Only one can stay, the other 3 disappear. which one stays, Yea Forums?
Only one can stay, the other 3 disappear. which one stays, Yea Forums?
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If you don't say Princess Tutu you are nothing but a filthy pleb
All 4 can disappear
This but not exactly. The quality gap between the third best (Full Moon) and the fourth best (Madoka) is so big I’d only consider plebeian whoever says Madoka
Utena > Tutu
I don't even know what bottom left is so I can't really decide between it and Madoka.
Bottom left is Full Moon Wo Sagashite (the best anime Deen ever produced)
I don't think that can be true since Deen also did Simoun and Angel's Egg.
This. Tutu does a better job and is a more fun character than the others combined.
madoka because long lesbians make the best magical girls
Madoka. They're all very good but Madoka is in a league of it's own.
Tutu. They’re all very good but Tutu is in a league of it’s own.
Madoka has been commercialized to the point where I'd be glad to see it gone.
Utena and Tutu are in another league compared to the other two this much is obvious, but what I don't get is your boner for full moon. I can't really see anything remarkable about it.
It’s a very good drama and it doesn’t abuse magic. Also, it’s not a chart of the 4 best Magical Girl shows, but of the 4 most popular Magical Girl deconstructions.
∧_∧ ────────────
( ´∀` ) < For me it’s Kouyama Mitsuki-chan!!
\ / ────────────
_/ __ \_
(_/ \_)
Obviously Madoka stays.
Reminder that anybody that would choose any of the other three over Madoka is the type of person that enjoys cute girls over story, world building, music and characters.
Maybe try watching the other two?
Madoka in my opinion is one of if not the single greatest anime in the entire world right now. I wouldn’t even say the other three would be compare to it in the magical girl genre let alone all around goodness.
I don’t even know that.
Princess Tutu's ending was totally stupid and anti-cathartic. Pure hipsterbait show. The other three are all good for what they are
Madoka has the best soundtrack.
I’d rank them
1. Madoka
2. Tutu
3. Utena
4. ???
I’d have put something like Cutie Honey in forth.
So you wanted everyone to be entrapped in a mad man's story huh?
Tutu made me uncomfortably aroused by a duck.
Fucking Utena, what the hell is wrong with you for thinking otherwise
Actually, how about we just ask each other how many of the four we’ve watched?
I’ve watched Madoka and Utena, but not Full Moon or Tutu.
Princess Tutu, should that even be a question?
well probably tutu
it can just inspire the others again
Tutu, but Full Moon is fine to. Fuck Utena.
top right: overrated garbage
top left: overrated but still good
bottom right: the only true elite choice
bottom left: didn't watch, how is it?
All 4 of course, I wouldn't consider giving my opinion otherwise. That said Full moon made the smallest impression on me out of the 4 and I've forgotten most of it. The one that stayed with me the most is Utana in no small part because it has by far the highest amount of threads actually worth going into out of the 4.
I liked the manga but I rarely watch anime adaptions, is full moon significantly different?
Tutu > Full Moon >>>> Madoka >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Utena
I don't like Ikuhara
They don't exist in the first place.
Dumb posts. Tutu wouldn't exist without Utena's influence, and while it is great it is but a pale imitation of what was achieved with Utena (the best television show ever made).
Madoka stays.
But loosing Tutu is painful.
utena is most certainly not a virgin
Why people even compare them, this two shows have literally nothing in common.
>Tutu wouldn't exist without Utena's influence
There's virtually no Utena influence in Tutu, it was inspired by theatrical plays and ballet first and foremost.
Shit, the post-modern nature of the story is heavily remeniscent of Evgeny Schwartz' Ordinary Miracle.
I have legitimately no clue what people see in Utena, it's a total snorefest.
This, they are blindes by pretty colors
The opening scene of Tutu is incredibly similar to the opening of Utena in both content and framing. Utena was also heavily inspired by stage play. I refuse to believe the creators of Tutu were not at least influenced by Utena, it's the Eva of shoujo.
Music is where Tutu wins over the rest.
Yea, because Madoka was an all around better anime.
Not really unless you hadn’t watched Madoka yet. Then I could see how you could think that.
Virgin Ikuhara was an apprentice of Satou for years, so if there is influence, it`s vice versa.
I think a lot of people are giving Utena and Tutu extra points because they’re wearing extra thick nostalgia goggles. Realistically though Madoka Magica is unironically a better written story than both of them combined. That’s why it’s won more awards than both of them combined.
I hope you are being ironic and don’t actually believe Madoka is the best of the four.
None of the others would have existed without Utena
You are absolutely delusional.
It’s probably one of the greatest anime of all time even outside the confines of the magical girl genre. Try watching it someday.
Literally doesn’t matter at all.
Yeah, thank God it was the meme
Madoka is our godess. She’s not a meme.
That's what I want to know too.
I watched Princess Tutu one year ago (actually 11 months ago, it was in October) and it literally became one of my all-time favorite shows. When a series is objectively good, it's objectively good.
