Mikado a cute
Kaguya spoilers 161
The dash of NTR is imminent
Gook out, someone post it
I got caught up on the manga this week, and now I can pretend to contribute something useful to these threads now.
>Mikado supposedly a chad
>he literally siscon
I was lied to Yea Forums
oh boy here we go again
Do you do this with your twin sister user
>>Mikado supposedly a chad
I don't know what gave you that idea
Maki a cute.
>His trip to India for material gathering was for the sole purpose of tracing pictures he took to make Maki and Mikado the only two things in the chapter that aren't traced
Holy fuck Aka.
Looks like Gantz
>Maki goes to Bollywood land for help with her love life
>Those realistic Indian faces
I can't even with this manga.
I don't see Nagisa or Tsubasa in that pic.
This is too amusing. I can't wait for the translation.
They are in the bottom panel. Just censored
That would be too cruel.
>Kashiwagi adn her boyfriend pic
Finally, the Maki revenge arc begins.
The Japanese in this universe are all descended from moon aliens.
Wish I could get my hands on the RAWs as early as the Koreans. Bastards.
>quick, we need some resolution for Maki! Everyone is gonna get paire dup eventually but she has no single or het options!
>etto....give her an incest end I guess
>Aka in charge of culinary delights
Can't help being a pleb huh?
>/u/fags BTFO by a shitpost India image tracing chapter
How will they ever recover?
bloody hell that's quick for a translation
Jesus fucking christ Maki needs to stop suffering
>side note: Thank you for reading this chapter, brought to you with the largest expenses ever in this manga
Good job Aka.
>Maki's twin younger brother, "Shijou Maki"
They really are identical.
This chapter is so fucking cursed. I love it.
Mikado is for Fujiwara or Hayasaka.
>do a trip to "research material" in India
>the result is a single comedy chapter that is almost totally irrelevant to the main plot and where 80% of the content is traced.
We don't deserve Aka
They won't. Mikado's even going to claim Fujiwara from Hayasaka. She likes boys who are sort of like Prez, after all.
>give her an incest end
Mikado is for both Fujiwara and Hayasaka, plus Tsubame, Onodera, and Iino.
So... No progress, filler chapter and break next week?
I hope the Maki suffering doesn't end until the series epilogue
He could be a Chad who simply doesn't fight back against his sister.
The comedy in this chapter is gold.
what in the actual living fuck aka
Prez is for Mikado.
I can kind of relate to this. I once went to Sri Lanka to visit some relatives. All of those relatives lived in developing cities. It was a living hell.
I hope the Maki suffering doesn't end even after the series epilogue.
>filler chapter
God I regret the anime airing
What the fuck?
There is no break next week though. And with all the plot that we got lately this kind of chapter is welcomed.
Pajeet in the west
It'll probably be this too. When they finally meet, Mikado probably won't even know who he is and just be a really chill and responsible dude.
The whole chapter is like that. Aka is dabbing on his publisher (who probably paid for his """""research"""""" trip).
I hope you got the joke by now user.
I wouldn't complain about a comedy chapter. Plus it introduces Mikado.
If you look at it cross-eyed, you'll see them in 3D!
Hey, it introduced the pushover known as Mikado and accentuated Maki's suffering and cuqwean status.
Aka you fucking madman
Only those with a pure heart could see them user. Sorry.
>indian food giving you the runs
iirc "took a break for research" is mangaka code for "missed a deadline" or "on vacation"
Aka's not gonna waste the four pages on them, but the implication's clear.
If the Japs aren't going to animate this chapter with real actors like in Space Jam, this industry is worthless.
If it's a funny chapter in a comedy manga, it's not filler.
That's why I said almost. And we didn't really need that trip to do that.
It wouldn't be nearly as funny without the traced backgrounds.
Absolutely worth it for the COM part of romcom.
Mikadao a siscon
MiCHADo time
fucking finally
That's some fucking weird art. The guy looks like he comes from a hentai.
If you look closely you can see Nagisa getting mating pressed
>kashiwagi shows maki a tape that shows her and tsubasa fucking like rabbits on christmas
>maki is forced to watch it as tsubasa and kashiwagi fuck simultaneously
will maki kill herself then
I want Maki to treat me like shit. Wincest.
Mikado is at least as smart as Prez. What if he's running his own insane plots to sabotage Maki's love life and keep her all for himself?
A pushover in context of his sister, sure. No one is the same with everyone. Does Maki bully anyone else like this, or is it only because they're siblings? Does Mikado put up with everyone's shit like this, or is it only because he's protective of her?
