>Local man ruins everything
Local man ruins everything
>tourist (almost) saves everything
>Local pretty boy gets fucked up the ass by his dad
Was there ever any specific sequence of actions Ichise could have taken to truly save his world? Or was it all fucked beyond saving from the beginning?
>Local prophet loses her head
I think thats the point that it was fucked beyond repair since the theonormals sent the rest down to lux
>Was there ever any specific sequence of actions Ichise could have taken to truly save his world?
Not interrupt and attack Yoshii as he was about to kill Onishi is the closest thing to that.
He didn't even do anything, except maybe stop yoshii, which would have had the same end result anyway. Most pointless MC.
>Local man has very funny baby legs
Wait was he really trying to save the world? I don't remember that. Or do you mean he almost saved the series because that was true