Why does every city in isekai look like this?
Why does every city in isekai look like this?
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Because Isekai is the most bland genre
They tested with a consumer group and found that the market prefers medieval fantasy cities to look like that.
Sad but most likely true
>no farmland anywhere in sight
bc joe said so
Guess where Rough Draft studios is
Alright Yea Forums, tell me what YOUR ideas for fun fantasy isekai cities are. Bonus points if you make them relatively realistic for what you would see in a medieval setting with magic, heroes, and demon lords.
If they were going to be using the same design, they could've at least showed it at a different angle in each different series.
why? just make your own fantasy setting instead, isekai shit is literally just dragon quest for suicidal neets
abe should ban this shit
Underground, perched on a mountain, floating in the sky, on the water and everyone travels by boats ala Venice. There's dozens of options.
There are some instances where cities expanded to such an extend that finding good farmland was impossible so a lot of food was imported, of course the pic is nowhere close to it.
Civilization built upon the ancient, high-tech ruins of an alien civilization that nobody knows how to actually utilize aside from living space.
Villagers who live in an abandoned demon lord's castle and mistakenly worship him as a god
shit man, idk.
Not mine nor original but one can't go wrong with port towns.
At least there are rivers, imagine building a city in a middle of nowhere without body of water in sight.
One of them is konosuba what are you going to farm cabbages that fight back?
what do they eat?
>what are you going to farm cabbages that fight back
literally yes
fish retard there is a river
Abundant hostile flora and fauna adventurers murder by the tons around the city. aslo has farmlands visible.
They're migrational species you fight them cabbages when their crusade reaches your region.
post more I fucking love this shit
Would make nice ruins of fallen advanced civilization some 500 years in the future.
Of stuff like that? Okay.
Ignoring how they all look mostly the same, what's wrong with it? It looks like a functional city with all the necessities covered. If a design is good, why change it?
My only real gripe here is why the fuck are they all circular. Can't they extend the walls to the farmlands too?
FUCK yeah user
An entire fortress city built with enough research in functionality.
Wizards are like cannons with extra different ammunition. Decrease the size of walls. Inclease the elevation of counter cannons
Dragons are just planes with flame throwers. Tactical spacing and each house must have a fortified cellar
Army with huge numbers wanna try their luck?
Road ways are interlocking, straight forward canals where every single defender on the roof and window has overlapping angle of defense. And due to the angular designs of the streets, they would have fight for every corner. No such thing as kill the keep or take over the towers on this one.
Ensure that food and water is secured by having a river flowing and build a lot of wells in case they try to poison shit. Surround the town with farmland that would be harvested and immediately razed should any invader try to come. The mud of the farmsoil would do wonders against the heavy soldiers and their siege engines.
oh no no no no
Ancient hamlets using rivers and high guard posts instead of walls, preferably by hills and with the ruins of an old castle overlooking the populous.
I mean I can keep dumping fantasy city shit, I have fuck loads.
Wizards live in flying houses and throw shit at the peasants below.
Opinion invalid. Show arguments.
Aren't circular walls easier to defend? And I'm pretty sure that hexagonal shape gives the best perimeter to surface ratio.
mud huts that go up cliffsides and pits of stairs that go down and then further into the cliff
you know, a setting where the hero would become known as a saviour for bringing forth concepts like 'osha compliance'
Because not enough niggas know about STAR FORTS
One Piece World Govt would like to have a word with this one.
Because it is relatively easy to draw.
Something like this , on the other hand, requires a lot of more preparation behind it, to be able to depict it correctly in different angles.
Tents, nomads are cooler.
Not that I don't find it beautiful but side towers seem to be obsolete. I think that attack from the sea is impossible even without them.
>literally shit tech and culture
You're literally a mongol
One of my favourite pieces by this artist.
*sacks your capital*
Nothing personnel, farmer.
Lmao no!
Circular walls are great for deflecting stones from catapults and trebutchet as, due to angle, the stone would just bounce. A straight wall would feel the full impact
However, against cannons, that defense is useless.
Circular walls offer no strong points to defenders and, if they are on towers it literally maximixes their distance from each other.
Angular ones like the starforts are so much easier to defend as should any of the corners get penetrated, the defenders can easily concentrate on that angle alone.
Well there is a e s t h e t i c cities and there is 'realistic' ones. I can post either.
Aren't cities like in OP the default peasant or at least middle class city in anime/JRPG fantasy?
Shit like would be for the Royal Capital or the City of Wizards or Magitech Elves.
Completely normal fantasy city. There’s a king, knights, nobles, peasants and the whole nine yards. The only twist is a peculiar population of human “dolls” present in the city. These “dolls”, even with a close look, are completely indistinguishable from your average stranger. They make up about 5% of the cities total population and do not eat, sleep, talk, or produce waste, they simply wander around the city aimlessly. Due to their discomforting nature, many attempts to cull this population have been tried over the years, but despite strenuous efforts, the dolls have thwarted every attempt thus far thanks to two of their seemingly innate properties.
The first property of these “dolls” is their ability to regenerate. Everything from scratches to mortal wounds heal within seconds, with clothes stitching themselves together seamlessly along with flesh. Their second property is the ability to spontaneously relocate, or teleport, under less understood conditions. Painstakingly pounding the dolls into a meaty pulp invariably results in the disappearance of flesh, blood, and entrails, along with the dolls reappearance, fully healed, several meters away. Attempts to trap the dolls similarly result in their relocation after a short period of time.
Acknowledging attempts to remove the dolls are futile, the city had long since tolerated their existence, with their presence simply treated as another part of city life.
In comes, MC. A curious boy from a neighboring city, attracted by the rumors of “mysterious dolls” in the city of (X). With his imouto, MC#2, and best friend, Skips (dog) in tow, he arrives at the city with extreme excitement and anticipation!
More of a setting but whatever.
You have to shit behind a bush, unprotected from extreme weathers, and you're dependent on foraging
Just like an adventurer?
paperblue does great cities and stuff.
>sucks farmer dick some 100 years later because firearms
The reason nomads faded into history is bow and arrow being the pinnacle of their technology.
They were boxers in age of sluggers but when farmers became boxers to they couldn't compete anymore and withdrew from the competition.
This is how you go from largest world empire to backwards 3rd world country and mild genepool enrichment across Eurasia: by sitting on your ass and refusing progress.
Adventurers know their shit, has a map on where to go, when to go, and what to do there.
No mads are literally just beggars too stupid foir real civilization
There is, but that means you have externalized farming to your colonies or vassal city states.
Which put your city state in danger of collapsing at the first province rebellion.
Rome might had managed to last a few rounds of province rebellions, but they also had a extremely large army on top of a lot of roadwork infrastructure to maintain power.
Rome collapsed over night when land/sea trade stopped being stable enough to keep a artificially large capital floating.
Most Isekai have not worked out the logistics of sending level 20 units to randomly kill heretics to stomp rebellions, or infrastructure. Which makes any attempts at political plots moot and pointless in Isekai, when its not leaning in anything.
>No farmland in sight
>No roads
>No sea access
>9/10 farming/city population split is never addressed
>No standing army to fuel the empire
Another one of my favourites, this time by Eric Pfeiffer. Fantasy, sure, but fun.
Underground city if you wanna mix it up in your manga/anime. But not a traditional one.
Imagine the fucking noise and humidity that you'd have to deal with 24/7, living in a place like that.
mongols are cool
that sounds pretty metal
>tfw no steppe wife
You guys are conflating isekai with fantasy in general.
You're summoned to a word for a reason. Civilization is on the verge of collapse. The monster hell hoards are destroying everything. Any high-fantasy architecture will surely belong to the Dark Lord. Or it all sunk into the mud once he transformed the land into a swampy wasteland.
