I wish I had picked this up sooner.
Now I want to start lifting again.
Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru
You understand it's satire right?
I can't wait to see this shit end already. Dumb meme for twitter and /fit/ because 'le cute girls now webs are going to the gym!! XD"
holy shit what a pathetic excuse for a serie
It has some ugly character designs too.
Look at this fat
By this logic everybody who didn't watch this shit must be fat. Bad news for you, it doesn't work like that.
Shut up fat
great rebuttal, is that all your meme show taught you
Shut up fat
Eat less, fatso
LMAO fatties really heated today, what the Ice Cream truck had a flat tire?
OP of the season.
didn't mean to quote
I'll be blunt. The fact this shitty anime is advertising going to a fucking gym, it's the the dumbest shit in the world. Fucking normies are annoying. Gyms are shit and a waste of time money and a whole bunch of shit. You spend unnecessary time walking to a gym or driving to one and then walking home or driving home, wasting gas money and fucking the environment, lazy bitches, normies are fucking lazy . It even spreads around misinformation, "don't stretch before you exercise, it will decrease your performance and increase the likelihood for injury. Top fucking kek.
Good. It almost looked like an anime mocking people that lift made you want to start lifting.
you're very smart
Where you get your inspiration from doesn't matter.
Why did you stop in the first place?
I can try to make excuses, but really it all comes down to laziness.
Ironic how you dare to call something dumb when you can't even write a coherent sentence.
>it's advertising going to a gym
Its target audience are Japanese who tend to have very bad misconceptions about resistance training and gyms in general.
>waste of money
If you can't afford a gym membership then you should get your life sorted.
>waste time traveling
You can go to a gym that is on the way to your work.
>lazy bitches, normies are fucking lazy
Cool, what does this have to do with the anime?
No it does not, you are just a zoomzoom who did not pay attention. Static stretching before heavy resistance training is dangerous, because it can temporarily affect your flexibility and range of motion, throwing your movement patterns off, increasing the chance of an injury. The anime (correctly) advises to do some light dynamic stretches before working out.
>fucking the environment
But you just said
>walking or driving
How does walking fuck the environment?
Tbf, it had some misinformation with pull-ups or the "proteins 30 minutes after the training"
I wish I had Macho's body. It is too late for me though.
He had Arnold as a personal trainer when he was young after all.
I haven't seen the pull-up episode yet so I can't comment about that.
The dietary recommendations are inaccurate, but it's not straight up misinformation. There is a small benefit to taking protein within a 1-2 hour period before or after your workout.
Almost everybody walks in Japan since having a car is not necessary unless you live in the Japanese countryside.
Sad thing is it probably does work like that. As far as weebs go, the people who are watching this, even if to scoff at it, must have some interest in physical fitness. The ones who don't have that interest are probably fat or just plain out of shape.
How heavy are YOUR dumbbells, user?
I’d say the show’s dietary guidelines, and fitness lessons in general, lean more toward ‘tried and true practical methods that generally work for most people’, rather than ‘theoretically optimal methods according to current scientific literature ’. It isn’t a bad approach.
>i want to get fit I swear
>but i want to eat like a fucking pig regardless of consequences stop shaming me
Why do they wear the same pink outfit in the lessons? Ease of animating?
The environment is already fucked. You need to get buff to survive in the mad max wasteland that is to come or at least prepare your children for it.
Yes, that's it, ease of animating.
Pretty much every ep shows at least one exercise to do without equipment at home.
It's also attempts at inspiring to get your ass up the chair and to the gym. It's surprisingly prudent where it counts in the former.
Holy fuck you fat fucks really are never gonna make it. Go shit up one of the 20 HxH or SnK threads you whales.
nice pose!
Stupid fucking thing didnt post my image
Sensei is so hot
Post body, fatty.
So now that Karla have gone forever alone can she join the group of single ladies of Silverman Gym?
Akemi best girl.
>ronic how you dare to call something dumb when you can't even write a coherent sentence.
Im on fucking Yea Forums, as if I'd care about grammar as long as faggots understand, it's good enough. Dumbass.
> Its target audience are Japanese who tend to have very bad misconceptions about resistance training and gyms in general.
It still advertises going to a gym, end of story dumbass, stop trying to look for unnecessary nitpicks dipshit.
> If you can't afford a gym membership then you should get your life sorted.
If you think you need a gym to be healthy or muscular you need to reexamine your whole fucking brain.
> You can go to a gym that is on the way to your work.
