Jean will be there when Mikasa's heart breaks again. This is our time Jeanbros
Shingeki no Kyojin
Other urls found in this thread:
But Mikasa's heart was already broken and all Jean did was say that Eren probably had his reasons and confess that he was gay for Eren all along
Make way for the best detective
What did they mean by this?
SnK is about two brothers deciding fate of overworked loli in magical sand space, nobody else exists.
>I think I would have gotten along with her.
That was all I needed to hear, Isayama. My ship is sailing.
>Zeke impregnating an Eldian woman
>Eren probably lied to Zeke about agreeing to this dumb plan that goes against everything he stands for
>Eren might want to destroy the world since he literally said that he wanted to do that... but there's no way he'd do that
Detective Armin is such a genius
But if Eren is the devil then who'll defeat him in a rock-off?
He's not even the best detective in the scouts, son.
Historia is a homewrecker slut like her mother.
Chapter 121 made Zeke a detective
Eren's mom was one too
She's also got the loosest pussy. No one was even surprised when she got knocked up!
Like mother like daughter. Her miserable lonely lesbian life made her set her gazing eyes on Eren but I trust my boy Eren, he won't disappoint me. He can't fall for her goddess of light rubbish
She fucked the entire Scouts from top to bottom. Does she even know who's the father of her baby?
My money is on Sasha
don't talk shit about carla. keith was the type of guy to get a crush on a cashier who smiles at him because it's their job
>Eren gets Ymir to stop by offering her freedom from Paths (by letting her be born as Historia’s child)
>Everyone but the bassist.
>Based Zeke(11/10) can stay a foot in front of someone who can see the future
That's literally a fucking Keikaku master.
He was a boy
She was a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?
How did Eren escape the chains they’re supposed to be in psychic chains you can’t loophole out of that by squeezing your hand through lol.
Even Historia ships Eremika
Now THAT's shitposting
Because he was born into this world
Armin and Historia are the cutest EM supporters
>A boy and his loyal dog going on an adventure
Isayama couldn't have made a more cliché beginning for a story.
t. erehis
>that sight
I'm not a EHnog, but Mikasa was a fucking dog until she finally took her leash out, now she can start being an actual character.
Gabi says be happy
>tfw papa tries to make you laugh with shitty dadjokes
t. erehis
Just ignore them
Cute and canon
>Historia... you're the only one who understands me...
Apparently if you remind them EM was disliked by even thr author you are an EHfag
Historia is unironically the only one who understands Eren.
>Mikasa doesn't understand Eren
EHtrannies inserting their headcanon into everything
What is it about this pairing that makes these retards seethe so fucking hard? It's like they go to bed praying it never happens.
cope harder
When you're the best everyone beneath you is a challenger.
their retarded fans, you for example
He can't impregnate her if he is sterile
>EMtards still barking
t. coping Mankasafag
He soesnt understand her. She simply has the knowledge no one had. She listened to his father talk and actually got memories herself
They see EHfags everywhere, whenever I ask them to explain why Mikasa is a good character and why Eren should fuck his dog by the end, instead of letting her break free from his grip, they sperg out full force.
Who else "stuck here to see how the shitshow ends because you already sunk so many years reading it" here?
Most people in this thread are just here for the ship wars
What? I'm reading it because I love the direction the series took. I've never been so hyped
I'm genuinely interested in how it ends.
Yeah, that's how I look at my sister aswell.
Everyone was "blushing" because of the sun. Quiet now, dog.
Fuck off EHcel this is an EMchad thread
Cute siblings
The chains are real, zeke even grow his hair and nails
Nothing would make Historia's pussy dry up faster than acting like her pathetic father.
Yeah, how nice of Mikasa to try to kiss his brother and interrupt his conversation with other girls..lolz
If you think looking at your siblings like that is normal I got some bad news for you EHcest
>not canon
This why I love Isayama's interviews. His words go left and his actions go right. Cope harder EHfags
I don't want it to end bro, it's the most I've enjoyed reading a manga period
The OP says that it's a JM thread
There's nothing weird, maybe you're the one who got a problem
Remember when he said that the manga will go for 20 volumes and the EHfags believe everything that comes out of his mouth is true
Bring up chapter 50 please. Or chapter 107 when Historia was teasing Mikasa
He was a skater boy
She said, "see you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a super star
Slammin' on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?
Mikasa deserves better than shitren.
Yeah sorry Jeanfag, but JM is a crack ship lmao
They are girls with autism that pretend to be against shipping except when they post EM
Or what he said about Eren being the slave of the story
That is the biggest lie of the century
Some EHfujos still believe it
Cute brother and sister reconciliation !
what is Zeke's opinion on homosexuality?
AM > EM, shitren doesn't deserve to be with Mikasa
Nah, I'm genuinely into this
I did have that feeling with Naruto a long time ago when they were getting to the ninja war shit. I lost interest and just speed read the shit just to know how it ended, after that i dropped it and never even cared about the new boruto or whatever the fuck its called
Would have done the same to One Piece but since that shit will never end and I lost interest, I dropped it
I think it is because Attack on Titan has little to no filler content and has a very good story, knowing the author has an end in sight and the story will likely be solid, I'm invested and interested
Do AM exist?
It's not procreation, so it's fine.
Agreed x2.
Why doesn't Pieck have a full name? Pieck is a surname so there shouldn't be any reason to keep it a secret. Yelena doesn't seem to have a full name either.
Isayama forgot
>EMwhales still live in 2013
Yes, most sane EMfags(which isn't a lot) have jumped to AM
Sasha was...
