The best character of Bleach.
The best character of Bleach
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.hcaelB fo retcarahc tseb ehT
Also a batman.
I'm sorry, what?
that's not Kenpachi
Bitch please.
Dont know who this is.
Must have shown up once bleach went to complete shit.
are you 12?
Unironically liked him more than Aizen.
I like his voice
Epitome of wasted potential. She should have succeeded Yamamoto
You're a faggot. Let me cure your faggotry.
not for nothing, Bleach had the best female lineup
Shit, he got you with Book of the End, didn’t he?!
>tfw you remember where harribel's hollow hole is located and realize kubo is the ultimate cockblock
bitch, he killed Bleach.
Why does Kubo draw chocolate so well guys?
Sweet tooth
chocolate kitty
Yoruichi was my first 2D crush when I was fourteen. She's somehow sexy and beautiful at the same time
I miss the memes about him
despite not having the biggest tits of the cast, she always struck me as the designated paizuri character
>not nel
what are you, gay?
Legit terrifying. Reminds me of Venom from Spiderman 1994 with this whole psychological horror aspect.
I'm a Nellfag but it's obviously Rangiku.
beat me to it hahahahaga
No. You are just mad your waifu canonical like other man
ESL-kun, please try harder, that wasn't even what the post was about.
Ok retard
>can't even form coherent sentences
>can't even spell "canonically" correctly
Nigger, please.
global rule 2
There's a nude version of this btw. You know where to find it.
I liked how Ichigo had absolutely no qualms with straight up murdering him if it would undo his abilities
What the fuck did her bankai even do?
Fuck off and cry more.
>Multichapter allegory to hardcore fucking.
It didn't amount to anything later but still those chapters were great.
>didn't amount to anything
Based one of the best designs too.
Glad to see Yea Forums teaching the unwashed mongrel hordes how to pitifully debate their white conquerors.
His story arc of invading Ichigo's life was basically Bleach's best and highest point. The psychological warfare was legit amazing.
>no Grimmjaw
Grimmjow literally isn't even a character until the latest LN, which I'll remind you isn't even canon. Cope.
Why were the openings so damn good? I don't think there's a single one I dislike
Wrong. Ulqiorra saved Ichigo.
If you weren't an anime-only fag you'd know Kubo put character themes in the volume filler pages. Most of the openings are remixes and mashups of those, barring 1 and 9.
best thing to come out of that arc
The Bat was cool.
>literally isn't even a character until the latest LN
I named my daughter Neliel
>Did you enjoy your dream, Ryoka?
Blood and death literally everywhere.
What did we think of it?
I just watched it, I thought it was really good
rukia is fucking ugly
Reminder le "stop at volume 48 xd" meme is pushed by schizos who only said that to make Naruto look better and Xcution had the best character development in the entire manga.
This thread is a trainwreck with half the replies being two fuckshits bickering and 4 pedos and counting who like that Niel kid but I'm bumping because I'm desperate for any quality of bleachposting.
Unironically loved this arc until the bullshit reset at the end. Facebook Friendster was legit terrifying
Why did Kubo teased him in the last arc?
I bet he had plans for him but because he had to rush things, he couldnt use him anymore
He helped fix Ichigo´s sword
I promise he wasn't present in the Soul King's palace, ESLfag.
Ok retard
Bazz B.ump
Shit boy
kubo should've drawn porn, he'll be forever a faggot for not doing it
>isn't even canon
but it is
The best character in bleach
>Not written by Kubo
What do you think that word means?
She's a Riruka-tier cunt.
>Not written
Maybe but he told Narita exactly what to put in the novel
Riruka is great you pleb
That's not Orihime
Did you? It’s not clear what it does at all.
He´s Orihime´s brother who saved her from an abusesive household. We have Orihime thanks to him
>Must have shown up once bleach went to complete shit.
So chapter 1?
Based retard
That's not, ah forget it. You're right.
Our based meme lord disgarees
So what happened with this?
I literally can't tell if you're serious or not.
I love how there are barely any multiple picks of the same character here, almost every character in this manga is a chad in their own way.
