Remember to never say X-mas because you're crossing out the birthday boy's name.
You wouldn't want to make the birthday boy sad, would you?
Remember to never say X-mas because you're crossing out the birthday boy's name
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I don't want to see my oni-san sad.
Learn Greek. Its not supposed to be a English X but the Greek Chi which happens to look like the English X.
Chi alone or in combination with the Greek "rho"- the English P- has been a substitute for writing Christ since nearly his own lifetime.
Does anyone even say Xmas?
Could japanese bugmen truly understand this type of individual? Or do they just like the superficial aesthetics associated with him
Its "X"mas because the X can be read as "criss-cross" (essentially how you write that letter) so it becomes Criss-mass, or which sounds identical to Christmas.
post anime Jesus
its because it has the same number of letters as "sale"
this, and to really honor our savior do remember to put the chi rho on your shield before marching into battle especially against those treacherous sassanian bastards
We don't celebrate that thing here. It was Yule before Christendom arrived, and still is
If it’s functionally the same why do you give a shit
That's DIO though
It's a principle thing I'd assume.
It's not Christmas yet faggot
this. stupid anglos think the world revolves around them
It's always Christmas in our hearts.
I can't believe it's Christmas!
I think I'm finally gettin' something
Can't believe it's Christmas,
My favorite time of year!
I watch the movie/OVAs each Christmas,I really wish we got more anime from this..So good
American Jews who don’t realize they are still writing a Cross. Made even funnier when some that I talked with write out “Xtians”, so they can avoid writing the word Christ.
Japs are pretty much secular and only see Kami and Yokai when they see other religions.
This you illiterate fucks
>Find cute generic harem anime of girls fighting over for MC-kun’s room
>It’s the Christmas special and since some are either Aliens or Subtrean people they ask about Christmas
>The Earth Princess actually tries to bring up the religious significance behind Christmas
>NOPE! All the other girls and MC-Kun stop the train of thought and talk about how it’s just holidays for romance and parties.
So close. So damn close.
>Many Christians think that Christians celebrate Christ’s birth on December 25th because the church fathers appropriated the date of a pagan festival. Almost no one minds, except for a few groups on the fringes of American Evangelicalism, who seem to think that this makes Christmas itself a pagan festival. But it is perhaps interesting to know that the choice of December 25th is the result of attempts among the earliest Christians to figure out the date of Jesus’ birth based on calendrical calculations that had nothing to do with pagan festivals.
>Rather, the pagan festival of the “Birth of the Unconquered Son” instituted by the Roman Emperor Aurelian on 25 December 274, was almost certainly an attempt to create a pagan alternative to a date that was already of some significance to Roman Christians. Thus the “pagan origins of Christmas” is a myth without historical substance.
they don't even understand their own religions, so no.
t. buddhist
The article's both sorta rightish and dead wrong. Christmas absolutely is a celebration of a time sacred to pagans for thousands of years before the time of Rome or Jesus. It falls on the winter solstice, and tradition holds that John the Baptist was born six months earlier, and the Feast Day of St. John is thus celebrated on the summer solstice, another ancient pagan event.
In addition, in Greek myths heroes were often believed to only be able to die on the same day of the year that they were born, and the winter solstice is roughly nine months after Passover. The Greco-Roman authors of the New Testament and early Church Fathers were likely influenced by this pagan belief.
Anyways, the weather depicted in the Bible during the Nativity makes it unlikely to have been in late December.
>I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me, even if he dies will live.
Before the introduction of Sol Invictus in AD 274, there were no pagan solstice celebrations going on near where Christians were.
The original Christmas festival was a holiday celebrated together with Christ’s baptism on January 6. No Sol Invictus there. Armenian Christians still celebrate this single feast on January 6, though because the calendar some of them use is out of sync with the one many of us use, it will fall on our January 19.
And even when Christmas did get moved to December 25 (getting separated out from the baptism feast), it was not about Sol Invictus, which actually post-dates the association of Christ’s birth with December 25, being introduced by the emperor Aurelian only in AD 274. Meanwhile, St. Hippolytus said in his commentary on Daniel (written AD 202-211) that Jesus’ birthdate is December 25.
December 25 was arrived at because it was exactly nine months after March 25, when the Annunciation was being celebrated, which is the feast of Christ’s conception in the womb of the Virgin Mary. Christmas on December 25 isn’t a claim that Jesus was born on that day or even an attempt to claim a pagan holiday and make it Christian. It’s about a feast that was set to be nine months before.
I learned the other day that the word Jeez is derived from Jesus, because people didn't want to take his name in vain. I think there's always a conscious effort to keep anime translations secular, so a character wouldn't exclaim something like "Jesus!" since it doesn't often fit the setting, but もう is practically translated to geez by default. Of course the usage of the word has spread far beyond its association with Christianity, but it's something interesting to think about. Crikey also came about the same way but for Christ.
Same for the now outdated By Jingo (which is now associated with Jingoism), for Pete's sake, gosh darn it et cetera.
Meanwhile, in Catholic Spain, common cursewords include
>I shit on God
>I shit in the mouth of the pope
>I shit on all the saints
No specific celebration in the Roman Empire is necessary - it's extremely easy to calculate the solstices and fall/spring equinoxes, both pagan and early Christian thinkers knew these dates well, and the winter solstice was chosen for purely theological reasons: that's the time of the year when it's the darkest on the northern hemisphere, and days begin to get longer.
Again, Roman holidays are complete non-sequiturs and I pretty much agree with the article's timeline.
The Epiphany was not associated with the birth narrative in the first centuries but was about Jesus' baptism and start of his mission only - it's not the "original Christmas".
Lmao what
Why do Americans have the silliest superstitions with language
Can't say fuck but you can say frick, can't cross names, can't use pronouns
Actually Jews hate "X"
The X comes from this
Aka Christ
In Greek, this symbol is called Χριστογραμμα, meaning Christ's letter. He had multiple symbols, created to worship him when Christians where forced to hide their religion. The symbols where masking their beliefs.
Technically when you think about it you aught to refer both of them to >>>/His/
Some say Kai
Wait until you hear Québécois swearing.
>Osti de tabarnak de sacrament, de câlice de ciboire de criss de marde!
Shut the fuck up with your silly song, Larry
It's Winter solstice you abrahamic desert dwellers
I can't believe it's Christmas!
Been dreaming of a sugar-plum thing
Can't believe it's Christmas,
Oh, boy! It's finally here!