If Berserk ends with Guts becoming a pacifist I swear I'll never read or watch a manga or anime ever again.
If Berserk ends with Guts becoming a pacifist I swear I'll never read or watch a manga or anime ever again
>Not a pacifist
What a bland life awaits you.
I really want Griffin to go down in history as a hero, and Guts as the terrorist who killed him and stood between humanity and paradise.
guts was raped so. both he and griffonman should die
Nigga this is a fantasy manga. We can enjoy as much fictional violence as we want doesn't mean I wanna shoot up a mall.
That's some Code Geass shit and has already be done. I want to be blown away.
Fuck Code Geass, Berserk started first and this is what NEEDS to happen. That pussy Miura better not give Guts a happy ending, he's on my shit list already for healing Casca.
Reminder that Guts could have saved so many lives if he just fucked Griffith.
this but unironically
kill yourself faggot
based and redpilled
>actually wanting casca to be a potato for eternity
what the hell you expected to happen
There is no other true path for Guts to go.
Griffith raping Casca and destroying Guts' life right before his eyes was all to affect the one thing Griffith really wanted to do towards Guts: to ensure that, from then on, Guts would have to acknowledge Griffith as the one who would always be above himself, that Guts would no longer be able to consider himself on any level an equal to someone who believes himself to be above fate.
Guts physically rebelling against Griffith accomplishes nothing - psychically Guts cannot overcome the influence Griffith has had over his life if he continues down the path of violence. His entire life has been spurred on by his hatred, which then transitioned to him finally finding purpose outside of being defined by his relationship of inferiority and hatred to Griffith.
Griffith, on a psychological, emotional, social, and historical level, has won. If he pursues Griffith now out of hatred and animosity, it will only destroy his very fragile life and psyche which has finally reached a sense of peace, and he will forever be known as the man who tried to destroy heaven.
The only thing Guts can do, as a human being, to truly surpass and finally take control of Griffith's control, as an alternative to the pacifist route, is to join Griffith and, at the crucial moment of finally destroying the seed of evil, the thread of fate, causality, steal the opportunity of proclaiming sovereignity over reality right from Griffith, and thus prove that even as a being beyond humanity, Griffith will always be inferior to the human Guts.
Funny meme, but i dont think Sex was that important to Griffith considering Guts spends three years with him and nothing happens, despite the fact that Griffith owns Guts more or less and Guts brings up the "defeat me and you can make me your warrior or fag boy" thing first. Thats a lot of blueballing.
Still waiting for the full frontal nudity of a specific character
well put.
Males can't "fuck" there is no human vulva there so sex is physiologically impossible.
g-g-good bye user.....
I still don't know what the fuck Miura is planning to close the gap between the godhand and guts, we know they're gonna have to be taken out but even with the berserker armor he can only kill apostles, and can't hurt beings that are essentially in the astral world. Does that mean Guts will stop being just some dude in the interstice and actually be a part of the Astral World too somehow?
well he is on magical fairy island i don't know user you figure it out
>not wanting Guts to cripple Griffith for all his immortal eternity, refusing to put him out of his misery
No, he's going to leave the island to avoid disturbing Casca more and help Skull Knight who will job again and die, but throw Guts his behelit sword. Guts will run away and escape somehow as he always manages to, but be hunted by both the demons from the brand and by Griffith's full spacetime-warping mighty army, so he'll get driven into a corner and somehow end up fusing his normal behelit with the sword or having it devour the sword to make a supersword that uses his giant dull sword as its base material.
That or something crazy will happen because no one's ever held a behelit knowing what it was for without using it for as long as Griffith has, and maybe it'll make him a special offer which he'll refuse and gain special causality powers for existing outside the greed/ambition paradigm of the Godhand.
But actually nothing of the sort will happen because Miura is a washed-up old pedophile now
Guts is only hunted by demons because of the brand. Griffith does not persecute him. Not by using his neo Band of the Hawk, nor the Midland army.
Reread the first sentence.
This is what happened in Vinland Saga.
which was my inspiration for this thread. i'm sick and tired of all these pacifist in my mangos. vash and kenshin were cool already we don't need anymore. it's the most boring and unrealistic route to take a story.
