Why are nips so dramatic about this kinda thing? What's the big deal? Purity having any sort of value is a meme perpetuated by ugly unfuckable people.
Why are nips so dramatic about this kinda thing? What's the big deal...
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Let's see how many newfags you reel in with this
Purity having value has been a thing in Western culture since at least the Roman era that I know of.
Probably goes back even further than that, as purity would guarantee, in theory, that any potential offspring would absolutely be yours as opposed to whoever she may have slept with before.
>women who prostitute themselves are unhappy
>somehow this is a jap meme
having sex with used goods is like getting cheated on in advance
big statement from the country that brought us "comfort women"
koreans were the comfort women though
Whoring is to women what chronic masterbation is to men.
You cant just bait your emotiobal fulfilment like that for so long without consquences.
multiple partners equals to statistically higher rates of infidelity
sex workers have higher rates of mental illness
Korean, Japanese.
Potato, potahto.
Originally it was of utmost importance because inheritance. Nobody wanted their lands or family heirlooms getting siphoned off to bastards or worse, nor did they want their bloodlines accidentally ending by raising another man's offspring.
Now that we have birth control, condoms, and DNA testing this is no longer an issue.
Why this is important for hikkiNEETs waifuing pretend women who aren't real and will never breed, I'll never understand.
While that might not be an issue anymore, it's not like having sex before marriage is totally harmless.
The higher the number of different sexual partners before the marriage, the higher the divorce rate is for women.
A slant's a slant.
Still not relevant for an anime character that exists only as wall scrolls and cup ramen toppers in a NEET cave.
japanese RAA serviced mutt servicemen.
>Nobody wanted their lands or family heirlooms getting siphoned off to bastards
Hence why bastards weren't recognized. Fucking around still happened a lot, the one worried about bastards wasn't the father, but his wife and people hoping to be next in line, especially if there's no legitimate heir yet.
>ITT people who don’t know the difference between a whore and a slut.
>ITT people who don’t know how statistics and correlations work.
>ITT people who have never had sex
ITT people who have never had a meaningful relationship with a human outside their immediate family
Why do I spend time in this hole.
Don't you have your wife's boyfriend's son to take care of?
>Why do I spend time in this hole.
Because you are probably one of these people who don't have a meaningful relationship with a human outside your immediate family.
I'd never ever in my life date an used-goods toastie. Girls are supposed to be cute and pure, not high-mileage and loose. I saved up my virginity, so I expect the girl to do the same.
>I saved up my virginity
It doesn't count as saving if no one wanted it to begin with.
Yeah, social rejects on Yea Forums, what a shocking turn of events. What next, singles on Tinder? Code monkeys on Stack Overflow? NSFW videos on PornHub?
The world has gone mad.
Hand-holding videos on PornHub.
You read it here first.
Fuck off and stay off, normalfag shit.
Cope harder, roastie.
>ITT. virgins attacking virgins
>Implying all sides see virginity as a bad thing.
They're not. Anime is not real life.
Purity isn't a meme value though.
>mfw my girlfriend was a KHHV like me at age 25
I win
Yeah, this is true. Nip normalfags are just as loose sexually as their Western counterparts. Most purityfags seem to think that the Japanese are conservative sexually but they have tons of degenerate casual sex and relationships too.
Was she incredibly ugly?
nope, just french
Aren’t the French supposed to be one of the most sexually open countries in the world? Saying she’s French has the opposite connotation here.
Is joke about Frenchmen being ugly.
>fucking around still happened a lot
Yes, when done by men with money and/or social standings, not married women or women who had marrying prospects. That has been a constant through civilization's history as a whole barring statistically very minor variations.
>inb4 but muh double standards
1. I'm just clarifying, not making a moral stance on it
2. Men and women aren't the same and will never be.
>not married women or women who had marrying prospects
Oh please, women just have been and still are better at hiding it.
Wrong! What changed the whole thing was birth control, condoms being common, marriage rates dropping and tons of programs for women getting into any job they want.
Obviously whores have always existed, but the percentage of whores in relation to the total population has been increasing for the last 100 years at a steady rate.
Are you retarded? How were teenage girls supposed to hide pregnancies when there weren't any reliable contraceptive methods around? Not to mention there were laws specifically aimed at punishing adultery (including death), which applied to married women only.