Reminder that nobody in this thread JUST watched Tutu within the last year.
Reminder that nobody in this thread should be responding to madokaschizo.
I just finished princess Tutu about four and a half minutes ago and I personally don’t think it aged well.
I want the third one to stay and the others to get nuked just because people itt really seem to like the other 3
Must be watching a dvd with disk rot or something, otherwise it should be exactly the same as ever
Too girly for anime these days.
Drills can stay
I’m about to give my opinion!
>Madoka Magica
The shortest, and the worst. Had masterpiece potential, since it had an enormous budget and talents like Shinbou and Kajiura. But the characters are really poor (since in so little time they can’t be explored), the plot is a mess and the movie doesn’t follow the sense of continuity and overstates what was at least a solid conclusion.
>Princess Tutu
Perhaps the best soundtrack any anime could ever ask for, amazing character study and exploration (to a point where it feels like you’ve known this people as much as their mothers). The flaws are so minor (the dance sequences don’t feel that good, the character figures are same-y and they explain the obvious some very specific times -since it’s a show for kids-) that I would call it a masterpiece at cast handling and execution.
>Full Moon
The magical girl show with obviously the best handling of the magical power out of the four, since it’s more of a drama with magical girl undertones. With that said, when you think about it Full Moon is actually more of a SOL deconstruction. With that out of the way, it’s nonetheless a beautiful drama that handles the themes properly.
One of the most thematically rich shows you can find. As every Ikuhara show, it’s a masterclass on directing. The episodes are stand-alone but also keep character development, which makes each episode feel like a gigantic mural while also being linked to other episodes and still having a damn solid ending. You will always learn something about homosexuality or gender roles with this anime.
OK, now let’s rank them:
>Princess Tutu
10/10 character study and the best kids show ever made (only comparable to Digimon Tamers)
>Revolutionary Girl Utena
Amazing theme handling and stylistic choices, plus being the original and one of the best. A show that takes time and gets better with each thought
>Full Moon
The best story line and a great natural drama
Visually appealing, I guess
t. platinum pissed fanboy
Madoka is better than your favorite anime from the good old days. Get over it grandpa.
>amazing character study and exploration (to a point where it feels like you’ve known this people as much as their mothers)
One of the most delusional posts I have seen in over a decade of browsing Yea Forums
Tutu stays because Fakir is too good to lose
Ahiru is one of the best characters in the history of anime, unlike M*doka
A lot of people don’t want to believe a fairly modern show can surpass rimless classics. That’s probably why people like that user go out of their way to try and make Madoka seem bad in comparison to the others. I honestly felt the same way when somebody said Madoka was better than Evangelion. I was emotional about it but after I watched it for myself I can see why a show like Madoka gets as much praise as it does.
But maybe it’s just that I don’t like Madoka Magica
>having a better soundtrack than Madoka
>having a better story than Madoka
>handing magical power better than Madoka
>better execution than Madoka
Try watching it one day. I didn’t like it either when my entire experience with the show was wiki articles and hearing others praise it as well.
Try watching the other three.
full moon. it has singing, gets me everytime
Try watching Princess Tutu
Also, checked
>madotard so assblasted people pick other shows over muhdoka he goes full damage control
How pathetic
It’s really not that good as far as the story goes. If it was it would have more awards. Believe it or not awards are not easy to win for anime which is why Madoka having more than all three others combined is kind of a big deal. Madoka has more awards than Evangelion. Maybe if you didn’t like Madoka you didn’t understand 90% of what you seen or you simply didn’t watch it.
Utena is an ok show only great through the nostalgia googles. Princess Tutu is a good show but overrated as fuck, sure you might say the same thing about Madoka but Madoka is better, suck it. And I don't know what the fuck bottom left is but rule of thumb, if I don't know the anime then it means it's a bad anime.
Also to this day episode ten of Madoka Magica remains the youngest episode of anime to be added to the god list in Japan.
Madoka is the only one i've watched and my favourite anime ever. So that.
>If it was it would have more awards.
Stopped reading there. If you genuinely believe this is a valid argument, you are a superficial retard. Which makes sense because if Madoka wasn’t so good looking, you’ll probably think it’s meh and see the flaws it has.
Sorry you can’t handle facts. Awards aren’t comparable to popularity = better. Awards in Japan are taken seriously. You have people who work in the industry and do this for a living influencing the winners. They’re a huge deal unlike money dick waving arguments.
>awards meaning fuck all
Madoka is really great though, I'll give you that
I've literally dug into Madoka hard to try to find flaws and all I find are more great things I didn't know about it before. It transcends anime and reality, not just the magical girl genre.
Tutu, everything else can disappear.
I was with you until the Utena part.
After enjoying Madoka so much I watched Utena expecting something even better considering how hard its circlejerked. Didn't expect a boring pile of shit that's basically edgy MLP.
Am thinking about starting Tutu soon though.
Full Moon is 52 episodes and therefore removing it would objectively cause the greatest loss of art.
That’s the power of nostalgia goggles for you.