For all we know, Mikado is an ultra-Chad in the eyes of everyone who isn't personally close to him.
It's all Kashiwagi's plot to bed Maki. She's a deranged lesbian.
She self destructs just fine on her own, I mean, she's literally Kaguya without the saint known as prez who loves her too much so he puts up with her retardation.
>kashiwagi shares tsubasa's semen with maki through mouth to mouth with maki
wtf aka
Wait, so that's Mikado? Dude is plain as fuck.
>For all we know, Mikado is an ultra-Chad in the eyes of everyone who isn't personally close to him.
So is Prez to those people who don't know how pathetic he really is.
So this chapter is basically Aka testing the waters for setting the story outside Japan?
This chapter is an abomination and I love it.
This chapter is to introduce the new MC, Shijo Mikado.
Why the fuck Maki and Mikado ends in Hiroya Oku manga?
Exactly my point. When the Emperor finally meets the main cast, this isn't how he's going to be. This is just Mikado with his family. It's probably going to turn out that he's a top athlete as well as a top student, and comes across as the ultimate chad with everyone else.
>draw the actual scene in vivid detail
>Set Transperency = 5%
You need a 4channel gold account
>He's probably gathering material to use for the trip arc
>He used it all for shitposting
>Rich and cute
>Dont get any boyfriend
So is Mikado dont allowing her having a BF?
>He used it all for shitposting
As a true artist should.
That way he has an excuse to travel again for the school trip.
>This chapter is an abomination and I love it.
Between the amount of breaks we're getting lately, this chapter and the latest Ramen Emperor one, I'm not exactly a fan how Aka is stretching out things lately.
>stretching out things
>one off comedy chapters
Did you pick it up with the anime or something? Because Kaguya has always been mostly this kind of series.
Next volume should just be one offs at the stuco to make up for plot/drama/plot/drama that's been the series since the school festival.
>that realistic pajeet face
guess Aka's vacation is paying dividends
Fuck i'm not the only one?
I thought it was just my disturved mind
Do you think he drew it in detail before censoring it?
If anything the current pacing is way faster than durin most of the manga and we only got plot in the last 50 chapters. This is a comedy, we don't need progress every chapter.
I can't really see that being the case, I'm sure Prez, Kaguya and the others may look at him like he's the super competent chad he appears to be at first but being related to Maki disqualifies him from that actually being played straight.
Amusing chapter, though I find it would be hard to make me complain about a Maki chapter.
Aka drew the scene in a special ink that virgins can't see.
If I were the CEO of his publisher and he had the balls to ask for another paid """"""research""""" trip. I'll beat his shit.
It seems people forgot we had a bunch of chapters for random stuff like that one in the past. I still remember the Pokemon GO chapter.
>drops by
>he's absolutely perfect, super intelligent and extremely athletic
>prez has his inferiority complex go overdrive
>Maki appears
>he's instantly healed
A lot of the binge readers have a warped perception of how the series progresses things. Though it's not helped by the fact that this is the longest streak of arc focused chapters we've ever gotten
Anime only redditor are infesting these threads after all.
These were probably his summer holidays.
remember maki as the crying girl that only appears in post chapter ? Look where she is now
And i'm going to hell with this one
Crying in India because she's still cucked?
Being relevant is actively ruining her life.
But Kaguya's retardation was driving Prez to death.
Yeah, but he still loved her, to death.
Any inferior human would have given up at this point and go for the nicegirl mchuge tits that is Fujiwara.
And now she's actively planning to broke her own arm just so she could guilt trip the boy she like (spoiler: he won't give a fuck).
why the fuck do i find dabbing fujiwara so hilarious? And I hate that thing, even coming from people doing it ironically
some things had to be done user, some things had to be done
>she was actively praying for her love life to improve while THIS and literally every other single romantic development happened
Suicide is too nice for her.
>she's literally Kaguya without the saint known as prez who loves her too much so he puts up with her retardation.
Maki also lacks a Hayasaka to reign in her stupidity.
>this chapter
I hadn't seen such glorious shitposting in a manga since Gintama at his peak.
This so much. Chapters 95-103 were almost a whole volume's worth of pure StuCo shenanigans, and most of them are gold. Hoping for volume 17 to be something in the same vein, before we get into the School Trip Arc (wonder where it will be now).
did the madlad actually fucking cropped a portion from this panel ?
that's why Mikado is there
Kaguya sneaking into prez' hotel bedroom during the trip when?