No you don't need to. Stop being fucking lazy and just walk there, spreading around pollution.
> Yep, you're a fucking dumbass. Do you even know what static stretching is? Cause if you knew what it was, you'd realize it wouldn't impact your performance.
Let's break it down for your pea brained ass.
Static stretching: means a stretch is held in a challenging but comfortable position for a period of time, usually somewhere between 10 to 30 seconds.
Notice the term "challenging" in it? You NEVER begin your workout with a challenging exercise you dumb fuck. Static stretching is designed to be challenging and the thing is, moving over IMMEDIATELY to another exercise after you've challenged yourself in a previous one will OBVIOUSLY increase the likelihood for injury.
It's comparable to doing a 275 bench press for like 5 reps and then jumping straight to 300 pounds your max and then trying to do like 2 reps of it.
No shit you run the risk of being injured.
"Hurr durr, I do hard shit and then move on to more hard shit with no rest and I get injured, oh no."
Learn the basics first before you reply to me.
Good for them...
I don't care, you're a fucking idiot for going to a gym, literally every single exercise you do at a gym can be done at your fucking home, there's zero point to go. Fucking dumbasses.
I enjoyed the manga when it first started getting posted on /fit/. I never thought it would get made into an anime. I love the show for how hard it triggers people who don't exercise.
What "triggered" minority are you imaging in your head?
not him, but people who get butt blasted on a pakistani boat making forum? Both /fit/ and fat people are getting booty bothered over the adaptation and its hilarious
>you will never meet a nice 29 year old schoolteacher at the gym
>you will never try chatting Tachibana-sensei up and sharing exercise advice
>you will never tease her for hanging out with her students
>you will never get pulled aside by the weird Russian chick who's noticed you're making eyes at her sensei
>you will never discover that the nice fit schoolteacher also does erotic cosplay
>you will never buy some photos off the Russkie
>you will never use them to blackmail Tachibana-sensei
>you will never force her to do private photoshoots for you
>you will never blackmail her into sex
>you will never fuck Tachibana-sensei in the gym showers while her students wait for her outside, wondering what's taking so long
>you will never visit her and school and rail her over her desk during lunch hour in an empty classroom
>you will never make Tachibana-sensei your love puppet... and sell the photos to Zina
gina is the best thing to happen this season.
I wish I was born in Japan.
Even an about to retire salaryman in his 60s probably walks more than the average American because he can reach everything he wants by foot by just taking a train.
All the Japanese farming videos show all the farm owners in their 70s, happily working on their farm as well.
I don't need to be reborn in Japan but a rebirth into a farming family might be nice. I would like to choose which crop my family would raise though. No way would I want to be a rice farmer. That's like the most backbreaking work even with machines available today
For anime fans though who think more deeply, there is no gym comparable to Silver Gym in quality, sadly.
I would like a Protein Bar in my gym, too.
Also, in real life, you would be surprised that instead of weights focused gym like Silver Gym in the anime, economics and popularity have gyms buying more treadmills than weights and treadmills take up a lot of space and electricity so you can discover there are more cardio focused gyms around you for most people instead of I want to be an Olympic weightlifter someday Gym, simply due to money and popularity.
I'm not saying treadmills are bad but I can understand the mentality of people who say they go to the gym, just run on the treadmills, and then go home because weights are not for amateurs since proper form is key when lifting while running and walking is something you have been doing since you were born.
Also, treadmills are ideal for people who get off work but don't want to run around at night and prefer running inside an air conditioned gym instead.
There are regional differences as well. I noticed gyms near beaches are more weights focused rather than treadmill cardio focused because those gyms have to compete with running at the local beach instead and there are a lot of local muscle competitions in beach communities.
Kill me now
Some stretch exercises are bad for you retard, try doing dynamic stretching then work out hard and see what happens to you.
Oh look a bitch who doesn't read the thread for context. Here's some copy and paste dumbass.
Let's break it down for your pea brained ass.
Static stretching: means a stretch is held in a challenging but comfortable position for a period of time, usually somewhere between 10 to 30 seconds.
Notice the term "challenging" in it? You NEVER begin your workout with a challenging exercise you dumb fuck. Static stretching is designed to be challenging and the thing is, moving over IMMEDIATELY to another exercise after you've challenged yourself in a previous one will OBVIOUSLY increase the likelihood for injury.
It's comparable to doing a 275 bench press for like 5 reps and then jumping straight to 300 pounds your max and then trying to do like 2 reps of it.
No shit you run the risk of being injured.