He'll either get a gay power up from the fairies or he simply won't fight the Godhand proper. Griffith handicapped himself by fucking Casca and his rebirth so he's probably weaker than any of the others. Killing him could end Fantasia or at least Falconia and stop another mass sacrifice, Godhand slip back into the shadows and wait for another chance in a few centuries or so. Unless he's changed his mind about what the Godhand are, they're probably not going to disappear as a concept when this is over.
>If Berserk ends
it feels halfway through and miura is 55 years old
it unironically never will end
Read the manga again. Guts made Griffith lose focus and he will do it again.
Nah Guts will just end up being SkullKnight via weird time manipulation due to GodHand fuckery.
I like your ideas user.
Miura is known for his illustrations not his story telling, Berserk's story is very predictable, here have the ending, screen cap it and post it in 2033 when we see it:
>Griffith and Charlotte public wedding
>Guts interrupts wedding with gang (just like Shrek)
>Fight ensues
>Griffith is cornered and has to reveal his demonic form to the world
>Charlotte and the world reject him
>demons starts killing everybody
>Griffith is called the hawk of darkness
>Griffith beat Guts
>Casca activates behelit
>Reverse eclipse starts
>4 spirits of the earth summon the dead band of the hawk
>Griffith is dragged and beaten by them
>He sees a forlorn image of Falconia
>The band drag him towards them
>Griffith is pinned down
>The spirits of the earth condemn him to the same fate of Casca
>Judea and Pipin pin him down
>Suddenly a hand grabs Griffith shoulder
>Guts, bleeding, wakes up and sees Griffith being held down
>And behind Griffith, grabbing him and ready to penetrate him is that man
>He blinks at Guts and thrusts his dick into Griffith
So Guts will go full potato too then?
Well lets hope it will be the next requiem
>Guts stays on the island
>Rickert becomes the new mc
user Guts will be dead by the end
>Donovan cucks guts of victory
Almost certain we'll get a Disney-esque scene of the band of the hawk dragging Griff into hell desu.
We will get time travel fuckery and the skull dude is actually from the future (probably Guts).
Ya sure. Miura's already moved on to a new series.
>if berserk ends
He's going to take the same path as Ken in Sun-Ken Rock, where he amasses gynormous forces only to hand them over to Griffith at the end in some sort of bullshit forgiveness arc.
You know it, I know it, everyone knows it will be this shit.
Pls no.
I'll just consider it non canon if it happens desu
Skull knight is king gaseric retard, while never flat out saying it, there was pretty much a giant neon sign over him near the end of the golden age that said "KING OF THE LAST CIVILIZATION"
It seemed that way in golden age but its almost certain now that its Guts.
Nah, I'm sure Miura will just pull a gurren lagann and have guts and the gang have a giant hype fight against Griffith in where a ton of cool dudes we know are killed off and guts has a final 1 on 1 with Griffith and wins. Afterward it timeskips and Guts ends up as Godo 2: Electric boogaloo. The final panel on the last chapter will be the Dragon slayer stuck in the ground on top of the hill of swords as the sun rises and highlights it.
But how? SK doesn't even fit Guts' motif? Like if SK was looked more wolf like i'd agree with you, but earlier on we saw the berserker armor change from being skeletal to looking like a wolf.
Read any of Miura's other manga and you'll know we're getting a Gainax "deep" ending
>Guts transcends human life by asceticism
>Meanwhile, class struggle intensify and Griffith's empire will more or less end with self annihilation
>vash and kenshin were cool already we don't need anymore
didn't vash admit pacifism wasn't practical at the end though?
If Berserk ends...
What's with the low quality berserk threads recently? Are these bait threads or has the fanbase become this stupid?
>55 is old
Nigger my dad is that age and the only thing that has changed about him in the last 10 years is his eyesight going to shit.
Shit dude, Leiji matsumoto is 81 and I'm pretty sure he's still working on shit.
Maybe lolicon is a more apt term
Doubt it. But if it does, then I blame the normies for eating it up and sucking miuras ass.
Vagabond & Vinland was ruined by this shit.
Gigantomakhia is a fun spin off, anyone else read it?