>Kaguya fulfilling the honorable japanese tradition of yobai
Yes please.
Ballroom dancing arc gonna be lit
Remember when this manga was good?
Aka outshiposts you.
The difference between the artstyles are too shocking
This manga was NEVER good.
> that's why Mikado is there
You meant the cuck who gets manhandled by a little girl?
He can't reign her in like Hayasaka does with Kaguya, so Maki keeps on suffering.
I thought he just collapsed out of lovesickness, like Kaguya did before
What a fucking pleb
A Cute!
I come from the future, and I don't remember that this manga was bad at any time
Lack of sleep, too much stress, way too many mixed signals and having to put a ton of effort in kissing her.
The verb is rein.
Thia fucking mangaka
I love high IQ low effort blatant shitposting.
I was never able to do these
How would Prez and Kaguya have reacted to the other dying before they became a couple?
>prayer only works if the devotee puts in work to meet God halfway
>which means Maki is still doing absolutely nothing to help her situation because she's still effectively sitting on her ass
Maki is just no good
Based, I was hoping they'd do a nendroid for Prez to pair with Kaguya.
Kaguya would be so deep in ice mode she'd lead the unhappiest life possible.
Prez wouldn't suicide but he'd lose all motivation and become some alcoholic pachinko addict.
I would love this
They're also making Fujiwara one.
You have to tell us if Ishigami's harem self destructs
Gookbro where are you...don't leave us for the night
>this chapter
Please explain I am stupid
Did you rike it?
>Aka spends two weeks in India
>the chapter about said travel is just traced photos, Maki suffering and Mikado being a betafag
>thanks for covering the expenses!
I think you're missing the second point. Let's contrast him with Prez at the moment. Prez puts on a cool mask to hide being pathetic, which still slips through from time to time, but he's also genuinely a cool dude in a lot of ways.
Even if he lets Maki bully him, that doesn't take away from the fact that he really is hypercompetent and scores about hundred points above the rest. Getting shat on by Maki wouldn't stop him from being better than everyone else.
Aka just dabbed on all of us
>Korean user didn't TL last time either
>Nowhere to be seen even now
I-is he ok?
He got a free trip, twice, just so he could shitpost an entire chapter.
Would Kaguya unlock an IB in that case?
What about Chika
>Korean user didn't TL last time either
Korean TL probably appeared earlier than he could do it.
An expensive and elaborate shitpost.
>he really is hypercompetent and scores about hundred points above the rest
Maybe he's just good at studying and literally nothing else.
If prez actually had time for himself (no work or stuco) I can see him scoring above Mikado since the difference isn't that big.
Sorry, no /u/ for you.
Korean user is kill I read it on the news yesterday
Maki is a bully
Baki is a mully
It's funnier if he genuinely is hypercompetent, though.
>IshigamixMaki is clearly more interesting ship than Ishigamixlino ship
Maki is too cute
Well, if he's like Kaguya he's a genius in most fields, but I doubt it.
All couples did 'something' for Xmas while Maki was in denial
Why doubt it? Is there a good reason for Mikado to not be awesome? It just sharpens the contrast with how he still lets his sister bully him, which adds to the comedy.
Maki is funnier and she legit makes you want to save her from her retardation.
How do the koreans get RAWs so fast? What is their secret?
Because the
>amazing genius who is excellent in all fields but is actually a tard
is Kaguya's niche.
>What is their secret?
digitak raws
Which store releases the digital magazine early? Because Bookwalker isn't until Wednesday night.
It's also Maki's and Mikado's her twin
Maki should be the new MC
Kaguya is only a tard at specific fields in which she has little experience, mainly love, sex, and regular life. El Hermano could be a loser goofball who is actually a supergenius with no effort. Or he could be gay.
It's most of the cast's niche desu
is this canon
Not him but Kaguya could rap as soon as she learnt about prez's deal with Hayasaka. She just sucks at using computers.
If it was digital, everyone could get their hands on it. This is clearly them getting a physical copy from some place, and scanning them, since the quality is often below norm.
The darkness chapters got referenced in the main story, so yes, probably.
Kaguya did learn to type really fast in no time after that though.
>no Fuji
Is Aka even trying anymore?
Next chapter is a stuco one, it's been a while too.
>Kaguya nendroid
>christmas concieving
Doctor delivering great grandson soon.
Why would there be Fujiwara? This is Ishigami time. He's in literally every chapter now.
>taste exactly like curry in japan
bullshit, nips curry doesn't taste anything like curry at all its their own stuff
What a weird family.