"Hurr durr, I do hard shit and then move on to more hard shit with no rest and I get injured, oh no."
Learn the basics first before you reply to me.
That’s why the show showed you some good dynamic stretching that won’t impact your main exercise.
You dumb fuck no shit that wouldn't decrease their performance you dumb shitstain. They are barely even doing anything, top kek.
Any other exercise, even static stretching could have had the same effect ASSUMING your body can tolerate the stretching, you just don't max out on the difficulty of your stretch. Even then you COULD stretch before you do some weight lifting. Instead you stretch your legs but you do fucking curls as a main exercise. You aren't impacting your main exercise at all.
Stop fucking replying to me wasting my time with dumbass responses.
Eat clen tren hard, takes 1 year
Holy fuck how did i miss/forget this.
Lewd as fuck
disgusting fatbodies. no one will respect or love you in your current form
do some quick research on stretching before you post broscience, you monobrowed dope
I like hot girls and lifting weights. I really enjoy this show.
You do realize the show is actually filled with very accurate information and actual personal trainers have praised it?
Oh look a bitch who doesn't read the thread for context. Here's some copy and paste dumbass.
Let's break it down for your pea brained ass.
Static stretching: means a stretch is held in a challenging but comfortable position for a period of time, usually somewhere between 10 to 30 seconds.
Notice the term "challenging" in it? You NEVER begin your workout with a challenging exercise you dumb fuck. Static stretching is designed to be challenging and the thing is, moving over IMMEDIATELY to another exercise after you've challenged yourself in a previous one will OBVIOUSLY increase the likelihood for injury.
It's comparable to doing a 275 bench press for like 5 reps and then jumping straight to 300 pounds your max and then trying to do like 2 reps of it.
No shit you run the risk of being injured.
"Hurr durr, I do hard shit and then move on to more hard shit with no rest and I get injured, oh no."
Learn the basics first before you reply to me.
>local rec center is 2 blocks from my house
>Has really good weight room
>Just bought all new equipment
>Finally has bumper plates
>I can finally do Power Cleans
Feels good. They are also installing a rock climbing wall in the pool and I can't wait for it.
Never gonna make it.
Eat clen, tren hard, anaver give up, test your limits, Dbolish your haters, and always winn
Look at that premium meat
Machio better keep his shirt on if he wants to protect his chastity
>implying he knows whata personal trainer is or even touched a dumbbell in his life
Why can't we go back to the old days when there was no "fat shaming" and instead we just beat these fucking cows into coma's or accidental deaths?
what the fuck is Jason's problem?
dude's having fun with his life and gets to hang out with a bunch of nippon shoujo as well as hbanging with lonely old cakes
b was supposed to be spoilers
>ypw your gym's dumbells only go to 150 lbs
>Enter gym
>Tip the receptionist wench
>Oh no..not again
>Gym Dragon is hoarding all the dumbbells
>Gym Dwarves squatting through the platform
>Gym Rogue keeps stealing plates from my barbell between sets
>2 episodes left
Do you think we're getting a second season? How's it being received in nipponland?
>had a cheat weekend
i swear i'm gonna make it bros... tomorrow
Imagine the smell.
Never gonna make it like that. Sorry.
but really, Gym memebership is kinda expensive when you start out. Paying for equipment and extra fees cost above $100 at my local.
I think I'll just stick to those meme diet plan and public biking.
a year? that's a bargain
I don't know if people in this thread have health insurance or not but go to your health insurance website or google your health insurance company's name plus deals/promos. For example, google something like blue shield gym discounts/ gym promos/ discount programs.
Basically, your health insurance company sometimes have a promotion deal that may make gym membership much cheaper for you than directly buying a gym membership and this deal applies to all participating gyms in your area and not just a single gym. For example, googling Blue Shield leads me to:
>Fitness your way
>Get access to 10,000+ fitness centers nationwide for just $25 per month.
Of course, these promo offers by insurance companies differ depending on state but some insurance companies will even reimburse your gym fees like for example, Blue Shield California doesn't offer gym reimbursements but Blue Shield Massachusetts offers gym reimbursements.
tl;dr Check your health insurance company website for Gym Discounts/Gym Perks before joining any new gym in your area. You could end up saving a shitload of money by enrolling in a gym membership through your Health Insurance Company, instead.
These threads used to be comfy
I'm so glad my greek god-tier genetics allows me to maintain a healthy body with bare minimum effort and proper dieting.
post body
>wasting gas money and fucking the environment
Don't you have a bicycle? Takes care of warmup and gets you to the gym safely.