Well Madoka's music is more original, but Tutu has more and is a great assortment of classic music. Honestly they're both in the top 5 of anime soundtracks for me, along with Bebop and LotGH
Who should be fifth?
anime fucking never
Nodame Cantabile soundtrack is kino
Maybe there’s also the fact that’s 10 times more popular than Princess Tutu and has important names (Urobuchi, Kajiura, Shinbou and Shaft) and therefore was more anticipated and popular. The fact that some critics think it is good and therefore it’s good, is a fallacy of authority.
You don’t like Utena? It’s understandable. At least we agree in almost all of the most popular magical girl deconstructions.
I don’t think you understand how much care went into that anime. Those names are in there for a reason.
Is full moon good? Is the only one of those i haven't watched.
Tutu of course
It’s okay. I’m not going to lie. It’s kind of like watching Inuyasha. It’s a good background anime but it’s not really worth sitting down and watching it as a main priority.
disappear != Never existed
They were really careful with the visuals and music. The visuals are very psychedelic, each sequence and fight with the witches is majestic and nightmarish. The compositions are grandiose and fit every scene perfectly. But then why don’t I like it? Because Gen Urobullshit doesn’t know how to write and made a clusterfuck of a show that wastes the talent of a lot of people. Characters are shit and can be described in one line, story is messy and he does nothing with the great ideas of Shinbou.
Very obviously Madoka. As good as it is to have the others as relics to look back on and see where the magical genre has been I think Madoka is the better viewing experience of the four when all is said and done. If I had to choose a magical girl anime to compete with shows like Bebop, Eva and other anime in some kind of all time anime award I’d want Madoka to represent the magical girl genre assuming the judges weren’t biased to older anime.
Tell me what part of of Madoka you think isn’t written well.
TTGl and PSwG had some great songs
The characters in Madoka are some of the best written characters in the genre considering it’s twelve episodes. They did a great job and I think what this really is is that you’re lookijg for any little thing to hate on a newer show that gets compared to what you consider to be classics.
I watched it for the fifth time last month and I enjoyed it just the same (if not more), it's in my top 3, and I don't think it'll ever be dethroned. It always makes me cry, especially when Tutu dances the pas de deux by herself.
someone edit Flip Flappers in the place of Fullmoon, then this would be a legit bait image
I know the last time you probably watched anime was in 2002 but there’s a lot better shows out there these days. I’d consider the three episode prequel to Magus Bride a better anime than Tutu. If you’d take off the nostalgia goggles for even a day and give another anime a chance I think you’d realize that despite all the memes about modern anime they still make them good.
>All that fakir development
He was an incredible character
Madoka has the most awards. It would have earned the right to stay before any of the others.
I can't find anything I want to stay.
Bottom left I guess?
What happens in motel Madoka?
Utena is the greatest television show ever made so it is a no brainer. Artistically speaking, the only thing you can put above it are arthouse European mini-series from the 70s and 80s.
Satou was Ikuni's mentor.
You misunderstand; it was a rewatch with a friend's, it's not in my normal rotation, though I do have a large legacy backlog I'm working through, I do keep up to date with recent series (even watching the occasional simulcast). I do nostalgia hard and don't rate things based off of their true merits, it's all emotional evocation for me.
Artistically the character designs in Utena look like a child was handed colors pencils and told to draw the designs and the music sounds like Pokémon battle music. The story itself is the only thing that makes the show worthwhile and even then you’re trying to compete it against one of it not the single greatest story ever told in the medium in Madoka Magica? It’s good but it’s a little outdated is all I’m saying.
I like the art in Madoka.
Something about it just makes me gush.
>Tries fleshing out 5 characters in 12 episodes... fails brutally.
Mami only infodumps and is memorable for her death scene
Homura is only characterized for being obsessed with another character
Kyouko goes for wanting to kill Sayaka to going kamikaze trying to save her. Their relationship isn’t well explored and she suddenly changes her way of thinking after... telling her her past.
This inconsistencies continues.
>Urobuchi doesn’t do anything with Shinbou’s artistic choices
The setting isn’t explored and in fact is used poorly (all the action happens in the street but there isn’t a single passerby in any witch illusion), the witches and their peculiar aesthetics are only superficial and change nothing of the plot, ...
>Shock factor and emotional manipulation
Urobuchi had been saying “I SWEAR IT’S A KID’S SHOW!!” for months on twitter, and once the “great” twist that is nothing but an anticlimactic tone shift. This worked once, and on other watches, it gets worse and doesn’t work. That is just bad writing that makes the show get old very fast. Another act of emotional manipulation is on the first episode when we see Kyubey hurt and the show is basically telling you “ROOT FOR HIM, HOMURA BAD”. This would be good exposition if it wasn’t because Homura can stop time and had always made sure he was dead. That’s also a sort of plot hole. And the show is also full of plot holes but I don’t have enough time to list all of them, so I’ll simply list some last minute saves
>Last minute saves
Mami suddenly appears on episode one and keeps Madoka from becoming a magical girl
Same happens in episode three with Homura
And with Homura when Sayaka is about to die
This postpones Madoka’s choice in a forced way until the last episode.
