He or her?
He or her?
xer, you fucking bigot
Pitou is 100% male
It's him.
Don't let the pitouposters tell you otherwise.
Hunterchads settled this years ago.
Togashi drew her as the Virgin Mary and gave her mother like attributes during the palace invasion, literally likening her to " a mother protecting their child".
Pitou has a female body (bosom, hips, female face). it cna't be compared to trap character who are either too young to have distinct female traits such as bosom.
Even chimera ant's hatsu are linked to their familiar things, it's how hatsu works. Ex-NGL soldiers have firearms hatsu (Ikalgo, Brovada, Welfin).
Pitou's doctor blythe is linked to blythe dolls. Pitou played with Blythe Dolls as a human which are toys for girls, and terpsichora is the greek muse of dance, pitou even says "dance "while activating terpsichora. Those hatsu hints a lot on Pitou's human background.
As proven with kite being female, it's their body which determine their sex (Kite has the ginger girl's body), therefore Pitou is female since she comes from a female human (and female cat)
>but muh Togashi trannies!!
Togashi always puts up neon signs when a character is a tranny, like Miyuki or Alluka's case. But Pitou got none of that, so she's just like any other actual girl character in the series. There's no precedent within Togashi's work of any given character having inexplicable tits yet still being male.
Can't you see that huge bulge?
Her because I like cute boys so if she was a boy I'd be more sad about her fate.
Well, I always seen pitou as female so...
Well ... I'm turned on by dick-girls. So I'm just going to regard your opinion.
As just that ... an opnion by a man or woman of inferior class and taste.
Her, but I'll jerk off to the he porn because dicks > vag.
Physically genderless, described as a mother cat in her past life. There's not really any ambiguity to it at all.
there's no porn of pitou with a cock though unfortunately
When in doubt, it's always a he. There's no reason to dance around it otherwise.
Do the tits not make it obvious enough? This debate shouldn't even exist
mai waifu
genderless worker ant
The tits are much more pronounced in the anime, we're talking about the manga here, Pitou's chest is flat in the manga and uses male pronouns, but Pitou is probably genderless just like all Chimera ants who serve in a hierarchy led by a Queen or King.
Real PitouChads know it doesnt matter.
Pitou has breasts in the manga
All ants are female except for the drones, whose only function is to fuck the queen and reproduce.
Male with moobs from high estro
Female, King is just a title to Chimera Ants that can induce mutations on others, as we see with the THICC scorpion lady.
Think about it, we only ever see the one queen, and her job was to make a king.
Most likely genderless, as in lacking any sexual organs. Pitou was a royal guard and was not biologically made for reproduction. The breasts are probably from the human she was reborn from who was female.
>BuT tHaTs NoT a ReAl PrOnOuN
come at me /pol/
Awful post.
>He or her?
Would fuck anyway