>great, great grandpa will be able to meet him
It's amazing, really.
>He's in literally every chapter now.
I hate it!
Why would a cardiologist deliver a child? His specialty is heart diseases, not gynecology.
Guys, how did Aka fucking do it
He could still cut the umbilical cord, duh
He’s probably a general practitioner.
>bullied by virgin Maki
> Implying a 50 year old great grandfather isn't going to be buried in heart disease
fuck ishigami
Kaguya-sama Wants to Make (Him) Confess is over. Now is the era of Ishigami-kun Wants to Make (Her) Like Him.
>ywn be bullied by maki
brb bros gonna ctrl + f4
i wish i could
In the butt.
Poor Maki, when she finds out about Kashiwagi's pregnancy she will lose her crush and her friend. That being said her character development will be amazing.
>mikado is comic relief
>series ends with a 5 page joke chapter
guys, i'm scared. doomposters won
Story is restarting with a new title with Ishigami as the new lead.
I hope your mouth becomes beef jerky
That's his specialty, delivering babies is normal medic work. Unless Kashiwagi has complications there is no need for a gynecologist
he will not mind
lmao, no. CHADkado is the new MC.
Twice? Where at?
Series is gonna end with Pres and Kaguya arguing who won.
This chapter's not even worth the abandoned indian toilet paper it was printed on.
Who the fuck would travel to a terrible place like India(no offense) just for an irrelevant filler chapter?
The NTR man is finally here.
>Kaguya finally got axed
Oh no no no no no hahahahahahaha
Ask the Beatles.
What the hell was this chapter? Gonna be honest, I did not expect this manga to drop in quality so badly this far in.
Aka needs to take a break and really reevaluate his work. To see if this is where he wants to take it.
But I guess it's hard when you have due dates for your chapters.
Not much he could do with the story besides end it as well. I predict a further quality decline until it gets axed.
Trying too hard there bruh. It’s embarrassing really.
I think the apple guy is not him, as much as that would be a cool foreshadowing. Hairstyle doesn't match
Don't reply to bait
Maki should sport that hair more, she's very pretty.
>This Hiroya Oku artstyle
Maki will find the god alien soon?
Stop reading this manga.
Stop this!
>unzip penis
Yeah long hair just suits her better. Also kinda hilarious that she switched because Nagisa imitated her and then Tsubasa fell for Nagisa.
>yfw The whole Stanford arc in traced style
Did aka ever encounter a designated shitting street?
He took two trips to India one before magazine break, and another after it.
Maybe your twin brother following you all the way to India, Maki?
>yfw aka marries into an indian family
t. newfig
Got swept up by the typhoon
been announced for months
>people don't even properly drop chapters anymore
What the fuck. Could these threads get anymore cancerous?
Thank you Aka, now there will be even more Japanese tourists in Europe because why bother going into India.
Maki should have gone for a trip to Mexico!
Reminder that Aka outshitposted every single one of you
Would you rather have Chinese tourists instead?
Can't wait for Mikado to push a pregnant Kashiwagi down the stairs
Ripping from manamoa isn't simple
I bet it always just some few anons doing it all the time
If you want to do it then be my fucking guest nigger
Aka will get cucked by Mikado.
What is censored here? I see just a cloud in the last panel.
I usually rip but i'm not at home right now
then don't make a fucking spoiler thread to shitpost about nothing
Jesus Christ
Why is it just a badly drawn heart
It's actually really easy. Inspect the page, click an image, you'll get links with the full images.
Actually since I mentioned it, I'll do the dump.
Mikado's spine is in danger.
Then fucking do something about it good lord
Discuss something, dump the fucking pages that you so wanted
The threads have gone to shit but faggots like you aren't making it better
I wonder if Aka took every single one of these pictures and just traced over them.
Guide man seems pretty confident there.
Probably, yeah.
>the ending of Kaguya sama is a super low effort, heavily traced chapter based on his holidays paid by his fucking publisher
It's a joke that works on too many levels.
Way too close, he's literally blending into Maki!
>Hermano is a siscon for Maki
>But Kaguya and Maki are really similar
Hmmmmmm. What is Aka foreshadowing with this?
That he's also similar to Kaguya and Maki and will end falling for prez.
>You have to kill the aliens to get 100 points EL HERMANO
I don't think he's a siscon. I think he's just a responsible dude who wants to make sure nothing bad happens to her.
That he's going to steal Prez away from Kaguya
Do you think he told the guide he'd be featuring him in his manga?