Is that your plan? To blurt out as much wrong points as you possibly can? Bring up one of them at a time and I’ll explain to you exactly why you’re wrong.
I watched it just to see more Inu Curry. I don't regret my choices.
>To blurt out as much wrong points as you possibly can?
Thank you for proving Madokatards like yourself don’t want to actually discuss their anime.
You’ve got to understand. You didn’t prove a single thing in your post and you expect people to write five paragraphs for each of your topics you HEAVILY simplified with no proof for any one of them? I don’t think so. Bring up one point and provide evidence and I’ll tell you why you’re wrong.
Yeah Gainax/Trigger always bring A tier soundtracks. But I don't put them in S tier with the ones I mentioned.
That’s not how a conversation or debate works though. You don’t bring up 16 simplified topics with no proof and expect the other person to try and simultaneously argue all of them at once.
Okay evade the truth as much as you want and keep believing that your shitty edgy show is a masterpiece because it has awards. Not worth discussing with you, so I won’t waste my time (even though I have already explained things that literally happen in the show).
That’s a fact though. Madoka FACTUALLY has more awards than Utena, Moon and Tutu combined. Thanks for your opinions though.
>too girly
Not an argument.
>too girly
We all are.
Utena and Princess Tutu, the other two never brought anything daring or new to the genre. Not even try to start muh deconstruction with Memeka Magica.
They are all mentally ill fags. Don't waste your time.
>the other two never brought anything new to the genre
Try watching Madoka? I know a lot of you think Wikipedia is a good way to learn about a show and what it brings to the table but I firmly believe you should watch a series before you’re able to comment on it. It’s only twelve episodes so give it a shot tonight.
t. Pissed Utena fanboys
I love Tutu so so so much, I literally don't care what others think. Watching it, looking at pics or listening to the OST give me what warm fuzzy feeling and improves my mood. I love Tutu.
Dud Tutu air around the time you stopped watching anime?
Stop being such a sensitive faggot. Madoka is forced and wasted potential with some impactful designs and contrast, but literally doesn't add novelty to the genre at all. Edgyness is not progression in the genre, is just a way of crying for attention.
Stays in motel Madoka.
The only one pissed here is the trillion Madokafags replying to everyone that doesn’t say “Madoka” and telling them they haven’t seen the show and that they only like the others because they are older.
Thanks for your opinion but unless you can give me a problem with examples and facts to back it up I’m not sure I’ll be able to take you series.
Here’s an example of some facts
Madoka has more awards than those other three combined
Episode ten of Madoka is the youngest episode of anime to be added to the god list in Japan
See? Those are facts user.
It’s the greatest story ever told..
Nobody here is talking about popularity, just because you feel safe with liking something that got high numbers doesn't equals to quality or content.
Awards aren’t high numbers. Awards are a true testimony to how good an anime is without any other information. I figured you’d like that considering you like to comment on anime you’ve never seen.
>no Nanoha or Precure
What the fuck is even bottom left?
It’s Full Moon. Seemingly most of you guys don’t know it so I’ll change it with Sailor Moon or something like that next time
Are you really this retarded to type and post this? For god's sake, Madokafags are utterly handicapped.
Because Madoka demographic is manchildren.
Tutu takes a long sweet time to ramp up and the pay off isn't really worth the time spent building. Madoka is edgier, but that works for it since it is telling a sad and depressing story while Tutu's is more lingering somber in tone. By the time Tutu gets super interesting, you could have watched Madoka twice, but I won't sweat your taste my man.
Madoka > Tutu > Utena > ???
So I’m guessing you’re not going to watch it after all?
There’s like one edgy part in the entirety of Madoka.
Well it had impact but hardly good. All this "new Madoka" edgy maho-shoujo were shit.
>There's a madokafag who has been replying to everyone for hours
>Y-you d-dint watch it! y-you don't know!
Stop being so insecure.
How fucking new do you fags have to be to unironically reply to madokaschizo.
>it’s all one person
As expected of madokafags.
So now you’re going back to pretending you’ve watched it?
Honestly don't see the point of comparing these 4 as they're all quite different. It's like picking 4 movies off of IMDB's top 100 in the same genre and asking which one did it best. What an idiotic question.
I'm a fan of Madoka, but this person can't be taken seriously and his only goal is to derail the thread. According to his logic, even something like 50 shades of grey is a masterpiece because it won some awards and became popular worldwide.
What's this god list the Madoka schizo keeps raving about? I like Madoka and everything but Jesus christ this guy is disturbed.
My mama always told me there’s two kinds of people on earth.
Those who have watched Madoka and think it’s the greatest anime of all time
Those who haven’t watched Madoka and think it’s the worst anime of all time
So, let's see how are anons here.
So that Utena's scene, Was it rape, guys?
No, she enjoyed it.