>i also try to kiss my brother who is not weirded out about it but rather feels miserable because he realises i'm saying goodbye in a way that lovers do it
Imagine having Mikasa by your side unquestionably. Why is Eren such a fucking retard?
Why did AoT fell out of the Mainstream Western Anime fandom?
Nah she a good girl and soon to be having the baby of good ol' farmer-chad
Too much time between seasons for them to keep up
>Imagine having Mikasa by your side
Can I trade her for Annie? Mikasa is boring as shit.
Terrorists and lovers
The kind of people who pumped up the season 1 numbers so much don't have a long attention span. They move on to the next big thing very quickly. People blame WIT for taking such a long break, but even if it was 2 years they would have never gotten that same normie appeal back.
>I-I'm not butthurt
>Y-You ARE!!
Whoa so this is the power of EHcels!
Keep coping you autistic whale
Annie is a mean bitch, why would you want that? And Mikasa is hotter.
She literally doesn’t understand him. Do I have to recall you this pathetic scene in chapter 112 when she calls him «a good person»
Is AoT still as popular as One Piece in Japan at least?
Come to think of it Zeke/Eren in PATHs mirrors Rod/Historia in the caves.
Pieck Kruger will help Eren achieve his goal
The same man who said this, says that Mikasa's feeling for Eren are growing. ok
It's a metaphor for the strength of his willpower you dingus
Its never been as popular as One Piece
K __ I __ N __ O
>Erehis is here
>Isayama is a history buff
>Initially wrote the Titans based off of a drunk gaijin he had to deal with
>In SnK, Isayama wrote Mikasa as a self insert, when he switched his focus to politics he dropped Mikasa and used Levi as a self insert
>now Eren is finally his self insert
>each time he is writing himself in reference to gaijin.
>as Mikasa we can only see his affection for Europeans
>as Levi we saw his views take shape into supporting a noble strong leader
>as Eren we seen him deal with the guilt and self destruction of Zeke representing modern Europeans
My guess is he’s going to make Hizuru a 100x more relevant than they are now. Maybe just Marley and Paradis will be destroyed and Hizuru will shelter the Eldians who are still alive in secrecy.
This whale is always here
>Annie is a mean bitch
Not inside
>Mikasa is hotter
Debatable, unlike the way she's depicted in fanart, she doesn't actually have a gigantic ass and huge tits. I personally think Annie is prettier.
>implying they aren't both perfect
EM artists can see memories of future.
It's because she knows the true Eren. No matter what Eren does, it doesn't refute the fact that Eren was the kind boy who gave her his scarf.
Even with chapter 121, we can see that the Eren she is talking about is still there. She understands what makes Eren a human being - kindness
>1 minute
>checked out
>receiving EMwhales anons
She understands him the most. Eren has really cared about them more than anyone else
Buy the Queen's merch
I'm not the one calling even non EHfags EHfags and bringing someone you stalk here
t. erehis
SANE?? ok
Only if the marketing team stops pretending it's 2012.
Uhhh then he would have broken the chains, metaphors 101
>shipping Historia with the guy that murdered her family and pimped her out to a farmer.
Wait a second
Didn't Japan made propaganda about how their actions is punishing the Chinese for their 2000 years of imperialism?
Speak english bitch
Why does she do this?
Only if it's with Ymiru
Reminder that the ending has been foreshadowed in the anime long ago
>shipping farmer-chad's soon to be wife with guy about to be dead
Honestly we should have seen this coming.
Ahhhh that moment when Eren will reflect back on all MIKASA has done for him. He will look her in the eyes and tell her I have always loved you...AHHHH that scenery..
I know the ending won't be the genocide, because i've been here for a long time and your predictions are always wrong faggots.
EM is canon. Losers gotta cope.
He will also tell Armin opposite of what he said in 112
>At last I truly see Eren, Family is beautiful, I will aid you in your quest to destroy the world so that my Niece can be born into this world
Her original name when she was still a dude was Oliver Pieck, so we can call her Olivia Pieck.
That's true but I feel like you're not a real AMfag.
>EHfurries hiding under Zeke
Stolen from reddit
I love them
Zeke will destroy Eren for killing his waifu Frieda.
Uncle Zeke>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>EMcucks fantasies
that's an EHfag hiding under the banner of AM
Zeke hates Eren. He'll kill him and make daddy proud.
Reconciliation soon
>Eren tapped this
Lucky guy
Not him but I don't think Zeke hates Eren
>tfw you see Armin's White Twink ass
Who noticed that the younger survey corps are shipping Eren and Mikasa. They even know of how Eren rescued Mikasa and gave her his scarf. I wonder how they will be whispering during the timeskip whenever they see EM together especially Lousie
Why did the truth get ignored? Are Jeanfags in denial about something?
They also ship Hisu and farmer too
So did Eren(Y) manipulated Eren(K) to manipulate the situation and make sure both Faye and Dina got killed?
Gross. Leave Annie out of your shipping fantasies.
This thread is shit. What killed the hype?
This porn got some nice plot
What the fuck is this satanic shit
>Now shipping is okay
JM is still endgame brother.
That scenery
Oh Hizuru has had anti-titan tech for a while. When Eren does the Rumbling, Hizuru will save the world (but only after Marley gets destroyed oops)
Then Hizuru will take in Marlean refugees, and everyone will come to realize the Eldians wuz gud boys dindonuffin and then everyone forgives everyone the end.
Sad she's nothing more than a breeding sow nowadays getting rammed in the boonies. She had so much spunk.
The autists got bored and went back to memeing in One Piece/DBS threads while the Shipfags stayed
>The rumbling, the terrified screams, the dead children.... It was beautiful brother.