Quit sperging Eugene.
desu i think there's honestly nothing Guts can do to stop Griffith and it would be in poor taste for the manga to end with Guts killing Griffith or something
Vash still ended up sparing Knives after everything, ultimately holding on to his dream of saving both 'butterflies' and 'spiders'. He did come to terms that sometimes killing was necessary, because he killed Legato when left with absolutely no choice to save Milly and Meryl.
I too desire Schierke's tits
Holy shit, what if that's the actual ending? Guts somehow fucking up Femto's powers and reverting Griffith back to a cripple who's still immortal
This, Donovan was just having a tickle fight, Guts is very ticklish which is why he was upset
>ruined by pacifist Musashi
>based on a now 80 year old novel
I don't know how you can be this stupid and live
>Charlotte and the world reject him
Even the Apostles who are openly working for him?
I like the idea that people will still know who Shrek is in 2033
>When Berserk ends
>Never read or watch manga or anime again
Good for you, You will have time for your grandkids
Miura is too busy with lolishit to end Berserk properly
Not that I'd expect any ending that he could currently write to live up to the standards of the earlier manga
lmao you still read this?
what's going to take for you to understand that it's entirely possible for a manga author to completely lose his edge and skill
and I mean COMPLETELY lose it
Honestly this, I mean I wouldn't just drop a manga (curiosity and all that) but let's accept that the best endings Berserk could realistically get were already written in countless parts of the internet for the last 20 years.
Whatever Miura does next, he's already lost his skill and I don't doubt people have come up with better ways to wrap up the characters and story than he could possibly conceive today. There's probably posts on this very board with theories that are better than the real thing and it doesn't even surprise me.
Though shit like Griffith talking about education and funds and politics is something only Miura would have written into the story. It's still worth reading for little details like that only the author himself would do.
If this is basically what happens I'll film my suicide and have it released as a Netflix Original
what the fuck are you on about
Finally someone who isn't a fucking brainlet. Guts needs to destroy idea of evil if he ever intends to destroy Femto/Griffith.
He should’ve put her out of her internalized misery long ago.
There's no way that Guts doesn't die in battle but that isn't necessarily where things have to end.
>Guts dies to destroy Femto's incarnated form
>the Sea of Souls draws Guts in but his hand still clings to the Dragonslayer as it is now an astral object inseparable from him
>pulls a Skull Knight and cuts through reality, frees all the souls damned by the Godhand
>apostles are now hunted down by vengeful branded spirits each wielding pieces of the Dragonslayer
>epilogue has someone with a behelit lifting it to summon the Godhand, then a tall shadowy figure looms behind them
>vash and kenshin were cool already
That was decades ago and we still have more than enough protagonists that fight all the time
Stop being such a bitch.
>Reminder that Guts could have saved so many lives if he just fucked Griffith.
In Guts's own words, "Don't lump me together with you faggot ass-monsters."
he fucked Casca so he was able to get a physical body, but he didn't know she was already pregnant with Guts' kid. That's why he shares Moon boy's body. Quit being so damn edgy like a 5th grade English teacher
The ending i never knew i wanted.
oh shit
a man devotes himself being either a monk or he becomes mentally raped too.
read snk user, it's what you're looking for
I only hope it wont be a rushed ending. Just like how it goes with many mangas with good plots. Fucking helll
>Griffith and Guts fight
>Griffith, in one final act of faggotry, satisfied that he achieved his goal and with nothing left to do, allows for guts to kill him
>Griffith made arrangements for Guts to be the new ruler of Falconia after he dies
>Guts has to struggle with the urge to destroy this paradise that Griffith shit all over Casca/BoTH for or to let this new paradise thrive.
I would unironically want for this kino to happen.
Apostles usually revert to the forms they've had right before they used the behelit when their powers leave them. After Guts is through with him, Griffith will be back to his old powerless, tendonless, tongueless cripple self.
I would be alright with this.
If Skull Knight were written as time travel Guts, he would probably have taken Zodd's place in the golden age.
>routs the Band of the Hawk before they can fully establish themselves
>beats Griffith up and mocks his dream
>confronts Guts to make him realize Griffith's true nature and capacity for evil but is too down a hateboner path to make any sense
>wants Guts to do the deed so he waffles around until the Eclipse which by then he gets blocked by Zodd
>Guts would no longer be able to consider himself on any level an equal
NIGGA, GUTS never thought he was equal to Le Pretty boy.
that's why he left the hawks in the 1st place.