Or maybe there's people like me who have watched it and like it, but don't think its on the level of Utena and Tutu
The point is to compare the 4 most popular magical girl deconstructions to see which one is superior. Still, I may change Full Moon with Sailor Moon, which is the most popular magical girl show and changed the formula too
She wanted the D.
So basically people who pretend like they’ve watched Madoka in hopes that others will take their opinion more seriously?
That's exactly what he does every thread but newfags can't help but fall for his bait.
Pretty much.
Not surprising given that Madoka threads are some of the most autistic shit on this board.
It's an assorted combination of schizophrenics, waifufags, yurifags, unironic hipsters and other scum and they've been at it for years now.
Okay m8 get some help. You're doing nothing but making the fandom of a really good anime look bad.
You have to wear sunglasses when you watch Madoka or else it will melt your brain.
Nope, she loves blacks.
None of them are magical girl shows, except Madoka tho.
There’s going to be one person in this thread that’s pretending to watch it that will actually watched it now though. I guarantee it. If that’s the case it’s all worth it when I see the monthly apology thread on Yea Forums of yet another miserable user claiming they’ve underestimated the anime and apologizing for it. Another soul will have been saved.
I watched all four of these upon release, and while at the time I would have saved Utena, years of reflection have convinced me that Tutu was the best series.
I enjoyed the show and movie but I agree. Atrocious fanbase that makes shonen shitters look smart and adjusted.
t. has only watched Tutu
Now that's a tough decision. Even though Full Moon isn't even the best magical idol singer anime.
Madoka and Utena both disappeared in the end anyways.
They all are, though. Magical girls being SoL with transformations was basically the norm until Sailor Moon came around.
How did Madoka disappear?
Magical girls without magic as well?
>which one is superior
why the fuck would you want that you faggot
I actually don't consider Utena a magical girl show. It's more like a straight fairy tale.
I didn't watch any of them now fuck off
I know a lot of people pretend it isn’t but Sailor Moon is pretty much sol.
I actually really enjoyed Madoka until the twist with Homura onwards. For some reason I just couldn't take her character seriously and it fell completely flat for me.
The old anime yeah. And that's the best part of it.
t. Just looked up a twist on wiki about Madoka so it seems like I’d actually watched the anime
Madoka is the most shameless of the four series up there for making those pointless recap movies. And the fans are even more pathetic for seeing and buying them.
This was my genuine experience in 2012. The only thing I knew about beforehand was Mami's death.
get rid of butchershit
The visuals are good in them though and Yea Forums made a version that combines the movie visuals with the anime so it worked out.
My bad. I thought you were just messing around. Well the considering all that I’d actually recommend that you find a way to watch Madoka Magica and actually sit your ass down and watch it instead of mentioning bits from the show you’ve seen on YouTube reviews and claiming you have any kind of legitimate opinion on the anime.
I guess its my fault for not wording it properly so I apologise, but I meant my original post was genuine and I watched it all the way blind apart from knowing Mami's death.
You didn’t watch it.
All the Utena hate in this thread is killing me. I am sad for all you anons truly. Utena is a very considered and thoughtful show with maybe the best direction of any anime. It's a show you can watch five times and see something new every rewatch. The aesthetics and music seal the deal. To the anons who dislike the character designs I don't know what to say for we are of different classes of people. You might as well hate on Sailor Moon's designs. Utena herself is iconic, and her boy's clothes reflect the main idea of the series and also look cool as fuck.
Unironically this
it mostly for the fairy tale themes they subvert, also for their non standard girls show narrative
yeah i would expect people hate on Madoka more , i guess that really shows Yea Forums shit taste overall
> the music sounds like Pokémon battle music
That's a troll dumbass but he is right in that Utena is a bit outdated. You feel it in the pacing.
Don't take the hate to heart -hugs-
I bet you think muskets are better than modern assault rifles.
Madoka is by far the weakest of the four and I have no idea why people praise it so highly. And I say this as someone who enjoyed Madoka.
And the pacing is mostly because back in those days they need to make a 20+ anime. While nowadays with some luck an anime gets 12. I would really like an edited version of Utena with those filler scenes and repetitive moments forced to fill each episode.
itt: people who hate madoka arguing with people who hate madoka who are falseflagging
Your dumbass must have enjoyed the previews because nobody here for a second believes you’ve actually watched Madoka.
You do realize Madoka destorys all other three of the series in the op in almost every aspect right?
He hasn’t watched it. How would he know.
Purinsesu Chuchu > Utena > Full Moon > Madoka
Maybe on Opposite Day.
Remove all of them.
All this Tutu love warms my heart. I don't think any anime has interwoven classical music into its scenes as well as Tutu has to this day still.
How fucking high are you
I really want there to be a fanfic or doujin that tackles Sayaka in Utena style.
havent watched any of these
In what way? Madoka doesn't do anything exceptional aside from having nice aesthetics at points (which isn't much of a plus considering that the other shows have something else going for them in addition to good aesthetics). It was Urobutcher's take on a mahou shoujo and that's really the most noteworthy thing about it.
You are missing out.