>Rome collapsed over night when land/sea trade stopped being stable enough to keep a artificially large capital floating.
Stop spreading this nonsense
Rome NEVER fell.
Historians and academics at 1900's just decided to call the Rome after Romulu's death. All because the Roman society past that is Christian now than Pagan
They decided to name that version of Rome as "Byzantine Empire"
EO needs a bloody anime adaptation.
>mongols are cool
>stagger countless civilizations across the globe
>contribute nothing but practices of bribery, corruption and violence
>fade into obscurity without contributing anything to progress at all
They're objectively shit.
t. Roman
civilization is on the verge of collapse because these fuckheads built their cities with no viable means of keeping food and other necessities flowing
did you get bullied in school by a horseback archer or something user
Maybe they shouldn't have killed the fucking messengers.
that's like saying restaurants never close. The building is still there, it just changes ownership and franchises.
There a reason Rome spent most of its time stomping down rebellions in the colonies.
You either do that, or the local food production is too low, which will start out decimating the city over a few seasons, before long term famine destroys the population base and then the ability to maintain infrastructure as large public works.
Byzant is even funnier because it follows the exact same pattern: Large armies to maintain farmland and infrastructure needed to fuel Byzant.
Eventually collapses into Arabic conquest as its unable to procure enough farmland to keep a large population, and eventually being besieged and falls.
dont forget the rape
Rome still stands, it's called Russia nowadays.
The Roman Empire fell in 1806
Fuck you. Litterally every single European still called it Rome and its citizens referred to themselves as Roman
Then came the historians who just don't think they are the same Romans
Imagine calling Egyptians different when they turned to Islam or Greeks after they turned Christian. That's what they did
Start making your vill/a/ge.
I mentioned enriching genepool already.
>Rus + Ugor + Viking + Mongol
Where did you find Rome in that truly boggles my mind. You cannot possibly mean that joke of an Orthodox church.
>Imagine calling Egyptians different when they turned to Islam
Yeah those are arabs Egyptians are gone retard they were conquered.
the dreaming city is as far removed from an actual city as could possibly be
It's the 3rd Rome.
How do I learn to draw guys? How much time would these images of cities and landscapes take to draw? I'm tired of being a useless neet waste of oxygen drag on society piece of shit.
You need 1000 hours of training to master any craft
Stop deluding yourself, vatnik.
Not played it. But it is a neat 'fantasy' style city. Not that it is fantasy. I have so many images I just pick one at random kek.
>Moscow bathing in riches robbed from provinces
>Golden Million of mafia-KGB conglomerate as patricians, rest of country as plebeians
>Marriage of Church and Government
>Dictator refusing to lay down his powers for the last 20+ years
>Loses territory for past 300 years
>Goes to shit inevitably
He's not wrong.
I'll post a realistic one for you fans of that.
the meme about russia being "the successor of the byzantine empire" was a retcon by the self styled "czars" to try (and fail) to glean a glimmer of respect from their western neighbors.
Its historical basis is loosely hinged on the fact that the byzantines did in fact briefly hire the thugs and slaves of the varingian guards to act as their glorified mall cops.
>you can see shit flowing in the streets from birds eye
Imagine the dysentery
Orth is god-tier
It gives you a feeling of safety.
The funny thing is, the majority of Varangian were actually from England/Wales. Well, specifically Anglo-Saxons, so, from plenty. In fact a lot of historians cite that Mexico or the USA should be considered the 3rd Rome. This is because after the fall of the WRE the majority of the Roman nobility was in Spain who left to the Americas. America DOES have a major boner for Rome. They thought the Roman's did a salute because of French Reinassance art. They never did that. They called it the Bellamy salute and used it for saluting the flag during the start of every school day. They dropped this sharply after Nazi German adopted it. So anybody calling it the 'Nazi Salute' or 'Roman Salute' are wrong.
Well it is realistic!
North Vernacular
Mountain, Rolling Hills, Beachfront, Lakes, Islands
Old Mansion
Village Border
Inviting Pendant, Bronze Bracelet, Ragged Doll
Endless Expanse
The Old Castle, Blossom Meadow, Healing Spring, Galaxy Lake
Smug Little Girl
"it" is just a name. A name doesn't define something unless you're humpty dumpty.
The entire town makes no sense. Sure, it is constructed with expeditions to the abyss in mind, but the most ideal place to build a home would not be on the crater rim but rather on the island coasts as harbours and fisheries would be vital to an isolated island. The rim around the abyss is more likely to have industrial buildings than residences.
t. larper from the kingdom of odacer
How about a massive tower?
I love waterfall cities and wanted to do one for my fantasy novel but then realised I'd have to put some shit in about how magic nulls the sound and helps the climate and stuff. This art is from Final Fantasy something. It's a bit extreme (I had to google it) but it was for that user who seemed to like them like i do.
Am I the only one who hates city living idealization? I'd rather a setting like rural area where there's tons of land and very little people/building. I want the scenery of nature and live without the burden of city noise/traffic.
Anime like Onegai Twins really strike my core as its in a village.
And another one.
Freud called
>very little people/building.
Nips can't into worldbuilding but can into character interaction, making it hard to write novels without any people.
I can post villages for you user if you'd like. Got some among my city images.
Fuck off.
Post it. Less dense housing, the better.
Everytime I see a city built around or near waterfalls I can only imagine the constant loud crashing of water
Public baths y/n?
Y. These existed during the medieval period, often also served as brothels. Japs could do some research rather than treating their baths as a cutting edge technology.
Shut up.
Why not? I even have an image for it which is sfw.
Too communal
Looks dead
Too foresty but if I were transported, I'd just cutdown on those trees and make some fences and flesh out the roads a little bit, but otherwise, very much ideal dream living for me.
counterpoint: hot springs
This too communal then?
From my pov, yes. Unless all those hut houses are for one family/person.
Holy shit the feeling of deja vu in this thread is unbearable for me right now. It feels like I have seen all this before.
you're not looking for a village
you just want a house
You just looped in time user. Happens to everyone sometimes. Try not to die this time, okay?
Well, that's basically leaving you want a woodland home.
You misunderstand, there can be a village, but the outskirts is where the fun living is. Not the hotbed of the village. Villages are inherently smaller in population density and housing density. You've never seen villages where there's only 1-2 houses every mile or so but still retaining a common market place where everyone can still share/sell their wares.
isn't this ul'dah
I think the problem is on your end, buddy.
Any isekai with elective monarchy?
"We need a Japanese highschooler to teach us applied physics."
>what is stone masonry?
>what is metallurgy?
Elf: Wah! I didn't know that freezing water expands and cracks stones. What a concept. All this time we've just magicked everything into existence, but now we know there's a simpler way.
The Byzantine empire still considered itself Rome and it's citizens still thought of themselves as Romans. Byzantine was Rome and it didn't actually fall until 1453 when it was conquered by the Muslims.
Actually Rome ended in 1806 after the french conquered it.
Any claim Russia had to being the successor state of Rome died when they killed the Tzar who was the last descendant of Caesar.
What the hell are you talking about? They have a tzar ruling over them right now.
Apparently not. Artist called it 'Sunset' and seems to be his own thing.
But the British captured Constantinople in 1918, so does that make it them now?
The simplest thing a circle does is maximize the area inside the walls, but that's a purely economic concern.
There's also the issue of visibility. Standing on a curved wall, the base of the wall quickly goes out of sight around the bend. You'll have blind spots unless every tower extends out far enough to see the foot of the next tower. If you wanted to defend a 100 meter diameter circle with four towers, the towers would have to stick out another 20 meters to provide full visibility. At that rate it becomes cheaper to build a square.
Reminder that Caesar was a true hero. Fuck the optimates
Thats not too bad. I wouldn't mind such a distance.