Reminder Kishimoto only started Samurai 8 four years after Naruto ended
Burn the Witch will start in 2020 as it has only been three years since Bleach ended
kubo draws such great girls and cougars he needs to just make an echhi romcom or a harem already. my dick demands it. he could still even give it battle shonen aspects
so op he killed the anime
>four years after Naruto ended
Hasnt it been 5?
He had such a cool power, much cooler than Aizen. The absolute despair Ichigo had near the end was the best.
When the fuck are they going to make a new Bleach? there are plenty of manga arcs that have not been animated yet, I heard some user say something about it happening in 2020
only possible if a different studio does it since Pierrot is working on 2 long runners
At this rate all the JoJo parts will be animated before Bleach even gets an announcement
Best boy
Bump for best shounen
There is literally only one arc that was never animated. But I'd rather have a Bleach: Brotherhood or Bleach Kai than a Bleach: The Final Season because the animation, pacing, and VAing throughout were very poor, and literally ALL of the filler was bad.
>I'm gonna bump a thread on page 1
It didnt need a bump yet
His fight vs. Ulquiorra was amazing.
If Shuiesha does nothing with Bleach soon we send bomb threats to their building.
Really? I remember it being alright
They fought?
I really hope these are either false flags or failed attempts at humor.
>he doesnt know
? Is this in the LN
I want Ichika to kick me and call me gross!
For me, it's still Tier.
I thought it was in her womb?
This isn't /pol/
Glow elsewhere
Prequel series starring Gin when?
OK yes realistically it would just star that one dead dude, but we can hope.
The total amount of flashback chapters featuring Gin could fill up an entire volume or two. What more do you want?
>still no new shounen that can fill the Bleach hole
I tried Kimetsu, Jujutsu Kaisen, Jigokuraku, and Chainsaw Man. They're all great but they don't quite do it for me like Bleach did.
10x more
user, dont you remember?
He also help Ichigo rescue Rukia from execute
>nobody posted the true best boy
at least posted second best
Onee-san, can we keep the puppy?
awful. They jammed 3 arcs into one movie and it shows.
What did it cover? I assumed it was Substitute Soul Reaper Arc with the Byakuya and Renji debut scene after the credits.
Grand fisher, Ishida vs Ichigo hollow match and Renji/Byakuya rukie retrieval arc. All of that was happening together in one 1 hour 30 mins movie at the same time
Who tf is she?
is that comic sans
It melts people or restores them, depending on how she feels. Probably can do both at the same time
It's pretty good, especially as far as live action goes.
It's not like the bar is set high
True, but even people who've never seen the bleach anime or read the manga thought well of it.
Bleach had such an incredible style to it that while reading it I didn't care how batshit insane the plot had become. Kubo's character designs are top-tier.
I don't see Kubo working in WSJ again desu.
How about a reverse harem?!
>never got a proper backstory or resolution
Fucking rushed as shit blood war arc
Thats not Senna
Oh God, i'd forgotten how Mayuri fucked Hitsugaya up.
Jokes aside we all know its Aizen.
Best villain not just from his anime but also in comparison with most of anime villains out there.
a completely unecessary shitheap of an arc too
>Introducing Chad as a new character or something
>Introducing Chad as a new character
What the fuck are you talking about?
2021 is the 20th anniversary of Bleach. I could see a one-shot/sequel or even an anime being done for that.
I have almost never seen a live action anime be any good. shit is so cringey
Admit it. You fantasized of being a OC donut steel character in Bleach.
My staple was being a mute Elite Knight from Dark Souls who wanders into SS as a Ryoka and gets in all sorts of trouble
This manga was such a clusterfuck it left a bad taste in my mouth that will never leave. Every reveal turned out to be underwhelming in the last arc and I only finished it for completion sake. Kubo needs to team up with someone who can write a satisfying story.
>shitting on Tsukishima
>while posting his daughter
The final arc really was a wild ride.
>Every reveal turned out to be underwhelming
That sounds like a you problem
Only context for what it does is both of them turning into skeletons. So I assume the black goo just melts or heals anyone she wants.
Kubo draws hot guys too so I wouldn't complain.
Have to admit that pose with him and his shikai with the crescent moon backdrop was kino.
Kubo heavily collaborated on it.
That was fun but where's the rest?
It's not like those are going to last forever. The real issue is whether there's still enough demand for it.