The Japanese are a very practical people when it comes to doing what's good for society. They embed blocks with braille bumps on them in their sidewalks for blind people. If you wind up in prison for a lesser offense, they'll teach you a trade while you're there. They tax and fine corporations with overweight employees. Shunning and shaming promiscuous women is also because of their practical sentiment - they've studied history enough to know that sexual degeneracy goes hand-in-hand with societal collapse.
Scroll down to the bottom of the blog to see that Japanese women have 5.5 partners on average before getting married. They’re not the pure waifus most delusional purityfags think they are. The conservatism is just a facade.
Go outside and go fuck some whores and sluts then hypocrite.
Yeah because that justifies the near 50% virginity rate for 18-40 year olds, cuck.
Besides illegal abortion or abandoning the child after birth, the family might just pretend it's a child of the teenagers mother. This wouldn't fly nowadays, but 100 years ago it was still possible to pull off.
And there also were laws against murder or theft but that still happened back then as well. There being laws against it actually hints that it did happen and was problematic enough to justify making a law against it.
I’m a purityfag myself,buddy. I’m just advising you against thinking Japan is some bastion of conservatism where people save themselves for their soulmate. I’ve been there before. Any Nip woman above 5/10 has been railed by Senpai dick. It’s mostly the ugly ones that make up the almost 50% virgin statistic.
first off:
>expecting 3D not to be PD.
those stats werent intended to contradict, so much as argue that IRL sluts and whores have nothing to to with anime.
flipping the numbers around, 56% (lel) of nip women are unvirgin roasties that take miles of dick daily.
but still, 44% of nip women between the ages of 18-34 are virgin (due to pursuing their careers?)
that is two percent more than their male peers from the same age cohort (due to the practice of semi-legal prostitution?).
When nearly half of them are virgins it means that nearly half of them had 0 partners.
Averages are a measure you shouldn't just take as is since not every kind of data has a normal distribution.
Wait,you’re seriously telling me it’s not a statistical anomaly for a semi attractive Nip woman to remain a virgin until she’s in her late twenties in Japan? That sounds insane. I thought it was just the uggos that stayed virgins.
3D not being PD is an anomaly in itself.
>What is an aggregate
>what's an age cohort
Not that user, but discussion about the virtue of Jap women aside, you're demonstrating an astounding lack if reading comprehension. The statistic about the 40% or so virgins applies to millenials only. Furthermore, even if it did include other age cohorts, they would STILL not factor in your statistic since it obviously excludes women that have never been married. Also, there's no reason why the 5.5 average before marriage couldn't still happen even among those millenials, either because they simply adopted their older generation patterns, or because the remaining 60% or so who're sexually active just have more partners. In short, you're an idiot and you should dust off that statistics 101 book.
>Why this is important for hikkiNEETs waifuing pretend women who aren't real and will never breed, I'll never understand.
Small-dicked "men" with low sperm counts fear both comparisons and competition, so they revere female chastity.
While both of the things you mentioned undoubtedly happened, the point completely flew over your zoomer head, which was that there used to be a much tighter control over women's opportunities to engage in casual sex, both from her family and the community as a whole, hence, my point about laws being specifically targeted at women. Did extramarital affairs and bastard children (from a mother's extra marital affair)still existed? Of course. Were they common occurrences? There's no evidence or even much logical ways they were or could.
>a 100 years
Jesus Christ, your shortsightness and lack of his historical perspective is almost pitiable.
>The higher the number of different sexual partners before the marriage, the higher the divorce rate is for women
What about for men?
Not that user, but what do you mean by
“Adopting older generation patterns”?
It's nothing to do with small dicks or low sperm counts. Purity is prized by beta males who don't want their wives to be cucked by gigachads.
Placating beta males is important because they're a very resourceful group who will improve society if you give them loyal wives.
Or unlike cucks like you, they just want a non defiled woman.
The semen stays in their body and brains forever, you are literally defiling your son with other men's dna and sperm by getting a used woman.
Again, that there were specific laws against it is a good evidence that it was common enough to be seen as a problem.
And the 100 years was about that is was still possible despite written documents like birth certificates existing stating the truth. If you go further back in time you could pull it off even easier and in worst case just move to a new town telling them everything you wanted and they would have no chance of proving you wrong and could not expect you showing them proof for your tales either.