I wonder how Kaguya's older bro is like
>letting your sister go to India alone
Mikado isn't dumb.
She has three, and has a fairly good relationship with one at least.
Probably hardasses on the outside but total tsun yearning for love inside.
Reaching enlightenment won't make Tsubasa fall for you Maki.
Says YOU.
Awesome. If they do the other student council members, I'll buy those, too.
It looks more like siscon as a doting brother instead of something romantic
Christ. Maki and Mikado being so out of place in this panel is killing me.
Wow, this chapter is kinda racist
It's like a really poorly made edit.
It's fantastic.
Everyone is getting touchy and here's Maki going to India with her brother, and being miserable.
I dunno why but Mikado with his fang is really cute.
I hope Aka introduces a nice boy for Maki, I don't like her suffering.
I'm getting hungry.
Males with fangs showing is super rare I feel.
Meet Pajeet, Maki
He has, he's called Mikado.
Because he's genderbent Maki.
Kaguya boys are cute.
Indian Food - 1
Maki - 0
>That bottom panel
It looks so wrong, I love this.
End. Maki has learned nothing.
Where did she have to go to take a shit in india anyway
How would they adapt this in anime?
He's giving me some Hayasaka vibes in these. It's like the expression that just screams "I knew this was going to happen, but you don't listen you fucking idiot".
You are not thinking like a true American Jew.
If I am his CEO, I will ask when is his next oversea trip which I will pay through the company account and naturally attach significant amount of my own personal oversea expenses to it.
It's not my money nor my reputation nor my tax record so why the fuck would I give a shit.
Go film live action India and draw over it.
Hayasaka x Mikado when?
Film it in real life, and put animated Maki + her brother in it.
Wow Akas getting really lazy. guess the Kagumoney made him fat and soft.
>Shijou Maki
Woops, I fucked up. Should've been Mikado.
>Both suffer though their relationship, Hayasaka with Kaguya, Mikado with Maki
>Both have the sharp cat like gaze
>Can meet since Mikado may be put into a position of marriage partner for Kaguya by the family, and gets to know Hayasaka
>Free slot for post translation discoveries
I can see it.
>love-struck Hayasaka
give it to me
>mikado is just a shirogane pallet swap
Lame. Aka fucked up with his last change to inject some life back into this story.
The preview says "After all this time, in the student council room...?". It looks like we're going back to a classic style student council chapter. Does this mean no Fujiwara and Hayasaka at the boba shop?
>Kaguya giving Hayasaka love advice
Absolute best.
this shit's so stupid and hilarious. it's all traced.
Why would the future head of Shijou family marry a maid?
She is gonna be even more embarassed than Kaguya unless she also develops a baka version that tongue kisses him out of nowhere.
Her dad is Ganan's right hand and her family keeps pretty important positions in the Shinomiya conglomerate.
I wouldn't let my 16 year old sister go alone to India either.
Aka! gib Fuji!
I'm guessing no. The boba shop situation may just be left as a side gag.
>Mikado is the butler
I'm guessing there's nothing to expand on?
>Hayasaka diverted Fujiwara
>she saw them kiss
>asked Fujiwara about kisses
>borderline /u/ accident
>Hayasaka has to get love advice from those two about being her true self
What the fuck? This is hilarious, even more hilarious that they published this. And even more crazy they paid Aka to go on his “research trip”.
She´d rather go to Toyomi for love advice than listening to Kaguya gloat.
>number of successful relationships Kaguya has been into: 1
>number of successful relationships Hayasaka has been into: 0
She should trust her imouto.
Hey, she got to gloat herself all this time, so it's only fair.
I'd just like her to have a love interest where both Kaguya and Hayasaka can say to each other "of course mine is obviously better" and believe their own side. Then they can both gloat!
Her imouto is an ass about it. We don't need Hayasaka turning into another Maki.
But it'd be hilarious, especially if Hayasaka goes along whatever retarded plan Kaguya comes up with.
The 2016 date is still there in the extra chapter, meaning that yesterday/today was Prez's twentieth birthday.
>Kaguya "coaching" Hayasaka with a headset from the sidelines while Hayasaka turns red like a tomato from all the (inadvertently) lewd shit Kaguya comes up with
Yes please.
He can finally legally drink (in Japan).
>And now you rape his mouth
I want Maki to step on me!
>this chapter's result: Maki's loss
>doctor chapter's result: loss
Indian Han-Solo?
I thought she already did Mikado
How does one acquire a maki gf?
You can't, she's too busy thinking about another man's dick who already has his own Girlfriend, who he got pregnant.
