Just finished the Read or Die OVA and have no idea what I watched. Can anyone redpill me on the setting and characters? I'm at a loss. Paper is cute though.
Just finished the Read or Die OVA and have no idea what I watched. Can anyone redpill me on the setting and characters...
Now watch the series.
I heard it wasn't great. Is it worth it?
Obviously it isn't as high quality as an OVA but it's still very good.
>Too brainlet to follow a 90 minute plot.
Only thing you could be excused for being confused about is what Nancy did. I had to watch the last scene again before that made sense.
But it's not that deep a story. Bad guys try to blow up the world. Governments are useless. Superhero underdog saves the day.
And yes, my wife is very cute.
OP here. I understood everything that happened in the OVA. Everything shown I understand, but the OVA doesn't have time to explain the setting. I'm asking for people who have experienced more than just the OVA to explain why/how there's superpowers, why the eigen are the main antagonist's evil plan of choice. It's clearly not important in the scope of the charming 3 episode OVA, but I'm curious.
There is no explanation. It just is. Not everything has to be spelled out and spoonfed to you. You can watch the TV series but you'll only be left with more questions. Accept it as it is and you'll be happier.
>ywn watch the RoD OVA OP for the first time ever again
>OP here
Who the fuck says that?
>Is there an explanation?
Good enough
Did you watch dub or sub?
Does it matter? This was translated in that brief rare window when dubs didn't totally suck.
And Yomiko's seiyuu was a normalfag who only acted in it to boost her modelling career.
Yes it matters, because I was gonna rec the dub if you said sub. Not as keen on TV series Yomiko tho, despite the British accent.
In the setting people who love something to the point of obsession develop superpowers based on their obsession. Yomiko flips out when people touch her glasses because they're a gift from Donny, who was her boyfriend and another person with extreme bibliophilia. The villains in the OVA are all clones of "great men" and therefore have powers based on what they were famous for.
Unlike other series where the anime is an adaptation, everything is part of the same continuity. The ROD OVA is a sequel to the Read or Die manga, and the ROD TV series is a sequel to the Read or Dream manga with references to the OVA in the latter half.
Also the Read or Die manga is pretty much a stock 90s/early 2000s seinen where Readman is nude every other chapter and the villains constantly try to rape her.
R.O.D. OVA is literally the anime that made me realize that trying to autistically explain the "rules" or abilities of a given universe is stupid and gets in the way of enjoying a nice little story. Shit just is because it's cool and fuck you that's why
I know what I'm reading tonight
Best girl. Shame she never showed up after the OVA.
she also has a nice pair of tits
For the best considering what happened to Joker.
I'd forgotten that accent. The window for tolerable dubs had closed between the OVA and TV series.
The thing is, the OVA is this weird kind of offshoot. The original Light Novels were about Yomiko protecting Nenene and investigating a Chinese crime syndicate. The Manga, which was adapted from the novels, that had a different plot that was followed up on with the OVA's. The TV Series combines elements and characters from the Light NOvels, Manga, and OVA into a giant clusterfuck of plot threads.
It's like four different alternate universes weaving in and out of each other.
>i was gonna rec the dub
kill yourself
It's one of those series where each format gets its own setting. At least it doesn't have two concurrent manga for different gender and age group or something. Don't bother reading too far into it.
I'm glad for you, user. That's the true way to enjoy fiction. If you see people bothered by big shows failing to tie up plot lines, or having trouble sensibly directing the characters to do something needed by the plot, it's because fictional settings cannot and should not provide too much detail. Trying to create something out of nothing is beyond the ability of humans. All we can do is dress whatever we're making in more layers. Rule of cool for the win.
The series with the pink haired tomboy loli is the best. Mostly because of that character, but still.
fuck off, the porn star line was good
what's miss deep's obsession?
She's a clone of Mata Hari. A courtesan who was also a spy and allegedly a double-agent.
So her obsession is sex and betrayal.
How that turns into being able to walk through walls is anyone's guess.
Should make a webm of this any year now.
Readman and Minene are the couple that awakened me to yuri.
I think there was a remake some years ago with purpe-haired Readman. What was it, an anime or a novel?
I kinda want a R.O.D anime based on Yomiko, Nenene and Wendy's adventure while fighting Chinese secret organization occasionally
Would Yomiko be better if she is less autistic and act more like a proper woman (like a sexy librarian with paper power) ?
>Can anyone redpill me
Are there actually people that exist who think that this word is a synonym for "explain"?
I loved watching that OVA back in the day.
napster was a godsend.
I was in love with Yomiko.
That was incredibly weird.
Why can't there be a revival anime of this?
no, is a boring mess
yomiko is my waifu and no one can ever take that away from me.
She has like three forms in Rehabilitation. Loli, slightly bigger and adult woman
I'd say R.O.D's OVA is an example of how to get away with not really explaining anything to an extreme detail.
>How do these guys have superpowers
they just do
>what about the clones
technology and they just do
>did that woman just make a giant paper airplane that can keep up with a jet propelled glider
shut up it's fun
>death symphony?
why not?
I do like series that have lots of stuff going on and lots of rules and abilities to keep track of, but it's so easy to do that wrong if writers can't keep their heads together. ROD will always be a series I watch fondly simply because this OVA from start to finish just devotes itself to telling a good story about two women and a very underpaid guy trying to save the world.
Cour 1 is great. Cour 2 is a trainwreck. Watch it until they introduce a familiar character from the OVA, then put it down and back away.
Decent but they basically gives too much focus on the worst character in the franchise