Also, not all sex results in pregnancies anyway and despite sex before marriage was totally morally not accepted it still happened quite a lot and shotgun-weddings were common, too.
Please stop giving the rest of us purityfags a bad name with your bro science.
Jesus christ stop projecting you moron. I don't want a defiled woman either. I am simply explaining the reason why societies value purity. Cultures have placed a high value in faithfulness and virginity since before people knew about DNA.
Every cell in the body is replaced every 7-10 years, so your logic is still flawed
Simply put, if this current generation will end up having the same 5.5 average partners as the previous one by the end of their reproduction cycle.
Why does his statistic exclude non married women? The blog he linked to was about both married and non married women as an aggregate. Probably a brainlet tier question but whatever.
Do you think it’s really possible for someone who was a virgin until their 20s to rack up a partner count of 5 ? I think your conjecture about the sexually experience Nips inflating the number is more likely.
Why do retards apply 3D logic to 2D characters?
Hell yeah, another blogging thread? Badass.
mainly bad, not much ass
Yeah, I glossed over a lot of shit. I didn’t even notice that his post specified “millennials ” and not nip women as an aggregate. Also, the blog I linked to includes both married and non married women. Don’t know where you got the idea that it excludes non married Nip women.
Expect any thread on Yea Forums to go off rails when virginity is in the title. You’ll get the roasties and purityfags sperging it out every single time.
2D characters don’t exist in a vacuum. They’re based off actual humans.
I don't get why her wageslaving with her cunt, mouth and fingers is fundamentally different from me wageslaving with my fingers in IT, but whatever.
Well, you both touch filthy things for sure (damn those keyboards)
Only betafags and incels put pussy on a pedestal. Explains Japan's declining birth rate.
I'm both and I don't.
There's a spectrum between "literal prostitute" and "must not have ever so much as looked at another man or she's ruined forever".
Why are you putting your roastie garbage into 2D? kill yourself and go fuck sluts if you love them so much.
Mansluts and roastielovers also get the rope.
Don't get married. Problem solved.
Nips don’t like used goods in general, whether they’re prostitutes or not.
Pity interest rates are at an all time low.
I wonder what the correlation between purityfags and kissless virgins is.
How do you respond?
Same but to a lesser extent
Falcon punch
It's the only way to be sure
Depends on your culture really. Purityfags from conservative cultures can probably get their ideal partner if they hold themselves to the same standard and aren’t hypocrites.
This is an idiotic reasoning if I've ever seen one.
If the guy is yet to fuck her, just do the pregnancy test.
If it's after the deed, then DNA tests are the thing(unless she also fucked your twin brother).
Pretty sure "beta males" are plenty placated these days with media. Between video games, movies, tv and anime you've got plenty of opportunity to squeeze money from single men.
are we allowed to talk about a certain tribe poisoning the well of civilization here?
>Implying I would even let her carry the baby to term.
>can probably get their ideal partner
No one can get their ideal partner. Ideal partners don't exist outside of fiction.
They can't do any of that they're stranded on a deserted island in the Pacific.
married men make more money and show more effort than unmarried men. Going home from your part-time job every day to buy pizza and fund the figurine/fumo industry isn't keeping the engine of commerce going and isn't really providing sufficient welfare for all the single mothers and jobless NEETs.
This reminds me of the Magdalene Laundries.
Then just wait for a few months. Blowjob and anal will do.
There's no such thing as a perfect soulmate, but real relationships can and do work. They just take effort rather than cosmic coincidence.
Why would women inflate the number when chastity is so highly valued in women? If anything that would be an unreported value.
There's a lot of space between "being pure" and "being a prostitute".
Also while I'd accept her having had prior partners, it's definitely not a plus and I don't want to hear about it. She wouldn't be happy if I told her about my ex's massive knockers, either.
Dang boy you reeled in alot of faggots with that bait, I'm impressed.
Ideal doesn’t have to mean perfect. Just not have flaws aggravating enough to breed dissent and antipathy.
A cuickold enjoys fucking a woman who had been dicked. Purity is all about a woman being your fucking property to the absolute level.
Y-yeah, the guy who’s fucking my wife is the loser, because I was with her f-first.
Take that Chad! I’m the one cucking you! I-I’m the winner here!
