>it's an Araya chapter Finally! >Chad's chadness has a hard ceiling he can't overcome Called it! The comparisons between constantly evolving Chiyoko/Yonagi and stagnant Ogami might pay off. And it's nice to see the supporting cast being thrown a bone. Yonagi family drama can wait a while. Also, is this the first time we haven't seen Yonagi for a whole chapter?
It could've happened in the Night of Galactic Railroad Arc, but I don't remember
Carson Carter
I started reading this manga a few days ago. I'm not up to date with it yet but I've really been enjoying it. I wasn't sure it'd be good when I started reading it because the premise seemed kind of strange, but Yonagi is actually a pretty great character to follow and it's the most interesting/entertaining current WSJ manga I've read other than Dr. Stone
Kevin Sanchez
Hanako, stop being sociopath.
Julian Wilson
Chiyoko, NO
Andrew Nguyen
Famous last words
Cooper Sanchez
don't worry Yonagi will save her with her chuuni powers
James Sanders
It's not that bad, they both got too cocky.
Austin Gomez
Everyone is setting up red flags.
Austin Wright
There he is, Akira noshow.
Logan Wilson
Thanks for the dump OP. Deathflag
Benjamin Ward
>Araya focus chapter
YES! Finally.
Christopher Cooper
I don't know, I feel like Yonagi is losing this one, but because Chad's inflated ego will pull everyone down.