Was it kino?
Was it kino?
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Wasn’t as good as Shelter
It was based, cumbrain weebs will never recover
using k word makes you faggot
It was a better anime short because an American worked on it. I’ll say it because nobody else will.
>TFW OP probably doesn't even know what the japan animator expo is, nor do most of the people on this board.
I preferred Girl
Fuck off.
Want me to show you real kino ?
I enjoyed it
ignorance isn't a sin, mio-chan poster-kun
What are you talking about? How can you know about MeMeMe but not the expo? Don't bother trying to be a pretentiousfag if your gateway to entry is literally Hideaki Anno 101
You'd be surprised. Most people saw the short being passed around and made a huge deal of it out of all the season 1 shorts, so they looked into that and never about the rest
>Yea Forums
I've seen this shit on /fit/...
Now THAT is Kino.
Yes, too bad it didn't help.
tfw feel like rewatching it for todays cOOMM
>how can you know about ME!ME!ME! and not the expo
So user, did you live under a rock, are you pretending to be dumb, or are you too young to remember 2014?
Why the fuck do you think all these faggots bitch about anno &khara not making anything? cause they can't be fucked to open wikipedia and see JAX, the dragon dentist, godzilla, the wind rises...
I like it because every time you fap to it you prove its point. It's metasturbation.
It isn't, friend, but it's still a shame how few people know one of the finest collection of shorts of our time
Maybe you should fuck of to reddit
I was REALLY hoping it would show the drop.
>anything from 2:15 onward
I only liked the first part of the song
My dick liked all of the parts.
This is about Self Abuse kinda cool
I still listen to it every now and again.