Why the fuck EMfags are in full force? They just got one panel. Just imagine what they will do if he got 1 whole page of EM? I don't what you people will do when EH becomes Canon? Please don't kill yourself.
Eren's endgame.
The Reiss renouncement of war is the emperor losing his power and the actual Japanese pacifism laws?
>when EH becomes Canon
What about EH that are making so much noise over a head cannon?? Imagine what will happen if it's true?
Let the girls with autism have their moment dude
Which reminds me
How the fuck did Paradis make Anti Titans weapons 100× More effective than the rest of the world even though they are like a century behind
Who noticed that the younger survey corps are shipping Eren and Mikasa. They even know of how Eren rescued Mikasa and gave her his scarf. I wonder how they will be whispering during the timeskip whenever they see EM together especially Lousie
She misses Eren
What the fuck is Trent Reznor doing here?
>when EH becomes Canon?
They also ship Hisu and farmer too
Quiet, fat cunt.
Who's dumping all this EM porn and why
imagine seeing that "scenery" every night
Mikasa is so lucky
That's one thing with Historia. She can't contribute anything to the story apart from muh royal blood. Once Zeke another blood comes into the picture, she goes to the background seat. If only she was strong and not weak. She might have had a show off in Liberio
She looks like she's just trying to endure having to fuck farmer.
I guarantee you one thing:
It's not an actual EMfag. It's the same user who's been here for weeks falseflagging.
What head Canon? EH has logic behind with which you can easily see if you remove shipping goggle. It's sad that but I was also EMfag at the beginning, but chapter 70 opened my eyes.
Eren loves Mikasa and Mikasa loves Eren.
>Armin calling Eren's name
What shipping google? That theory doesn't make sense. Even people who don't ship Eren with anybody see no sense in the head cannon. You should be the one removing your shipping googles
Am I the only one hearing the sound of a geiger counter around 0:50??
I'm sure that no one will falsefag this much. Only mentally illfag can do this
>the Shipperfags have taken over
Wake me up when the new Chapter is here
jesus fucking christ it sounds like people are getting sucked into a black hole or a nuke went off
It's ok. I can come back later
>They just got one panel.
And the biggest memory shard. But I'm told that doesn't matter.
Yeah, EREN killed hundreds of Kids in Liberio cause he is expecting a kid soon. MORON. Eren's plan are grander in scale and I refuse to let EHfags reduce it to muh wife and child. BUNCH OF IDIOTS
Can nu-Eren resist Gothkasa's seduction or is he full gay?
Falseflagging by dumping EM porn? Why?
EM thread during burger hours? What a coincidence.
Ignoring the plot hole of the rest of he world could test the Titans with far better technology, Paradis only had to fight against the retarded Titans, and there was a lot of them. The rest of the world only fought against a few shifters every now and again. They’re better off developing anti personnel gear.
An analogy might be: why is the guy who spends all day punching a punching bag a better fighter than another guy who gets the shit kicked out of him once a year by an MMA fighter?
EH propaganda but I even prefer how Mikasa's memory is the one close to "see you later"
This but unironically
>242 posts
>47 posters
>We thought it was the rumbling
>It is going to be even worse
>armin uses 3dmg and opens up a door(?) and calls eren's name
i dont have the image on hand but you know that thing from the anime with the headless, handless guy laying on a couch with a fireplace? is that what armin sees when he opens the door?
What exactly are burger hours?
please stop saying creepy shit
I don't think so
Calling it now, these noises are thanks to the FoT/Ymir doing some crazy shit in the real world (not in paths world). Maybe people are getting snapped out of existence or some shit like that.
they look good together.
>Implying Eren is into Mallgoths
Based Chadren will insult her for being a Poser and then listen to Type O Negative
>complaing about americans on an american made site
deport yourself pablo
Which girl did improve the most in term of appearance after timeskip?
The red thread of fate
Godkasa(and Sasha)
EH supremacy.
Ok what Grand scale? Keep on talking.
>Eren doesn't care about greater good. If he cared about it, then armong would be the one to die. He is the most selfish fellow.
> Eren doesn't believe in uniting the people against the common threat.
> He doesn't give a shit about the Eldian empire.
> Finally, he will end this curse by making Ymir to reborn as his child.
Magic crystals
>Geiger counter
rest of the world is getting rumbled
while Paradise is going to get nuked
There will barely be any survivors left
True, he is doing it for Paradis AND his kid
>Eren will have his peace after killing everyone else so nobody can rob him of his freedom
My kid > any number of kikes and shabbos goyim
God I'm so fucking hyped for the ending
you have to be 18 and older to post on this website
Why none is complaining about this shit thread? Oh, I understand it's not EH. Anything is good other than EH
Head cannon. Just because he wanted to save Armin means he doesn't care about the greater good.Moron
>eldian kids die
>somehow that makes them marleyans
EHwhales are speedreaders
the thread's shit because you're attention whoring and upset its not all about EH
Funny he had no reaction at all to his supposed "wife" Historia when seeing her again in the scene where he kissed her hand. He actually completely erased her face and body from view and she was obscured into nothing but a hazy fog. Really makes you think.
He didn't even have much reaction when Zeke told himhe has died in the real world
True, anything is good other than EH. The EMwhale spamming isn't doing anything harmful, you just don't like it because it's EM.
Keep seething EHcuck
They're the most aesthetic pair.
This kills the EHfag
>when seeing her again
Based retarded EMwhale
only Annie and Louise did
>The worst Gabifag shows its face
>If only I could go back into those days
stop samefagging
I like to differ.