I wish I had godly genetics. I wish I could tell my ancestor to never leave the farm for the city.
I would be carrying multiple bales of hay right now in both arms without any problems.
You could just work-out/diet and bitch less too.
Whatever it takes, god damnit!
Thanks for sharing and good job user-kun.
No, that is for me and my SO alone.
Why don't you start now? Be that starting point in your gene pool for your future offspring. Be that legend.
I really want to join a gym or fitness center. There is only so much one can do at home with just a set of dumbbells. Thank you for the info yo!
did you just make up that last quote so you could have a win?
u seems upset, r u okay?
>tfw was always embarrassed going to gym
>going to college gym with friend now
>random guy gives me deadlift advice
im so fucking humiliated why am i weak and retarded
Just avoid deadlifts. You don't need deadlifts in your life. Some lifts just aren't worth the risk.
My fit friend said it's part of starting strength and I should do that.
your friend is a retard, the lifting equivalent of an antivaxxer
>deadlift is dangerous
Everything is if you do it wrong.
As comrade Petin always says;
Anyways, just do your best!
A newbie amateur /gym/ first time goer who admits he is weak and retarded and his friend tells him to start with deadlifts right off the bat?
I think you should get a second opinion and not just do everything your friend says because your body and your friend's body is completely different so you should have at least some awareness and common sense to know when something is a bad idea.
nah man you gotta clean and jerk. 10 sets of 10 and you'll hit every muscle group enough you won't need any other lift.
ok retard, starting deadlifting doesn't mean you need to go back snapping weight from the start. first gym time is to establish your working weights, then you practice the movements for month, two months. You're able to quickly increase weight here because you're teaching your nervous system to be more efficient at the lifts, than building mass. The point is to grind out that correct form, not go ego lifting.
I usually jerk and then clean :^)
10x10 clean&jerks for the beginner, no coaching, nice.
You clearly have never lifted a weight in your life if you're shilling against deadlifts this hard.
Squats and deadlifts are the foundation of any strength program.
A beginner should do deadlifts to learn the proper form and progress. When you're an intermediate/advanced lifter you can decide not to focus on them very often but when you're a beginner you should follow proven programs.
As far as deadlifts being unsafe, that's retarded. They are technical movement, they require proper form. All the more reason to learn as a beginner. When you're starting out you're not going to be deadlifting much weight anyway, so your risk of injury is low. I've been training for like 3 years and started with the bar. Now i deadlift 405 for 3x5 and squat the same without issues.
as a beginner its better to get your form by doing something you can't possibly permanently damage your spine doing. Once you have basic form down by doing literally anything else, its a good exercise, sure, but for a weak retard like user he can start his strength in any other possible way
How do I know if I am deadlifting right? I can deadlift about ~50lb more than my bodyweight and my back is usually slightly sore the next day
Ye, let us see a dude benching 2 plates, squatting 3 plates to start deadlifting with empty bar like a beginner, not gonna happen buddy.
>beginner damaging his back with empty bar
are you ok retard?
>lmao i squat 5 pl8
sure thing, flex on Yea Forums
>deadlift 405 for 3x5 and squat the same
Not that dude but I, as not a not particularly strong or fit person, used to squat 4x8 with about 80 kg. That's not supposed to be impressive. I just wanna say that squats are one of the exercises that allow you to lift heavier weights than you would expect.
>It's better to get your deadlift form by doing something else
Ok genius, I'll bite. How are you going to learn to deadlift if you don't deadlift?
Also, if your spine breaks from your form being off with 135lbs or w/e a beginner might use for a deadlift (this is an amount any untrained male can lift), then frankly you probably don't belong in the gene pool. Sorry.
You don't break your lower back and you don't pass out. You should have someone (qualified) check your form.
The rest of you need to stop arguing and hit the gym. I'm fixing to go right now.
hitting the home gym between shitposting.
>home gym
You got a squat rack?
Yeah your back will be sore because you exercised it. Deadlifts target your entire posterior chain (all the muscles along the back of your leg, your ass) plus your spinal erectors which are those two long muscles running from your ass to your shoulders that keep your spine stable and straight.
How do you know whether you're deadlifting? There are lots of videos on the topic but basically, make sure you're keeping your back straight. You aren't going to damage your back if you keep it straight. Start with the bar over your midfoot, and spread your feet shoulder width apart. You can adjust the width of your feet a little to be comfortable. Point your feet outward like a clown or cartoon character and then grab the bar past shoulder width (I usually use my thumbs to orient with the knurling on the bar).
