What the fuck did I just witness?
What the fuck did I just witness?
pseudo intellectualism on deep meanings
Shinji choking a bitch.
The Illuminati using ancient alien technology to transform mankind into a gestalt consciousness, with two people choosing not to join in, because reasons. Pretty straightforward really.
Oh thanks I get it now
the best love story of all time
I got everything up until the last scene, so that right half of the image was unironically helpful
Reminder you did not just finish Eva/EoE
WA2 is a better romance story than this by miles, you best be joking.
actually yeah. my other favorite show just finished it's final season, so I have nothing holding me back from full weebshittery
Pretty much.
It kills me that Netflix zoomers started calling it "fanta".
>pseudo intellectualism on deep meanings
two kids doing kinky foreplay
Anno is pretty open about being a fanboy of older mecha anime.
ultraman too
but yeah anno hates his own medium because well he made it worse.
Anno loves BL manga and tokushit, but he isn't so much of a fan of the things that are popular now (RomCom, CGDCT/SoL, etc) because he's old.
Anno's wife does an autobiographical manga about being married and half the jokes are about how her husband is a giant Otaku
Some extra things:
- Anno wanted to create more Otaku from EVA (source: wikipedia)
- There's plenty of Jungian and Freudian psychology involved (Jordan Peterson would be proud)
- Anno hates Otaku and wanted to get them to stop being useless
Favorite/most fucked moment for you brehs?
Anno doesn't mind fujo and shoujo otaku, though.
So I could swear EVA had a scene with Shinji and Asuka holding hands that was directly traced from Nadia the secret of Blue Water but I'm too lazy to rewatch the show does that ring a bell to anybody.
Most fucked up moment was Shinji being a bitch, leading to Asuka nearly dying (or did she actually die, and come back?)
I also enjoyed nip Asuka VA trying to speak German to her mother on the phone.
It sounded like she said
Auh wieherhehen
the absolute worst beach episode of all time.
Why doesn't Makoto just use her Byakugan?
fucking netflix va need to be shot for their shitty performance.
Absolute tryhard garbage. To this day, Yea Forums fellates this trash and its paper-thin characters. There's some cool battles but that's it. It was just the first 'deep' anime they watched as kids so nothing can surpass it in their eyes.
user, I watched it this weekend, and I am 27.
I really enjoyed it.
I watched Ghost in the Shell for my first anime.
he still hates his own base.
Rewatch it until you understand it
What the fuck ?
no one here is denying that
Fanta also has a long and distinguished past
Ehh it's more like he hates how obsessive they are while recognizing that he's one of them and wishing they'd all (including him) grow up.
It's kinda like How all of us feel about this site
Because fujos are cute and his own wife is a fujo
can you post some anime that are actually deep and meaningful in your opinion?
because you sound like the kid who regards the DBZ series as the greatest thing ever since filtered water
"People" like that retard don't think in terms of meaning. They think that intellectualism is something to be ridiculed so that we can all living in half-witticism forever.
well thats the problem, when they're consuming medium, they want to be brain dead as much as possible, the sad states of these drones
She died and then got tanged and came back
We're not drones user ur just dumb like us and stop pretending to b smart :^) ur dumb haha
lol cope
Stay calm and read Re-Take.
Growing attached to these characters throughout the show and then watching them effectively 'end' in this movie. In fact this movie really did apply the finality to everything.
This cover is also pretty cool too.
fucking garbage, even as a doujin.
hit me with the "seething" haha don't ever feel emotions durrrrrr join us user duhhhhh
oh you pretended to not know what i'm talking about haha ur crazy user haha go stupid haha
call the mods haaha please jesus christ get the smart kids off of me oh god lol haha where are my friends
retake is middling at best and deeply flawed overall, and i'm a card-carrying lasfag
>people jerking each other off over their shallow """intellectualism""" on an anime image board
You really are the most insufferable fanbase
oh please do tell me about your fanbase
>Starts with a good premise
>Drops the ball after the first half
I was really hoping Shinji would become the antagonist.
yes haha we're so undesirable oh god we're the degenerates aren't we duhhhhhh god it feels so good to just be stupid hahaha durrrrrrrrrr man are there any slices of life to watch latley? haha i love consuming anime just so i can share my opinion about fake people haha shows shouldn't have meaning that's for nerds
how can i express my opinion of rebuild being better than the original show and EoE without sounding like a contrarian or a retard
you cant, if you feel that the rebuilds are better than the original and EoE then you missed the entire point of the series
>What the fuck did I just witness?