>all those villages
I imagine them pillaged, residents - killed or raped, children - enslaved, cattle - eaten.
Imagine the type of life you'd have if you were born in such a house
>men in armor in steamingbaths
This must be punishment duty
My favorite is in Knights & Magic where he shows them they can use less material and get a stronger tensile strength by twisting cords together.
Like - that's basic rope making! Literally spinning yarn. It wouldn't be a new concept to anyone.
>leave port
>ship goes to waterfall
whatever lol
>implying placing fields within half a day's ride of such a megapolis is not asking for fucking trouble
No gigantic cities like this ever had fields near them. The farms and peasantry lived separately in adjacent smaller towns and farming villages.
Imagine getting reborn as a vampire pirate.
Well you can look at naked people all day too. So, it evens out!
No because the Ottomans were not part of the western world so had no claim on Rome's heritage.
Basically 'Western' is any country which claims decent from Rome. The Ottoman's and the Muslim world claim decent from Mecca.
>fat bald ugly senators
What an honor
Sounds fun!
Aaah aah the blood runs cold.
We take our loot but don't get old.
>greeks calling themselves roman
when will the madness end
Yeah but then his hot wife/daughter comes in and well it is all worth it.
>not Luthor Harkon
Shaking my head
Well, vampires cannot cross running water. They would drown if the ship falls.
Not to mention almost no other protection from shade
check mate, atheists
>gets trapped in a lizardmen temple for hundreds of years and has to be broken out by Nagash and his friends
Sorry lad. Then again, Total War Warhammer is an alt realty to the tabletop (in the game, his mind is rekt by lizardmen magic, rather than him being trapped in a temple after being betrayed by Dark Elves).
>parading steak before a vegan
Punishment duty indeed. They're probably eunuchs too.
Yeah but it requires better material science else standard iron can break easily due to stress. That was the main problem. Even steel wires have faults but its lot less.
Technology to create thin wired steel sounds easy, until you realize you need to understand structure failure points and you need to have a cause which necessitates a stronger rope than regular rope or iron chain.
Bath House Stabbings On The Rise.
Looks to me more like a great military base against whatever's on the dark mist.
The high incline of the Alps already guanrantee protective walls to seal the big monsters out.
The base is there to protect the only flatland they could use for transportation
They only have to keep the monsters away from the lands. The water would throw the bastards down the white water
Just use giant spider silk and adamantite wire lmao
Doesn't seem too far off from your stereotypical medieval city.
>guns in the middle of the city
ah yes, when you want to shower people with glass
They can. It'd just take trillions to do it.
There are some like that in south america planned by autistic postmodernist architects. They look fabulous from a heli or a plane but are an absolute ass to live in. Looking good from birds eye and being functional and pleasant for citizens are apparently two different things.
youre talking about brasilia, arent you?
Maybe, I saw a documentary about a city with monumental architecture that looks great from up high but absolutely shitty and useless from eye level.
Thank you, artposter. Many good pictures.
Vauban-kun, please
You're welcome user!
Gothic Parish
Woodlands, Rivers, Waterfalls, Rolling Hills, Waterfalls
Tower Lodge
Village Border
Yellowed Book, Soft blanket, Inviting pendant
Endless Expanse
Floating Islands, Galaxy Lake, Cloud Tower, Blossom meadow
Dapper gentleman
>tfw will never get to live there
He's right though. Considering most isekai anime exist because a producer noticed they sold and thought they'd make a knockoff, why would they bother changing the aesthetic or the story? There is no need to spend money on the art.
>pretentious big ass buildings owned by the state everywhere
>no streets bustling with small shops or activity of any kind
>no streets less than 3 meters wide
>big ass cities you need several days to cross by foot
>center of the city is your overlord's big ass castle/temple instead of a comfy village square, a market place, or even a small church where everyone can meet
Yeah no, I'm fine that they don't exist. Countries that make these are 100% likely to be totalitarian anyways.
Have another sci-fi one. I don't think many (if any) sci-fi isekai's exist. You know, guy goes into another world where he's/she is dumb as a plank compared to everybody and manages to do well because in X war that is happening, nobody expects a retard to be leading an army and does shit they'd never expect because it isn't logical or whatever. I dunno. I remember seeing a comedy sketch of a grand master chess person playing an actual retard who just makes random moves and the grand master concedes because he doesn't know any of the moves the guy is doing.
which one is better. this being an underground city or a space station?
Ah god now you're making me want a sci-fi isekai, in any sense
What's wrong with me, wanting any sort of isekai
Underground city is claustrophobia incarnate.
Sunlight is good for you, dawg.
90% of Koreans have to wear glasses because they never bask under the sun
Because sci-fi worlds are hard and MC is supposed to have advantage of muh modern earth knowledge.
WIth an exception of Rick and Morty scenario where MC is desirable novelty for hyper-advanced locals through the sole virtue of being too old\ugly\unaugmented.
Eh dozen of generation underground and humans would learn to cope without sun.
Second time me suggesting a manga plot in the last few days got somebody wanting it. Last one was a semi-ecchi manga about a guy who can see ghosts and gets sexual shit from them, does it in public and gets seen by a girl who can see ghosts too. Romance develops and ends with the guy being with the girl and he stops seeing ghosts. Plus all the hijinks in between.
i asked about the picture, those are clearly screens mimicking the sky
This might be a good place to ask. I'm looking for a digital painting of a city above the sea. It was basically a huge ass white vertical building with its foundations buried deep below the sea. except you could clearly tell there was an entire city in there. It looked medieval and south european. The palette was mostly sky blue and white.
Fuckin hate sci-fi
It's literally just another fantasy but set in space.
Do some research on the real science for once, you lazy authors. Do some research or just call it magic.
Case 1
>I have magic laser beams. Yay!
>This super laser gun fires over 1 terrawatt of amplified light and destroy entire mountains
>That much power is going to heat up the air, turning it into plasma and create a massive fiery shockwave that would set alight miles of land.
Case 2
>this magic spell allows me to teleport through great distances. YAY
>new advances in science allows me now to teleport through great distances
>time and space are the same. Teleportation device should also be a time travel device. What are you smoking?
Case 3
>corruption in the land mutated our people into those things
>radiation from the bombs from long ago has turned all life into mutants
>radiation just means that it is giving off energy. Light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. If you are referring to gamma rays from nuclear radiation, all it causes is ruin your cell dna and cause death/cancer. If it got to your genes, that sperm/egg cell is just going to be infertile
And don't me started on the horrendous military strategies
If they do some research, they would find that fact is always stranger than fiction. Always
True, but as I said, MC could become useful by dint of being so 'stupid' compared to the other people who use logic and AI and all this shit to do things and he just does simple human world equiv things to succeed. A bit like street smarts vs smarts, but in this case it's not street smarts.
>This might be a good place to ask.
user, there is a reason why scifi is a spectrum going from hard to soft.
You can only blame yourself for getting butthurt.
He can run all manual streetfood stall and shovel money for michlen 5 star joint
A lot of these images make me think of logistic nightmares.
Like a company has two side-by-side towers and they schedule a meeting 15mins apart in separate buildings. But it takes like 30 minutes to get out of one an into another.
That's their excuse for the poor understanding of science?
If it's not well researched, stop calling it science.
Also, I just checked. Soft sci-fi are just drama/love/sol set on a futuristic universe. Ala Aria and Kino's Journey.
So, yeah. It's either it's realistic science or just plain fantasy in space
Probably not it but
Just report me instead of cluttering the thread with your stupid opinion.
Autism. The world isn't gonna change to conform to your standards. Cope.
What about the Expanse? Barring protomolecule their space travel and fights seem decent.
Holy shit I think this is it.
God it's been like 10 years since I last saw it.
Thank you user.