>the fox slut has more plot points than Lefiya
>the fox slut wasn’t even a slut
Do you have some research on that?
This. People will never be perfect, but they can at least make an effort to be the best they can realistically be.
Imagine defending used goods lmao
Sounds like more of a perspective issue. If yo're gonna drive one car for the rest of your life of course it's gonna be your ideal car.
i bet you eat pussy
>Ideal doesn’t have to mean perfect.
It literally does. Hence why user said ideal partners don't exist.
If the chad is raising your kid, you're cucking him if you use the cuckoo bird definition. Netorare is less ambiguous.
Chad isn’t getting cucked. Only a retard who commits to her will. Chad will pump and dump her as he always does with women.
roastie spotted
It was always "a problem" because until very recently males had no reliable way of knowing if the offspring they were investing their resources on was actually theirs. That's not necessarily an indicative of how common it was for males to unknowingly taking care of anothet man's children. For example, Scandinavian cultures had both very strict laws against cheating women, and very close vigilance of their women's virginity until marriage. By contrast, there's an African tribe where up to 15% of a woman's children weren't their husband's, and they have no specific laws against that behavior.
Not wanting an oversexed woman for a permanent partner is instinctive in men for a wide variety of reasons, social, cultural, and medical. No amount of conditioning or social shaming will ever change this. You'd have to rewire the human brain and fight millions of years of evolution. Sorry, emcels.
I meant more along the lines of ideal for you . My phrasing left quite a bit to be desired, I suppose.
people in here are projecting like fuck though. the slut worshipers were never in a position to choose so they don't understand that someone might actually reject a woman for having had too many prior partners, since rejecting any woman at all is an alien concept to them
If I’m going to commit myself monogamously to one woman to the rest of my life, it only stands to reason that I desire the exclusivity of being her first. I’m merely holding her to the same expectations that I hold myself to.
>muh honor
Lol get a load of this future divorce victim
It is fine for a man to be a slut but bad if a woman is one end of fucking story.
Say chad raises your kid but takes away the beautiful woman you love and has 5 more kids with her. Who gets cucked? Both?
Ideal for you would imply best possible outcome within preexisting constraints. Yeah I can agree that's possible.
Makes me wonder why do roasties like come here
another case off
>I want this media to cater to me even though I don't consume it
Because the millenials with a 40% and up being virgins have yet to marry. They count within the general population aggregate, but they don't count by definition when the qualifier "before marriage" is taken into account.
low reach
Meanwhile, in reality
>mental illness, poverty, and unhappiness highly correlated with sexual partner counter
Women basically can't pair bond after a certain amount of dicks. Protip: social norms don't come out of the ether, they are reflections of evolutionary and biological forces.
There’s enough strawmen in your argument to shove up your ass and come out at the other end.
>Muh honor
Where did I mention that my desire for a chaste partner had anything to do with my honor? I’m merely abstaining from being a hypocrite.
>Implying I’m retarded enough to get married
This was just a hypothetical scenario,dumbass. I’m not retarded enough to actually get raked over the coals.
chad will never raise another mans kid. raising another mans kid is the literal definition of cuckold
>I’m merely abstaining from being a hypocrite.
Yes caring about hypocrisy is honorfag behavior, women are not men treat men with decency backstab women all the time.
>Women basically can't pair bond after a certain amount of dicks.
Men can't pair bond at all.
Still doesn't exist. If you want a real relationship you'll have to accept that the idealized image of your partner you created in your head while falling in love isn't how your partner actually is, and that difference will always be there between your ideal partner and your actual one. If you want a long-lasting relationship you'll have to accept that, and hence can't get your ideal partner.
Good god, women are disgusting. Glad I'm a faggot.
>raising another mans kid is the literal definition of cuckold
This place is brain poison, you get people so entrenched in the way things are used around here they start seriously believing stuff like this
You don’t seem to understand what a Chad is. They literally can’t commit. Your hypothetical scenario of him becoming a loving, caring dad is a pipe dream. But realism aside, he would be be the literal definition of a cuck if he does that. He’s raising another man’s child.
Men are the reason the concept of romance is a thing you stupid roastie.