Shinji thinks he may be still in instrumentality, but when she finally strokes his cheek and gives him some much needed affection for the first time, he breaks down in tears and realises it's real.
maybe you should explain why you think rebuild is better first
the original series is important for establishing some context and tone but i like how the rebuilds branched out more
if i ONLY watched the rebuilds i'm sure i'd find them hollow but i can't help but be intrigued by the direction things are going
>how can i express my opinion of rebuild being better than the original show and EoE without sounding like a contrarian or a retard
You can't, honestly. I'd like to see you try though.
i don't have any nostalgia for the original series
the rebuilds are pointless the story were already concluded, I know how it began and ended, why do people watched the repacked and rehashed version of the series is beyond me
>some context
what other context do you need? Anno doesnt want to go full exposition on the series because its not a western sci-fi
not him, but the original had shinji more unlikable imho. I feel rebuild they gave shinji slightly more redeeming qualities.
ussually its the eastern stories I see more exposition than the west.
"hurr durr I herd of dis animey called neon genesis evangelion, I wanna watch it but its supper dip and very archaic so Im just gonna watch the cool, new, hip version because im an absolute fucking zoomer lol xD"
for realsies? maybe because they did it right, instead of outright spoon feeding
>the rebuilds are pointless the story were already concluded, I know how it began and ended, why do people watched the repacked and rehashed version of the series is beyond me
Wasn't this the purpose of 3.33? Breaking the narrative path that the first two followed.
the story ended with EoE, what more do you niggers want? explanation? context? where do shinji and asuka go from here on out?
do you want everything spoonfed to you?
eh, some of it was out right spoon fed. I mean rebuild did that in their first movie.
other times you hear an internal monologue how something works.
both east and west has its moments and others dont.
i don't think what i said got through properly and have no real other way to word it, but it's a different story, is it not? it starts with the same foundation, excludes some things for time constraints, then later goes in a different direction. i like that. the excluded bits of the shared canon are the context i'm talking about. watching the original series as an appetizer makes you well versed on the psychological aspect. it isn't necessary to include any more if you go into it with that mindset.
i think the events and world rebuild has depicted are better, and the execution is stellar.
NGE is as clear cut to the point as any "cryptic" or "psychological" anime can get. i find myself more confused by whatever the fuck is happening in 3.33, but that's interesting to me.
the absolute fucking zoomer, just flexing here
oh hey, did you already had your daily dose of "boku no hero shield" or whatever the fuck that fag shit is? feels like you missed it, why dont you have a sip
sorry, i don't understand anything you just said
>different story, starts with the same foundation
my point and problem exactly, the rebuilds are perfectly catered towards cumbrains like you
you dont need to, Im a grAyy, operating at a higher capacity
why are you calling me buzzwords? it's not that i'm dissatisfied with the original canon timeline or ending, i just find this "what if" story to have more potential.
what fucking potential?
the rebuilds were made because Gainax saw the POTENTIAL to milk it, and milked they did, until parting ways with Anno
and unsuspecting drones like you, were taken for a ride "hurr durr whooooo wat if they have spaceships en shieet, wat if asuka was a pirate en shieet, wat if misato had a haircut en shieet"
prolonging the series needlessly, riding on the legacy of the original, booring and uninspired work on these "rebuilds", and cunts like you are not helping
Cute Homura
I bet he doesn't hate the money it makes him on royalties...
I'd sellout to a razer company if it meant living the high life. Anybody know what his house looks like?
convoluted shit about basic "just b urself xD" crap
The greatest anime related project ever. What questions do you have?