>Get a GF
>When you're with her look around you for a stalker
Be a bland nobody apparently, then she'll get so obsessed over you that she considers breaking her arm into guilting you into caring about her.
Maki really needs to see a therapist.
Ah, Delhi Belly. One of the many joys of visiting India.
Pick one.
Fuck off, she is for Ishigami
>that autistic virgin with no love experience
Maki deserved an experienced chad
so, what was with the English-translated pages earlier
>They're twins
>Still refers to her as "older sister"
Why do the Japanese care so much about birth order? Literally who gives a shit if it's only a few minutes?
Someone translated and typeset the previews. We have the full chapter now but Korean user appears to have died so we're still waiting on that.
Noble families did, so everyone did.
Firstborn sons are a huge deal after all.
Does Japanese even have a word for sister without the older or younger distinction?
Nope. Even the word siblings has that distinction.
"Kyodai", which just means "sibling", which is gender and age neutral.
>Someone translated and typeset the previews.
ah, shit, I should have realized that
>gender and age neutral.
Yes user, super gender and age neutral.
Europe also had noble families, yet they don't give a shit about that stuff. Nobody cares which twin was born first. Hell, when the children are adults nobody really cares who was born first either, it only matters when you're a kid.
He didn't even trace them, they're all just filtered.
why don't gaijins give a shit?
Because birth order doesn't even relate to oldest baby in the first place.
Because twins are treated as equals by their parents and society, because the fact that one twin was born first has no effect on anything whatsoever. They're pretty much the same age, the differences in size, experience and maturity that usually dictates relationships between siblings isn't a factor.
Not just about twins, we have distinct words for different siblings and you guys just use autistic phrase like "older sister"
Sorry, guys, I want to fuck Mikado. He's cute.
Save her!
Because most of the time, people don't feel the need to specify your birth order in relation to your siblings, because the people you're talking to either already know or don't care.
>Nobody cares which twin was born first.
Not true, see The Man in the Iron Mask.
I wonder if she protects her brother from vixens that try to seduce him
I meant to say that NOWADAYS nobody in Europe gives a shit about twin birth order.
it's the curry that makes them look poop people
I want more Chika
this manga keeps going downhill. aka should keep kaguya in japan, there's no reason to go anywhere else besides that stupid plot point he threw into the story for no reason.
stanford has nothing to do with the confession, it's just shirogane being a cheap fuck baited with a scholarship.
Twins always arguing over who's the older of the two is kind of a thing in manga, for whatever reason. Not that that's the case here, but Mikado does specifically refer to Maki as "ane" here, and he's introduced as Maki's "otouto". I personally don't think there's anything wrong with just neutralizing it altogether and just using "sibling", but you do miss out on the nuance of what they call each other in Japanese.
>baited with a scholarship
>he himself chose the destination
He could have gone to Shuchiin university, you know.
>Draws pajeet like some kind of primate subhuman
HA. Based Aka.
>for whatever reason
Presumably because Japan puts so much importance on seniority. It's where the whole senpai/kohai culture comes from.
Yeah, good point. Should've realized that after typing out the sentence.
Not an argument when they are not leaving until next october, which at this pace will be in 200 chapters
>yfw Aka was oku assistent in gantz
Imagine what this chapter will be like animated
>Imagine what this chapter will be like animated
Just worried about his dad money and being the main male son
>Half real life actors and half animation
Forget about the confession
Why wasn't the anime 24 episodes desu
because ending it with the fireworks was the best course of action, and, frankly, there aren't many chapters worth animating.
When was the last time a mostly comedic series got 24 episodes?
Imagine Maki manhandling you
Vote for Subject F to keep her spot on the Yea Forums roster by voting for her in the link to the Autumn Cup roster poll below.
Vote for any others you'd like to see or even suggest new names or new players all together.
I mean you're not wrong
>piano genius that just fucks about
>maid supreme who babysits her spoiled master and can't deal with weirdos or love
>your archtypical shoujo male lead (great in everything but shitty in social areas and niches)
>your typically romantically naive ojou
>another one, but more tsundere
> another one, but shorter and obsessed with justics
>a "loner" type who can read the mood in every scene but his own
Oh shit that's cool. Great 3D feel to it.
>responding to this bait
They didn't want to ruin the anime including ino
A seinen romcom with two cours in the current anime state? No way, dude. We'll get 13 or less. I can see an animated movie happening at some point though.
I wouldn't mind having an alternate universe spin off where prez got with fuji instead.
i don't think fuji is capable of love. she's a closeted narcisist and possibly sociopath
Translation when?
