Do Kimetsu No Brainlets hate this show because it requires actual thought to enjoy and not just pretty flashing colors every 2 seconds?
Do Kimetsu No Brainlets hate this show because it requires actual thought to enjoy and not just pretty flashing colors...
>BCcucks want Kimetsufags and Stonefags to fight for not reason
nobody cares about this shit
>falseflagging this hard
>muh clover
Rent free
I like both, you won't get me falseflagger
I have yet to see anyone comparing these two shows. False Flagger please leave.
You might need to use a new image as OP pic so that it looks less like a bait thread.
>because it requires actual thought to enjoy and not just pretty flashing colors every 2 seconds?
I'm a stone chad and even I know this a fucking lie. the series dumbs down its science to the lowest possible level so anyone can understand it. the science is a device to tell it's story. don't pretend it's deep.
stupid cunts on Yea Forums need to stop pretending a specific series is better than others just cause it makes their taiju-tier brains feel smart for understanding a couple basic concepts. fucking hate the pea brain shonen babys on this board.
I dislike both
>I'm a stone chad and even I know this a fucking lie. the series dumbs down its science to the lowest possible level so anyone can understand it. the science is a device to tell it's story. don't pretend it's deep.
every Yea Forumsnon that likes Dr Stone knows that, he's just pretending so then the haters can say that the fanbase is shitty
This flag... It is too false.
>Look mum, I maded a fanbase war.
>entire show revolves around a guy teaching elemental school science to monkeys
>"it's for intellectuals you don't understand!"
this may the best anime ever produced and there's no room for debate because it's settled science
Discord fags are trying to start a fanbase war on 4channel, too bad they aren't smarter so they could do it competently. Sad!
Is this the Rick and Morty of Anime?
Why hasn't this thread been deleted yet?
They're barely in the same genre. I like both, they offer different things. Honestly, this forced Yea Forumsermin-tier series war is pathetic.