>One of them is konosuba what are you going to farm cabbages that fight back?
Where does food come from then? All those adventurer's aren't creating their own food.
Yay! I hope it is.
Genres are not settings!
It's not scifi because it has spaceships
It's not fantasy because it has dragons
It's not isekai because it's in a parallel world
That has nothing to do with the narrative.
There is some good and meme game called Rimworld. You should try it. I know user likes to pretend intellectual in every topic but in reality you barely can built decent town in video game. It's always
>my taste > your taste
this page hurts me physically
I sure hope our world doesn't end up like this
I like banished more. Lottery ossan is a lot like being isekaied into Banished but your food is magic.
I've always wanted to try Rimworld and Dwarf Fortress. My computer is too much of a toaster for RW and DF is too complex for a casual gamer.
I am confident that a good portion of anons have enough commonsense to create a functioning town. Or least better than the retards who just vomit the same Isekai map for the umpteen time
Dumbfag, pls. There are lots of speculated space drives that don't mess with time. You only need negative energy. In fact, we already know of something similar to teleportation: entanglement. Just stretch the rules a bit by handwaving the conservation of information (which, mind you, goes to whack around a black hole, leading to the "invention" of hawking radiation) and you have your teleportation device.
Not to mention we literally already have working military lasers.
All your "classic" hard sci-fi novels take a speculative approach to the known physics at the time they were written. You're never gonna discover anything new by not thinking outside the box, shitter.
>That's their excuse for the poor understanding of science?
Is this thermal case of delusional pseudo-intellectual retard from chinese cartoon forum? Even projectrho secants are not this bad
>functioning town
In these kind of games best I could manage is a town that is kinda leaning forward dangerously about to fall into the gutter but always manages to put one foot forward at the last second. I wouldn't call that functioning.
>You're never gonna discover anything new by not thinking outside the box
Not him but I find new things every day by just visiting sadpanda.
I know that, mate.
The thing is, why?
Why would you not want an ftl device that can double as time travel?
Not to mention, do you even know what negative energy really is and the theories, or rather, hypothesis regarding its nature?
>All your "classic" hard sci-fi novels take a speculative approach to the known physics at the time they were written
I'd say a fuck you on this one.
Look at the sci-fi of today like Halo and Starwars. See something that they even tried to put some decent research?
So, what's your point?
>have working military lasers.
HELIOS is at 60–150 kW
Taking about big ass laser cannons on the Gigawatts
>I am confident that a good portion of anons have enough commonsense to create a functioning town
No? Why do you think anons are special? You just want to looks smart and sounds smart. To "feel" being smarter than artists, writers and other creators. Anons are not better.
to be fair, it's not actually isekai, it's a death game simulation set up by a retard.
>but whyyyyyyyyyy
No cookies for your tryhard underage pragmatism here. Try rеddit.
Well, for one, I love history and are well versed about city planning and fortifications
Other anons can do with just the basic common sense. Just line the houses in neat well spaces, market place on the place where the biggest roads meet, town hall should be easy transport for all people and easy to defend, schools should be designed to double as evacuation centers
>writing any story for the sake of lore (pragmatism of in-story rules and stuff) instead of, well, story
Also pretty sure he meant in game not IRL.
I managed like 320+ population in Banished with disasters but that was 5 years ago when I still felt motivated about Yea Forumsidya.
so its an inside joke, thats pretty good
So where're my palace for harem, gladiator arena, pool, spa and horse race stadium?
>reeee do not post facts
I understand being annoyed over pretentious fucks. But actually refusing education is just pathetic
Because in most (if not all) of this garbagge gendra the city isn't a character in itself.
And then you discover that you don't have infinite money cheat on in your isekai. Not sure that even complete mindcontrol of your serfs can help solve logistic problems.
>Wants to win mature educated person cookie points by picking on deliberately fictional settings
>told no cookies here
>hurr durr uneducated swine
and with a wicked sense of humor!
Also strange energy needs extremely fine gap condensers or something
Historically, the colliseum are the pride and glory of Rome. All leaders are meant to be there, especially at special times like Chariot Races.
Those places must be built precisely right next to the Emperor's throne so the Emperor can easily travel there. And by travel, I mean, he must have his own secure tunnel leading to his special front row seat on the colliseum
Bath houses must be built neat rivers or areas where its easy to dump the waste.
OH NO! it's a japanese! he has black hair, knows simple math and how to farm! we are done for!
ended too soon
You're referring to strange matter, user.
It decays into ordinary top/bottom quark in a span of miliseconds and then become electrons unless they were strangelets
It's capacitors and negative energy though.
i love how it's always a really useless neet too
none of them would know how to do any of the modern day shit without searching for it on their phone
You really are an intellectual
Keep that shit to yourself I'm good.
Well, you want me to build a city. You didn't mention limits on funds
I still don't understand why the little shit got the most badess robot, meanwhile the others had to job around in their slutsuits like the slutty jobbers they were.
You sound like someone who needs to be repressed by authoritarian state apparatus.
People shitting at others towns 24/7 in games. What user think is functioning town for him is not functioning town for other user. The ride never ends
Last image then I guess! Have fun anons.
City planning isn't hard just play Skylines
>Have fun anons.
No, that would be gay.
Berlin, 1945
this shit seems like it'd be noisy
imagine growing up in one of these places and then one day going somewhere that isn't 24/7 90dB waterfall ASMR
Basic city planning isn't.
But when we deal with extensive metropolis, then there's a reason why there are books about Urban Theory
sylvia is a qt as fuck thats why
Whaaat? I cannot hear you
And then there are isekai that ARE ACTUALLY INTERESTING IF NOT GOOD. Even before it became hip these days, stuff like Dumbine, Rayearth, El-Hazard were enjoyable. Even in a oversaturated market there are still good titles but people don't look hard enough.
Coastal town except the water is lava. There are lava fish, lava crops, and the boats are all made of stuff that lava can't melt.
Take care, user. It was fun as long as it was an art dump before it devolved to what we have now.
The hot air would sear you and everything like a barbeque in a grill
Did walled cities even matter in the middle ages?
Invent something better than concrete and rebar and you will be the richest man in Earth's history and the most important human in history since the first man to discover fire or inventing writing and language or create the first spear.
City in a mountain range
City on a plateau
City in a valley
City in a really tall forest
The guy was asking for fun isekai cities and you can't tell me coastal lava town isn't cool as fuck
Fuck isekai cities. Let's talk about cool sf shit. This book will be great as anime adaptation if you cut sex scenes with Ravna . The idea about zones is 10/10. Basically zones affect laws and intelligence.
>unthinking depths around core
Dead zone. Reaching this zone will kill your ship and turns you into ape
>slow zone
Our shit space around Earth. Intelligence above human one can not exist. Not possible to reach speed of light.
FTL zone. Has galactic ftl fancy intrenet/usernet or Yea Forums you can download upgrade for immune system from internet. Has high zone and low zone.
Transcendence. Technological singularity. Beings who lives here called Powers and they're basically cosmic gods-shitposters.
This setting is great for isekai. And because of zones even space battles are different in each one.
woven-strand bamboo and basalt microfiber rebars. But they're already doing it. There is fuck loads of stuff better than reinforced concrete and rebar and shit but it's expensive or not practical. Graphene can do a lot of shit but nobody is gonna make a building out of it yet.
I prefer the period following Crimean War and immediately prior to World War I.
Rent free
We have that though
Carbon nanotubes and Graphene imediately comes to mind.
You should be asking how to produce them enmass and economically affordable
Anything futuristic and gothy
the city from tiger and bunny is a lot like this design
Problem with concrete blends is hurting or injuring workers who are not careful and some blends have to be done under certain temperatures.