Jakuho Raikouben
oh god I miss Kubo's drawings, he was so good at creating cool things, I can't wait for more from him
The fuck is wrong with you guys?
Sorry user, i'm more of a Yuushiro guy myself.
If he ever makes another series I hope its a monthly manga so he doesn't fuck up his shoulder again.
Isane was a literal who until that beach spread and Kagami Hirotaka's fanart
Well, not saying you do not have tastes. It is just my bag baby.
I want to know how that motherfucker was drawing if he managed to do rotator cuff damage.
You make that sound like a bad thing. That is literally why she is the best girl.
just not* my bag
Just an observation really. I honestly wish she had more to do
>I honestly wish she had more to do
She at least became captain and was involved in some character development with Unohana's reveal of being Yachiru.
I do have the fondest memories of him.
In hindsight, was I stupid to have dropped Bleach like a brick around episode 200ish?
I dropped it completely when they reintroduced the Soul Society captains, that you haven't seen since the "Let's rescue Rukia mission!" very early on in the series and all of a sudden each of them were 50 times stronger out of-fucking-nowhere. It was so long ago, I might've been brash and immature back then, but at the time I just thought that this was so fucking stupid. Ichigo had to make deals with the devil to become powerful, mastering the hollow mask and shit, while these guys just got FREE power-ups. It was enough for the series to be considered DEAD to me and I haven't even thought about Bleach until now since then.
He was always our friend dont you remember
>all of a sudden each of them were 50 times stronger out of-fucking-nowhere
But they weren't? Byakuya defeated Espada 7, weaker than the one Ichigo fought, and Kenpachi being bullshit strong has been a plot point since SS
maybe try rewatching it to see if your feelings changed? I'm watching it for the first time and I'm at the exact part where the captains show up and it makes sense to me. The captains know a war is coming up so obviously they'd be training, and all of the main group almost got completely fucked back in SS except maybe Uryu, but he lost his powers in exchange for his powerup against Mayuri. Obviously he doesn't want to lose his powers again, and Renji wasn't captain-level even after getting his Bankai so it makes sense why Mayuri had to save them. Rukia killed an Espada, one of the weaker ones, but passed out after, so it makes sense Byakuya had to save her and did it with relative ease as Zommari also seemed to be on the weaker side of Espada. Ichigo got the strongest powerups out of all of the main 5 (excluding orihime) and went through a lot of shit for it, you're right, but he fought Dordoni (a former Espada), got fucked up by Ulquiorra, and then had to go full power against Grimmjow all in one day, so when Nnoitra (someone stronger than Grimmjow) shows up for blood, it makes sense he can barely keep up
This guy probably fucked Rukia
best doggy
>best character means fapbait
Away with you, child
>Xcution had the best character development in the entire manga
Xcution was a great arc. Seeing our hero struggle with depression, because he lost his powers fighting for good was interesting and gripping to say the least.
I prefer Soifon, but she would prefer Yoruichi, so I'm at a paradox.
Ain't Isane 1,87?
Also, her tits are clearly bigger than Unohana's, it would appear not, but there's an optical illusion.
>>Not written by Kubo
>What do you think that word means?
Kubo said the novels are canon.
I deeply enjoy this reply
>uses ebonics too
sasuga user. Succeeded means to follow after, usually in a position, it has nothing to do with liking someone, ESL-nigger.
just means your taste is better than hers nigga
Youre lack of reading comprehension and self awareness is astounding
Yeah, disregarded, come back when you can form sentences, ESL-nigger.
this threads shows that bleach has to many based characters
Kubo was a fucking genius desu
Reminder that Isane Kotetsu (a.k.a. best girl) becomes a captain in the end
Such a horrible hairstyle. Why did Kubo ruin her?
You mean make her actually attractive? She's ugly for 99% of the series.
Shit fucking taste, user. Go see a doctor for that.
Soi Fon best girl.
>Bitch Fon
Seethe harder, hetfag.
why are there no good bleach doujins
Doujin artists realize they could never do it justice so they dont even try
Dyke Fon will ALWAYS be cucked by Kisuke.
the best thing to happen to bleach after starrk existing was kubo making kyoraku's bankai spirit the spirit from the anime filler arc with all the sword spirits
nah he got his filler waifu Nozomi
>Unohana has staggering quantities of sideboob
was aizen a good guy
>bleach had been that close to having anime filler actually return to the comfy original days of protecting the town from hollows instead of being samurais and mexicans with namakian powerlevels
Was it rape?
