What am I in for Yea Forums?
In terms of action, I have only read the breaker series when it comes to manhwa. Was thinking of reading Noblesse after putting it on hold for years.
Garbage. Not because I'm a rabid weeb that must hate what Japan hates. There are plenty of great korean and other non-japanese works. But this ain't it.
getting banned because it's not anime or manga
So where should I post about manhwa?
a pretty good "shounen" until it's not.
A pretty fun read until fuck you the ending. No it isn't like they did a it was all a dream they just rushed the ending so hard it's like a left hook outta nowhere
It's a good battle shounen for a while but it really gets incredibly formulaic toward the back end and I ended up dropping it at some point.
Gay shit
Not anime or manga.
Wasn't The Gamer often discussed here?
>until it's not.
So halfway through or in the last arc? Also isn't this getting a new anime?
I am 40 chapters in. Does the pacing ever gets better?
It was Bleach done right but then it got really bad the same time as Bleach as well. The arcs are literally the same, even the colour schemes.
the most formulaic series I've read
Is this chick relevant enough?
retard, manwha has always been accepted here.
regarding noblesse, it's good for the first 100ish chapters and a bit more then it turns into your average shounen powerup series.
Shitty ending and shitty last arc
Besides the half-werewolf, everyone else barely gets any power-ups.
>It was Bleach done right
>but then it got really bad the same time as Bleach as well.
>The arcs are literally the same, even the colour schemes.
Really makes ya think.
LMAO this fag
fuck off and die
The sidekicks jobbing constantly and feeling bad when MC has to go save their ass and spend his lifeforce doing so
Does the mc ever Stop being an emotionless fag?
>No fun allowed