However, I also wondered something. If something better than reinforced concrete and rebar is discovered, would it require more TNT to demolish such a building built with such a material?
I wonder how demolishing buildings would work a future high tech city. I can't recall any science fiction writer bothering to explain how future people will demolish future buildings.
What? Are we going to release nanomachines that will attack a building by breaking down a building's components into simpler compounds?
After the konosuba post I read this as "she was looking at walking cabbage"
i have never noticed Rogal Dorn in that pic before
Green tech and buildings everywhere, giant holes to dump waste, bodies and human waste separately for magic restructuring.
River is defended at all costs.
wow it's almost like the problem is that they're both fictional and thus have liberties that reality does not.
Minus the disease and decay of course.
i would watch a revese isekai show
It's as far from realistic as you can get, but Metru Nui is the ideal city of adventure.
Cities without walls get eaten by thousands of monsters.
RW is toaster friendly.
Average fantasy world that goes through some world ending crisis and the Mc is there to save everyone cough* shield hero cough*, but at the end it is revealed that its still the same world but millions of years ago and all fantasy stuff is given a scientific explanation on how it works and how the crisis ended the age of magic.
>genres are settings
seriously. what are they teaching in school these days?
No one here can do shit, just larpers who think they can make electric factories, the metal factories, computer, internet, build a truck, engine all the wires.
I think most of Yea Forums can be accountants with basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division...
I don't think we would have the personality to be merchants though which require heavy social interaction.
Well, yeah.. but
Nah with time you forgot 95% of information you was taught unless you use it at daily basics. 18 yo user who didn't skip classes and learn hard will have more basic knowledge than 24 yo
i think i could manage to create small distillery if i was sent thousand years ago
and then i'd be filthy rich
I can write haikus. What now?
Cartesian coordinates in medieval world would revolutionize everything.
Star Wars is a film franchise from the fucking 1970's. It's concepts all date back to then.
Halo actually has (had? I only know of the first 2 games and some of the earlier books) pretty decent concepts in megastructures and AI (delving into concepts like "deep learning" before it became all the rage), as well as having a pretty well-explained FTL engine of the hyperspace variety. I remember the technology articles in Halopedia being well-documented when I read them almost a decade ago.
Existed in ancient Rome as well.
You know, I can invent the sandwich.
I can also invent tea bags.
Well yeah, obviously. Even Japs know that but for some reason they believe that during medieval everyone bathed once a month if ever.
Russian isekais also have strong bath fixation. Dunno, I guess dirty european barbarians who do not even wash themselves are as normal as green orks or dark elves living underground.
It's this generation's inuzuma kick.
Isekai does not mean what you think it means.
Abyss delvers are no longer able to leave for extended periods. It makes sense for the higher tier delvers to make their home on the edge, and considering the orphanage Riko is from is literally made for raising delvers, more and more people will eventually make their homes on the edge.
that was
i) only the nobility
ii) only because they could afford the lavish extravagance and expenditure for perfumes as a replacement
iii) it was social signaling - not just conspicuous consumption, but supposed "morals" of being afraid to be naked.
That "forbidden to leave" makes for a pretty sweet justification for vertical city. Like,
>undesirables pushed into fringe very small territories
>they build a city, get trade and resources and stuff, but forbidden to leave
>as city grows larger by influx of migrants it's stopped by borders
>city starts to grow in height
Like Kowloon walled city or something
Could be lost knowledge/skills.
Step aside plebs
I really hope you are just counting the stereotypes rather than repeating them.
>Klein's spirit messenger is a headless woman carrying four heads
Well, that's one way to add a extra waifu to the series.
big bridge across a massive canyon with a city built on it
unironically be better off designing sippy cup that uses a leaf as a filter
sandwich is all yours if they're already making bread, I have doubts you know how to make bread from scratch.
yeah this is one of the reasons I like Senku in Dr. Stone, he has to deal with all the logistics, has a tonne of knowledge, but as aware as he is of his own skills, he admits he's fucking useless without skilled workers.
even if you managed to luck out and get in good with some gnomes or dwarves, you ain't got shit to pay them with, they have no reason to help you out, not like you can patent all these modern day things in a fantasy world, what sort of fantasy world has a patent office
>I have doubts you know how to make bread from scratch.
not him but its the easiest thing to do, you only need flour water and some salt and put it in a oven
are you also the same kind of people that say farming is hard when potatoes exist?
Bro...the yeast...
Of manual masturbation?
you only need the yeast to make it grow, you can make bread without it, its just not as tasty
Why don't you just have the MC be clever/resourceful? Maybe in great shape to. That way he can just work his way up through sheer will power.
Or just take the easy option and have him be a decedent of someone and get access to unlimited tech/wealth through inheritance.
Dood, how many skills people don't bother learning these days? how many of those skills and knowledge are known mainly to computers?
Did you know that slicing potatoes in half and planting them separately is a 20th century technology? The more you learn about agriculture the more you appreciate "the freaks" like Lysenko for inventing all those commonsense stuff everyone knows today.
Unleavened bread has been a thing since forever. No one wants to eat a hard sandwich. Getting a safe source of yeast should be your first priority in inventing the sandwich.
you know user, a friend of mine showed me this long ago which brought me to some ideas inspired by it. I saved it but then lost it among the mess that is my data managment.
To hold myself short, I searched for this for quite some time on and off, thank you.
>just make clever MC
>Faint smell of penis.
>hard sandwich
You can add eggs.
Just isekai with those 2 books and you're golden. You're the only one who can read them anyway.
can't say i did but planning a potato also works, it's how i got mine
its not fucking hard as a board user you can make a sandwich just as fine
There's something incredibly sexy about a woman that can rip apart a telephone book with her bare hands.
as long it's not done with tricks like most people do
Martina is a gorilla.
Future where people left almost everything to robots, now MC needs to teach people how to eat, how to cook, how to clean themselves, etc.
Now that is funny.
Spirited Away is the best Isekai, prove me wrong (you factually can't).
>People don't look hard enough
How hard do you have to look? There are only 20-30 shows per season, 2-3 of them are isekai and 99% of those isekai anime are shit. Every good isekai is already popular, there are no "hidden gem" isekai anime.
Dunno, dude, stuff like the Lazy King will never get a anime or a manga.
>female MC
>watching isekai
Listen user. Anime is garbage. Third rate garbage most of time. Jsut promotion of source materials aka LN, VN, manga. Anime is not about thought-provoking shit. It's pure pandering.
>I hate isekai is trash trash
What's remains? SoL? Are you SoL fag who trying to have high ground? Battle harems and other chuu2/seinen shit? Idolshit? Magic girls shit? Battle shonens? Shojo, josei? CGDCT? What do you watch?
Carbon nanotubes are mass produced now. You can order them by the kilogram online.
The problem is we have no means of assembling them into anything useful. The only real application is mixing them into goops.
I can't believe she lied to Leon that she's not his sister in past live in Marie Route. and Leon propose marriage to her.
Circles have the highest surface area to volume ratio. This means that they need the least amount of wall to accommodate the most amount of people. Thus they can gaurd the walls more effectivly
threshing grain for flour in itself is a specialty skill, as is grinding it efficiently without getting bits of the grinder in it
the point of it is that there are more and more things to worry about the more complex a product is
not to mention the types of grains they might have available, that's a big factor too
if you have to literally start from scratch on getting flour, that means you need to harvest wild and plant the grain to get enough to make it
that's a lot of work for a sandwich, but you've now saved the nobles from having to use a hand towel on their shoulder while eating food with bread
this is just kinda proving the point but yeast is actually available in the air around you all the time, it's very easy to get yeast, just modern people don't realize it
modern quick yeast wasn't always the norm, some people still use starters
>it has to have isekai in the title or I won't know it's isekai
You haven't watched any beyond the obvious ones, no fuck off.