>out of the original 12, the only lieutenants that were promoted to the captain position were also the only ones to whom no amount of individual attention was ever assigned
What did Kubo mean by this? Was it some kind of "apology" to them?
Aizen was too good for Bleach. In another manga he would have been the anti-hero protagonist fighting against a corrupt system.
Recommendations. It's option two on the list of "How to be a Captain"
Mayuri won through asspull bullshit like always, Byakuya thought relatively weak opponent and still only won because he was a complete retard. The only one not making sense power-level wise is Kenpachi, but that's an actual plot point. The real problem with Espada fights in HM was how each one of them found more or less contrived reasons to needlessly draw out them out and spare the protagonists, not this Hitsugaya later gets a real bullshit power up though when you compare his fight with #3 and earlier #10 and temporary #6 which happen a day earlier or so
I'm not talking "in-universe" here. They could very well master bankai in the time, so it's not a problem. It just looks weird narratively.
>Aizen was too good for Bleach.
Nope, Aizen was Bleach, all the flaws of Bleach are reflected in him.
>that one filler when Yoruichi teases her implying she has a crush on Kisuke because of her obsession
Espada 8 was drawn out
Espada 7 just needed a constraint of "I can't control the head"
Espada 5 was the best one of the three, it was just that Kenpachi doing his thing as usual and it came off weird when he did Kendo.
Espada 10/0 was fucking stupid
Espada 4 was the best one because it was clearly saved by Vasto Lorde Ichigo
Nah, Bleach would never end on Aizen the way it was. In order for Bleach to end on Aizen the following would have to happen:
1. Order would follow as such
>Tales of the Shinigami (volumes 1-8)
>Soul Society (Volumes 9-20)
>Quincy Arc (volumes 21-32)
>Arrancar Arc (volumes 33-44)
>Karakura Town War (Volumes 45-60)
2. Answer the following questions
>Where did the Quincy come from?
>Why do their powers nearly cause the end of the world?
>How come the Soul Reapers and Quincy can't get along?
>What is the Quincy's goal?
3. Integrate Aizen into the story
>He was waiting for Yhwach to come out of hiding and get weakened so he can Keikaku himself behind Yhwach and kill him since he knows about Yhwach being the son of Reio
4. Put the remaining Quincy in conflict with Aizen
>Aizen is going to Thanos snap out all of the Quincy out of existence when he becomes god because they all have the blood of Reio flowing through them and won't allow another Yhwach to rise.
>Why do their powers nearly cause the end of the world?
They answered that by the time Ishida fought Mayuri if not at his own introduction you utter dope.
>Espada 7 just needed a constraint of "I can't control the head"
But he could control heads, he did that to Rukia
Uh, but how? I distinctly remember no actual answer.
I said that writing wise, espada 7 SHOULDN'T have have had the ability to control heads.
NO. We don't need you to bring back characters left and right. It diminishes the impact of the loss
>espada 7 SHOULDN'T have have had the ability to control heads
Quincies eradicate the souls of hollows they kill while shinigami purify them. Quincies fuck up the balance of souls between the afterlife and the living world and shit falls apart when that happens.
Because it gives him too much power.
"Oh I can control your entire body if I hit in in the head"
Byakuya: "Thanks for not doing that to me"
Okay but WHY though? WHY do they do this? You have told me WHAT the Quincy power does, but WHY isn't answered.
Seriously? You might as well ask why saying an incantation lets them cast spells, or why they can cast them anyway if they like, but it doesn't work as well. That's a really weird expectation. Anyway, I think the actual question if you must dig deep on this is why zanpakuto do purify souls, because it seems like they're the exception while everything else you can do to damage a soul just wipes it out entirely.
>muh thanos meme
Kill yourself. And Zommari didnt aim for Byakuya´s head right away because he wanted to slowly torture him, they had a shit talking back and forth before he released
In other words, lazy writing. Got it.
Also Thanos is still correct stupid
That's not an answer though, there was to be a reason why for said powers to be so "end of the world" destructive. That's not normal and it was clearly designed to screw with the entire world for SOME REASON.