People are complaining tho, stop being a fucking victim and making everything about yourself
EMfags are stupid, that's why they actually think Eren and Mikasa will be a thing.
Let's put an end to this. Historia or Mikasa, who do Eren cares about the most?
What makes EH harmful while EM isn't?
Why is EHcel so mad that people have different opinions from him?
Who do you think?
it's almost like historia is a plot device and not a character
>selective memory
Shipperfags like you who pick fights with everyone else and whine when the thread isn't centered on your narcissism and faggot ship.
Ymir: literally died
Historia: Got pregnant, only seen once with an apathetic expression.
Mikasa: Lost ALL of her feminine features.
Sasha: Didn't change.
Annie: Didn't change.
The only thing that can be said for sure is Mikasa got 1000x worse.
"Almost like?" She is a plot device. Isayama gives no damn about her
because they know EH might already have happened.
You are asking for people to share their headcanons with you. If you want to know wait for Isayama to confirm it.
How is that any different than EM?
Kek. These anons were so right.
He's throwin' his baby tantrum, let him be.
Ooh, ooh! Are we doing our best obese autistic tumblrina shippercunt impressions? Can I join???
You're aware of the fact that, "that sight" isn't him kissing Historia's hand, right? Right? I mean, you can't be as retarded as to believe otherwise, right? Even you aren't that stupid....right?
Mikasa. It's set in stone.
>that's what he interprets from that fanart
mentally ill
Didn't Isayama spend months trying to design Mikasa?
Cringe try hard
Would Eren have kissed Mikasa if they were in a situation where they weren't all going to die?
Honestly, if Eren is to develop a romantic feeling for someone in the future, I dont see it being any other person than Mikasa. Let's face the truth but Isayama won't let it happen cause Eren will die
that's what i was trying to say if you couldn't figure it out by my use of clownstoria.jpg
As if there's not loads of fanart of Historia beating up Eren that no one beats an eye at.
>Eremikahaven is here
Nice discord raid, you whores.
Why are EMfags going nuts in this thread?
t. homosexual
Please, tell me it's not what I'm thinking. Hope you're not saying that scenery si EH moment?
nam slut erehis is mad big time
This kills the EMfat.
That's a pretty good impression, but I got a better one.
That's my impression of EHfags. Would you like to see my impression of EMfags?
>He actually completely erased her face
do you have alzheimer's?
jesus fucking christ
notice how all the gay and pedo posts are gone
notice how all the "shipping is killing the threads" posts are gone
notice what replaced them
It is, keep coping whale
They know their garbage pairing is dead
>Thread is full of EHspam
no one bats an eye
>A few images of EM gets posted
Probably be stiff. He won't even be aware of what happened till the lips are locked all though it will be a soft kiss
>A few images of EM gets posted
>A few images
How can she be a homewrecker when there was no home to wreck in the first place? It's not like Eren and Mikasa were dating or anything.
>A few images of EM get posted
It is equally as spammy but you are fine with it because it's your ship.
>correlation = causation
because EM is a crack ship.
>It's not like Eren and Mikasa were dating or anything.
Delusional EHfag
This kills the EHfag. Mikasa is his home, not Pisstoria.
that's not how that works you retard
are you ok bro?
Really? Wonder why Lousie is shipping them
t. Speedreading EMwhale
So can we all admit that EH redditors get more triggered than anyone?
AMfags are nice and deserve their ship to win, unlike EMcucks.
>Everyone supports EreMika except Eren
A true tragedy.
How does this prove anything?
EH moron
I legit thought the same thing the fuck
Just a few months left baybee
have to say the sudden influx of EM posting is pretty based
i'm reading it because it's fucking great you faggot.
>shipped by the author
>crack ship
EH are cucks and deserve their ship to burn
Heh, that Connie
Isayama thinks EM is a bad relationship.
I fucking love this manga, but /snk/ has long stopped being a decent place to discuss it outside of spoiler week.
Yea I was going to make a reply but then when I saw the pic, it made no sense so I just ignored it.
This is a test.
If there are any actual EMfags in this thread (not just a bunch of false flaggers) then respond to this post with a clear coherent argument in favor of EM that's free of obvious bait and delusions.
Really? Looks like he looks happy drawing them. Why bother with something you don't like
found this on my laptop, that was pretty fun despite some people scribbling over everything
t. AMfag
sorry, but it's actually good
Yeah I don't know about that one chief
>/snk/ has long stopped being a decent place to discuss it outside of spoiler week.
Provably false.
Yeah cause Eren will die
I enjoy the EH meltdown, they really can't handle not having a circlejerk.
how can they still ship em after this ?
Keith isn't the only one that has got a problem with Carla
Spoiler weeks are especially insufferable. How new are you, user?
If only she would look like that in the manga...
Isayama doesn't want to spoil that Eren will die. Nice way to put it, as expected of Isayama
Bros what is happening to this thread?
Eren and Mikasa draw strength from eachother and embody home for eachother + they are cute & I think the way they met is one of the most interesting part about them.
I agree
emwhales from dumblr.
Because unlike you, we actually get the gist of the interview. Eren will actually die and Mikasa will live on
Holy based
>He won't see Erwins daughters grow up
It hurts bros.
Eren and mikasa will be canon.
I thought about chapter 112, when he said, he hates her. Now we got chap.121 and he looks so sad. I think the scene in chapter 1(12) is connected to the scene in chapter 1(21). It's the opposite. (He loves her)
This artist has got really cute art
Based, Historia x Farmer is the only canon ship.
>EHfags hiding behind anti-shippers
fucking kek'd
Dina the cuck titan, the most powerful of the 10
Thats retarded, what makes Eren Eren is his hard headed mentality and him having to will to keep moving forward and fight any battle even if he loses. Hes never been known for kindness, speedreader.