Squat down until your shins touch the bar, straighten your back, and push down with your feet to lift the bar straight up. Your legs and back should ascend evenly. You're literally dragging the bar up your shins as you're standing up with it.
Then you lock your body out. Think of it like humping your hips forward. When you drop the bar, drop it in a controlled way. Hold onto it, but don't try to do it slowly, just let the bar drop. That will help you avoid injury and the deadlift is not meant to train that portion of the lift.
Do it for sets of 4-6 once a week. Don't do high rep deadlift training on a regular basis as the deadlift is primarly a strength exercise and the most benefit will be from improving your form and amount of weight you can lift.
A little bit of rounding at the top of your spine/shoulder area is ok and shouldn't cause issues but mainly you want to avoid looking like a cat taking a shit with the deadlift. Dragging it up your shins is important as well. If the bar isn't touching your shins you're straining your back and your center of gravity is lopsided.
With your detailed exposition on deadlifts, what's your take on head placement? I see far too many people look straight up on deadlifts, effectively pinching nerves in their back.
will deadlifts 3x a week at 5x5 be too much?
>"Ye, let us see a dude benching 2 plates, squatting 3 plates to start deadlifting with empty bar like a beginner, not gonna happen buddy.
What does this comment even mean? Are you saying you bench 2 plates and squat 3 plates, but don't deadlift, and therefore you're too proud to start with the fucking bar on a movement you're not comfortable with? In that case you should check your ego and put the work in like everyone else.
Or are you replying to the other person whom I was giving advice to, who very clearly doesn't bench anywhere near 2 plates or squat 3 plates
Also, those numbers are nothing special. I hit a 3 plate squat within a few months of starting to lift (granted, I had done body weight exercise a lot before and my body seems well suited to squatting) and 2 plate bench within the first two years. It's taken me another solid year or year and a half to work my way up to doing 4 plates for reps on squats and deadlifts, and a 3 plate bench max. But then, I didn't cut corners like you.
>beginner damaging his back with empty bar
are you ok retard?
Are you? Maybe your back is made of paper and snaps from lifting 45lbs? Nobody deadlifts just the bar either you throw on some 10lb bumper plates at the very least. Fuck off.
It depends man you have to feel it out. Forms for movements will always vary from individual to individual because everyone's body is different. I usually just look up when I deadlift and havn't had any problems with that.
Not necessarily so long as you do it with proper form, but completely unnecessary. If you do stronglifts 5x5 I think you'll only be deadlifting once a week. That's all you need. Keep in mind that if you're also squatting (that program has you squat 3x a week) you will see deadlift and squat go up in tandem week to week.
I've been told that looking up on deadlifts is terrible. Always best to keep your head square and keep your entire spine straight.
>deadlift is dangerous
>Everything is if you do it wrong.
The exercise itself is dangerous, doing it wrong will fuck up your back permanently, I also know one guy who ripped the tendons in his arms doing it. Yes it is safe if your form is perfect, but if you deadlift on a regular basis you will eventually fuck it up, no one is perfect every single time.
And what is the point? The only purpose of deadlifting is strong man competitions and impressing randos on the internet, no one IRL will ever be impressed by your deadlift.
hey /fit/ tourists/crossboarders, is it true that this dude's physique is basically form over function? are his muscles actually just weak af pound for pound?
Machio-San transcends common physics.
Though it's true one can train for physique over strength, muscle is muscle is muscle
There's something off with this story, you got given advice and feel humiliated? Was the guy giving you advice or talking down to you?
I need Akemi to raise her hips onto my dick
Gotta say, my australian pride is sky-high after watching yall take my shitposting seriously thisarvo. Keep being cantankerous, easily baited cunts, its amusing entertainment for the period between work and gym
we're all gonna make it
It's not a hentai, tho.
It's comedy, sure, but it's full of actual body building facts. Pic related.
Pretty sure Yea Forums can't tell accurate information apart from broscience so they wouldn't notice
>wake up
>eat 4 slice of bread with 3 eggs, cheese, ham and a coke
>on bed again
Keep coping fitcucks, no woman will love you because you lift.
you don't lift for girls anyway
Only the coke is really bad, though.
t. weak faggot with bad athletic genetics
>Slices of bread
>Not bad
you dont sayy???? user sure hoped to be a thin ass neet until he didn't feel like so and transformed in the rock.
fat cunt
free (you), eat it
Trying to get /fit/, but wondering about diet. Do you guys eat 3 meals a day. Since childhood, my stomach isn't very strong in the mornings so I always opted for soup for breakfast or not at all but I heard 3 meals a day can help you avoid temptation to pig out at lunch or dinner.
