Anime with this feel?
Anime with this feel?
lain of course
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Moethreads on Yea Forums
I hate wojak so fucking much.
>I hate wojak so fucking much.
Stop bumping the thread retards. Sage.
Enjoy your ban :)
I also hate "wojack". Not because the original format was bad, but because it's used for so many different things now it's become a meme template more than an actual meme, which is 9gag as fuck.
yeah im thinking this is not page 4 material
Anime is 9gag as fuck
Mods need to start permabanning these Yea Forums fucks, seriously.
imagine if trannies actually looked like that anime picture
Hairline is too female.
Thread is too Yea Forums.
That's a man, baby!
Shit thread.
At that point, preferred pronouns would be a non-issue.
>everyone i don’t like is a tranny
Don't say that, it's a good way to filter out someone's post without actually reading it.
Being a person that likes video games a lot and wants to talk about them is hell.
go to /vg/ instead if you want to talk about videogames
Nice try, tranny.
go back to you fucking faggot