While true, I'm more commenting on those who think men can be "shamed" into taking in and supporting some woman who has had hundreds of partners. It's not really possible because men not wanting such women for permanent partners isn't a social custom. It's an animalistic default hardwired into our DNA. Trying to pressure men into committing to a hypergamous female is the real social construct, because it requires organized social shaming. And assuming a man does commit to such a relationship, they will inwardly hate themselves and the woman for the knowledge of what she is. Even if they don't admit it.
Same reasons why men don't "wife" single moms in their mid-30s. It's not social taste. It's instinct saying "She's not fertile and you're going to waste your time and resources raising bastards."
Not to otakus. If girl even talks about liking boys that isn't main guy, hell will broke loose.
Considering it's overwhelmingly men who actually kill others or themselves after said bonds are broken, I'd say you are full of shit. The greatest story in human history is about Achilles grieving for Patroclus.
In practice? I think it's very likely those particular 44% will have a lower number of partners when considered alone in follow up statistic, but the rest of the sexually active cohort could skew the average.
>OP posts a clearly bait image
>all the fucking retarded crossboarders start to answer seriously and blogpost
no wonder the inlfux of twitter screencaps lately the subhumans actually believe they belong here
Biologically speaking, raising another man’s progeny is cuckoldry. Facts are not brain poison.
>Why are you putting your roastie garbage into 2D?
Because not everything must be escapism for you.
Prime example of the average human male, right?
Imagine getting mad over fictional female not being virgin.
you sound like a gay man with STDs
Makes more wonder why there can't be both? Does every japanese related to have same shit every time?
Again, mythology doesn't come out of the ether, it's reflective of human life. You'd have to be really stupid to only be able to take things at their most literal interpretation.
>go fuck sluts
He can't. As most incels who rabidly defend sluts while hoping to get a pity fuck that never comes.
Yeah that’s not a thing, you just heard it here. Find me the dictionary that defines it that way, maybe I’m wrong, but I’ve never seen the term used that way outside of here and related communities.
False, I merely take delight in the uncouth and vulgar and hate pretentious facades
You could still have absolute dealbreakers though. If a person wants to marry a virgin , that’s their prerogative. Obviously, they’re going to have to put up with the rest of the flaws that their partner has but they don’t have to accept the most cardinal one.
This always have been case here. Though i would argue that there was not a lot of purityfaggotry as it is nowadays.
>the same story is about a woman who cheats on her husband who in turn wages a war to get her back
user, I...
Anime’s got tons of sluts so I dunno what you’re on about
not anime or manga discussion retarded faggots
>t. someone who doesn't have a meaningful relationship with a human outside your immediate family
Jannies, nuke this thread please. It’s beyond redemption.
why are dna tests not permissible in court or even illegal in some places
Used-goods fetish is a chad fetish. It is easy to be the best romantic/sexual partner a woman has ever had if you're the only partner. It's far more rewarding to have a woman who has experienced other men (willingly or not) consider you the best of all of them.
That, and purification is a patrician fetish. You are literally taking a polluted river and turning it into a pristine waterway. This is why used-goods fags must exist in harmony with purity-fags, as someone needs to waifu the sluts and turn them into loyal monogamous women.
Then you’re lying ‘’’’oldfag””
You can’t turn a hoe into a housewife.
Because if most men can refuse to pay to raise other men's children, welfare costs will rise astronomically.
Sure, having too high expectations is one of the reasons so many relationships fail these days.
>marry a virgin
>turns out they don't like sex
Well best of luck next life I guess.
In evolutionary biology, the term cuckold is also applied to males who are unwittingly investing parental effort in offspring that are not genetically their own.
You don’t have to marry her as a virgin. Just make sure she’s one before getting into a relationship with her.
>find the woman of your dreams
>she's a virgin and gives you her first
>breaks up with you because reason
>she finds someone else and lives happily ever with him and starts a family
Doesn't matter if she leaves me because I fucked her first right?
That depends on the guy she’s marrying. If he’s fine with getting used goods, then it’s all good I guess.
I don't think I want to fuck the women my age who are still virgins. Something is clearly very wrong with them.
At least he'll be getting some action
You don’t have to date women your age. They are plenty of 18-20 year olds around and it wouldn’t be weird for them to be virgins.
because its important and if you don't think its important you're just a coward who can't commit to one person
Sure smells like /reddit9k/ in here
Different user, but it really would be weird if they'd date someone like me.
I don't think I'd like to date someone from that age bracket. Wouldn't have too much in common.