It’s nothing exceptional, and I’ll easily admit it’s the weakest of these four, but it’s still a solid and easy-to-watch show with a bunch of well-executed angst.
>Madoka doesn't do anything exceptional
>desperate argument
Nice meme. One of these days they closing down the website and actually taking the time to sit your fatass down and watch Madoka for yourself. You just sound like an old boomer who has no idea what you’re talking about.
>pretending to like the show a little bit so people might actually think you’ve watched it
Daily reminder that Nozomi Entertainment has uploaded every episode of Utena onto Youtube and compiled it into a single playlist:
And yes, it’s the subbed version. They also have the dub if you’re into that.
If Madoka is the weakest why did it get the most awards and comments from famous writers in the industry praising it?
Why do oldfags pretend they’ve watched Madoka only to try and say bad things about it? That’s what I want to know? Why not actually watch it and then try and make legitimate complaints?
I have seen the show, dude. It’s six fucking hours, and was mentioned constantly on >TVTropes during the time I used that website. it’s harder NIT to see the show under those circumstances.
And TBDesu, when I first watched it, I had no idea what to think about it, especially when my opinion was being poisoned by dumbasses who belittled it. But a rewatch and a few readings from other bloggers helped me to enjoy it eventually. Heck, I even enjoy Rebellion.
In what way is it the weakest? It does almost everything better. Name something instead of just saying your opinion. For instance Madoka has more awards than all three of the others combined. That’s an example of a fact.
Because it’s the most recent, most marketed, and most easy to use as a gateway to anime? Tutu and Full Moon were mostly cult hits, and Utena tends to get dismissed for the same reasons as Evangelion.
People keep saying Tutu wouldn't exist without Utena but even if that was true, which I'm skeptical of, something being influential doesn't make it good. Utena was one of those series I went into expecting to like and just not enjoying it very much. The Nanami and Juri episodes were the peak.
Princess Tutu, obviously. It's not even a contest.
>popularity equates directly to quality
>winning awards makes you better than those not winning awards
Jesus you’re immature.
You know what would make you enjoy it more? If you stopped pretending you’ve watched it only to give backhanded OBVIOUSLY false complements about the show and actually get the mother duck out of here and watch it for yourself, I feel like if you did that you might enjoy Madoka Magica a little more like everybody else who has ACTUALLY watched it.
Yea but SHAFT is a much better studio than those and Urobuchi is a much better writer than any of the other three coupled with the music in Madoka having a much better composer than the other three and Inu Curry art to top it all off and better animation?
>backhanded compliments
The fuck are you talking about? And why can’t you accept the idea that these other shows actually are better than Madoka, and have to believe they’re just lying about having seen it?
Too much talent in Madoka. It’s easily better than any of the others in the thread. Anybody that says otherwise is being contrarian or hasn’t actually watched it.
>wouldn't exist without Utena's influence
What influence you deranged manchild, get a reading comprehension first. Every theme dealt in Tutu is a popular philosophical theme dealt in both japanese and western fairy tales and literature mixed with themes dealt in shojo mangas since the existance of Tezuka's Princess Knight. You literally have no knowlege on the genre or concept of writing themes and even less on the phenomeny of direct influence as opposed by general themes. Utena is a competely different set of morals, ideas and style, the god damn opposite of Princess Tutu and Madoka.
The only thing that directly influences the other is Madoka being influence by the themes, atmosphere, style and overall story of Tutu.
Why is FUll Moon even being discussed
>The fuck are you talking about?
I’m not dumb. I know exactly what you were trying to do with your earlier posts and you know what you were doing as well. I know you’ll never in a million years admit it but I know for a fact you haven’t seen Madoka with comments like that. I guarantee you watched it and it becomes your favorite of the for instantly even if you go into the show wanting to hate it and looking for problems 24/7. That’s how much confidence I have in the anime. Think about that.
What people? Bots are the opposite of people. It's a famous meme among shitposters with no reading comprehension. Idiots who never read a proper book in their life and fuck, not even a proper manga for that matter.
>Urobuchi is a much better writer than any of the other three
Nope, that’s it. No more fucking (You)s. I am not going to argue with somebody who thinks that Urobuchi is a better writer than Ikuhara.
Fine I’ll watch it.
Tutu exists due to the love for classical music/storytelling/ballet above all else, see Utena influence is just pure speculation.
You are talking to more than one person in this thread. Do not group all responses as being the same fucking person.
Look at his past. He’s probably the best writer in the anime industry right now you Mickey Mouse fuckhouse.
Also here since you can’t message people properly.
Doesn’t matter. Watch the show or don’t respond to a thread like this.
FPBP. I LOVED Princess Tutu but if I had to let it go for Utena I wouldnt even Blink. No Idea what the Bottom left show is
>responding to his own posts
Jesus Madokafag is desperate for (You)s
It's shitposting newanon.
Just watch the anime guy. It’s 12 episodes.
Fine! Dammit I'll watch it!
>He’s probably the best writer in the anime industry right now
is he even in the industry anymore
I thought he left it for puppets
I have already fucking watched it. What do I need to do to prove I have?
