeke, your first game was ff7 wow
youre right user,heres a cutekasa
Not saying it can't be. If it is then it's great but I don't know what Isayama is planning for sure.
>they don't make them like they used
falcos titan looks like a fucking retard
>bane of Erwin
>when he called out Eren for arguing in favor of saving the zoomer
>Hongoloid mad because Armin will be confirm Eren forced Historia to get pregnant with the farmer AND will get his endgame
Nobody wants you here, Levi will live while Hongo will die a slow death
the one blocking her development is Armin not manlet/Historia though
You niggers better not post another thread before this one hits page 10.
I still can't fucking believe Isayama actually wrote this.
If I should die and be reincarnated to live a thousand lifetimes as an awkward teenager I will still never see something that is more cringe than this.
What killed the hype???
I want to see the veterans having aa nice moment helping each others, they don't have many private interactions. On the other hand I agree with
The commander role was always for Armin, Hange can't do more, just fight till the end and helping her own way. She would be more useful as scientist, that's what she always wanted to do, but she will fight till the end
You ship too.
I don't think Eren did that to Historia though
>this girls approaches you
>asks to get pregnant
wat do?
I just rewatched episode 6 and my EM feels have soared high. I'm here to trigger EHchad
SNK truly is one of the most cerebral manga of all time
Remember when normies were hating on it for being an action show for kids? I always knew it was fucking deep
Oops, my hand slipped.
You know.
You hit like a girl.
>Choosed the farmer
>Making the face of someone who want to die
Even if EH is not canon the farmer will always be a part of a plan and not someone she love (also she's maybe a dyke).
Dykes are a plague upon the Earth
>Erwin died for this
Sup ErAnon
Fucking KEK. This chapter was great on its own but I can't deny that controlfags getting BTFO in the most unexpectedly glorious way possible was the fucking cherry on top.
Fuck them, veterans for the win, not interested in AMJC
>implying Hisu asks for consent
>I don't think Eren did that to Historia though
Can you retarded hongoloids read chapter 108?? Just ONCE. PLEASE.
This user knew it was coming
Is this where Eren asked her to fuck farmerchad
Paradis is lucky to have such a cute queen.
That poster must be pretty damn effective. It got Eren to do a whole bunch of crazy shit.
Armin is disgusting though
Hisu hands...
Armong is an EMfag, his bias won't let him crack the case
Imagine Annie being pissed on by Armin
I’m not a foot fag but I wouldn’t mind if historia stepped on me
Is he though, is he really?
Eren obviously brainwashed the horse
Can anyone stop this madman?!
Don’t remind me
Fun trivia: pic related was an EAfag and liked YH over EH even during Uprising.
Eren's seen more shit than both
How do Arminfags even exist after this page?
Eren is a still a slave you dumb cuck, to the Attack Titan
Eren made the AT his bitch
Someone already went there. See:
>speedreading this hard
Hisu is the only person that Eren would submit to in bed
Arminfags are cucks IRL who fantasize about getting girls wayyyy out of their league, such as Annie.
How can you be a slave to yourself?
retarded speedreader
Based Naziwinchad
What would the sex be like
He's a slave to the future he saw
>Moving the goalpost
This I agree with
Did Eren make Kruger his bitch too?
This t b h.
No. The future is Eren's bitch.
Historia in complete control from start to finish
>if you want to save Mikasa and Armin
>We're all puppets, Laurie. I'm just a puppet who can see the strings.
Yes, he destroyed all of your favourite characters. Isayama will also find a way to make Erwin into a bitch.
But Floch was an Erwinfag
>controlfag damage controlling
>High ranking nazi general
>involved in the failed plot to assassinate hitler
What are you high on?
It's obvious that without Eren's influence the Attack titan will still be FT bitch
Eren is a slave... to the next AT
>Both in love of a woman called Marie
He’s the last one retard
Screencap this now
Future Eren is tricking Present Eren
He wanted Erwin to live to suffer for ordering the suicide charge, and to provide him with something to ease his survivor's guilt- "I survived to make sure the commander survived."
Erwin was based on Erwin.
Holy shit controlfags are absolutely seething right now
>liked YH over EH even during Uprising.
False and wrong, I never liked YH
If Mikasa acted less submissive Eren would like her
What the hell is a controlfag
People who think Eren is being controlled like Armin
Please how did Yea Forums react when Armin suggested Transferring Eren's power in 108?
How new are you?
>liked YH over EH even during Uprising.
False and wrong, I never liked YH over EH
What if it's all three?
Got it.
>How new are you?
I'm not, but how stupid are you? Do you think everyone spergs about making up new terms and names for groups of people like an autist?
>Wow I fucking hate Armin
That doesn't affect anything I said. He explicitly says that Erwin should live so he can suffer during the Serumbowl.
>I don't want Yea Forums to have new users I want the userbase to dwindle until the servers go down from no ad revenue.
Cringe millenial
Cringe zoomer
The game was rigged against her from the start. She hated her at the beginning of the series for being too controlling and now she hates her for being too submissive
>the kike and the torturer