Spoken like a true virgin
If you only care about sex and not marrying them, sure. Dating someone considerably younger than you is not gonna end well for you because there's always gonna be a better looking younger man who is healthy and doesn't browse Yea Forums or watch anime.
Source me, baby
Nice buzzwords. Now fuck off.
I’m not interested in unpaid babysitting
Literally the second line of the Wikipedia page on cuckoldry.
Afraid of being called out?
Not anime or manga discussion crossboarders
I mean doesn't it come from the cuckoo? Makes sense.
If you’re a basement dwelling neckbeard, then all bets are off obviously. But reasonably attractive dudes (literally nobody on Yea Forums) can do so.
You wish. /r9k/ is normalfag central now though. You might want to get with the times,gramps.
Sex isn't that good that its worth putting up a an 18-20 year old. Unless you're that age yourself. Even then its gonna be rough.
I’m talking for marriage or at least a LTR with the intention of marrying one day. Obviously, it doesn’t matter who you want to casually fuck but things are different when it comes to vetting out relationship material partners.
It wouldn’t be unusual for them to still be virgins or have like 1 partner in the follow up statistic, I guess. But the sexually actively ones will continue to rack up notches and increase the average.
Make up your mind retard, no it’s about their personality? kek roastiecucks everyone.
Some men see women who sleep around as repulsive. It’s a visceral and natural reaction.
Purity-fags are not a new breed, they’ve been around for most of human history.
Most married couples have sex once or twice a month even if they’re with chads.
You love sluts in fiction yet hate them irl, that’s hypocrity retard.
Go out and fuck some sluts since you like them filled with semen.
Why haven’t you married some used goods woman yet then? you gotta compromise right? who cares if she fucked dozens of men and niggers?
You aren’t a hypocrite are you?
isnt she a virgin
literally me
What did she mean by this
Incels get nothing, so at least in their dreams they want to get a perfection.
Muh incel boogeyman.
Calling a spade a spade.
Generalizing isn’t a very honest way of presenting your opinion but I digress.
>a perfection
Of course, it’s an ESL roastie. Poetic.
Still better than EOP incel.
Ever been to a rural are in your life? I work in healtcare, and it's very easy to find women and men with a single partner in their entire lives, even in relatively developed areas as long as they come from conservative or relatively tightknit communities.
I speak three languages, dumbass.
I know this is the only insult you can spew from your NPC ass but you’ve got to realize that it doesn’t really work when I have a girlfriend. Not that I expect you to be able to wrap your mind around that with your feeble reading comprehension.
But i am not. Yea Forums made fun of otakus when that whole Kannagi thing.
Well, you can bring your pure and innocent girlfriend here to show us how the chads operate. Or better just stop acting like an incel, that's way easier to do.
What about women? Is there women whose dealbreaker is that man had a lot partners.
If purity is so important then why are MILFS the best kind of women?
I hate this stupid fucking show.
Oh Neat, Season 2. Maybe I'll get to see more dungeoneering .Maybe I'll get to see more world building. Maybe I'll learn more about the gods and their blessings and how the game mechanics are interpreted in this setting.
>ugly woman bad XDDD
>he is uncomfortable around prostitutes get it XDDD
>Male character better SAVE THIS FEMALE HE JUST MET
Oppai loli a fucking shit, and her show is fucking shit.
I’m not acting like an “incel” though. The term has lost all meaning since you retards decided to use it as an catch all insult to describe everything under the sun.
Just like beta, cuck, tranny, roastie and the rest of the incel lingo. Better not shitpost in such a style at all, but if the thread is already swarming with the said terms, then throwing in a few more will not make it any worse.
While roastie was fun to co-opt and is a bona fide incel term, tranny and beta are not part of the incel lexicon. Tranny is a /pol term while beta is a TRP term.
If she wants true love and marriage, but the man had several divorces or gets a new girlfriend every month, then it would be a red flag. If she isn't as serious, but knows that he can't live without fucking cheap whores every day, then she will reconsider too, if only for the STD danger.
My mind is made up. I just wanted to hear what other people had to say on it.
>W-why doesn’t japan like used goods?
Fuck off whore.
If I was intent on marrying someone I'd probably pick someone who's as old as or older than me so they'd be settled. Couldn't see that working with someone that young who's still in college. That's just me though.