Make sure to watch the Yea Forums version with movie visuals if you can. They combined the movie visuals with the anime.
Fine then, I’ll watch the dubbed version
You need to get your ass out of here and type is Madoka episode one and watch it until it’s over and then do the same thing with the next episode up 11 times. Then you’ll have actually watched it and you might have legitimate complaints.
I know you haven’t watched Madoka because I’ve been around the threads for years and I know the kind of complains people have with the show and I know fake complains people have with the show when they pretend to have watched it. You clearly haven’t watched it:
What is it about Madoka that attracts the schizos?
Between this "you didn't watch it" guy and ACK, it can't be a coincidence.
Go for it. The Dub is actually pretty good.
Cristina Vee as Homura
Christine Marie as Madoka
It’s actually low key really good.
>I know you haven’t watched Madoka because I’ve been around the threads for years and I know the kind of complains people have with the show and I know fake complains people have with the show when they pretend to have watched it. You clearly haven’t watched it:
You ain’t fucking heard of false positives, dumbass? For the last time: I HAVE WATCHED MADOKA. Stop accusing detractors of being liars.
It’s not one guy. Most people will automatically know you haven’t watched Madoka if you pretend to hate it without having seen it because realistically almost nobody is going to watch a show like that and come out of it without thinking it’s amazing at worst or the single greatest anime on earth at best.
Take your meds.
And I’m not making complaints. I just said it was a solid work, but still weaker than the other three shows. Though that’s mostly due to length, since it’s the shortest as a 1 cour compared to Tutu’s 2 cour, Utena’s 3 and Full Moon’s 4. Then again, ai haven’t watched Full Moon or Tutu, so maybe Madoka IS better then them.
Nobody believes you’ve watched it. Get the hell out of here and watch it. It’s going to easily make AOTD so why the hell have you not watched the damn thing yet? What do you gain by pretending you have so you make make fun of it?
If you don't fall for weepy melodramatic bullshit I could see not liking it too.
>It’s going to easily make AOTD
That is a fucking sad indictment of the anime landscape if this is what will be declared anime of the decade over stuff like Psycho-Pass and Shirobako.
Madoka is the pretty much the golden girl Yea Forums.
Enjoy it.
Tutu, because it makes me the happiest. But Utena is a very close second. Full Moon last because I forgot about its existence. I remember liking the manga though.
It wouldn’t be so sad if you watched it and seen how amazing it is.
And he has been at it all day long. Madotards are legit mentally ill.
We all are.
How about we turn the accusations around; you watch Utena and see how amazing it is compared to your beloved fucking Madoka?
Tutu, no question.
Its absolutely not, Madoka's VA is just constantly trying to imitate a high pitch anime girl voice and it sounds horrifically bad.
You’re just being a bitch. Watch the cake song in English and Japanese. They’re both good.
>Insane madotard is also a dubfag
Lmao, the dub was pure shit.
Madoka no question*
I've watched the first three episodes of the dub and they're cringe inducing enough, Homura and Mami weren't terrible, but since Madoka is the main character, her shit voice acting inevitably ruined basically every scene, just like any other english dub where the girl VA's try to copy how the original jap character sounded, it's awful and ALWAYS just sounds like 'an actor putting on a high pitch voice' instead of an actual character.
>it's awful and ALWAYS just sounds like 'an actor putting on a high pitch voice' instead of an actual character.
And this is different from when Japanese seiyuus do
no, kill yourself.
You probably watched 6 seconds of it. Give it an actual try.
Because different pitches in different languages inevitably have a different effect, high pitch in jap works, and in english it sounds decidedly unnatural and fake.
I was there when Yea Forums did a stream of all the various dubs together. Jesus that was bizarre.
You're an idiot, I watched 3 eps and it's 3 eps worth of garbage voice acting.
>grrrrr I hate English so much
You do realize it sounds just as dumb in Japanese right? It just sound mystical and mysterious to you because you can’t understand it.
I’ve seen just as many weebs and sakugafags call it fake and grating when Japanese people do that voice.
english one sounds bad senpai
It wasn’t. It was really good. Post a cringe scene from the dub then and let’s see how “bad” it is then.
The English and German actually sound better.
Of course it does, the whole song is fucking unnatural.
you already did
That one was good.
How about you see the samples from this multi-part review of the (dubbed) show:
It's a style they use that works in their language, even if obviously people don't talk like that in real life, but in english, even just for voice acting purposes, it doesn't work, it always sounds lazy and fake.
Like I said, Homura and Mami sounded at least average since they weren't trying to overtly copy their jap counterparts or sound too high pitched, unlike Madoka's. Sayaka's basically in the middle, sometimes she sounds awful and sometimes okay, that also depends on how stiff the script sounds, which is also a pretty big problem.
Thanks for your opinion but they all sounded good.
And Bebe too!
I also watched Utena dubbed.
And now prefer it to the sub.
Sometimes the dub is better.