>Why does city looks like a city
Gee user, I don't know.
It's a Japanese meme
>Carbon nanotubes are mass produced now. You can order them by the kilogram online.
Technically yes, but non-aligned ones and with terrible purity (usually 90 or 95%) which are practically useless for most practical purposes.
>walls straight into the water
>no gate or port at all for ships
Art poster user is the worst. Made me spend half an hour doing nothing but enjoying and saving fanstasy/scifi city pictures.
>as is grinding it efficiently without getting bits of the grinder in it
having a big fuck off wheel of granite in a granite basin is how we did it.
>not to mention the types of grains they might have available
if the fucking plebs don't have any grain what the fuck are they planting? also its not like you can't make bread with other grains, corn and rye bread come to mind
>if you have to literally start from scratch on getting flour, that means you need to harvest wild and plant the grain to get enough to make it
see above
thats why lots of the characters have to kill to survive rather than trading goods
What's wrong with that? It's time well spent really.
user hates fun, this much is known.
All qt girl town where even the guards look like dancers
>granite wheels
nope sorry, not until much later, manufacturing something like that was a job for a master stone mason, and for it they'd need some specialized tools, made improperly you'd get bits of stone all through it for sure.
a much more practical method would be either a mortar and pestle or a quern, a rotary quern is like a small scale windmill, while there are also ones more like a dish
>what are they planting if not grains??
gee i dunno man maybe vegetables like carrots, potatoes, or plantains, some places even cultivated bulrushes
there are so many things they could be planting this really wasn't a question I expected
if it's medieval europe, corn wouldn't even exist because it comes from north america plant, it's a cultivar
if it was around though you wouldn't really have many people interested in the stuff unless they knew how to do flour already, corn quite literally would not exist if native americans didn't know how to make flour
man we'd be so much more fucked than I previously thought, thanks for opening my eyes to this
Because all isekai is the same.
I could've spent that time arguing about who's the best girl or why a currently airing show is shit. The feeling of enjoyment scares and confuses me.
because isekai is the most based genre
I am so sorry user. Allow me to help.
Your waifu is shit by the way.
I don't have a waifu. Girls are for other girls only.
Figures why you faggot know nothing about fun: there could be none without a dick. Back to your containment board you go.
I understand and I approve.
Still I wiped my ass with your favourite kissing scene.
If they wanted to come up with any new ideas then they wouldn't have chosen isekai now would they?
I dont get it
At last, a man of taste.
I absolutely love how clean and original Metru Nui looks.
At least some of those have crops outside the walls. It would also be unfortunate if you had to expand the city. Basically knock down the walls.
korean animators made the capital of korea the default isekai city
Just gimmie one about an MC who builds his own city from the ground up, and goes on an adventure to get holy relics to keep monsters away and draw more people in.
>surrounded by monsters
>unfortunate if you had to expand the city. Basically knock down the walls.
hell no, many cities were built with walls within walls to protect the king and the nobles. if you keep expanding the city you build new walls around the new expansions, thought many didn't do it since these new areas usually became slums.
funny how genres work like that.
Sometimes you can easily tell where the artist puts the most effort.
The city every euro and south american above 23 years old will associate with rpg forever. But Yea Forums is all zoomers, now.
>huehueuhe town
Because it makes it easier for enemy armies to siege it.
pic related, excpet these are the slums outside of the city and there is a pearly white city approximating the building style build untop of and spilling over the hill on the other side, with a giant mosque on the top of the hill overlooking a market.
Seeing as there is magic in this world, towers designed to monitor magical activity will be placed semi sporadically around the slums waving banners featuring and eye placed in the middle of a hand.
The wealthy part of the city will of cause be surrounded by a wall, the slums however have popped up so recently that no wall has been build yet.
The city is facing a giant river where it receives all of its food imports, seeing as it became far too large to be supported by the surrounding oasis.
And then God saw this as a dick-size-comparison challenge, and humanity lost. The penalty was humanity losing it's dick (i.e. Tower of Babel) as well as the language cheat they had up until then. Thankfully English is spreading now since that's the official language of the Multiverse as well all know.
>What? Are we going to release nanomachines that will attack a building by breaking down a building's components into simpler compounds?
Probably, but with bacterium.
Because isekai authors have no imagination and Isekai works are produced on conveyor belt.
These KADOKAWA-made isekai anime just can't do any large cities... Sometimes I suspect that the total human population of each KADOKAWA isekai is individually less than a million.
DESU medieval cities were quite small and had smaller population. Not the Skyrim-tier small, because Skyrim cities are basically villages with walls, but small nontheless
sometimes it can be the fault of the light novel's author, i remember reading some jap novel where the world's largest city was mentioned to have a population of something like 3,000 people
Maybe it would make sense if the world's population was dropping because monsters started appearing.
why do normies only watch the most popular at the time animes?
let's have a reverse Isekai, where some fantasy hero gets transported to the real world and he's hunting down terrorists or something.
Because they're too busy with hobbies and a social life to watch more than 1 or 2 shows.
That's the issue though. It's "medieval + magic" too much. What I like to see is isekai that show how the inclusion of magic and monsters makes the isekai world different from just standard medieval look. I mean if it's a low-fantasy series without too much of monsters and generally low amounts of supernatural stuff (e.g. Potion Loli or Shekels Loli), then I can forgive it, but if it's some sort of super duper ultra high-fantasy where three tiers below the top tier is already splitting-the-Clouds-in-the-sky tier, or where monster hordes form almost daily, then I want the world to reflect that.
Why does every, "Why does every city in isekai look like this?" look like this? Same replies, images, and everything.
>social life
>watches isekai with lolis and pathetic losers
yeaah.. sure. so in your tongue, social life is going to the toilet and checking your steam account?
>Unconsciously, she stroked her gloss, pink lips with finger, her nipples becoming erect from arousal
Jesus fucking Christ, how did this shit manage to dodge the Poohcaust?
An Archipelago thats connected by bridges or simply uses a boat to get between each of them. One large city spread across the islands.
Bonus: There is a big mainland nearby that would be preferable but the monsters on it prevent that, so they ended up inhabiting the several small islands instead.
I'm getting the feeling that by the end of this she'll get used to walking around naked with a sword with no fucks left to give.
Most of the viewers don't even know how the medieval world was working, nevermind the fantasy elements.
I always wanted to see a dwarven city that is essentially a huge ass cave system of retarded proportions filled with giant buildings, colossal statues, massive halls, etc, etc. plus some gaudy shit like everything being decorated with intrincate patterns and gems.
Basically Moria on steroids with a bit of persian gaudiness thrown in.
This is peak fantasy city.
Because even the creators are hoping one day the titans show up and eat up all the isekai trash
>Implying any mangaka would spend 100 hours of their life drawing one page that the read will look at for less than a second.
This one's cool. Imagine a steampunk or dieselpunk isekai with Art Deco aesthethics where MC-kun can't use HS level knowledge to become god.
You just need to find one who is the right mix of talented and autistic.
Already exists.
I don't know much about medieval cities or siege warfare but isn't it extremely risky to have the side facing the river completely exposed, specially when there seems to be a hill on the other side of the river? Couldn't someone just set up some siege weapons in that hill and fuck shit up or directly invade the city from that side (assuming the river is much wider than what it seems in that pic)?
haibane renmei did it first?
One of the few things WoW did right.
crossing a river is fucking HARD and generally leaves you open to attacks from the city
It's not isekai you dimwit.
People already live in the South, user.
Wouldn't the lack of walls and the relatively flat terrain make it easier?
The river is pretty much a wall, but a wall that people inside the city can easily navigate because they can have docks, while for the invaders it can be annoying. Though the fact that the opposite side seems to be a high slope could mean that the invaders could set up siege engines with extra protection on that side. Also, depending on the river, an invader could send boats from upstream or even build an improvised press to leave that side wide open.