Guts had a pretty screwed up view of himself and wasn't particularly smart either. He put very little value on his own life initially and missed the part during which he surpassed Griffith in certain ways.
Breddy kino tbqh
Plenty of shit was changed throughout the story jackass.
yeah he was pretty much a stunted little boy
What's the best way of experiencing this series guys ? Do i start with the old anime or go straight to the manga ?
Read manga first, then watch the old anime to enjoy the Susumu Hirasawa's music and include it into your reading of the manga in the future. Ignore all the rest.
> Guts slices up Femto so hard he reverts back to his crippled self. Guts somehows buries Falconia back underground, leaving Griffith alone with his dream of being a king in a castle, only it’s now his hollow tomb for all eternity.
Maximum Kino
If Griffith impregnates Charlotte, would the child be Gut's grand daughter because Griffith is using the moon boy's body?
Biologically, yes.
I'm when he first gets the berserk armor in the manga and I'm starting to lose interest, it's starting to feel like a fucking shonen, should I drop it?
honestly yeah, if you are already feeling tired of it it wont get any better
wait until its finished
Hol' up. Is Berserk finally coming to an end? I've been out of the loop since Rickert confronted Griffith on the bridge.
I'm more concerned with how the rest of God Hand will be dealt with. If Griffith dies to Guts will God Hand just fuck off, or will they be dealt with first before Griffith can be dealt with.
first of all, how do you even harm those fuckers?
No but Casca is finally back!
I agree Thorfinn makes no sense but he killed civilians and Guts has been killing soulless monsters since after golden age arc so I don't know what him being a pacifist would look like he can't just stand around and do nothing.
Has anyone broken the news about the eclipse to her?
Read the manga while listening to Susumu Hirasawa. Then watch the 2016 anime if you're a masochist.
She knows and she’s not subtle about it. She’d probably break again if she sees Griffith again or if Guts makes a scary face.
I watched the anime first, and then went back and read the manga from start to finish. I really recommend doing it this way because the acting and music really sets the tone for the series as a whole and it makes you appreciate it a lot when you experience it again in the manga with all the additional material
Would be funny if this is how Berserk ends.
I would be okay with a funny ending over no ending.
That legitimately isn't going to happen. I've said it in these threads and I'll say it again.
Miura was inspired by the movie Flesh + Blood when he made Berserk, so I wouldn't be surprised if it ends in a similar way. It'll 99% be a bittersweet ending where at least Guts and Casca live but either the world is still fucked or the God Hand are still at large or some of their friends died.
Guts' fate will be like Hawkwood from Flesh + Blood. I guarantee it. Griffith will end up like Martin. If it doesn't end that way then it'll end like Ladyhawke (another inspiration behind Berserk). Either way there is no fucking way that Guts will ever become a pacifist.
Here's how I think the ending will go:
>Casca will regain her sanity slowly and surely but can't go to confront Griffith
>Skull Knight manipulates Guts into doing some shit because SK's intentions aren't as noble as we initially thought.
>Guts goes to confront Griffith, decapitates him MacDuff style, causing Griffith's kingdom to collapse
>SK offers Guts to join him in his hunt for the God Hand.
>Guts refuses because he's tired of being Skull Knight's pawn
>Leaves and goes with Casca to live alone in the Hill of Swords whilst the whole world is going to hell around them.
>Isidro is either branded or something else happens to him.
>Schierke probably dies.
>Farnese will be alive but branded.
>Serpico will be dead
How's that for a bittersweet ending?
i've been wondering about this for years. will guts have to take them out one by one? the rest of the gang can't possibly pose much of a threat against them.
>SK's intentions aren't as noble as we initially thought
I could have sworn that it was heavily implied, or even outright stated somewhere that Guts is nothing but a means to an end for the Skull Knight, and that Guts is at least somewhat aware of this. I don't think we were ever supposed to think that Skull Knight had noble intentions. I'd be more surprised if his cause is actually just.
Where can I read Berserk with high quality scans?
>implying Armin won't talk everything out with Marley
did miura forget about demon child? casca remembered everything except that + eclipse
Next chapter