IMAGINE how much better every series would be if all the characters were like the platelets

IMAGINE how much better every series would be if all the characters were like the platelets

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Imagine all the people.

Imagine what?

Oh, I’m imagining something alright

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It better not be something lewd.

Of course not, they’re fucking children!


Nice imagination.



Is this another ironic lolicon thread?

You have to go back

Ironic lolicons do not belong on Yea Forums.

who would do such a thing?

>everything I don’t like is ironic
Kill yourself

And who are they?

>Kuro eying up Shiro.
Somebody is losing their virginity after work.

Not only are you retarded, nor do I owe you any proof, but there is literally no way to prove that

>3Dfag doesn’t realize he’s in the minority when it comes to lolicons on Yea Forums

Fuck lolis

But then they'd be microscopic

Imagine the tightness

>kuro gonna rape someone

Not if I rape her first


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She's delusional

Is this a micro dick meeting thread? Lol