For soup, it's not really fresh soup but the already prepared soups you can just heat up in a pan or microwave. Should I just try to get my stomach used to solid food in the mornings by eating crackers or bread in the mornings?
I just never been a morning person. When I wake up, I just want to drink water and not really chew on anything but I'm okay with drinking anything.
>wake up
>eat 3 eggs
>chill out with my Yea Forums bros
>drink a protein shake and head to the gym
Doing the last one right now and it's not that different a habit to shape. Lifting improves your life, and I don't mean just your love life. Try it user.
>but mooooooooooooom, if i lose weight then global warming wins
>5 pl8s
IRL, yes. Woolam conventional deadlifts 880lbs, sumos 950s, and benches probably close to 500 now, but he looks like an absolute scrub for those weights.
It could be protein bread.
I kinda wish for a Retsudo and Sayaka cameo
What happened, OP? Why did you stop? I've been doing light exercise for a few months but really want to get into hardcore lifting and putting on some muscle soonish.
Start going to bed hungry, and within 10-20 minutes of waking up, drink a glass of cold water to expand your stomach a bit. Start small, but work your way up to a 30g of protein breakfast within an hour of waking.
Holy crap no f/a/tposters in this thread.
Do whatever works for you. Counting daily protein/calories is the important part. Don't bother with the micromanaging meal times and shit. As for avoiding pigging out, try a glass of water before meals. It'll take up room in your stomach to make up for the delay between eating and feeling full.
OG Baki anime (not the netflix one) made me go to gym and learn martial art.
>Regret nothing
Your parents / grandparents had a martial art boom too with Bruce Lee etc
What's your excuse for not working out & eat like a fatlard?
Who gives a shit?
You're at the gym because you want to get better.
Everyone started somewhere user, this shit takes time
The world is going to shit anyways and the wars will be fought by machines and ai.
No one cares faggot
Anyone else fast forward through machio scenes?
Will we get a season 2? Or OVAs? Or a theatrical movie?
Fuck no, those are the best.
There's two other images of that premium meat.
Good fucking Lord
Yeah, the other girls in sundresses is tastefully cute/erotic because it is.
And then cake is just haHA! which is wonderful
The "bonus extra" posters that came with buying volumes from select manga store distributors are EXTREMELY erotic, usually.
Lifting for extrinsic purposes is a sure way to fail unless its your livelihood.
VR game
Bad news. It works for you.
What is wrong with you?
Why is he Barnold's secretary. He's not that well known for being muscular.
>just avoid deadlifts
>lifting for women
what's her problem?
Have you watched the movie with him and Jessica Alba?
Never too late to start.
Take the advice and keep going. He's just trying to help you along. I wish I started when I was in college. In ten years you will look back and thank God you didn't quit.
Drop a vote for Macchio to join the Yea Forums roster by voting for SAIDO CHESTO in the poll linked below.
Vote for any others you like or even write in your own ideas.
>Get FAT
You don't get like that with lifting alone
Didn't you see the omake about steroids?
I'd watch it, but there are zero nipples.
This show needs nudity to sell.
normalfag detected
go back
It needs bigger women as well. "Bigger" of the more soft and jiggly variety
>a day of rest doesn't fix that tired feeling
Not looking forward to when the season ends. The weekly dumbbell episodes are the only excitement I have left.
So this is what it feels like to be too early to the party. I dropped this series early this year, before its anime aired. Is it any good? The manga is good but scrambled all over the place in recent chapters.
>I dropped this series early this year, before its anime aired. Is it any good?
None of the regulars in these threads would know. They spend all their time blogging
I feel the anime is a bit unfair because instead of out of shape girls, they started off with mostly lean girls. Don't lean people experience less trouble in the beginning when going to the gym for the first time compared to fat and out of shape people?
Also, this is just my personal experience, but I feel like lean people are the busiest people in public, anywhere in the world, actually. I guess the leaner you are, the busier you want to be, huh? I kinda miss that feeling. I know there are some people who complain about being lanky skeletons but I think there can be some benefits to being lean skeletons rather than fat and chubby. You guys seem to be better dancers at least from my personal experience.
During my highschool years, there was a breakdancing fad and the lean skeletons were the first to show off their breakdancing moves.
Sorry I was just revealing my envy of lean people.
This is your dumb belly tonight.