Wednesday-Thursday, or whenever korean user wakes up.
Only non-virgins could see past it
So this is the fabled El Hermano...
Why is he so fucking cute
No she isn’t. If she was a sociopath she wouldn’t be flustered when she got caught cheating. And you’re confusing narcissism with ordinary selfishness.
Maki has only gotten cuter with this chapter.
I am afraid that Kashiwagi will do something very naughty to her soon because Maki is just too cute like this and then gently bully her
Why doesn't Maki just give up and date Mikado?
>Kashiwagi asks Maki for advice about her high school pregnancy.
Imminent mindbreak.
That is the road that leads down to handcuffed Maki eating out Kashiwagi and cleaning her up after Tsubasa cums deep inside her and only gets more and more perverted afterwards
This manga is dead, how many threads have we had since the spoilers? Only the pre-spoilers and this thread, Kaguya is dead and will ge tthe axe soon
So I was rereading a few chapters and man, this is some damn nice foreshadowing here.
Guys, Hayasaka is going to go out with Fujiwara. /u/ will rule you will se-
>If Mikado goes out with Hayasaka, Maki might actually break that her pathetic little brother got a girlfriend before she got a boyfriend.
We can only talk about so much while we still don't have translations pretend otterposter.
Stop bullying Maki right now, or else.
Her only hope is that Aka won't be a classy writer and pair all the main characters with each other so she can have Abe.
Is Aka going for the Akamatsu style backgrounds? I can still remember Negima having all those 3D backgrounds.
I'm lost. I see some translated pages but there isn't a full translation yet? What a hell was this chapter? Why are the indians so realistic?
korean user abandoned us. we were too arrogant
>going to Delhi in the summer.
You’ll roast to death. I have tried this, don’t do it.
>What a hell was this chapter? Why are the indians so realistic?
Aka is metaphorically dragging his nuts all over our and the publisher's faces.
In 100 years, india and the whole south asian area is supposed to be too hot to be livable.
This chapter reminded me of when humans appeared in Disney comics instead of dog nosed people.
THIS is el hermano?!
This entire chapter is a shitpost user, it's not going to be the norm.
The truth is out there.
Is this faggot the face of ntr?
Don't worry bro, they are going to get axe sooner or later
>Going alone
>To india
>As a female
>As an alone underage female
>To a country where rape culture is unironically real
Jesus christ
Poor frauelien!
He needs to be sensitive and have a weak side to lure in the girls who are into that kind of thing. So yes. By being Prez+, this is the face of NTR.
>Mikado has a little fang like Maki
That's cute. But which girl is he going to get? I'm currently betting on Hayasaka.
>she doesn't know
Probably Miko.
>Hayasaka gets the discount Prez
sounds about right
That way Hayasaka can boast that her boyfriend scores even higher than Prez and has an inch longer dick.
Based based based based
>Those realistic Indian faces
Probably photos with heavy filters. Just like anime backgrounds.
How about keeping your cancer out of our threads?
Based Maki telling it how it is.
why the fuck do they look like that jesus, how would the anime adapt this?
It's part of the joke. He took two trips to India talking about material gathering for some future chapter, and it turns out, he meant that literally since most 80% of the chapter are probably pictures he took while on the trip with filters.
Did Aka uses the similar way of Gantz art?
>Mikado wants to ask Maki's male friends about her love life in school
>Her only close male friends are Shirogane and Ishigami
That sounds like fun. What if he becomes friends with them too?
He deserves something better
>mikado is LITERALLY shirogane with brown hair
Anyone else disappointed?
We don't even have the translation out yet so i'm not gonna judge. Plus he's being properly introduced now, so he could have more quirks.
Shirogane is taller and prettier.
Only in appearance, he doesn't seem that similar in personality.
>devoted husband
He had 3 wives. The big tomb was for his favorite wife, the one that gave him children.
Maki was a bad typo desu
Maki, every time you think that, the sex lives only get even raunchier
Would Maki accept a threesome with them?
That's just a typo
Maki can NOT have sex with her auntie or soon to be uncle.
That is illegal.
I meant Tsucasa and kawa-whatever
I don't see it. I thought her boobs where the roundness in the bottom left.
>Ballroom dancing
Literally their wedding. F is going to NTR Kaguya right before their wedding.
Is Kei's routine stretching or something? She does it a lot in the background of panels but it would make sense if it's done in a similar manner to Kaguya.
I wonder if both dad and son and now grandchild are born around the same time? Around October I think.
