>Local man ruins everything
Local man ruins everything
>tourist (almost) saves everything
>Local pretty boy gets fucked up the ass by his dad
Was there ever any specific sequence of actions Ichise could have taken to truly save his world? Or was it all fucked beyond saving from the beginning?
>Local prophet loses her head
I think thats the point that it was fucked beyond repair since the theonormals sent the rest down to lux
>Was there ever any specific sequence of actions Ichise could have taken to truly save his world?
Not interrupt and attack Yoshii as he was about to kill Onishi is the closest thing to that.
He didn't even do anything, except maybe stop yoshii, which would have had the same end result anyway. Most pointless MC.
>Local man has very funny baby legs
Wait was he really trying to save the world? I don't remember that. Or do you mean he almost saved the series because that was true
He was trying to start shit to get humans jump started on actually fighting for survival again, or something.
Yeah, people like onishi contributed to the stagnation so something needed to be done. I guess thats why yoshii respected doc
what was the significance of that engineer guy that monologued at the beginning of one episode, talking about how the people's eyes changed or whatever and is killed near the end?
Did he just keep the infrastructure of Lux running? Because that's pretty much all I could glean, largely. Who was it who killed him?
He despised and intended to kill off the members of the Class, which would have at the very least prevented the events that took place after the blue-haired guy got to work.
I guess it was foreshadowing but i still dont get the part of "everyone's eyes lit up" anyone explain?
I watched texh in 2005 or so and I don't remember the plot at all, besides tiny snippets of events. I don't remember character motives or reasoning or anything. Time destroys all.
He kept the lights running, which kept everyone sane. When he died and the lights went out the people of Lux lost their minds. Been a while so I don't remember the specifics of his speech but I think he said that such a thing had happened once before, and that everyone's eyes were different when they got the lights on. Eyes seem to be somewhat important in the story (everyone comments on Ichise's eyes, for example) so I guess it was just to emphasize that.
But the Class didn't do anything except die, even Kano running around didn't cause them to do anything but sit around. They didn't even make any appearances until the Rakan guy ran in there to slaughter them all and then Kano's dude killed him after he killed all the rest of the Class and then himself. The Class were completely irrelevant.
rewtatchin texhnolyze knowing what happens is a trip especially the first few episodes
>Who was it who killed him?
Looked like the same assassin-type person that was killing members of the Organo. They have a unique design but no name, no thought is given to them, and no explanation, they're just an essentially faceless generic 'assassin'
reminder to not believe yoshiifags' lies
>(everyone comments on Ichise's eyes, for example)
If Texhnolyze was a normal "anime" anime Ichise's eyes would be edgy like this
Kano came from the Class. What I'm saying is that, if Yoshii was attacking the Class, Kano would have been a target as well.
Good thing it's not a normal anime and we can admire his sexy blue eyes, then.
So you mean, 'before he got to work'
If Kano is already executing his plans it's a little late to do anything about it, but it might be possible to kill him before then. I think there was a fairly decent timejump between killing Yoshii and when Kano started to really act.
Yoshii didnt come from the class. Yoy're getting them mixed up with the theonormals. The class rule over lux while the theonormals are the ones in the surface world
Why didn't Yoshii succumb to the despair that had happened on the surface?
Because he's motherfuckin yoshii
Because clearly not all humans were quitters, or the Theonormals had to keep shipping people underground because occasionally someone would show any signs of life, like Yoshii or that other train guy. Once they stop adding new people into the equation because they're either sterile or just stop breeding because they don't do anything they don't have to do that.
>local prophet gets raped by her brother
Reread that sentence, mate.
>So you mean, 'before he got to work'
I think you're misinterpreting my post.
>He despised and intended to kill off the members of the Class, which would have at the very least prevented the events that took place after the blue-haired guy got to work.
That is to say, if Yoshii killed the Class (Kano included), that would prevent the extermination of humans that was the consequence of Kano bringing his plans to fruition. That's what I'm saying.
Texhnolyze is an allegory for communism and gulags. The surface world is the communist paradise and all capitalists who desire conflict and competition in life are expelled to the underground gulags.
A subtle thing about the show is that there are no kids except ran which can lead to the conclusion that everyone is sterile. That could mean that without either texhnolyzation or kano's crazy robot idea humanity was fucked either way
Yeah, you're right, I was skipping over the 'prevented' bit. But yeah, Yoshii could have at least changed all that nonsense by killing the class, although who knows if the anarchy he created wouldn't have just jump started the complete collapse like happened anyway.
I'm pretty sure I saw a child in the background while Ichise was walking through the market once. I don't remember the episode though, I'll have a look now.
I don't know about kid kids, but Ichise and the Rakan guys aren't very old. If everyone is sterile it happened in very immediate history.
why the fuck did this show have to be so bleak
I just wanted the characters to be happy
It's a bit blurry but here we go, a mother with their child just before Ichise wrecks the guy that cut off his limbs.
IIRC, the Doctor says at some point that she hadn't tested herself for infertility because she was afraid of the results, as it was statistically likely that she was sterile. She came from the Class, so it's possible that it was a problem unique to them, though it's true there aren't any children to be seen. There are young characters like Ichise and Shinji, though, and the old man from the Mountain says a clairvoyant like Ran is born every generation, so I think it's unlikely that every single person in Lux was barren.
I guess your right. What i dont get is how did yoshii know about the class in the first place. He even said himself that he didnt know what his goal was until he spent some time in lux. Is the class common knowledge in lux and if not how did yoshii find out about them?
There's a kid right there dude
The doctor is sterile but the class are fucked up since Kano/Ran are the results of ridiculous inbreeding (and probably other fuckery since Kano says all three of the old class women are his 'mother')
He came from the surface, I assume he understands the basic structure of Lux given that the Class are who the Theonormals interface with, not the city randos.
>Kano/Ran are the results of ridiculous inbreeding
They weren't actually brother and sister, you know. Kano is speaking figuratively when he says that, and also insane.
Realistically, I'm pretty sure everyone except maybe the people in the city itself were probably ridiculously inbred. Not a whole lotta people shown down there in the Class or Gabe.
I suppose it depends on how many generations it's been since they were exiled there and on their population size, though it pales in comparison to whatever the hell was going on with Kano's family structure.
Bro Texhnolyze is just Pathologic but with less depth.
Most of what Kano does/says is not within the realm of conventional logic, the man was completely fucking out if it.
You don't need that many people for genetic diversity, I think it's maybe like 50-200 individuals to properly avoid it (over time of course, that initial number balloons out quickly) the problem with this show, especially among the class and gabe is that there's basically no women shown, which means that in addition to a population bottleneck due to reproduction rate, everyone would be descended from the same handful of women, which is far from ideal.
How do we know they don't just use genetic manipulation or test tube babies?
We don't, and the Class probably do, I don't imagine Gabe does though.
Anyone know what the people in the water who shinji shot were about?
No. Just great imagery and visual world-building for an esoteric society that we are intentionally only given small glimpses of.
It's possible they're just kept indoors, with how dangerous Lux seems to be.
Well the city has a fair number of women shown, at least initially, then they all magically vanish and nothing at all is said about that.
To be fair the show mostly focused on the fighting between the groups after the first few episodes, I don't think women would be getting involved in that.