What is that face trying to convey?
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Reminder that Zenitsu is worst character.
Too many dicks inside.
Why is she lusting over every single male?
Not true, she is lusting after women too.
she lusts after everyone
she wants a husband
Endgame right here, brothers.
>love hashira
also, have you seen the way she dresses?
The love pillar needs my lust pillar!
>Endgame right here, brothers.
Kill yourself fujoshit.
Kanao is worst character design
Fake and gay. Giyuu would never betray Sabito like this.
she has to poo
Yes, he ruins every single scene
15s of him on cheat mode don't compensate it, not even close
Oppressed amusement.
> Zenitsu
> Not the jobber pig
haha nice try nigger
Post lewds
She is desperate for a dicking
Do nips call the moonwalk the michael walk?
looks like she is breath of water 4th form: striking tide her underwear