It looks nice, but building a city in the middle of a waterfall seems like a pain in the ass that serves no real purpose
i agree with his idea that they should build a wall, an army with a naval force could make short work of that city
the top pic city is fucked the second anyone even thoughts of besieging it, because that slope lets you lob rocks and barrels of flammables all over the place with impunity
also its placement is literal retard tier
...since when a RIVER is a "flat terrain"?
and dealing serious damages on a city the other side of a river is much harder than one might think, especially because it's unlikely they would keep anything important at enemy's reach
Best case scenario, you'd been destroying the slums, congratulation, you just doubled their GDP by killing 99% of the criminals and lowlifes in the city.
that would require a river navigable by sizeable forces, which means a completely different approach from both parties.
>doubled their GDP by killing 99% of the criminals and lowlifes in the city.
And qt poor demis
So many fantasy cities don't have enough fantasy in them for me, But this one gets it right.
That's why you buy them when they are young and take them to your mansion for training.
You can't you just trebucheted them into pizza sauce
No no. I have enough foresight to avoid debacles such as this. My beastkin lolis are being groomed right now.
What do they eat?
Did someone say ancient MMO port town?
Spiders mostly.
Mushroom-based ecosystem, there are cave systems IRL that developed their own unique ecosystems starting with bacteries that eat shit like sulfur also this
>eating spiders
>...since when a RIVER is a "flat terrain"?
I was talking about the land on the city's side of the river which looks pretty flat and with no fortifications that can even come close to the high terrain on the other side.
>especially because it's unlikely they would keep anything important at enemy's reach
Yeah but they could enter the rest of the city through those slums. From what I can see, there are barely any defenses that separate that area from most of the city.
The round wall perimeter helps against wind. Also, those look like fortress cities.
>isekai thread
hey cute girls of Yea Forums, i found the most original and unstereotypical chinese isekai!
the MC is wimpy and totally gay!
People would cry he's Gary Stu.
this is true. massive cities were quite impossible before colonial empires and mass production became a thing.
Most of the time they are frontier cities that are extremely close to monster/demon-infested lands so yeah, they are pretty much fortress cities.
>Su Tang
Dropped before picking up.
That's not just isekai but literally almost all fantasy cities in general.
I'd make something similar to Vivec City.
Magic can allow mass agriculture before industrialization and fertilizer.
That's what cultivation novels are for user.
There's no intercourse.
But do you have papers for it?
But her masturbating with a sword is fine?
Weird chinks.
I always fucking hated this place and the tranny retard who designed it. Eat shit Vivec, though you would probably get off to that too.
Magic makes agriculture pointless, just use magic to poof food into existence.aaa
All I remember of Vesper is killing racist demonoids and human bean miners In U7. Because I am a centrist.
Most of the time shit created with magic needs the caster to keep feeding it energy to exist, otherwise any faggot who learns the "create gold" spell would crash the economy.
Yeah like very village has dnd lvl20 druid!
Basic shit like enriching soil and fighting off pests or killing weeds should be manageable by low-tier shitters any village can foster by saving up for apprenticeship in the nearest town or something.
>No standing army to fuel the empire
>Oh shit, bad monsters!
>we better hire some teenage hobos to take care of that!
I should also mention that I loathe the adventurer's guild when played seriously. What a fucking dumb concept.
Many settings still abide by the conservation of energy and just spice it up with say, karma.
Just make them Gintama tier of odd job mercenaries.
Just send boats from upstream
i guess muslim spain is le east then. kek.
That's some scum mentality right there isekai braods don't disappoint.
is that the sword tree?
im still mad need to catch up with raw chapters
>Anime like Onegai Twins really strike my core as its in a village.
IRL those villages eventually turn into ghost towns as young people all move out of them to find jebs in the nearest city. Like Non non biyori minus the cute girls.
There is no hurry. Nothing interesting happened since they arrived in Caramara.
City is a gamble, first sons get to inherit the land which isn't exactly cheap to buy.
With Amazon delivery/Satellite internet in the bright future, it will be a new Renaissance for village living. I'm getting ready to move once Starlink comes on for service.
because this wave of isekai is based on rpgs, and starter towns are always the same
Energy is still a concern, I imagine when cheap portable renewable energy sources would become available population would spread out somewhat from the cities to form lots of self-sufficient rural communities.
I need a game like Rune Factory but with character creation so I can enjoy a slow life in some medieval fantasy village.
Solar/battery are only going to be cheaper and better. Heck, you can already do 5Kwh for $10k with batteries to last few days and have it last ~30+ years(battery might need to be changed every 10-15 years).
Where? In CA? You get 4 hours of sun here in winter mate how are you going to heat the house with solar batteries when it's below freezing 4 months a year?
Sasuga nip wageslave even strong nippon refrigeration technology is no match for him!
Why does every thread about this looks like this?
the ile in paris is the citadel thats why it has walls and is also an island. the river acts as a natural moat
sea walls can matter but generally arent as thick as landwalls because of the water separation and the fact that if you lost access to the docks because the enemy has naval superiority youre already in deep shit
Would you prefer for a thread about this to look like that instead?
Cause it's the same dozen autists from Yea Forums /tg/ and Yea Forums.
Isekai threads are a deconstruction of the "discussion" trope.
You see the problem is that the LN authors can't describe something like that, because they are a bunch of hacks.
4 hour for peak sun hour. You still ~8 hour of sun light during winter. Just not all at 100% power. This is why you invest little more in solar panel if your needs are larger.
Literally Mac Anu from R:2 (.hack G.U)
>4 hour for peak sun hour.
Shut up.Its in the same vein of write your own x thread that have been around.
>implying those bait threads aren't made by the very same people
The fact that you are so defensive you can't even space or punctuate despite not typing like a phoneposter really outs your gaping asshole.
>Shut up.
He's the same faggot who defends fanfiction.net discussion on Yea Forums, I can tell already.
Yeah, you just need have your solar panel tracking the sun. That's in the winter too. Without tracker, the peak sun hour in winter is ~2-3 hour
Writing your own shit and user fanfics have been around longer than you have faggot, now get to writing.
>The autist is back
Thread police BTFO
based janny
I asked for a fantasy setting. Slapping "Chinese" before the "Medieval" doesn't make it better... it's even worse because they somehow have exact Chinese culture everywhere despite continent destroying dragons rampaging everywhere.
Death apparently.
what game is this? reminds me of runescape
>Writing your own shit and user fanfics have been around
Shitposting exists since advent of the internet what's your point? Yea Forums isn't a place for western amateur writers to get together and discuss their works. In fact it's note even a place for Japanese amateur novel authors to discuss actual process of writing.
is correct place for these topics.
Now fuck off.
Please use a trip so I can filter your autistic ass.
A number of disparate settlements hidden inbetween rolling hills.
Close enough and connected by a robust enough infrastructure of roads and rivers to be basically one village.
But nestled so comfortably between the slopes that each cluster of buildings isn't really visible unless you're basically inside it.
LN are part of the anime industry and part of Yea Forums not Yea Forums
You can post your stuff too if the thread/topic is about writing and isekai wish fulfillment falls into that.
Industrial Decay
Beachfront, Cave Systems, Coral Reefs, Lakes, Rolling Hills
Tower Lodge
Village Border
Inviting Pendant, Soft Blanket, Rusty Dagger
Endless Expanse
Crystal Cavern, Blossom Meadow, Siren Overlook, Floating Islands
Christmas Cake
Catacomb Depths, The Old Guard
It was the only place without guards in UO. God this was 20 years ago.
IRL black hair on most Japanese people is actually just an extremely dark shade of brown due to the color of the sheen reflected against the lighting and dark blue is quite rare there outside of drawn mediums.
