I just finished Eva yesterday, and decided go back to Wataten today.
This scene almost made me have a heart attack.
I just finished Eva yesterday, and decided go back to Wataten today.
This scene almost made me have a heart attack.
Noa > Hinata > Hana
I don't get what people see in such boring characters
desu the mother is the best character
I mean, Miyako > Koko
I have no preference in the younger ones.
Poor Miya-nee
mya-nee is so FAT
Emily >= Noa > *
Really fat
You can see the exact moment her heart tears apart
Mya-nee is number one after all. Noa needs to accept that already.
I'd give literally anything to have a cute girlfriend like Noa-chan. My life would be complete. We would cuddle every day, make out in public and go on dates. Every guy who sees us would be so jealous... but I'm not sharing. Noa-chan belongs to me forever!
Noa is a child, user.
You need to realise how impractical that would be.
Why not date the lovely Miya-san?
Literal perfection.
What in the fuck is Noa wearing?
The ideal female body.
I don't want to date any girl unless it's Noa-chan! There's an age difference, but I am serious about her so I will make it work. With her, I could finally do all the things I missed out on in my youth. It would feel so great to have her sit on my lap and kiss her! Or hold her hand while going in a date in the park. Or call her cute while going shopping for clothes. It would be pure bliss.
The embodiment of femininity.
It has nothing to do with her body. I think she is cute for sure, but mostly I love her for who she is. Her cute and teasing personality is so nice and would make every day so fun and interesting.
This, except:
Hinata > Noa >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hana
There are so many things Noa would let you do that Hana or Hinata wouldn't.
What a demon.
Is Hana pure? Or does she only put on this feminine facade and dates older men for money in reality?
Which WataTen is the most likely to get a boyfriend by the time she graduates as JS?
>tfw you'll never have NOA and HANA clinging to you
Why live?
Is that Koko Matsumoto on the right?
Lmao, I wasn't expecting Sirent
Is it wrong that I really want to kiss Noa?
Even though she is so cute and pure?
What if Noa was your girlfriend?
It fucking destroyed me
They even faked that Japanese movie studio logo. I was amazed at that.
How embarassing
Is Hana just a knock-off Chino?
Why does Noa have a cleft palate?
What would is it be like if you did "it" with Noa-chan?
she's a child, user
MILF spinoff when?
I would unironisch watch that
Everyone born after 1920 has just gotten progressively more idiotic in spite of universal access to education. It's pretty amazing.
My little amputees couldn't be this cute
Oops, I posted the version without subs
No, it's just gotten easier, both technologically and through cultural permissiveness, to share your idiocy with others, and to get by without making an effort to be less stupid.
Cute Yu.
WORST fucking character
Possibly the dissemination of retarded ideas through mass media has enabled the terminally stupid greater opportunities to indulge their idiotic tendencies?
>child dating is impractical
yea gonna have to deploy you back to redd1t
My wife Chino is so cute
Not really.
Kill yourself.
>eating her daughter's french toast
Rude, but alpha
Not every young long-haired girl with kuudere traits is a Chino-clone. There's some crossover fanart but that's just the artists having fun. Also, Chino is not Chino without Tippy, this is a major detail.
What if Hinata was your girlfriend?
Shit taste bud
>all this Hana hate
Of all the WataTens, I love Hana the most. She is small, cute and has so much love to offer if you give her the chance. Dating her won't be easy, but it will be worth it.
She never did lift her arms the entire time she was wearing that did she?
Hana, you're the worst WataTen, and when you grow up, you'll be a fat hambeast or a tranny roidmonkey!
Lies. Hana will stay cute forever.