
New trailer out for the Fragtime OVA

Attached: fragtime.jpg (1198x1734, 263K)

More like fagtime.

>rape apologism anime
SJWs will still defend it because it has lesbians.


Wrong show

Attached: smiling FAGs.jpg (1920x1080, 235K)

It's a boring manga that doesn't go anywhere and abruptly ends.

Except nobody gets raped in it, she looks at her underwear but consents because she is aware of her time stopping ability. She doesn't molest or rape anybody with freeze time.

Maybe they will expand some of the story in the ova?

Looking upskirt is rape and you can't give consent "afterward", that's not how it works.

Probably. I don't remember the manga having a beach part.

Based Sato Takuya