Like say someone is trying to tear down the barriers of the world of the living, Hueco Mundo and Soul Society to make one world OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT
Kill yourself retard
you have no counter argument for my criticism. Stay mad dude
My counter argument is that you are a retard and should kill yourself
Again, not a counter argument. Please tell me why Zomari shouldn't have the restraint of "I can't control the head"?
You can't.
It really wasn't clearly designed to screw anything. That's literally just how it works when you destroy things enough, applied to a metaphysical area. If you take a closed ecosystem and start destroying everything that produces oxygen, eventually everything else alive in the system is going to get fucked, it's really bizarre that you have such a need for it to explain beyond "Okay we need an even balance of souls or everything gets fucked", it's like wanting an in depth explanation of how oxygen is processed by organisms because the ecoterrorists in this work of fiction are trying to burn down every forest on the planet.
Kill. Yourself. Retard
Hoes mad x 24
Slit your wrists subhuman
You are a Hoe
You are mad
And you are both x 24
Consume cyanide
X 24
Stop breathing
Fuck you...
This is.
>tfw Starrk calls for Lilynette and she doesn't answer
This is the power of a speedreader
Fucking speedreader
Damn. Kubo really draw beautiful characters
Yawn what a fucking everyman design.
Chad already existed before that arc. How was he introduced as a "new character"?
I am saying that to the other user who clearly wasn't paying attention
Then quote him, not me
Chad was a pretty useless character until then.
He was too weak to be of use and didn't have any good fights.
He kind of just existed to pad the roster.
Nobody here seems to have posted a single one. Bunch of zoomer faggots
I sort of feel like each friend and their developing powers were meant to represent the major forces Kubo was thinking of working with (at least at that point in the manga) but that shit went out the window real fucking fast. That said I'm not sure what Orihime would have represented. I think I remember the fat Visored dude implying her powers resembled their own but that's about it
There's literally memes about him showing up in wrong/early arcs all over this thread but people either genuinely forgot or are just being dense asshole
NObody else called Ichigo a Ryoka.Why did he tried to seem detached? Was he overcompensating?
I miss Shinji's anctics
Honestly I think that was mostly just retcons. The original explanation of chad and orihime's powers was that it was from exposure to Ichigo's spiritual power. Then it was because of the manifestation power of the hogyoku. Then it was fullbring powers.
Ishida was clearly set up originally to be Ichigo's rival. Orihime was the love interest. Chad is an odd character. He doesn't really fit any classic tropes I can think of.
I can see where you're coming from.
Did they ever explain why he joined Aizen? I can't remember. I assume he hated the whole paradigm of soul reapers fighting hollows forever and wanted to change the world to create peace or something but I don't know if they ever said that.
He wanted some form of "justice" but his ideals/goals got more and more fucked the more power Aizen gave him. His final bit honestly felt way too on the fucking nose
>hating riruka
Soul Society shinigamis can get away with a lot stuff easily including murdering. He wanted to revenge his friend and to change Soul Society to be more akin to his ideals of justice. A piperdream because to achieve what he wanted he would have to beat Aizen at some point
probably with his feet or some shit, dude is a monster
ya it was fun to simulread with Yea Forums
Gotta be reminded of that
The only good thing that came out of this shit fight.
Riruka is for hardcore anal destruction.
fuck off carlos
I just started rewatching bleach with a glass of milk. Feels good
Isn’t the Ace Attorney movie unironically good? Is that the one exception?
>fought Ichigo
>fought Byakuya
>knocked out The Power
>one-shot Pepe
>literally dodged Auswahlen
>fought 3 final bosses (Ywatch, Tokinada, Hikone) without being a MC
>achieved her goal to save all her friends, from Mayuri nonetheless
>got away with it and lives comfily in the human world, away from the bullshit
>all of this without having an OP power or being a weird ass OP entity, just Kirby powers
underrated girl
>best bleach girl
kek don't make me laugh
Bleach? More like bleah
It was very unclear. It got like 1 panel
my mans grimm
I liked the Ichigo
poor Starrk
He's... More panther now? Shit desing
Why? Now he can have some company
Yeah i prefer his halloween design
Fucking speedreader