High School DxD

Happy Birthday Kunou.

Attached: dxd____birthday_iii__kunou_2_3_by_highschooldxdcards_ddfs2zf.jpg (640x800, 189K)

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Attached: dxd____birthday_iii__kunou_1_3_by_highschooldxdcards_ddfs2za.jpg (640x800, 198K)

I'm guessing she's a teen now

When did she get those tits?
Issei must be working his magic growth again


Isn't she in elementary school?
Puberty doesn't hit that early

Wait she's that young? I thought she was a bit older. Somethings going on here.

Issei can low key reality warp thanks to the Dragon powers
Why do you think all that strange bullshit kept happening in his backyard?
Devil x Priest love story that lead to murder and a cover up, that lead to a hot weeaboo demon girl getting her own piece of Japan to live in
And then all the other crazy coincidences happening around him
Asia's tits growing at a ridiculous rate is further proof
Reality bends itself backwards to make the Sekiryuteei's life as dramatic as possible and sometimes the wielder's will can impose itself on it

since when do girls not hit puberty at 12-13? have you even seen girls that age these days? those tits are definitely not out of the question.

I love my wife Rias.

Attached: b145bea2ea3e8b28ad7c7d58674f9293dcc37120_s2_n2.png (1280x1600, 2.38M)

I also love Rias

Attached: dxd_rockstar_iv_rias_gremory_2_3_by_highschooldxdcards_dda58vt.jpg (640x800, 191K)

I also love Rias.

Attached: dxd____model_v__rias_gremory_1_4_by_highschooldxdcards_ddetjpz.jpg (640x800, 164K)

Attached: dxd____yukata_vi__le_fay_pendragon_1_3_by_highschooldxdcards_ddfjtpf.jpg (640x800, 231K)

Gangbanging Rias with anons!

Attached: DhDotHJUcAAmvnZ.jpg (643x802, 144K)

Rias is no slut, no bully plese

Is there a 100% complete rip of all available DxD cards yet?

Attached: 1529779268995.png (1280x863, 1.07M)

Not yet since they're still coming out

How many wives is Issei at now?

That's why I said current available cards


I want to make babies with that fox.

I can help you.

Best girl!

Attached: [Asakura] High School DxD Hero - 04.mkv_snapshot_20.11_[2018.05.18_23.38.58].jpg (1280x720, 112K)

How come only Yasaka can be fully exposed?

Attached: dxd____yukata_vi__yasaka_2_3_by_highschooldxdcards_ddf8c4v.jpg (640x800, 158K)

She's not even top 7.

Momo needs to give up on Saji also.

Attached: Momo with ripped clothes.png (500x736, 524K)

I'd rather Seek falls for Issei now that he's a Gundam.

Attached: cuck.jpg (1200x1000, 574K)

Yes please.

Worst girl, bird is many times better without even trying.

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Excuse me, her nickname is birb.

>Blonde Rias
>because she needs to be incognito
But why? So the students don't recognize her? It's not like she can't go to Kyoto
The Akeno one is funnier but the artist name fits Rias better because she is a Bael herself

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Attached: 8f8f538df98eb798c9775030e7a6e6ef.jpg (1200x1800, 486K)

Wow this is very organized and well made. How can I follow your progress? Also there are some duplicates but they are very few

Attached: 1567990566247.png (821x594, 292K)

I dunno but I'm sad Rias didn't pick a better color

merry birthday