Since it's almost 500 posts, don't report me pls.
Sup Shieldbro. A few days ago in the Eminence in the Shadow thread, you were asking about Sherry, if I recall correctly. Back then I was still reading WN but finished today so I can answer what happens with her if you are interested.
She leaves to pursue her education in a different town. Up until now she hasn't returned. Bigger spoilers ahead so be warned.
Her adoptive father was the one who murdered her mother. He is also a member of the cult and used to belong to the rounds. Cid kills him but Sherry sees that and mourns her father, as Shadow didn't disclose any info of her mother's murder. Soon after that she bids farewell to Cid and goes abroad.
The cute slimes are carrying this. When does he fug one?
Just go start homebrew threads on Yea Forums maybe it would stick like a drawfag one. You could take user requests for stories if you consider you and your mates capable of contributing quality isekai content to Yea Forums and not just fellate each other egos by fishing for approval
>hurr durr my story is shit here's pastebin
>oh my user it's quite good actually
>everyone jerks each other off
Because this is what you homebrewfaggots come down to if left alone.
Then Isekai threads get banned for weeks on sight before even reaching your cancerous fanfiction offtopic.
I start to suspect you're a bunch of butthurt shounenfags falseflagging here because their shounenshit general was banned or something.
Basically think of tudor style buildings with overhangs that cover most of the street. The lower floors of this city are made out of fire retardant materials like stone and brick. The city has a population of around 30,000 crammed into about 2.5 square miles. The culture of this city is a mixture of European, Chinese, and Hebrew. Finally the city is on a network of Canals and primitive narrow gage railways (still possibly in a fantasy Isekai) that connect the ground level of the city together.
>You can post your stuff too
Who are you quoting and no, Yea Forums isn't right place for fanfics or discussing western amateur writing.
Japanese national level zoning laws are actually kino.
just stop replying to the autist, he feeds on the (you)s
i wonder what kind of abroad. but oh well, shame we won't see her again.
No, thanks. I will just keep posting in isekai threads like I have been doing before autistic newfags came here trying to police them.
And isekai threads get banned for weeks for reason that have nothing to do with homebrews. You have been claiming the same stupid shit for days despite the people who were actually there telling you that the homebrew autism died for different reasons and that the banning spree was a thing before people even started writing their own shit.
As shown by these thread, the people who are actually in charge of enforcing the rules seem to be more bothered by your autistic shitposting than by people talking about fantasy.
Just make floating cities and bombard from above. Most demons can't fly plus your can dump your shit at them.
If I had to guess, I would say we will see her in the future. It was the same with princess Rose and Oriana kingdom. Maybe after the current arc ends.
>I will just keep posting in isekai threads
>posting fanfics on Yea Forums
So offtopic then, gotcha.
>who were actually there telling you
Well then they weren't actually there: it was disgusting discord trannies Sodom and Gomorrah of homebrews in these threads before mino got vacayed and all isekai threads started to get banned on sight.
You damn right homebrewfaggotry subsided but only because you roaches didn't have a thread on Yea Forums since you got them all permabanned for a while.
Now you cunts are started to rearing your ugly fanfiction heads again even going as far as lashing out on anyone telling you to fuck off.
This is going to happen again if you faggots don't stop: threads will degenerate, then purged for weeks THEN you'll be careful for a month then history repeats itself again.
I say again:
Fuck off with your shitty fanfics they're not Yea Forumsnime and m/a/nga related and you're so weak-willed that you cannot help but turn these threads into a cesspool of gutter-tier writers validation circlejerk.
anime originated in korea
pseudo isekai but whatever
>doctor helping the loli
>sombre and emotionally draining
small town doctor seems ridiculously comfy
threads got banned for being generals retard, even without any minoposting they were deleted on sight, it started not because of homebrews but jahy went to the IRC asking why the lists of isekai recomendations were deleted for being a template post.
>not because of homebrews
>main homebrewfag went to IRC
>not because of homebrews
You faggots driving what was once isekai anime, manga and novels threads wildly off-topic with your shitty fanfics did not help one bit.
Small town people are definitely comfy but doctors with few but frequent patients are bound to get attached and when that patient dies, you will as well
Avatarfagging and posting those lists in every thread was the reason the thread nuking intensified.
Sure, homebrews had something to do with it, so did literally every series mentioned in those lists.
As long as people don't start posting templates or avatarfagging again, the threads will keep getting nuked at the usual pace. People talking about shitty fanfics in a thread where WNs and chink and gook novels are allowed won't change shit.
Your constant faggotry is more disruptive and is more likely to get threads deleted than the shit you are complaining about.
>people don't start
They will if not told to fuck stop or fuck off. It's the same pattern. Nobody thought of posting that Yea Forums shit here weeks after the purges and now they're starting to smear fetish stories all over again.
jahy isn't a homebrewer, and mainly served to give pastebins separating isekai into genres so new readers could easily find a bunch of shit they like.
even during the purge you could shill with near impunity. like TNE still posting links on a daily basis the entire time, even making threads.
only shilling that got a notable ban was shieldbro posting poison user.
the thing that killed homebrews was the average anons inability to write more than 5 chapters without getting burned out and giving up on writing altogether
>Yea Forumsnon is creatively inept from media overdose
Who would've thought?
>isekai novels by genre site called minotaurclub
I mean
>They will if not told to fuck stop or fuck off
If you really thing that your whining is doing anything then you are fucking dellusional. If people want to talk about that shit then they will talk about that shit, the only thing that would actually kill homebrew faggotry would be people not wanting to talk about it any longer and the few who try not getting a single reply.
Your autism does nothing other than make you look like a faggot and derrail threads.
And, for the millionth time, people stopped talking about homebrew shit because most series stopped getting updated once the initial wave of enthusiasm died out. The purges only accelerated that.
More like user forgot he is a procrastinating faggot and actually thought he would actually be able to keep a pace of 4 chapters per week for more than a few months.
They did hold their shit in for quite a while after purges. I also didn't read the rest of the post.
>user thinks everyone write on the fly
>not post edited backlog of chapters
You forgot to mention that user is retarded.
>minotaur got vacayed
No I didn't. I went on vacation irl but never got banned for minotaur posting lol
>I went on vacation irl
Sasuga, did they rip you a new one in jail?
If you put a city right next to river is that fine?
It turns out being able to write decent porn in prison gets you a lot of friends.
>They did hold their shit in for quite a while after purges
Because most homebrews were dead.
>I also didn't read the rest of the post.
Don't worry, I already know you are a retard who just repeats the same shit while ignoring anything other people tell you.
I wouldn't even give you any (You)s if this thread wasn't about to die anyway.
>user thinks everyone write on the fly
They did write on the fly. If they had a decent backlog of chapters that they posted at a reasonable pace then they would have been able to keep their series active for months.
They went in with either an extremely small backlog or not backlog at all, started uploading 4 chapters per week (some even did 7 per week) and it was all fine and dandy till eventually they fell in a slump or couldn't write due to IRL stuff or whatever and their small or non-existent backlong could only cover their asses for one week. After that keeping their previous pace probably became a chore and they barely uploaded a few more chapters before going into hiatus.
In the case of anons like the Healslut and Fodder user it was pretty easy to see when they went from uploading stuff from their backlog to being forced to write new chapters.
How does gay sex feel like?
I remember that one drawfag.
>ignoring anything other people tell you.
Because those retards keep insisting Yea Forums is a place for fanfics.
Went to state, not federal. Federal is where Oz happens.
you know
Rivers are literally the lifeblood of civilization
that whole city would be swept away in any sort of flood, or just wait 10 years and let erosion fuck up the walls
A city that isn't close or right next to some source of water has no future.