It's not allowed.
Kashiwagi is only falling deeper and deeper and deeper into love with Tsubasa.
who's topping
Oooh~ scary~
I'm sure he's telling them about the towers leaning towards outside and the 3d looking column drawings that are actually 2d. Same shit.
Reaching enlightenment is for making her get over him. Not like it will work.
The student council is fucking bullshit.
I'm liking this timeline of a best bro trio. Aka pls...
>Maki's birthday is the same as Kaguya
Sh-She's not going to get left out when they celebrate Kaguya's birthday, right?
Post Kagunya. Nyaguya?
New manga title:
Kaguya-sama must be proposed to
with SHIJO CHADKADO as hero and protagonist.
Maki who?
I miss her bros.
>Maki, Mikado and Kaguya share a birthday
>F and Ishigami share a birthday
Is Pres gonna share a birthday with Hayasaka now?
>or when her period is irregular
Prez is going to have a hell of a time to get that baseball team rolling
Live action + Rotoscoping.
>please kill me
Nyaguya sounds better
Would be cuter with her mouth shut.
Animated characters over fresh footage of Aka on vacation in India again, with a live counter at the bottom showing exactly how much of his publisher's money he's wasted.
To the glorious tune of Beethoven's 9th symphony!
Shirogane sucks! This post brought to you by the Fuji gang.
Fight me!
>maki went to india so aka could justify taking a vacation to india
isnt the ramen grandpa his dad or something
>tfw graduated from stanford years ago so dont get to meet up with aka and get traced as a cameo
the dream is dead
mikado really acts like shirogane sometimes; for a moment i thought aka was pulling the same thing he did with maki's intro where he copied faces kaguya did
this makes me want to read a manga that does this all the time, where all the backgrounds are realistic so it looks dumb as fuck, does that exist?
Ganz, Inyashiki, Gigant.
same author.
Hows this?
look up Punpun; it's a fun read.
>be at Stanford
>not at Yea Forums
What happened?
Hi, Aka here.
Did they just trace over the same figurine over and over again? Those poses scream GI JOE.
having sex on top of kaguya's near-comatose body!
Speedreader here, who the fuck is mikado?
Whys is pajeet-sama so based?
With Chika
Season 2 when?
The Emperor
Maki's twin brother, and the guy who got 1st spot in the national exams, which is why Shirogane had a "beat Mikado" paper on his wall.
But isn't this guy younger? Also, what's the whole point of this chapter and when was this guy foreshadowed? I just want more prez and kag shenanigans.
It's just technicalities, since even if you're a twin, one needs to come out before the other does, so Maki probably got delivered first.
Also he was shown in the top position of the national exams, since volume 1 in the riddle chapter, and Mikado is the Emperor who wins Kaguya's affection in the bamboo cutter tale.
He was foreshadowed when it was said that Shirogane was second best in the nation, and Mikado's name was above his. Also, because main character names are loosely taken from the story of the bamboo cutter, and Mikado was the Emperor.
Animated maid nekoguya will end up killing me.
Do not bully Mikado. He's not a waifu stealer.
nice try mikado
>same cat eyes as Haystack
Oh i see, i thought maki was a year younger, my mistake, i don't remember the bamboo thing but i don't think it holds any relevance (?) But i do remember the exam thing.
Kaguya had to do it to em
All the important characters related back to the bamboo cutter tale in some capacity
>Shirogane was tasked with getting the jewel by Kaguya, he uses a Jewel to hide all the heart balloons and deliver the confession
>Ishigami was tasked with getting the Swan egg from the top of of a steep cliff falls and dies in the process, but in her he survives the fall and persists on his pursuit
And so on, Miko and Fujiwara also fit. it's just loosely based, but since Mikado won in the tale, some people guess he may play a more important role later, even if he isn't going to win Kaguya's affection.
Which chapter was that? Now i'm curious.
So I'm predicting Mikado is gonna be afraid of Kaguya especially since she'll be mad at him being her fiance, however whenever he tries to tell her or Shirogane that he doesn't want the engagement either they'll misunderstand it as some vague threat.
What do you mean? None of the tasks are a part of the manga, those are from the tale. The jewel hiding the balloons is prior to the confession (the one made from paper mache), and Ishigami falling down the stairs represents his fall in the tale.
He is winning the makibowl, the most important one
Ohhhhhhhhh wait i just got it, wasn't aware of the tale as it, thought it was from the manga, didn't know it was following some kind of old leyend, now i'm clear, thanks user.