Why do people hate stone ocean so much? I was hesitant to start it but just finished it and my god did I love it. Won’t spoil anything just wanna know why people hate Joylne so much?
JoJo Stone Ocean
Incels who hate Jolyne, unironically
People parroting Youtubers.
You may not believe it, but there are people out there that unironically hate women. On top of that the side cast was laughable and the ending was, well, you know.
Both were great. The ending was the best in jojo and the only one not to end in an asspull
It broke several conventions and has a really sad bittersweet ending. I love it too, but shonen fans have very specific needs that Stone Ocean defies.
What the first 2 anons said. For example there are people who hate the planet waves fight because it isnt the usual "muh gimmick against your gimmick" that retards consider smart fighting, even though its the best hand to hand fight since fucking phantom blood
>not an asspull
Please explain because there was a lot of bullshit going on at the end.
I like it more than most people but most fights are either jokes like the feng shui one or underutilized like the meteorite one.
It has some terrible fights and people despise the ending for effectively killing the whole cast including every Joestar.
It’s staunchly a mid-tier part. People who like terrible parts like 3 or 5 try to pretend 6 is the bad one to prop up their formulaic bland trash parts.
In Japan this is completely true. Fujos too. After part 5 treated everyone to the twink extravaganza they were pissed to see a mostly female cast. Jotaro getting benched/dying didn't help things either. Its mostly just fans reeeing that their Jojo isn't the same ol fanservice shit.
Another case of he didn’t get it
So explain it ya dingus.
Every single thing that happened had been foreshadowed, no powers out of nowhere and it all tied up.
Bologna, theres no way you saw that weather report shit coming with emporio, or the reset of time.
Didn't the ending was bad, it was just... JUST
>or the reset of time.
That was literally Pucci's philosophy and his master plan.
>weather report shit coming with emporio
A twist isn't an asspull, disk lying around the whole prison.
Pucci never revealed his plan till the end, he just kept homo fantasizing about Dio and mumbling about heaven like a schizo.
So explain how it wasnt an asspull my friend with weather report.
Pucci reset the universe, but didn’t kill emporio. Emporio remembered so Pucci had to chase him down and kill him but then got btfo by Emporio inserting WR into his head. The universe reset one more time without Pucci in it this time, which means Jolyne and the gang could have a normal life
Because it hasn't aired yet
Great part. Gives a closure into all the Dio x Joestar bloodline, and Jolyne is badass.
I always thought what and said were just memes and SO was bad, but unironically most haters are just spergs who can't handle the fact Jolyne is a good JoJo and is a woman.
Besides, people seem to think an ending like pt 5 is ok but the bittwersweet ending of pt 6 is trash
Jolyne's tied with Johnny as my favorite Jojo and I like SO plenty as well as liking GW plenty, but I haven't seen many people defending its ending. Even fans who place it highest tend to have Grateful Dead, Metallica or Green Day as their favorite fight rather than the ending, hardly anyone seemed to enjoy the SCR shit.