>inb4 this is just one madlad making his own HOAD material
What's with the differend expressions?
>everyone must ship because it's the only thing I do
Do you truly believe everyone cares about your retardation?
He loves and misses them.
Based AMbro, they are jealous of our ship
Same reason OPM did, waiting way too fucking long between seasons.
My Normie Academia did better simply by having a consistent anime schedule despite barely having a plot.
It's funny the part where he showed Zeke that makes him as a person is where he murdered those men but where he lost himself in a thought is where he was showing an act of kindness
>not denying being an EHfag
One looks more sad than the other
don't you like to drink tears of landwhales?
Everything has to be spelled out for you fuckers, doesn't it?
I bet Sasha would 100% agree if she were still alive.
Nowhere near kindness in the traditional sense. Him being kind doesn't define him any more than him being a ragetard. What defines him is his iron will and genuine care about his comrades.
>still not denying being an EHfag
because shes a dumb bitch who tslks about a relationshio she knows nothing of, kinda like the EMfags in these threads
Nuke this thread
Everyone is going to call you a shipper regardless. See what happens when you call them out on their shit
>EH causes THIS MUCH butthurt
it's truly a magical gift that keeps on giving
>YHfags falseflagging as EMfags again
damn no matter how fucked up his end goals might be for the rest of the world he really does still genuinely love and care for his friends
Based ESL shrekposter
Just ignore and report them my fellow EHgods.
Based JMbro here
Time to purify this thread.
Don't really care as it doesn't really affect me since I don't browse dumblr, it's more annoying when retards who do bring their shit over here.
It's still always in the top three but its sales have lowered a lot since its 2012-14 peak.
One nothing wrong with me. :)
Are you actually, seriously implying that Eren and Mikasa were dating at any point in time?
Get the consumers to stop doing that and the marketing people will follow.
>>genuine care about his comrades.
You just repeated what I said
Keep crying faggot
eren has to be #1 in the next poll right?
Keep Coping till you see her with that scarf
Of course that a sisterfucker like Donald gets off to incest
Thatll just show me she will never learn and continue to be the slave Eren called her to try and frre her from servitude. Only a dog/slave would willingly put back on their shackles user.
There relationship isn't something that can be defined in a romantic light. They are the type of people that can start a family without any proposal or romantic shit
why some people are shipping eren with his sis ?
Poor Eren, he doesn't have the right to love someone and become a father only because some mentally retarded fagots can't cope with a possible scenario. Also, poor Historia, she must forever remain a sad lesbian victim of a rape because of the same fagots. I sincerely feel sorry for Isayama to have such a wretched fanbase.
you're not fooling anyone
YH is still the only good ship in AoT outside of FG.
showing friends you care by murdering people is far from an act of kindness
Oops wrong pic.
yh is dead and hisu loved ymir.
Holy fuck this thread is bad. Still not as bad as the fujo/rapeposting threads though.
Cope again. The scarf symbolizes an act of acceptance and no matter what happens the circumstances under she was given the scarf will never change unless Eren had a hand in killing her parents
Nah. The poll published when Eren (Kruger) was at his peak. Plus his extreme moral ambiguity is still without a clear explanation.
Sorry, but she was never a slave. A slave doesn't toss her master at the wall. A slave doesn't punch her master
No, they are all whores that want to fuck Eren themselves. Louise actually wants to fuck Mikasa and thinks that getting close to Eren is the best way to do it.
What scares me the most is the idea that those might be actual EMfags. I really do hope it's just a bunch of fujos LARPing as them because I refuse to believe they can fall this low.
Nice corpse.
Poor chad Eren, having his grand plan being reduced to muh wife and child
The day your ship sail is the one day you should browse dumblr user. It's just too fucking good of a sight to miss.
Lets save this thread boys, fuck shippers, fucking mentally ill highschool teenagers
Just like it scares me that the rape posters could be EHfags as well.
A good child can turn out to be a drug addict but that doesn't mean he can't go back to being the good person he was
What your shipping scarf symbolizes means nothing to me. If the only thing that can sever the bond between eren and mikasa is for him to kill her parents shes gone off the deep end.
She's not a slave physically but in oure mentality. She exists, fights and dies for Eren. She will defend Eren even when he's doing shit thats objectively wrong. A person who can't call out someone they care about on their shit is a fucking slave, cut and dry.
>muh wife and child
Really chad
Imagine actually impregnating Historia, blowing a huge load deep inside her. mmmmmmm
Except Mikasa was more like Eren's bossy naggy wife that made him look bad in comparison when doing things which was why he was annoyed by her.
Reminder that this holder of the Attack Titan saw the storm coming six years ago.
EHfags don't know the meaning of instinct. OK
>Fanart posting stopped when this was posted
So it was just Benji huh.
>You're not the kind of person who'd involve innocent civilians and children, even if they live in an enemy state
>Y-you remember wrapping this scarf around me, r-right?
>The scarf symbolizes an act of acceptance and no matter what happens the circumstances under she was given the scarf will never change
Read again
How much can the radiation fuck the island?
Eren was always a ragefilled psycho tho. The analogy is more like a mass murderer can still have friends and people he cares about even though hes a mass murderer. We know that Eren in the beginning was nuts when he decided to take out 2 adult men with a knife. He was never a good child nor has the story ever made him out to be.
>No matter what Eren does, it doesn't refute the fact that Eren was the kind boy who gave her his scarf.
There it is, folks. Look no further, this right here is the root of the autism.