>sometimes the dub is better
Utena's dub actually pretty good, at least since it was before time when most dubs just get shat out as fast as possible, only VA I didn't like was Saionji.
Tutu's dub was alright too.
Utena. Sorry family.
Yes, just three...
Saionji worked fine for me, actually. My problem was mostly with how goddamn awkward Nanami and Anthy could sound at times. Plus how Akio’s VA just would not emote in the finale.
Anthy sounding weird kind of worked for her character though, she sounded appropriately cold and eerie.
Nanami, eh, she sounded as annoying as she was, which is fitting too.
I can't quite remember how Akio sounded in the finale though, I haven't watched it in ages.
tutu a qt, utena is slut so is mitsuki
Probably Madoka. I watch it every Christmas.
A bit of weird Anthy inflection is certainly fine, but it doesn’t really work in the few times she’s being genuine.
> video is not available
But really, the dub wasn't perfect, which makes sense considering the time it was made, but as things are, it's definitely above average most of the time, and miles better than a lot of modern dubs.
>video is not available
Fuckmothering cuntflap.
Works fine for me. Maybe cause I’m Canadian?
I'm a little confused about why Full Moon is there, it's not a particularly significant or popular show like the others are.
I’m more baffled at why Madoka’s there. It’s not shoujo FFS.
What’s Shoujo FFS?
Shoujo, For Fuck’s Sake.
>world building
Madoka doesn't really have much world building though, it has edgy plot twists that reveals that being a magical girl has a dark origin so to induce suffering, but we don't really learn much about the witche's sub space, what Madoka's town is like, or what Kyubei's people are like outside of their role as energy harvesters. The characters are just there to facilitate their role in the plot as well, they aren't fleshed out at all.
It is.
It has a lot of world building. Also meme words like “edgy” and “dark” don’t help your case. Try watching the anime one day.
No it’s not. It’s Moe/Mahou Shoujo.
>inb4 I have
You haven’t.
>It has a lot of world building
I don’t think you know what worldbuilding means. Mind telling us what worldbuilding Madoka does?
>not particularly significant or popular
In what, the US? It has good international appeal - gooks know it because some K-pop singer talked about it and it got dubbed in Korean and aired on TV, nips know it because it was one of the more important shoujo in the early 2000s, and chinks know about it because it was also dubbed into chink and aired on TV. Besides Madoka it's really the only one that people from outside the anime fandom can stumble upon. If you don't think Utena or Tutu is niche, you're joking.
Hell, "Eternal Snow" has over 10 million views on YouTube, with the Korean version having over a million.
Not that user, but I mean, if you're going to ask people on a majority western based anime forum, Full Moon isn't really going to be seen in the same vein as the other shows there which are more popular or more beloved, even if it got big in Korea or China.
So you’re Korean, then?
Tell me, what’s it like to live in a US protectorate?
The entire system with the witches for starters.
That’s not worldbuilding. That’s mechanics.
Mechanics are world building idiot. I bet you thought you were going to sound smart ha?
not that user, but the system for witches really isn't world building. if you were going to say anything was world building, it would be the times they showed all the other magical girls in history or something.
Wasted, Utena is westernpandering garbage with niggers indians and sluts.
Sure, it's not as well known in the Western anime fandom, but that doesn't really mean anything when these days all it takes is some celebrity or some social media influencer to talk about something for a show to blow up, or for some meme to go viral. Just look at what happened to Yaiba after Ninja talked about it, or what happened with Initial D or Jojo with all of the memes. Despite how much I hate it, K-pop is huge right now around the world, and if one of the singers from fucking BTS has this down as his favorite anime you can bet this show has more casual appeal than the other 2.
There’s a lot of world building and the witch system is part of it.
I get that, I just mean it's not really necessary to talk about how popular it is outside the west when this question was posted to a mostly western forum, its 'not as popular/iconic' to us right now, which is why the post a while back said so, in this thread right now, it's not exactly a fair or understandable comparison to make with the other shows in the picture.
again, user, that's not exactly world building, world building is more the history/inhabitants/relationships between things within the fictional world that's been created.
Think about what you just said.
Most Western people who watch anime don't post or even interact on traditional forums like this one or even something like MAL, though. My only reason for making this argument is that there are shows like this one that are definitely underrepresented when you sample the measurable fandom on traditional forums vs. the larger casual population as a whole, so you can't just say something is not particular significant or popular just because it's not represented here. The ease of accessibility to YouTube on basically every platform means YouTube views are actually a pretty decent metric as to the true popularity of something. That being said, this is going off-topic so I'll stop.
Madoka isn't that bad, but God, its fandom is something. How can one show be so appealing to mentally disturbed people?
>isn’t that bad
It’s the greatest story ever told.
Was appealing to everyone. The mentally disturbed just didn't move on to other shows because being obsessed with shit is a major part of BEING MENTALLY DISTURBED.
>Video unavailable
>This video is not available.
Wow, it's fucking nothing.
You should have mentioned most of Nozomi's free to watch anime on YouTube is only viewable in Canada and the US.