>Yea Forums start telling you that this manga is shit only when it became popular
Yea Forums start telling you that this manga is shit only when it became popular
>only when it became popular
Like thirty-five years ago when it came out? Or like fifteen years ago when the WRYYYYY meme and abridged series became a thing?
because nobody really talked about it before then
doesn't mean it wasn't shit then too
He means with mainstream English-speaking audiences, obviously, which wasn't until recently since it was unlicensed and some parts' fan translations sucked.
i dont get it dudes. why is JoJo so loved? Its just okay Shonen at best.
Memes. Also it's my theory that it represents the first phase of westerners in mass tuning into the idea of quality anime/manga existing outside the hard mainstream franchises. Meme culture helped build that connection by piquing the curiosity of normies and making them want to "get the joke" so they could feel included in a nuanced/exclusive in-crowd.
Parts 7 and 8 are unironically good though
It's great for it's own reasons, which are very hit-or-miss. it's by no means mediocre at what it excels at, though.
The mangaka takes inspiration outside of trends inside the industry. Instead he takes his inspiration from music, fashion, sculptures.
He's creative and knows how to draw facial expressions pretty well.
>jojo used to be beloved by 4chin, amd WRYYYYY is 4chin meme
what happened
>JoJo is comfy series, has comfy threads and memes are pretty much par for the course but nothing out of control, all in all a decent series if you ask any one poster
>anime comes out
>"HUUURRRRR JOJO REFERENCE" fags and normies screeching about the show nonstop and giving the fandom an extraordinarily bad name to the point where some people will look at you funny if you mention liking JoJo
>shitposting running rampant because it's actually popular and you can get attention for calling it 'autistic' or 'cringe' or whatever other buzzword
>classic "I'm a newfag and Yea Forums is supposed to be contrarian" attitude kicks in and suddenly JoJo "was never good"
99% of the current problems with talking about JoJo can be traced back to the anime
The manga is good, the fanbase is now as annoying as ever.
They're always beating the same memes, and the whole JoJo meme consist in just pointing out something remotely similar to a scene in JoJo and saying it's a reference. Or imitating sounds of stands punching something. They're also fake elitists who think JoJo is God tier and there's nothing on Earth better than it. Every conversation with a JoJo fan, whatever is the topic, becomes something JoJo related.
Reality is, the manga is good. It has awesome parts like 7 and shit parts like 5. Has great and weak moments like any other manga, and its influence in other mangas cannot be ignored. But it's not the last glass of water in the desert either.
Ironic weeb shits ruined jojo
every series is doomed to the hands of animefags
Letting other people ruin things for you just shows you ascribe to the same mob mentality they do.
Who gives a shit what other people think?
They’ve corrupted this series on the west at least. Just shows how retarded are gaijins and their cringy weeb communities
This series has a Rick and Morty tier fanbase
Again, why do you care?
Every piece of mass media has stupid fans. The only difference is that with Jojo they're more vocal.
As a die-hard jojofag, I'd honestly say rick and morty's probably better.
I don't always wanna talk about Jojo though, and when people find Jojo for the first time they join the Jojo mob mentality of spamming Jojo references every 5 minutes and going on about how great it is. I lost that level of enthusiasm for the series several years ago
When the fanbase mainly consists of people just spouting the same three memes over and over again it builds up an impression that the show is for braindead retards and simultaneously overhypes it. Shit can ruin the way people experience a series.
Literally every manga series that gets an anime. Look at Vinland Saga.
Vinland Saga is getting shit from Yea Forums for no reason
I just got up to date on Jojo and can confirm it's shit aside from parts 2, 5, 7 and maybe 8.
It has an excellent style and for a lot of people its good enough to overcome the "style over substance" problem. The plot is generally decent, nothing breathtaking, but it doesn't offend your intelligence. What makes it shine is the character, stand and ability design, the series lives by the rule of cool.
Bleach is kinda in the same vein for me, but its harder to ignore the story since its such a clusterfuck.