Then telling the Queen to get back in the kitchen while she's pregnant even though you were just a stables cleaner before. BASED FARMER-CHAD.
emfags still cannot accept that they're ship sunk a long time ago.
But he will always care about those he holds dear to him. Mass murdering doesn't wipe that out
Adding details really fucks her potentially hot body
>Detective Armong
>Doesn't consider the possibility that shifter royals and pure royals interact differently with the coordinate
Your boy's a faggot brainlet bitch. Kill yourself.
He's a good person to them, he's trying to save Armin and Mikasa.
>my daughter
>Grisha already considered EM married.
the scarf is a leash
woof woof
EHfag. No matter how much Eren changes, the past can't change. And the past remains he gave out his scarf as an act of kindness.Keep coping
The only saving grace to Grisha's character would be him being right in the end
When did Gabi get a scar?
I don't think the readers who reply to these polls would handle an Eren that dunks on Mikasa or doesn't lick Manlet's boots very well.
EHfags can never accept that their ship never existed
is the grandfather paradox true though? Why would it not work like this:
>go back in time
>kill your grandfather before he has children
>you would have never been born now
>but you still exist in the time no matter if you travel back or not
>you are just a person that has no causal point of beginning since you eradicated it
which scenario of those three would that be?
>this level of autism
Multiple daughters are the sign of a small penis
What are you even on about?
>This also goes to ALL EM shippers
Are you really using a single act of kindness as the root of a ship? Holy shit have sex.
>he's either a brainlet or a gary stu and no inbetween
i would love to see mikasa kissing eren's bloody throat and sucking it clean just to end up fingering it and maybe masturbate using his severed head's mouth.
It will be manlet and manlet's harem again.
This spam reminds me of LEpedo, could it be?
That isn't the only reason. He also had a blatant inferiority complex for both ackerman soldiers but he grew past that. His resentment comes from a place of care, he knows the path hes going down and he doesnt want any of his friends to go through that hell with him but mikasa is as stubborn as a donkey. It took for him to literally spell out FUCK OFF for her to get the message since she was so deep in his shit.
The meaning of the scarf is irrelevant, im talking about the characterization on a character who is practically in servitude of a man who wants her to think for herself. She shouldve burned the the fucking scarf so she could get some agency other than EREH.
I really hope we get a Highschool AU ova
I agree thst he cares but you seem to be confusing him caring for him doing acts of kindness
Yeah, I think the pic is correct.
Assuming the dynamic time, the only problem there is how sure you are of
> but you still exist in the time no matter if you travel back or not
You could just pop out of existence and/or create a paradox
If you keep existing then its the multi-verse theory
That's right
Eremika is CUTE and CANON and he DOES NOTICE HER and HE TOTALLY WILL WRAP THE SCARF AROUND HER and he WILL apologize to her but her doesn't need to but he WILL because he ABSOLUTELY LOVES HER
>>The meaning of the scarf is irrelevant
You call the meaning of the scarf that has been established as cannon as irrelevant. How do you expect your head cannon to be relevant
he got over that after uprising though
He didn't break the vow, he slipped via a loophole
yeah you're right
>It's the same user who's been here for weeks falseflagging.
I never thought I'd ever say this but I can't believe EHfags are less insufferable than EMfags
And Manletfags too, the difference is that these just ship while EMfags complain to stop shipping so they can only be the ones shipping
Fuck Mikasa
i wanna lick mikasa's abs all over jesus fucking christ i can't contain myself anymore mikasa MIKASA MIKASA OOOOH I'M COOMIN OOOH
How are there any people who think Grisha is horrified by the rumbling here? It's obvious bait for him actually being worried about Eren getting imprisoned in Paths forever or some shit and wanting for Zeke to stop him from making that sacrifice.
in the pussy with the aim of impregnating her
Reminder that most EMwhales are literally Black Girls who use Twitter and fuck white guys
FUCK OFF ASSHOLE. This picture proves you wrong cause she is pretty in contrast with Eren's ideology
Yeah we all know the audio sounds like the end of Infinity War faggot, that's nothing new you're saying there
My 'headcanon' is based on character motivation and evenrs that have already happened in the story. On that note, what part of what I said was headcanon? The fact that she is unhealthily tied to Eren has been a thing discussed and gone over extensively in manga. The fact that Eren wanted to break her off from him has been discussed and went over in manga. You keep telling me some abstract bullshit about acceptance like that by itself is an argument that holds any water. If Eren straight up killed Armin, would it be ok since the past kindness that Eren showed Mikasa has already happened and will never change? Absolutely retarded.
>why yes, i'm only on Yea Forums to have discussion in /snk/ threads, how could you tell?
Historia is a slutty slut
Look at this
EMfags have always manage to be the worst in everything
Learn English, ESL faggot
I'd love for you to prove me wrong, user. I really would. But I don't think there's anything in the last few threads that would help you.
Because she doesnt understand him and if she keeps coming to him from a place of familial love she never will. There not one person whi understands him in this current manga right now, so no shit shes against his thinking but he knows shit they don't.
The page only proves that Eren is the only one who knows what Eren is thinking. Mikasa is already subscribing with Armins peacefagging and its very obvious flaws shows that Eren has already drifted away from that idea altogether.
>this is what mentally-ill dykes see everywhere they look
Explains a lot desu
>spam EH in every single snk thread and nobody bats an eye
>post a little EM and everyone loses their minds
Bullshit and cope harder
>>If Eren straight up killed Armin, would it be ok since the past kindness that Eren showed Mikasa has already happened and will never change? Absolutely retarded.
You're just a pure moron. If Eren kills Armin in the present, that makes him bad but that doesn't mean you should discredit himfor the good things he did in the past. We were talking about the scarf and circumstances surrounding it. I don't even know I'm arguing with a dumb fool
And then there's this fucking nicker kek
EM is cute and canon.
I think the shipping is actually a way to cope with it
If she is a slave like you want her to be. Then her masters ideology is supposed to be her's no other option. You are just a FOOL!!!!
194 posts filtered so far. I'll filter all of you dumb shipper whores.
The things he's done in the past shouldn't affect any characters current thinking if he goes off the deep end. Remember how JSC were crying when they got Reiner. Does them having good memories with Reiner negate the terrible shit he has done to them over the course of the story? No. But since Mikasa has this unhealthy obsession with protecting Eren, if you were to ask her to take him out under similar circumstamces she wouldnt be able to.
I want a 1-year long timeskip in the AU and virgin Eren coming back with longer hair.
A perfect example is a president who ruled well for 3 years and screwed up in the fourth year. You can insult the president all you like but you won't help but acknowledge he did something good in the first three years
the EHwhale has lost it completely
Do not use Zeke, bitch
She's a slave to him, not his ideals retard. If he told her to go die in a fire or go beat up and old person she wouldnt since there is a very clear conflict in interest. I don't want her to be a slave which is why im perfectly fine with her dropping the scarf and hopefully getting a personality.
If the fuckup was bad enough, the first three years should be irrelevant. You shouldnt forgive or defend someone who did something obviously bad because "well they were super cool before", thats some really stupid logic
>>Does them having good memories with Reiner negate the terrible shit he has done to them over the course of the story? No
At the same time, if they were to talk about Reiner in the future. They won't discredit the good memories
>>But since Mikasa has this unhealthy obsession with protecting Eren, if you were to ask her to take him out under similar circumstamces she wouldnt be able to.
Ohh please we were talking about Eren's action in the past and present. I don't know what you're trying to say but I will try and answer you.
She personally swore to protect Eren herself because Eren saved her at a crucial time. She might not agree to take out Eren but she won't stop another person from doing so. FUCK OFF
But that has nothing to do with the present in which they are only doing bad shit. We arent talking about 'future' eren and mikasa, we're talking about 'now' them.
Women are irrational, emotion-driven brainlets in general, user. These ones have extra autism added to the mix. The series literally doesn't matter.
Look at how they fluctuate between hoping that Historia got gangraped by strangers to spamming "CUTE AND CANON"
Notice how they alternate between babying others in their in-group and lashing out like psychopaths at anyone that rubs one of their own the wrong way
That image of Mikasa talking to Eren at the table is the perfect summary of these turboautists that desperately want to be real women
>Eren trying to talk about some serious stuff
>Cuts him off and says "there's no way you're the kind of person that just kills children, right?"
>This, in spite of the fact that she was right there and saw him RIGHT when he did exactly that
>Segues to asking him about her fucking scarf, revealing that all she really cares about are her own fee fees
>Does all this while Eren looks on with the most "bitch, are you fr" expression in the entire series
You know those hamplanets on college campuses that cried in the streets when Hillary lost, when Kavanaugh got confirmed, that's the kind of person you've got here.
Dogshit sense of self covered up with increasingly desperate grasping for straws. All there is to it. Just bully their fat hamplanet asses, it's all they deserve.
You have a black and white mentality. Sorry but I can't continue to argue with you. No matter how bad someone is, there will always be a good side about him(maybe in the past) and you shouldn't discredit him for his good side cause he is bad now. You can deal with him on the current mindset and not of the past but you shouldn't go as far as dehumanizing him
>Women are irrational, emotion-driven brainlets in general
EHcucks are incels confirmed
present Eren is in direct conflict with her ideals and beliefs as we just discussed. if push comes to shove, present mikasa would not be able to do what needed to be done, this is because she is weak willed and developed along side eren leading to a weird dependence. we arent talking about if someone else should kill eren, we are talking about if mikasa could. if eren did something terrible which some can argue he has, she could be the last person trusted to make the hard decisions.
>even though they are like a century behind
That was King Fritz holding the wall civilization down for a century. They could have developed beyond that, which justify they having some sort of anti-titan tech
>>She's a slave to him, not his ideals retard.
You're just jumping from one argument to another. What is a slave?? A person who has NO FREE WILL. Why should a slave have a different ideology from his master?? And beside telling your slave to jump into a fire is not an ideology.
>>I don't want her to be a slave which is why im perfectly fine with her dropping the scarf and hopefully getting a personality.
You're just plain stupid. You have no point but you write the longest post
I dont have a black and white mentality. People can be forgiven, people can change. But I am currently talking about if the person doing something bad is doing it right now, not if they look back on it later. No one is discrediting or dehumanizing, but to get shit done you have to make decisions that might not be the most favorable outcome. If Eren did something terrible, Mikasa would still defend him and that is a blatant character flaw, get the ship out your eyes user.
I guess my jab hit a sore spot for you. You must see yourself in that comment.
We aren't talking about now, we started this argument with the scarf
One of my best friends is a huge Mankasafag and even he understood how EM won't happen and how EH contributes to the plot way more that EM will ever do. But it's understandable since he isn't a giant dumblrina-whale
>>present Eren is in direct conflict with her ideals and beliefs as we just discussed
By telling her he always hated her??
Current mikasa has more free will than she'd ever had. For the majority of her life she spent it attached to Eren, giving her very little room to make and form growth on her own. She was too dependant and the manga goes out of its way to show the unhealthy way her dependence manifests. Nice counter argument in the second half though, almost forgot shippers can't argue for their lives.
And i said that the scarf has no bearing on how things are now, and how her putting back on would negate the little growth shes had over the course of this manga.
no, by this page here
>>we arent talking about if someone else should kill eren, we are talking about if mikasa could
Now, ask yourself the same question. Will Eren be able to kill Mikasa if push comes to shove??
Look,there are some ideas you shouldn't entertain in your mind towards someone you truly care about. That's the reason why people were angry at Armin with what he said in chapter 108, that they will feed Eren off to another person. If someone you know does something terrible wrong. Everyone knows the punishment but it is not in your place to voice it out or carry it out.
mankasa wasn't broken enough (yet)
do you even have to ask?
>> If Eren did something terrible, Mikasa would still defend him and that is a blatant character flaw, get the ship out your eyes user.
So far Eren has not done anything terrible except personally attacking her. If you think Eren did something wrong by attacking Liberio and you think Mikasa should attack him for that, remember Hange defended Eren in front of the MP. If Hange can defend Eren for attacking Liberio why won't Mikasa. GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. NIGGER
>boy and dog
I think this explains a lot. I'm one of the people that assumed EM was happening until I picked up the manga for the first time after watching the first two seasons and ending on the almost-kiss before the coordinate scene. Then I caught up with the series and EH was the most obvious pairing, so I figured that would be the endgame. If I ever saw a photo of EH in these threads or memes about the baby, I probably never noticed it. But something like fanart of Eren with manlet stands out to me because I'm not a mentally ill faggot.
By the same token, all these obviously normal posts that are rooted in Eren and Historia being a pregnant couple would fucking obliterate the mind of someone who self-inserts as mankasa and desperately wants to win the MC prize. What I see as natural plot progression as set up by Isayama (just as I did with EM way back when) is fucking anathema to these autistic hogs. It's like black chicks going apeshit at white families or faggots seething at straight pairings in movies or TV and demanding that everything in media be turned into a second-life fantasy world of their liking.
Except when it is your place to carry it out. My entire point here is that Mikasa had an unhealthy obsession with Eren, and that her removing the scsrd and developing on her own was good for her. Mikasa of the past wouldnt even consider fighting Eren but as the story goes forward it seems she is getting her own agency. At the same token, they could trust Eren and believe in him but they dont have to go insane about it like early Mikasa wouldve.
I dont Eren has done anything wrong because I know what Eren is going through you mong. They however dont and should be very wary and confused by his recent hostile behavior. Stoo being retarded when im talking in context of the story.
not even looking at her though
this people even read the chapter?
>>For the majority of her life she spent it attached to Eren, giving her very little room to make and form growth on her own
And this where your second mistake comes in. She spends her time with Eren because they are of the same interest in the past. It just like having a friend who have the same interest as you but you decided to leave him because of muh independece, muh independent woman. Attachment can be a source of growth for one but can also be burden. It all depends on you
Jean-bo is the only way for Mikasa
This doesn't make her strictly opposite to Eren's. You can say she is dangling in and out.
>same interests
dude eren didnt have any interests before the wall broke other than going outside since armin wanted to. mikasa was constantly against him joining the survey corps, they only had shared interests because mikasa made it very evident that wherever he went, she would follow
And then Dina killed them all
that the argument being used by you guys who brought it up, i just argued against it
marketing losing a gold mine as every year since 2014
>614 posts
>79 IPs
i knew mankasacucks were fucking psycopaths
When Isayama isn't lazy.
>>Except when it is your place to carry it out.
You just desperately want Mikasa to kill Eren. Sorry but that's not happening. She can never bring herself to kill Eren but she wont stop another person from doing so. Her killing Eren is out of character. Development doesn't mean you turn and start doing things you can't do before. Everyone has a specific path of development.
>>My entire point here is that Mikasa had an unhealthy obsession with Eren
You still can't prove it only talking
>>and that her removing the scsrd
Because Eren basically destroyed the meaning of what the scarf meant to her. There is no need to keep the scarf of someone who always hated you, right?
>>Mikasa of the past wouldnt even consider fighting Eren but as the story goes forward it seems she is getting her own agency
Getting her own agency doesn't mean she can still do it
>>but they dont have to go insane about it like early Mikasa wouldve.
Because early Eren never gave them a reason to doubt him. Early Eren didn't give them a reason to doubt him, that's why early Mikasa would go crazy about it.
>>Stoo being retarded when im talking in context of the story.
And how am I talking out of context?
Who wrote this brainfart?
Damn I miss this Eren. He was developed yet hopeful.
No, they shared the same interest in the Titans but there goal after the titan differs. Mikasa wants to clear the Titan so they can return back to there good childhood days. Armin wants to clear the titan so he can explore the world. Eren wants to clear the titan cause of Freedom. That is why after the titan were cleared, disagreement started to sip in
1. I dont, I like Eren ad prfet if he didnt die even if he might
2.Its shown very evidently throughout tbe manga, not up for discussion
3.Yes, i think this is a good thing
4.You're right, but earlier mikasa wouldnt even consider the idea
5.Early Mikasa went crazy defending Eren, almost jeapordizing missions on multiple occasions
6.Im talking about from the characters prospective, not mine. I know Eren wants good they dont.
don't tell the mikadogs, they will never understand
I gave clear examples of where their interests didnt line up, and she has stated multiple times that she wouldnt hsve even joined the SC if Eren didnt, some agency I guess.
>m-my ship is better than yours because forgot I have my shipper googles on
Sweet. Lord.
>>.Its shown very evidently throughout tbe manga, not up for discussion
Point them out
>>Early Mikasa went crazy defending Eren, almost jeapordizing missions on multiple occasions
They are two different things